Ignoring the elephant in the room.

Rottweiler Puppy sees the significance of the current trial of Islamists in London, and the BBC’s evasion of that significance. I suppose the point is not ‘this is Islam’, but that ‘this is what Islam is producing for us‘- and the BBC is concealing the fact; not trusting the British people to make any kind of distinction whatsoever, the BBC simply takes the dilemma away. As Devils Kitchen points out, amusingly:

‘perhaps it is a mistake or an oversight. Well, one would like to believe so, but with Al-Beeb’s other recent transgressions in this department—including such Boy’s Own-style thrillers as Al-Beeb And The Mysterious Case Of The Grey Men, Al-Beeb And The Fascinating Case Of The Salty Kebab and Al-Beeb And The Odd Occurance Of The Unpopular Pundit— one can only really conclude that it is deliberate editorial policy at Al-Beeb not to mention the Religion of Peace even when it is relevant to the motives of those involved.’

(go to Devil’s Kitchen for the links to those tantalising tales of al-Beeb, several of them referring to the excellent Puppy’s observations)

In fairness, I should say that I doubt the focus in court has been on the inspiration the accused felt for their plans, rather than on their conspiracy itself. However, everything about the case suggests that it’s unfathomable without the special kind of contempt that Islam seems to incubate generally and hatch among some where it concerns ‘the infidel’.

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140 Responses to Ignoring the elephant in the room.

  1. Noel says:


    I’m also an England fan, although I’m Irish. Supporting England in a Dublin pub is like pissing on a Mohammed cartoon in Damascus – the natives get restless.
    Interesting that you’re going to Villa Park for the semi. I also support the ’66 World Cup winning team. See you there. COYI


  2. Noel says:


    I think this link may be broken – it took me to a Hamas propaganda site.


  3. dumbcisco says:

    The long Newsnight item last night was simply ridiculous, agenda-driven “news”. The story waa not worth 5 minutes, let alone half the programme.

    Now when will they show the many hundreds of thousands of US troops, probably around a million by now, who have cycled through Iraq and have NOT expressed opposition to their tour of duty ?

    Total bias by the BBC.


  4. Ian Barnes says:


    very interesting case…

    i think the question that has to be asked is why were they arrested at hospital?

    what is the man being treated for at a specialist unit?

    were they being treated for exposure to chemical/ nuclear sources?

    all rather strange


  5. Bryan says:

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middl…ast/ 4858230.stm

    I think this link may be broken – it took me to a Hamas propaganda site.

    Nope, that link ain’t broken.

    That’s Alan Johnston, BBC terror correspondent, in high appeasement gear.


  6. Rob Read says:

    The BBC have a link to those hospital arrests…


    All VERY suspicious.


  7. will says:

    Ian Barnes | 30.03.06 – 9:32 am

    I see you are back, as usual using the B-BBC site for a rant against the government.

    But you have failed to apologise to me for claiming that I was lying about the Beckett Newsnight interview, when all the time it was you who misspoke.


  8. Anonymous says:

    From the Today Programme’s website:

    “Today has a new Editor.
    Ceri Thomas has been appointed Editor of the Today Programme. He will take over when Kevin Marsh moves to the College of Journalism in April.”

    How much more useful it would be if staff learnt about journalism BEFORE they got top jobs at the BBC!


  9. will says:

    It seems that not only does the BBC deal with Apple Computers require then to ensure the logo is displayed by newsreaders, they also have to support them in the case of Apple v Apple.

    Rhod Sharp on R5 “Upallnight” wondered what gripe the ex-Beatles could have. “Could Ringo have developed the computer business? Haven’t the Beatles got enough money already?”

    For some reason Steve Jobs gets a pass on BBC’s usual big greedy capitalist charge.


  10. dumbcisco says:


    The Beatles’ Apple Corp have a very clear case. There was a formal agreement with Apple Computer that the latter could use the name as long as they stayed out odf the music business. They are now in that business with iTunes, so there are very good grounds for the court action.

    Don’t the BBC have any researchers ?


  11. dumbcisco says:

    Apple Computer started out trading on the strong good name of the original Apple Corp. There was a dispute of course, settled with an agreement that Apple Computer has now, allegedly, breached.


  12. Tom says:


    A picture paints a thousand words, which is why the beeb will not be showings these pictures of the scale, violence and racism in Paristan this week. The racists are the wrong colour you see,

    Upsetting and probably not work friendly!



  13. disillusioned_german says:

    Nice one, Noel… I knew we’ve got a fan-base in Ireland (not as big as Moan Utd’s but still)… good on you, mate! Ever checked out the Newsgroup of the 1966 World Cup Winning Team?


  14. Ian Barnes says:


    forgive me for asking, but in this photo, is Blair wearing a bulletproof vest?

    it looks vaguely like the outline of one under his shirt?


  15. Umbongo says:

    rob read

    “All VERY suspicious” re arrests under the Terrorism Act 2000.

    I wouldn’t be too concerned: the police have been given (and are prepared to use) such extraordinary powers by this government under this and other Acts that it’s just as likely that these guys were suffering from food poisoning as anything else. In the absence of any other input it would be unfair to accuse the BBC of bias in reporting this incident.


  16. infidelharlot.blogspot.com says:

    ESPECIALLY when it’s relevant.


  17. john reith says:


    apropos Rottweiler Puppy, I have to keep pinching myself whenever I read him to remind myself that he is the major blogosphere champion of Mad Jack Idema. One of RP’s fixations is that there wasn’t any ‘scientific evidence’ presented at Jack’s trial to connect him with torture. But my recollection of the Idema arrest story is that when an Afghan SWAT team kicked down his door, they got Mad Jack bang-to-rights with a gun against the head of an Afghan judge whom he’d hung from a hook in the rafters. Now I’m a stickler for due process and show me a crime scene and I’m the first to say ‘bag it’; but this time I have some sympathy with the Kabul CSI’s decision to take the afternoon off. Or have I missed something?


  18. paulc says:

    “british citizens” are responsible for 50% of the terrorism plots since 9/11.

    And Blair thought the Irish problem had gone away….


    The BBC meant somebody else?

    Not ‘the Sons of Glyndywr’?
    Wasn’t the Welsh Assembly enough?

    can’t be the Scots – they’ve got their own Parliament.

    Okay. I’m stumped.

    Who else can it be……?


  19. Rick says:

    Who else can it be……?
    paulc | 30.03.06 – 5:52 pm |

    I thought immediately of the Methodists…….they have been quiet for a long time…….but the extension of licensing hours is probably the trigger for a whole new area of activity.

    Or maybe the Animal Liberation Front…………..or it could be BBC staffers trying to make headlines


  20. Gary Powell says:

    I think what Ian should be pointing out to you is this. Their is as much difference as their can be between what Becket is saying and what G Bush is saying. I grant you that they do sound the same.

    Most of the self important intellectual establishment is currently undergoing mass insanity over the enviroment. The few politicians trying to be statesmen still know this. This is a “savage dog” issue that has grown out of all proportion.

    Goverments and their media love being able to fill the trusting publics head with “the sky is falling down stories”. If improves their EGO and sexual performance. How else would we know the sky was falling down if the good and great BBC did not tell us so. Atheist Lefties, need to believe in something other than Karl Marx.

    As for M Becket. The almost mind blowing stupidity of the women is incredible. If I build a succesfull free market compeditive business. I am not only inproving my life I am improving the price the service the product of whatever it is that my community demand of me.

    It is not at all even sightly like what happens when the goverment gets involved with the promotion of any business.

    When the freemarket business man does something you get something the people want or nead, like the Holiday industry and night clubs. When it is only happening because of the goverments nead to recycle its own stollen money, you get windmills, and speed camaras. But if the British people keep voting for it,they deserve them.


  21. Rick says:

    Gary…you are obviously not aware of the environment – really if everyone in Britain stopped exhaling that would reduce CO2 – if they stopped inhaling that would keep O2 levels high.

    If people in China and India stopped exhaling the effect would be immense and leave the 60 million people in Britain able to breathe easy…………


  22. dave t says:

    I think the Aussie PM’s comment that even if we all stopped emitting CO2 tomorrow China and India would replace it all within ten months. So why the heck are we, in the fuel efficient, recycling happy, trying to save the whole damm planet based on dodgy science West doing all the work and spending all the money when all our efforts are and will continue to be undermined by China and India amongst others?


  23. Allan@Aberdeen says:

    The ‘greens’ are actually unreconstructed ‘reds’ who want to control everything that we or you do: that’s why the green agenda is about what YOU do.


  24. Rob Read says:


    That’s why they are called MELONS thin green skin, red to the core.


  25. Stoatman says:

    Rob –

    There is even a party here in the Netherlands that doesn’t even hide it — the “Groen Links” — “Green Left”.

    Scum, absolute scum.


  26. Rick says:

    the “Groen Links” — “Green Left”.

    Suggests they are “unripe” or “mouldy”


  27. Gary Powell says:

    And the point being?

    I think I understand this. That what ever if anything is “wrong” and curable with the planets climate. Windmills will not make any difference to anything at all.

    I also know that human beings are incapeable of doing things untill an immediate crisis is at hand. Reference middle east war.

    Human beings just have too many other immediate problems to deal with. It is unwise and rarely possible to worry about them all.

    Chances are while you worrying about the “BIG RED BUS” you will get run over by the motor bike. Reference “lefty liberals” hatetred of America.

    I think George Bush was refering to technological developments activly changing or controlling atmospheric CO2. Not building windmills.


  28. henry, Hereford says:

    All my friends at Uni vote Green because they think it’s the “responsible” thing to do. They don’t realise that Green issues are just an excuse to regulate and tax business and the private individual.


  29. Rick says:

    All my friends at Uni vote Green because they think it’s the “responsible” thing to do.

    They should put coin meters in their rooms so they can save electricity !


  30. Rick says:

    And the point being?

    “Unripe” suggests they are immature…………..”Mouldy” suggests there ideas are simply old ones that are festering


  31. Sarge uncensored says:

    Green this green that, what a palaver, try selling that in Cairo or Athens where you can hardly breathe from pollution.
    Re my earlier moan about how the BBC ignores Chinese military imperialist attacks, including the ever present threat to Taiwan, why doesn’t the BBC give as much exposure to Buddhism as it does to Islam?. Buddhists are nice and quiet, reflecting, meditating people who don’t shout and act up like the BBC types themselves I suppose. Nasty aggressive people obviously appeal to Beeboids.


  32. Comrade Chereee! says:

    This site appears to be so well organised, one would think it is part of the anti- British Broadcasting Corporation, or Ken Livingstone’s 150 PR team or the new RED DOOR OF NUMBER 10 DOWNING STREET’s PR team of over 100.

    Just as well we pay our taxes.


  33. dumbcisco says:

    Why does the BBC never cover Chinese oppression in Buddhist Tibet ? Hundreds of thousands of Tibetans have died – a fact shoved straight down the memory hole by the BBC.


  34. boy blue says:

    “Why does the BBC never cover Chinese oppression in Buddhist Tibet ? Hundreds of thousands of Tibetans have died – a fact shoved straight down the memory hole by the BBC.”

    Because there’s no Jews involved.

    If the Palestinians were engaged in a conflict with anyone else in the middle east apart from Israel – like Jordan for example – they too would receive about as much coverage as the on going trouble in the Sudan or Tibet.

    No, for the BBC and the rest of the left, the middle east conflict has never ever been about Palestinians. It’s been about Israel, and yes, Jews.


  35. Bryan says:

    Good point, boy blue.


  36. Stan Dupp says:

    On the subject of the BBC not using the “M” word in any negative report, check out this article regarding the murder of Charlene Downes.


    Notice the way they refer to it as a “death” in the headline. Not a murder then?


  37. Susan says:

    Is this the same girl who supposedly ended up being ground up and sold as kebabs?


  38. Stan Dupp says:

    Yes, that’s the one. Not that you’d know that from the BBC article.