Ignoring the elephant in the room.

Rottweiler Puppy sees the significance of the current trial of Islamists in London, and the BBC’s evasion of that significance. I suppose the point is not ‘this is Islam’, but that ‘this is what Islam is producing for us‘- and the BBC is concealing the fact; not trusting the British people to make any kind of distinction whatsoever, the BBC simply takes the dilemma away. As Devils Kitchen points out, amusingly:

‘perhaps it is a mistake or an oversight. Well, one would like to believe so, but with Al-Beeb’s other recent transgressions in this department—including such Boy’s Own-style thrillers as Al-Beeb And The Mysterious Case Of The Grey Men, Al-Beeb And The Fascinating Case Of The Salty Kebab and Al-Beeb And The Odd Occurance Of The Unpopular Pundit— one can only really conclude that it is deliberate editorial policy at Al-Beeb not to mention the Religion of Peace even when it is relevant to the motives of those involved.’

(go to Devil’s Kitchen for the links to those tantalising tales of al-Beeb, several of them referring to the excellent Puppy’s observations)

In fairness, I should say that I doubt the focus in court has been on the inspiration the accused felt for their plans, rather than on their conspiracy itself. However, everything about the case suggests that it’s unfathomable without the special kind of contempt that Islam seems to incubate generally and hatch among some where it concerns ‘the infidel’.

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140 Responses to Ignoring the elephant in the room.

  1. dumbcisco says:

    The immigration issue is RED-HOT in US politics right now.

    But sod-all reports about this hot debate on the BBC. “Window on the World” – what a joke. Biased-prism on the world, more like.

    The only article I can find is one by Matt Frei. Who simply attacks the right-wing view as BIGOTED, and spells out in detail why he thinks the liberal view is right. So, once again, opinion not NEWS from the BBC.

    Naked bias, bias, bias.


    Meanwhile Frei is wandering around following some loony walker in Ohio – instead of reporting the REAL NEWS.

    And we pay for his travels. Crazy.


  2. DFH says:

    Matt Frei describes the talk show host as “the latest rasping bigot”. Nice objective view from the BBC reporter.


  3. DFH says:

    Sorry – he actually says “today’s rasping bigot”. Sympathise for poor Matt – every day he wakes up to radio shows presented by people who don’t share his politics.

    Hang on a minute…


  4. dumbcisco says:

    Many of the talk-show hosts are syndicated round the US. So why doesn’t Frei name some of these nationwide broadcasters he regards as rasping bigots ?


  5. dave t says:

    Coz he’d show his impartiality and own total lack of bais…..


  6. Susan says:


    No-one is arguing with the country’s right to police its borders,

    Well, you just did, you Birkenstock-wearing lame-o!


  7. Gary Powell says:

    I dont care how many immigrants come into this country. All I care about is my childrens future taxes not having to pay for it. How many immigrants would come to this cold “going no place” and “stands for nothing” violent, uncultured socialist, BBC indoctrinated hellhole, if they knew it was this difficult to get on?

    Not nearly as many as do.

    That is, without lots of now needed benifits to draw on.

    As soon as their wages exceed their basic cost of living however, they will be taxed to death, like the rest of us. You will know its the end, when all our foreign and British born nurses have gone to live in Canada. Half already have.


  8. Susan says:

    marc at USS Neverdock has a great fisk of the ridiculous al-Beeb Puerto Rico article:



  9. marc says:


    How many Muslim terrorists are there here in the UK?

    Is al Qaeda here in the UK?

    Did UK Muslims try and recruit a Muslim London Underground worker for a terror attack prior to 7/7?

    If all you did was read or watch the BBC you’d have no idea.

    This will shock you.


    cheers, marc


  10. Gary Powell says:

    In America the Democratic Party loves immigrants, for the same reason as the Labour party. They are more likely in the short run to vote for them.


    Big Bussiness can grow, by having more customers and keep wage costs down at the same time. The goverment gets fatter on the income, and work to do, sorting out their lives for them.

    A not mentioned much, but more important reason is. Ministers can afford a new young nanny for their children. So his wife can spend more time with her girlfriend and he more time with his boyfriend.

    Conservatives the same, except they like to limit the political distortion, otherwise they would never get elected. So they wont get any help from the BBC with this one.

    That is why it happens so much, when not even immigrants, want more of it.


  11. Robin says:

    OT ;

    I came across the disgustingly titled blog T*mp@n Tea of 26/2 where the blogger is talking about B-BBC and his corespondents are attacking the intelligence of those here,mainly because most are right wing and many critical of muslims.They didnt mind using foul language at any point.
    I tried to put a comment on that they were not refuting the general theme of this site;the BBC is biased,but just chidishly insulting the likes of Gary Powells spelling etc.
    A point I would like to make is that though they probably think that offending the victim groups favoured by the BBC and the left is wrong,they like to offend normal English morals.
    Two-faced hypocrates.


  12. disillusioned_german says:

    Well, the Beeb (as the propanda machine of the left) and their believers certainly don’t like conservatives.

    Just check out this cute piece about Berlusconi’s “China comments” and his picture (this one has made it onto the News Homepage – “Also in the news”): http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4857226.stm

    Compare that with the coverage of Italy offering asylum to Abdul Rahman. Headline: Afghan convert ‘arrives in Italy’ – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/4856748.stm


  13. disillusioned_german says:

    P.S.: I was referring to the picture on the homepage.

    “…Mr Berlusconi is renown for making outspoken comments…”

    Shouldn’t it be renowned instead of renown???


  14. Gary Powell says:

    You call it Two-faced. I would say when you are a centralist you are wise to look both ways before crossing the road. I have enough experience of the real world, not to trust anyone. Especialy when money power and sex are concerned.

    I appologise if my spelling is bringing you disgrace. I did not realise you had to have a grammer school education, to have an opinion. My educational standards might well not be up to yours, or theirs. However it was the highest my school ever obtained in its 75 year history. So shocked by my academic acheivement, they had my picture on the front page of the local newspaper.


  15. Gary Powell says:

    The newspaper spelt my name Rowell instead of Powell. Orpington Times September 1976.


  16. disillusioned_german says:

    I don’t think Robin meant to criticise your spelling but the lefties attitude towards it, Gary. We’re all in the same boat, right?


  17. Robin says:

    Gary Powell,

    Your spelling is not bringing me disgrace.Maybe I should`nt have mentioned your name,for which I apologise,but my message was as diillusioned-german says.The basic point of my post was the double standards of the website I saw.I thought you could be robust enough to stand up to them,I see no reason for you to stand up against me.
    I do not know what a centralist is and I do look both ways when crossing roads,here or abroad.
    My business,international haulage,is no longer due to unfair trading.I am always glad to see other people in business prospeering.
    I hope you have not misunderstood me.


  18. stoatman says:


    I had to put this somewhere, so I thought here would do:

    Leftist response to communist atrocities: “Communism is peaceful, these people are perverting it”.
    Leftist response to Islamic atrocities “Islam is peaceful, these people are perverting it”.

    Communism — believe, submit quietly or risk death.
    Islam — believe, submit quietly or risk death.

    Communism — insult our “prophet” we execute/send you to Gulag.
    Islam — insult our “prophet” we keeeeeeeel you.

    Communism — requires 100% belief in the cause.
    Islam — requires 100% belief in the cause.

    Communism — oppresses people under the banner of “tolerance”.
    Islam — oppresses people under the banner of “tolerance”.

    Communism — an economic disaster.
    Islam — an economic disaster (not like they’ve done anything useful with the oil revenue).

    Communism — would put Western lefties up against the wall first.
    Islam — would lead Western lefties to Chop Chop Square first.

    And yet:

    Communism — beloved of apologist lefties, including the BBC.
    Islam — beloved of apologist lefties, including the BBC.

    There is certainly more, but since it’s very off topic here, I wouldn’t want to make it too long.


  19. A lurker says:

    Or alternatively:

    Communism — believe, submit quietly or risk death.
    Neo conservatism — believe, submit quietly or risk your country being invaded or the US funding “freedom fighters.”

    Communism — requires 100% belief in the cause.
    Neo conservatism — requires 100% belief in the “market”

    Communism — oppresses people under the banner of “tolerance”.
    Neo conservatism — oppresses people under the banner of “choice”.

    Communism — an economic disaster.
    Neo conservatism — an economic disaster (America – masisve levels of poverty).

    Communism — would put Western lefties up against the wall first.
    Neo conservatism — would lead Western lefties to Chop Chop Square first.


  20. gordon-bennett says:

    A lurker | 29.03.06 – 9:25 pm

    What a load of round objects.

    Markets offer people what they want – nothing oppressive there.

    Freedom of choice is by definition not oppressive.

    US is not an economic disater. Poor people are people who lack talents that the economy requires and wont be successful under any system.


  21. A lurker says:

    To be fair the only people on this forum I’ve seen criticise Gary Powell’s spelling is other right wingers. And it is childish and stupid to do so – whether is a left or right wing person who does so.

    This is not an examination of spelling and anyway it is easy to have typos.

    I’d rather cirticise Gary for his views – which I have and I will continue to do so.


  22. Fran says:


    The BBC has found another anti-war bandwagon to clamber onto. The first item on news night – is – 200 ex-servicemen and assorted peaceniks (sorry “peacemakers”) who are getting together to beef about the American action in Iraq.

    And Al-Beeb wants them to have publicity. Oh, yes, the oxygen of publicity. For the rotten Iraqi and American governments will just not agree to Al Beeb’s insistence that there is civil war in Iraq. And a couple of hundred protestors is just what they need to prove their point.

    No voices of servicemen who are proud of ridding Iraq of a vile dictator, bringing elections to a people who have never experienced it before, opened thousands of schools etc, etc.

    This is what they call balance. This is what we are forced to pay our license for.

    Al Beeb’s Anti-American hatefest.

    They disgust me.


  23. stoatman says:

    A Lurker,

    Such palpable nonsense does not require a response. The world’s largest economy is an economic disaster? Such huge levels of poverty that the average income is one of the highest in the world?

    As the Dutch say, wees toch niet stom!


  24. Henry says:

    How can anyone critisise Gary Powell. His opinions are always well thought out and I for one look foward to reading them, as I do all the other posters on this site. Lefties sneer when they are loosing an arguement.


  25. disillusioned_german says:

    Better wrongly spelled opinions that make sense than left-wing gibberish that is being rammed down our throats by the Beeb and Mr. A. Lurker (aka Fidel Castro)… Go back to Highgate Cemetery and keep looking for the spirt of Karl Marx, mate!

    Let me just add “Well done, Berlusconi for providing a safe haven for our Afghan friend!”


  26. disillusioned_german says:

    Correction: “…spirit…”


  27. disillusioned_german says:

    “US man jailed for Bush death plot”

    The guy’s name is Abu Ali… probably a native Indian or something along that line, eh?


  28. disillusioned_german says:

    My headline suggestion: “US muslim jailed for plotting to peacefully assassinate President Bush – after all Islam is a religion of peace”


  29. Henry says:

    S*** That should have read:

    How can anyone criticise Gary Powell. His opinions are always well thought out and I for one look forward to reading them, as I do all the other posters on this site. Lefties sneer when they are loosing an argument.


  30. Bryan says:

    A lurker,

    Your argument at 9:25 was ridiculous. That’s what happens when you try to imitate another post – in this case stoatman’s striking comparison between communism and Islamism.

    Didn’t work did it?

    I’m going to set you an assignment:

    Come up with some valid criticisms of neoconservatism.


  31. Susan says:

    A lurker — just curious, but who would you consider a greater “economic disaster” at the moment. The US or France?

    I know Bush has spent us out of house and home with his insane fiscal policies, but aside from that, unemployment here is less than 5 percent and economic growth has averaged about 4 percent per quarter for several years.

    France has nil growth and has had 10 percent unemployment rate for years on end. (And that’s only the official unemployment rate — the unofficial one is probably much higher.)


  32. Bryan says:

    Shouldn’t it be renowned instead of renown???
    disillusioned_german | 29.03.06 – 7:11 pm

    It sure should. But if it was originally ‘renown’ they’ve done a stealth edit.

    The BBC should really be offering financial compensation to the contributors to this blog since we do so much of their editing for them.

    On second thoughts, no. I don’t want money that’s been extorted from others.


  33. henry, Hereford says:

    OT – OMG, did anyone watch Newsnight tonight? As usual they chose to screen a 25minute anti war propaganda film. I was surprised, I watched it through to the end. It can be downloaded on their website, but I warn you, it is a very well put together piece.


  34. saxon brother says:

    The BBC reporting on the current disturbances in Paris in no way reflected the sheer scale of the violence or the racist nature of many of the attacks on white Frenchmen and women. A quick look at the photos over at France Echoes blogs shows the photos that the BBC and the rest of our media would rather keep hidden from us. Strange really because when white Australians were accused of a racist riot the photos of aggressive white Australians were on the front pages of every newspaper and TV channel across the West. More double standards from al-Beeb and the rest. Meanwhile and not to put too fine a point on it , it looks like France is well and truly in the merde..



  35. Gary Powell says:

    In reference to A Lurker

    What one has to realise is that A Lurker really does believe what he has just written. That should shock people, but it does not.Why?

    I think the BBC has had a lot to do with this. But the educational establishment, should hang their heads in shame.

    Have they ever been to the USA, with their eyes and minds open? A Lurker for sure could not possibly have.

    I have met plenty of the poorest Americans in AMERICA black and white, non of which blaimed their country for their situation, ever. It was either “that bitch” or “shit luck” or “that bottle” Never did I hear “that Reagan” “that Bush” or even “that Clinton.”

    However I have met plenty of American middle class colledge boy types that blame their country for everything on the planet. This has something to do with being middle class. They feel inferior to their fathers acheivments,and so spend their lives making excuses for themselves.

    Outside the colledge boy world of A Lurker, in the real world. America is still seen as a symble of FREEDOM to poor people. Believe it or not so is Britain. However I am not sure if it is because they cant tell the diference between British and American music and film. They will soon see a difference if they worked in both places,however. When they get their first pay-cheques, and see what they can buy with it. A copy of the socialist workers party manifesto, is all they will have spare cash for here.


  36. Rob Read says:

    In America there is NEVER the poverty of opportunity that socialist policies loved by the EU cause.


  37. Gary Powell says:

    A Lurker
    If you knew anything about your own political indoctrination. You would know that when you have got rid of the middle classes of Britain. There will be no more small busineses. Owened by the common people. Workers control of the means of production, remember? There will be then only BIG BUSINESS left. But you say you hate BIG BUSINESS. Do you think that the destiny of mankind is to go back into his cave?


  38. Gary Powell says:

    Good point. Interesting that private companies spend millions a week on research of their potential and actual customers. Just so they can give value and satisfaction. However the BBC gets it free and pays less than no attention to it. In fact argues about it!!!! Socialism in action.


  39. Socialism is Necrotizing says:

    Right now, in France we are seeing Socialist chickens coming home to roost.

    I love France and her culture and wish her no ill but that is not going to stop those chickens doing what chickens do.


  40. Gary Powell says:

    A Lurker
    You were right about one thing. It was just right wingers that had a go about my spelling on this site. I think its because they thought I was a closet lefty. Some of the people on here have watched to much BBC sterio-typing themselves. Bless um.


  41. disillusioned_german says:

    The Matt Frei’s of this world made me switch to Fox News permanently, Susan… and, by God, I do feel liberated from Beeboid Bias. I don’t agree with everything Gibson, Hume, O’Reilly or Hannity say but I’m much more in line with their viewpoint than to anyone’s on the Beeb or any other European broadcaster for that matter. There’s only one reason to watch the Beeb these days: Match of the day… and they only managed to get it back from ITV because they paid loads of (taxpayer’s) money for the rights to show the football highlights again.


  42. Susan says:

    d_g, just a comment, your English is so good, it’s hard for me to believe you are a native German-speaker. My brother has lived in Germany for many years, and my nieces and nephews are all native German-speakers, but even their English isn’t as good as yours. Where on earth did you learn to speak English, if I may ask?


  43. disillusioned_german says:

    Susan: Let’s just say my interest in the UK started with English football back in the early 70s. I started to read about British history when I was about 11 or 12 and that interest helped me focus on my English lessons (whereas I couldn’t be a***d when French was on the “menu” – hence I couldn’t speak enough French to save my life). I’ve been to the UK dozens of times since my first visit to London in 1981, made a lot of great (mainly football related) friends and – even though I’m still located in Germany – have got Sky TV … I’ve had it for ages.

    I would invite you to take a butcher’s at my website but considering how dangerous the times we live in are I obviously prefer to remain somewhat anonymous. Let’s just say I’ll be in Birmingham for the FA Cup Semi-Final on April 23rd… 🙂

    P.S.: My all-time political role-model is Sir Winston and my best sporting moment in the past 20 years was Germany 1 – England 5


  44. dave says:

    have a LOOK WHAT THE BBC ARE ALLOWING MUSLIMS TO POST ON THEIR MASSAGE BOARD. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mbreligion/F2213236


  45. marc says:


    US military relaxes policy on tatoos reports the BBC.

    So what does this have to do with Iraq?

    You know the BBC.



  46. Rick says:

    Any news about the Ropers arrested in Staffordshire in the hospital ? The fifth man was sent to a specialist hospital…..gunshot wounds ?


  47. Rick says:

    d_g, just a comment, your English is so good, it’s hard for me to believe you are a native German-speaker. My brother has lived in Germany for many years,

    The first time I heard Helmut Schmidt speak German was disconcerting: I had always heard him speak excellent English and never heard him in German.

    Then again Northern Europeans are good at English – Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany – but often not perfectly idiomatic – the rest are not particularly intelligible.

    Helmut Schmidt learned as an exchange pupil in pre-war Manchester – actually people from Hamburg seem to be very good, but it may be that i have met so many Hanseatic patricians


  48. Bryan says:

    Gary Powell | 30.03.06 – 12:33 am,

    Too true.

    Socialism is a virus.


  49. Ian Barnes says:


    my my Geoff, now the shoe is on the other foot…

    ‘unless the media cleans up its act’

    what a cheek. this is great stuff.

    how about after the entire sleazey new labour govt is removed from office…

    new labour so badly want to have their cake and eat it….i think their time is up…