Take a look at this fascinating exchange between the American Expat and Paul Reynolds of the BBC. I think Scott nails him with the logic of saying that either you report a claim of 100,000 civilian deaths (or more) in Iraq, and examine the methodology critically for the reader’s sake, or you don’t report it at all. Reynolds’ response?
‘It was simply a figure. I reported it. . What’s the problem?’
Yeah, no big deal.
Update 02/04: thanks to commenters, a challenge for Paul Reynolds (who added his comment too)- how about quoting this site’s analysis, which highlights the vital fact that 80% of the IBC civilian death count is male?
Watch the IPPR it is a front organisation. IT often has reports written by Dr Heaven Crawley – yes weird name, weird woman – she was a Home Office Adviser on Race/Immigration – then moved over to the IPPR and now is at some university.
The same person issues reports on the same topic through different “fronts” and feeds it to the media as if it is some independent group.
Each time the faxes pour into the media they push the cause…………
Dr Heaven Crawley from the centre-left think tank the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) agrees, but also cautions that the social effect of immigration must be taken into account.
AMRE Consulting was founded by Dr Heaven Crawley, an internationally known researcher specialising in gender relations and international asylum and migration policy, law and practice. Heaven has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of national and international asylum and migration issues gained through doctoral research at the University of Oxford, consultancy within the voluntary sector, as head of the UK Home Office’s research programme in asylum and immigration and, most recently, Associate Director with responsibility for research on migration and equalities at the Institute for Public Policy Research (ippr).
Heaven has extensive experience of working with a range of different organisations (government, lawyers and legal practitioners, groups and individuals working within the voluntary sector, community groups, academics and international organisations). Heaven is an effective communicator with wide-ranging experience of public speaking and of communicating complex ideas and information to a range of audiences and extensive broadcast and print media experience
Heaven Crawley, 33
Immigration consultant
With immigration and asylum as issues of ever-increasing importance and sensitivity, Heaven Crawley is ideally placed to shape the debate. She has studied the issues at Oxford, worked on them at the Home Office, and helped found the Refugee Women’s Legal Group. Previously associate director at the Institute for Public Policy Research, she has now set up her own firm, AMRE Consulting, to research and analyse the problems.
1995-1999 Nuffield College, University of Oxford
Doctoral research entitled Gender, Persecution and the Politics of Protection: Refugee Women and Asylum in the UK funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
1993-1994 Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex,
MA in Gender and Development
1989-1992 University of Sussex
BA (Hons) in Geography with Development Studies, First Class
1987-1988 Oswestry Tertiary College
GCSE ‘A’ Levels in Geography (A), History (A) and Art and
Art History (A)
1986. Llanfyllin High School, Powys, Wales
GCSE ‘O’ Levels in Geography (A), History (A), Art and Design (A), English Literature (A), Religious Studies (A), English Language (B), Maths (B) Biology (B)
I bet the BBC does not report the stance taken by the AFL-CIO on immigration – the US equivalenmt of the TUC. They are against the proposed gust-worker programme. But the BBC would report them if they backed easy treatment of illegal immigration.
What exactly is an ‘immigration consultant’? Sounds like one of these lefty-contrived titles conceived to filch the public purse; a bit like ‘human rights lawyer’.
I think it’s much worse than that Allan – look at her MA and PHD thesis – maybe there is a combined agenda for a Leftist
New Labour, I can’t believe it’s not better, made with 10% old labour.
What would those roll up smoking warm beer drinkers with cloth caps and hobnailed boots thought about those chaps with the beards. Can’t say ” ‘ave a drink lad” now can they. Don’t go to church, street corner betting (illegal gambling) knocking off a bit of bint. See it’s all gone it’s new British man trying to reduce his carbon footprint and watching BBC to get a steer on what’s correct to think.
Hey Mark Steyn on “Peter Simple” of the Daily Telegraph:
Well, Michael Wharton, who was a colleague of mine at the Telegraph in London, and he died in his 90’s a few weeks ago, and he basically wrote this satirical column for fifty years in the Telegraph, in which gradually all the things that he satirized about eventually came true. You know, a lot of things we take for granted now, like bishops who believe, trendy bishops who believe in nothing, insane environmentalists, social workers who say we’re all guilty. In a sense, he developed a lot of these features in the modern world as sort of satirical things in the early 60’s, and then had the horror, as great satirists often do, of finding that they all came true.
HH: Yeah, he thought be was a humorist, but he turned out to be a prophet. It’s a wonderful tribute to your colleague. I hope people pick up the Atlantic Monthly.
Mark Steyn, columnist to the world, always a pleasure. http://www.steynonline.com.
Excellent background research there, Rick.
Crawley appears to be the epitome of those Leftist agitators who work within the system and who now constitute ‘the establishment’.
As such she is not only going to be influential with government and the civil service, but on ‘thinkers’ within the BBC.
Armed with a list of academic credentials in fantasy subjects (‘geography with developmental studies’? I’m impressed!), she can be wheeled-out as an authority on any vaguely sociological topic and passed-off as someone with a clue.
Just the type to influence the BBC and steer the country in the direct her little bien pensant parasitical, Guardian-reading cabal wishes.
Expect her to be a guest on pseud-in-chief Laurie Taylor’s ‘Thinking Allowed’ any time soon. Assuming she hasn’t already woodwormed that one, of course.
Yet another HYS not going the BBC way.
The Beeboids set the tone:-
“Condoleezza Rice faces a series of protests by opponents of the Iraq war as she begins a two-day tour of the UK. Send us your views.”
Well the masses have.
At present 8 out of the top 10 recommended comments are supportive of Condi Rice’s visit, and some of them are very critical of the overloud anti’s, and also the BBC. Oh that bubble at the BBC! But they continue to plough their lonely furrow, no doubt earnestly trying to educate ua plebs with regard to what we should be thinking.
Have Your say re Condi leads the main Have Your Say page :
What do you think of Rice’s UK visit?
Condoleezza Rice faces a series of protests by opponents of the Iraq war as she begins a two-day tour of the UK. Send us your views.
And the two highlighted comments in the sidebar are :
“Welcome Miss Rice but simulateniously condemn US/UK foreign policy.”
Jonathan Hall, Gravesend
“It’s just a worthless publicity stunt “
Ian P, coventry
So are these comments representative ?
It appears not. Almost all of the most highly recommended comments (50-70 recs) are pro-Condi and/or anti-protestor.
But for the “balanced” comments to be highlighted we get the 17 recs polite criticism of US foreign policy :
I believe Dr. Rice should be welcomed in this country. By becoming Sec.of State, Condoleezza has shown that both women and non-whites can overcome predjudice in the political world. This is to be applauded and encouraged.
However, just as Ms Rice deserves to be heard, so do the street protestors!
In summation welcome Miss Rice but simulateniously condemn US/UK foreign policy.
Jonathan Hall, Gravesend
And the rather blunter 4 recs :
I really don’t see the purpose of this visit – is she expecting crowds of cheering people waving American flags and shouting “god save the president? ” It’s just a worthless publicity stunt to try to scrape back some support from the British public
Ian P, coventry
“GCSE ‘O’ Levels in Geography (A), History (A), Art and Design (A), English Literature (A), Religious Studies (A), English Language (B), Maths (B) Biology (B)”
Rick | 31.03.06 – 12:58 pm
Nothing there requiring much in the way of intelligence and logic (not much good at Maths) and ideal for an emotional generator of BS about racism and immigration.
Now we can see what they mean when they read out a couple of antiamerican comments on the radio and say these “represent the balance of comments we have so far received”. I always believed them, thinking I was on my own, but now their own HYS is revealing a different picture about how the British public thinks, and it’s definitely not Beeboid think!
Rick: Not sure if you know the Politicially Incorrect blog but it’s a good source for infos regarding German politics. They’re referring to this article in Der Spiegel: http://www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/schule/0,1518,408863,00.html
Stones thrown at German exchange students
German exchange students were abused and attacked in a Paris suburb with a large muslim population. The reason seems to have been the fact the girls were wearing mini-skirts.
BBC headline anytime soon? Got my doubts.
The BBC’s antiamerican bubble gets bigger:-
For the BBC, it’s all about highlighting the protests:-
“After visiting the factory, Ms Rice moved on to the 1,200-pupil Pleckgate High School in Blackburn, where about 150 protesters gathered. Demonstrators shouted “Condoleezza Rice go home” as she entered the school through a side entrance with the Foreign Secretary. Outside the school, mother of five Rabiya Adam, 33, said the US Secretary of State was not welcome in her home town.
When I found out she was coming here to speak to our children, I didn’t want her to preach what she did in Iraq.”
“Arif Waghat, 47, a retail manager, said his 15-year-old daughter and son, 14, were at the maths and computing college today. He said: “I’m not going to let a couple of warmongers deprive my children of their education. My opposition is to the war. I’m basically a pacifist.”
“As Ms Rice left the school police prevented protesters following her.
Hanif Dudhuala, a member of the community forum at Pleckgate, said: “We have been told that Ms Rice has said that she would like to talk to protesters. If that’s true, I would ask Ms Rice to turn her words into actions so we can raise our concerns with her.”
“Earlier, mosque leaders in Blackburn decided to withdraw their invitation for Ms Rice to visit them on Saturday, amid warnings of protests from a group of Muslims which included members of the Stop the War Coalition.”
“During the tour Ms Rice will also attend a gala concert at the Liverpool Philharmonic, to celebrate the city’s status as European Capital of Culture 2008. Her attendance at the concert has already caused controversy with poet Roger McGough refusing to compere the event.
He said he originally accepted the role without realising the depth of feeling against the visit among anti-war protesters.”
Thanks BBC, for that very “balanced” article. I see my licence fee money has, as ever, been put to good use.
Maths A*, Science A*A* (Dual Award), IT A*, History A*, English Literature A, English Language A, Geography A, French D.
If only I’d known that the Labour government was coming! I could have done a trendy sociology course rather than Geochemisty. Who knows, I could be PM by now…
If you were an alien reading these quotes you’d think that the majority of Brits were muslims and against the war in Iraq.
But, I wonder how long it will be before the HYS team do their “set to zero” trick on the Condi Rice thread, and clear the most recommended comments (supporting Dr Rice’s visit)from their lofty perch? Although you would think it shouldn’t make a difference, it tends to make the thread more homogenous (i.e. “balanced” in Beeboid language).
disillusioned_german writes:
“If you were an alien reading these quotes you’d think that the majority of Brits were muslims and against the war in Iraq.”
In 50 years time, they probably will be!
And won’t the BBC be proud, then?
Cockney | 31.03.06 – 10:54 am
I think you got the point, though “unwittingly”.
Whether race is or isn’t the point on any issue where non-whites are involved, the left always raises the accusation. Conversely, when a leftie makes a racist remark they ususally get away with it.
You also get absurd protests such Scotland Yard’s Black Museum should have a name change.
Grimer | 31.03.06 – 1:59 pm
Isn’t getting a D in French an example of unwitting racism?
Having checked the Spiegel article, a French schoolgirl is alleged to have said the German girls ‘looked like whores’. Nice.
whilst we;re on the topic of political funding
could we please have the police investigate the sources, both direct and indirect of the communist party’s funding…and if any organisations outside of the UK have contributed, and who they are?
MORE worrying is newsround’s website from the bbc
slightly too soft i think
Well spotted. In the mind of a 7 year old, there is nothing wrong with the government owning farms or businesses. Especially if they also provide healthcare, wellfair and education.
It’s the constant drip, drip, drip of the BBC that is most impressive/worrying.
Eamonn and lee Moore,
I get dizzy trying to keep up with the ‘Have Your Say’ team as they duck and dive in an attempt to force fit incoming comments to the BBC agenda.
Now it seems that they’ve stopped censoring the ‘Readers Recommended’ section, but on accessing the Condi link I see that it’s no longer dominating the HYS main page but has been radically downgraded to the ‘More from have your say’ section:
That didn’t take long. Now, if I know my customers, they wont publish any comments on Rice for a few days – even though they are obviously being flooded by them – in the hope that the issue will just go away, since the majority of highly-recommended comments don’t follow their agenda.
The hypocrisy of the Hide Your Say team is breathtaking.
I just went back to have another look and they’ve published two more comments – both, need I add, anti-American.
That’s another underhand tactic of the Hide Your Say team: they try to make sure that the ‘Most Recent’ comment follows their agenda because it’s the one that first catches your eye when you access the page.
Oh, and another thing. The only comments I’ve had published on HYS in months have been ones I submitted on the ‘Should the BBC be more accountable’ topic – which was ‘Reactively Moderated’ much of the time, allowing comments to be immediately posted and only later edited.
Rick: Not sure if you know the Politicially Incorrect blog but it’s a good source for infos regarding German politics
I know this site – it is very good. German girls in mini-skirts……..that’s something for me…… !! But presentl;y it’s Doreen Jacobi or Anja Nejarri.
Did you see that awful copy of My Big Fat Greek Wedding on German TV yesterday ? Supposedly a German wanting to marry a Turkish girl in headscarf and her family preferring an arranged marriage…………………I bet that was in Neukoelln just to fit the multi-kulti agenda !
Re Condi Rice in Blackburn.
BBC Radio 4 informs us at 5:05
“…where she delivered a speech defending American foreign policy”
Excuse me, is this news, or is this news with a “Stop the War” bias? Could we perhaps rephrase that for unbiased tax paying listeners:
“…where she delivered a speech on American foreign policy”
This is so typical of the BBC and their pro-Muslim and Anti-American bias,they imagine that she must “defend” herself, or “apologise” for explaining something. Will the BBC defend their choice of words, I doubt it, I can already hear Justine Webb and his oh so clever and snide comments about this visit before he has opened his mouth….
Same topic: Condi in Liverpool.
I just listened to BBC Worldservice coverage of Condi in Liverpool. The reporter set up the interview of a local Afro/Carrib/Brit citizen by asking whether Condi is a role model for blacks such as herself. But….as predictable as the sun rises in the east…the local interviewee was identified as a “protestor”. You know the rest of the story.
I have been reading your blog from time to time and while it is great to see mainstream media questioned in this way I get the sense of an obsession here rather than anything to do with clarity or logic.
The Lancet estimated about a year ago at least 98,000 Iraqi civilians had died in the previous 18 months as a direct result of the invasion and occupation of the country.
None of what you say really disproves this. Fair enough it could be less. It might be higher for all we know. With your degree of cynicsm maybe the invasions never really took place and no innocent parties have been hurt in Iraq.
Go on, here, vent your spleen on those figure even more, including a defence from the Lancet.
Clearly, bigger questions such as was the war justified are also at stake here rather than the body count – but it is clear the Iraq people have suffered greatly at the hands of US foreign policy.
Your previous comments about the Bhagdad Burning blog, go on read it, are offensive.
“My guess would be she’s the wife or daughter (or both, more likely) of a Baathist, which would be about as good as the BBC’s (nb. she remains anonymous).” – You talk about bias. Nice joke about Eastenders by the way..you must be proud of that one…
Josh, your opening sentence puzzles me. It’s such a strange mix of insult and compliment.
Since it is great to see mainstream media questioned in this way where do you get the sense of obsession from?
And as far as clarity and logic go, stick around a while and some of it may rub off on you.
I think this blog might have the wrong target.
I was just watching Channel 4 news, the opening line in the Condi report : ‘They weren’t welcome at the mosque, hardly surprising as these are countries that have spent the last few years killing muslims’.
lol. They are unanshamed about their anti-americansim. I admire that.
Rick: I don’t watch German TV. I’ve got Sky Digital and used to watch BBC News until I got really p****d off by what’s being described here on a daily basis. Now my only news source is Fox News and I’m pleased I can receive it. The Germans are being fed the crap CNN and BBC World put out via cable in case they’re at all interested in news in English. If I had to watch German TV I’d probably kill myself (thank God for the choice I’ve got through Sky).
dis-germ: re your somewhat effete asides above: Wrong, I’m American, US born to English + Scottish parents who emigrated. Add up the bits and pieces, I’ve got more than 20 yrs living in the UK, including one or two recent ones and an overpriced English education. You apparently detect a whiff of schadenfreude. Wrong again, also a very Teutonic leap away from reality. Wrong blog? No, the British left is beyond the pale — plus you don’t reason with a rabid dog. So, wrong + wrong + wrong = off target, even for a self-styled German anglophiliac. Are you a V-1?
G Powell: I agree with the mushroom remark and, more important, with the rest of that post about 1936 redux. I do not know the limits of British denial (e.g. Cockney’s ‘You’re wrong’ — yeah, that’ll do it) but the country ain’t touched bottom yet. It is clear you have no choice but to silence your leftists, one way or another. Armed and bloody confrontation is likely, not just possible.
Britain is now in a kind of scapegoat phase, blaming Americans and — truly pathetic — Jews as the wheels come of. Meanwhile, you’re headed straight for the toaster, all on your own.
I have been watching politics and politicians for a long time. I spend a lot of energy just trying to fully understand how and why things really happen in the world.
However when I see uneducated ignorent young people screaming their heart felt negative emotions at Condi Rice. I suspect propergander has been doing its ugly work again. As I and lots of people on this site can only guess what we are in Iraq for, and what the ultimate outcome will be. How come people too young to shave or drive a car are so sure of their opinions? Nobody knows; not Condi Rice Tony Blair George Bush George Gallaway me or A lurker how history will judge this situation.
One thing is for sure. The history books will be written by the victors. Then revised by the BBC, and ambitious politicians years later on. Every new generation has many A Lurkers to con and exploit. Religion has been doing it for thousands of years. So the methods are tryed and tested.
Sorry that was me……again.
Nice point. I did not go to university. Although I did get an offer from Keal to study Physics. So I dont cry as much as you.
Sociology even in the communist 1970s was regarded as a subject for losers, not MPs.
Now these same losers are telling me how to run my own personal life. When I know, by personal experience( I married one ) that they cant even sort out their own underware. If the public knew quite how useless to even themselves these people really are, they would not let them anywhere near their dog, never mind their children or god save us, let them RUN THE COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BBC 4 The (socialist) World
Here is the current state of BBC political science;
A discussion between host Zeinab Badawi (used to be a babe) and left wing plant Eleanor Clift (Contributing Editor, Newsweek Magazine) about Condi Rice.
Clift: Condi is a big fan of Beatles music.
Badawi: Which is strange because she doesn`t seem to have adopted the “make love not war message”.
OK Zeinab, We know that you are an Ethopian Muslim. We can guess that you were probably anti the Iraq war but I`m hoping that if ever i`m standing on the ledge of the 90th floor of a building that has been torched by Militant Islam, I`m hoping that the military response isn`t going to come from Sargeant Pepper.
Zeinab Darling, when I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me and I have no doubt that The Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) comes to you, shall we just leave it there?
Off Topic: Why didn’t a blog about BBC bias discuss the Stonewall report about endemic homophobia in the organisation?
Dave | Homepage | 31.03.06 – 11:07 am
Because that would be a bit of real reportage and the BBC doesn’t do that sort of thing. Remember, they’re big on promise, short on delivery. Hard hitting news for kids? That would mean real editorial chutzpah.
Dumbcisco, Burbage, have you thought about passing that stuff on to a journalist? I’m sure someone in a right of centre publication would be interested.
I get the sense, that sometime soon, we’re going to have a repeat of the BBC/Government/Iraq situation. The BBC are incredibly biased, but it never shows through amid the general blandness of their output. One of these days they’ll go too far…
here is the sort of stuff the BBC very seldom shows :
Sorry to multiple post.
I think this blog might have the wrong target.
I was just watching Channel 4 news, the opening line in the Condi report : ‘They weren’t welcome at the mosque, hardly surprising as these are countries that have spent the last few years killing muslims’.
lol. They are unanshamed about their anti-americansim. I admire that.
Andy | 31.03.06 – 6:38 pm |
We’re not paying a poll tax to recieve Channel 4 and they are honest about their bias.
It is Muslims that do most of the killing of Muslims.
Meanwhile here is an historian’s demolition job on the BBC/Channel 4/Guardian mindset on Iraq :
Definition of a consultant:
someone who borrows your watch to tell you the time.
Re the war thing – the cold war stalemate was based on MAD.
Mutually Assured Destruction.
Here’s the rub, war has to have a point. What’s the point of destroying your enemy’s infrastructure so that all you get to inherit is a nuclear desert.?
The soviet Union boasted they had more missiles than the US, they needed more because their guidance systems were rubbish.
If you have a soviet ICBM with a 90% hit rate that means you need 10 ICBMs to make sure you get a direct hit on a Minuteman silo. OK? so far.
What happens though if the only 1 outta 9 to get a direct hit is a dud and only the high explosive goes off. Well Minuteman launches with a 99% accurate guidance system.
The soviets could never attack us because they couldn’t hit the launch sites. What really broke their back was the US idea to put minuteman on rail cars and trundle round the US to a different launch site every day.
So if the Mohamets want to convert the West to Islam what is the point of killing us, anyway our technology is so superior especially in the guidance area they will suffer most.
During the cold war the West would have used battlefield tactical nuclear weapons first as NATO could only hold the North German plain for 72 hours with conventional troops.
The soviet Union boasted they had more missiles than the US
No it was the US that claimed the USSR had more missiles ever since Kennedy and the “MIssile Gap”………but it is a question of MIRVs.
I really don’t know how “accurate” nuclear weapons that are exploded in the atmosphere really need to be
If I had to watch German TV I’d probably kill myself (thank God for the choice I’ve got through Sky).
Oh I don’t know, I watch it on Astra. They depend too much on Tatort, but there are some great comedies and satire. I have just watched Ottis Schlachthof, Die Dreiseten Drei, and I would happily watch anything with Nina Kronjaeger………………..I watch Pastewka
They have “Waking the Dead”, “Inspector Lynley”, “Silent Witness” and some interesting programming.
I never watch English TV
Oh they just had an item about Jimmy James who as Flt Lieut Jimmy James made 12 escapes from German camps including Sachsenhausen KZ – he is now 91 and has just written a book about his experiences
More diverse than English TV
To add to your boredom……..they also had a Turkish sociologist ? Necla who has written a book. According to her 33% German prison population are Muslim males – and she blames Muslim males for violence in Germany, saying that they are treated like Pashas in the home able to order their sisters and mothers to serve them.
That they have contempt for women and are used to using violence to get their way.
That Violence is integral to Islam and the more fundamentalist the family background the more violence is evident
Die verlorenen Söhne. Plädoyer für die Befreiung des türkisch-muslimischen Mannes
von Necla Kelek
This is the book – showing that the whole status of womenin Islam is leading to the non-integration of Muslim men in gErmany and the use of violence to bring women under control