On the B-BBC case

Take a look at this fascinating exchange between the American Expat and Paul Reynolds of the BBC. I think Scott nails him with the logic of saying that either you report a claim of 100,000 civilian deaths (or more) in Iraq, and examine the methodology critically for the reader’s sake, or you don’t report it at all. Reynolds’ response?

‘It was simply a figure. I reported it. . What’s the problem?’

Yeah, no big deal.

Update 02/04: thanks to commenters, a challenge for Paul Reynolds (who added his comment too)- how about quoting this site’s analysis, which highlights the vital fact that 80% of the IBC civilian death count is male?

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263 Responses to On the B-BBC case

  1. Sarge uncensored says:

    The four Soviet ICBMs targeted for London were Wembly Edmonton Woolwich and Sutton, that’s 4 for London. That’s how un-confident they were about hitting London. Atmospheric explosions ain’t so good, German V2’s sometimes exploded prematurely above ground and no-one noticed. You definitely need an earthquake bomb to damage a minuteman silo not to mention submarine launch which again we are streets ahead.


  2. Rick says:


    What is stated – most German Turks are from Anatolia and there 78% women are in forced marriages, only 12% chose their husbands. 54% women have considered suicide.

    The reviewer on Amazon continues that illiteracy is 50% in Arab world,

    In Germany 50% youth offences committed by 6% offenders, which reprensent 10% turks and 3% Germans.

    Violence is 3x as high in Turkish families as in German


  3. Socialism is Necrotizing says:

    Emily (el socialismo está en mi sangre) Maitlis now presenting Newsight.

    – Democracy getting a bad rap, not so Islam (Condi Rice).

    – Many Muslims protesting Condis visit to Blackburn. All described as British, most without British accents.

    -to Bill Clinton “when does a British PM know he`s finished?” so no Bias there then!

    “does a Chancellor of the Exchequer make a good PM?”, again, no Bias there Emily dear.

    Another pro Brown Newsnight presenter who has swallowed whole the BBC orthodoxies.


  4. GCooper says:

    Just when you thought Newsnight could sink no lower! Tonight’s “interview” with Bill Clinton set a new standard in sycophancy.

    Not a single tough question and the clear sense that the baggage interviewing the smirking conman considered herself in the presence of royalty.

    She didn’t quite come out and say:’wouldn’t it have been different and oh, so totally wonderful, if you were still President?!’ She didn’t need to – we all got the message.

    This, let it be said, following an appallingly amateurish interview with Francis Maude, conducted as if the Tories alone were in the dock over party funding and the obligatory SWP/Stop The War take on Dr. Rice’s visit to the heartlands of hell. I’m sorry, I think I meant to type ‘Blackburn’.

    It really is time someone took the production team of this flaccid organ behind the woodshed and put them out of their misery.


  5. Sarge uncensored says:

    “As Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw is rightly held responsible for much of Britains appalling policy towards Muslims around the world – from the invasion of Iraq, invasion of Afghanistan, to supporting Israel in its oppression of the Palestinian people.”


    Looks as if Jack Straw is worth as many points as Condi


  6. dave t says:

    dumbisco: the VDH article you linked was excellent. Thank you.


  7. G Powell says:

    Did that interview with Bill Clinton, left me feeling quite sick. For the first time I felt sorry for Clinton. On thing that did come out was that Clinton did not answer the “Would this all have happened if you were president” question.Which clearly indicated YES. The disapointment of the interviewer was shocking. As these BBC types are so largly responsible for putting TB in power, in the first place. Will they now submit themselves to public humiliation or hand back their wages?

    Remember the good old days when the BBC used to oppose the goverment over everything it did, not just wars ? You know it was about 9 years ago.


  8. gordon-bennett says:

    GCooper | 31.03.06 – 10:23 pm

    I agree with all you said about New Snipe. Emily certainly put the sick into sycophancy.

    But there’s more. I’m very excited about their plans to go on an arslikan tour of the leftie Presidents of S America next week.

    Get the sickbags in!


  9. Lee Moore says:

    The embarrassment of the Clinton interview reminds me of another interview just after Bush II was elected for the first time, in 2000. Some Beeboid was interviewing an American for their “take” on the new administration. Unsurprisingly, the American turned out to be a former Clinton aide, and equally unsurprisingly, the American’s political affiliation was not mentioned. What was surprising, not least to the American interviewee, was that the Beeboid was so embarrassingly anti-Bush – the standard Bush-is-a-halfwit, the Republicans are redneck hicks stuff – that the Clinton aide found himself defending Bush and the Republicans !


  10. Dizzzzy says:

    “During the cold war the West would have used battlefield tactical nuclear weapons first as NATO could only hold the North German plain for 72 hours with conventional troops.
    Sarge uncensored | 31.03.06 – 9:11 pm | #”

    The following is from a Czech warplan circa 1964 and found at

    “2. Upon receiving special instructions from the Supreme Commander of the Unified Armed Forces, the Czechoslovak People’s Army will deploy to the Czechoslovak Front with the following tasks:

    To be ready to start advancing toward Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Munich with part of forces immediately after the nuclear strike. Nuclear strike against the troops of the enemy should be targeted to the depth up to the line Würzburg, Erlangen, Regensburg, Landshut.

    The immediate task is to defeat the main forces of the Central Group of the German Army in the southern part of the FRG, in cooperation with the [Soviet] 8th Guards Army of the 1st Western Front; by the end of the first day—reach the line Bayreuth, Regensburg, Passau; and by the end of the second day—move to the line Höchstadt, Schwabach, Ingolstadt, Mühldorf, and by the fourth day of the attack —reach the line Mosbach, Nürtingen, Memmingen, Kaufbeuren.

    In the future, building upon the advance in the direction of Strasbourg, Epinal, Dijon, to finalize the defeat of the enemy in the territory of the FRG, to force a crossing of the river Rhine, and on the seventh or eighth day of the operation to take hold of the line Langres, Besançon.

    Afterward develop the advance toward Lyon.”

    It would appear from the above that the WP wasn’t gonna wait 72 hours for NATO to get its nuclear act together.

    Re the ICBMs on London – I can’t find the site now but it reported that part of the East German effort during a WP attack was to hit Hamburg with upto 40 nuclear weapons – I suspect London would have had the same or many more hits.


  11. G Powell says:

    The Islamic world was largely allied to Hitler well before the outbreak of war. European nazification has all but already happened. The Germans and French already sell far more arms to them than the Americans and British. The UN has become even more corrupt than the league of nations. The Spanish civil war caused a division of public opinion, and helped form military tactics. Britain was lead by a weak and vain leader NC. I could go on. You really still dont see a connection? This is 2006 What do you expect jackboots and Panzas. America won the second world war, not Britain. We lost everything. Apart from 18 glorious years we have been a half nazi half communist country ever since. Tony blair is just trying to hold on to at least some of his great legacy.
    Since WW2 America has encouraged Britain to be in the EU simply to keep our eye on the Europeans, incase they go mad again. As we now can see it has not worked. The nazis of Europe did not just disapear when they tossed Hitler in the ditch. They just got new suits. The oil rich ones never had to.


  12. G Powell says:

    I should have said America and communist Russia.


  13. amimissingsomething says:

    Definition of a consultant:
    someone who borrows your watch to tell you the time.
    Sarge uncensored | 31.03.06 – 9:00 pm |

    and then wants YOU to pay THEM for the loan AND the information


  14. amimissingsomething says:

    Clift: Condi is a big fan of Beatles music.

    Badawi: Which is strange because she doesn`t seem to have adopted the “make love not war message”.

    Socialism is Necrotizing | 31.03.06 – 7:47 pm |

    SiN surely you have these quotes attributed in reverse?! i thought BBC reporters were required (er, i think that’s expected) to keep their personal views private?

    this is so blatant, surely it deserves an official complaint?


  15. G Powell says:

    Soc is nec
    Bang Bang Maxwell did not seem to have to much of a peace and love message. John Lennon was a lieing greedy hypocrit. Thats why the BBC like him so much.


  16. dumbcisco says:

    From this account of an earler speech, it sounds to me that Zeinab Badawi is a Sudanese Arab with one hell of a chip on her shoulder – and very keen to push the Arab cause :


    I think she has done a whole TV series on Islam – but complains that Islam does not get a fair hearing ?


  17. Socialism is Necrotizing says:

    Nice link dumbcisco, now who am I to believe, Badawi or my lyin` eyes?

    The beauty of all this of course is that the left have sown the seeds of thier own destrution and are now furiously attempting to legislate thier way out of the sewer.


  18. Big Mouth says:

    I heard C. Rice’s speech on TV so I know what she said. So why do I have to listen to ignorant beeboid “reporters” analysing and otherwise giving their rubbish opinions on it. Why can’t they simply convey the news and let us come to our own conclusions? They want to guide us in “right-think”!
    As far as news is concerned, they couldn’t be bothered with this, unless they buried it somewhere:
    “The IDF arrested the brother of the suicide bomber who blew himself up at
    the entrance to Kedumim on Thursday night, killing four Israelis. The man
    was apprehended early Friday morning southeast of Hebron and was detained by
    security services for interrogation.”


  19. Sarge uncensored says:

    “The Nazis of Europe did not just disappear when they tossed Hitler in the ditch. They just got new suits.”
    The Nazi plan has largely come to pass, they are just doing it today by peaceful means. The former Czech tank factory now produces badged skodas by Volkswagen. Schroeder has just signed a lucrative deal to head up the Russian German gas company.
    One reason Stalin refused to believe he had been invaded by Germany was because he believed the Russian German pact was for real and that together they would become the new super power.


  20. Sarge uncensored says:

    BBC News 24 0745hrs
    Granted it’s early but over we go LIVE to BLACKBURN. Female presenter ” As you can see the barriers are in place as protesters are expected here later today” View Blackburn in the rain, barriers and half a dozen Police standing about.
    “The weather is awful, it’s pouring with rain so this may affect the turnout” Ah! such dedication to the cause.
    Lord Haw Haw used to preface his German propaganda radio calls with, ” Germany calling, Germany calling”
    Perhaps Al-Beeb should preface it’s News programmes with “Allah calling, Allah calling”.


  21. dumbcisco says:

    To be fair, I think the BBC has treated Condi Rice’s visit entirely fairly. It has not amplified the comments of her critics. The Today programme had a constructive interview about all the positive results from the deposition of Saddam, and did not waste time harping on about Gitmo.


  22. Sarge uncensored says:

    Granted, but why this preoccupation with “riots” ? real or imagined.
    Blackburn has a history of rioting from the cotton mill riots of the last century to the “race” riots in th 80’s. Todays turnout is small beer. The impression left is that the BBC wants something to happen and is positively willing it to happen.


  23. Sarge uncensored says:

    The anti Iraq war anti American faction exemplified by some BBC types and leftie newspapers have been sucked in by the great patriotic lie. As Stalin recognised, the Russian was not going to lay down his life for Marxism Lenism but only for Mother Russia.
    So today the the insurgents in Iraq are not killing themselves in the name of the Ba’th party (whose founders were Christians), but in the name of Allah and the Muslim homeland. This specious propaganda is being propagated by intellectuals who mistakenly consider dieing for Islam to be a noble cause and not what it in fact is, a waste of a life which should be lived to the full here on earth not in some imaginary future world.


  24. stoatman says:


    Even “Hustle” last night managed to get a jibe in against Thatcher, in connection to providing the economic conditions suitable for an unscrupulous Indian businessman to set up a sweatshop in the UK…

    Has anyone else noticed that today’s protests against Condi’s visit are universally being shown close-up, with no wide-angle shots? Hmmmm.

    No mention of this though:


    Demonstrations in Brussels … against Islamic intolerance !!!
    Enough Muslim laws against Christians !!

    Demonstrations in Brussels -capital of the European Union-
    Saturday April 1 at 14h00 in front of the Algerian embassy,
    207-211 avenue Molière at 1050 Brussels.


  25. dumbcisco says:


    My fulsome compliments to the BBC treatment of the Condi Rice visit were made on 1 April.



  26. Sarge uncensored says:

    What I find loathsome about the media’s slavishness towards Islam is that the media are giving oxygen to people who can’t change their minds. Instead of supporting civilisation and modern day humanity, they are fixated on what appear to be savages who are a throwback to past centuries. It is as if we are being transported in a time machine, when religion was pre-eminent and constant schisms and religious arguments resulted in non-stop bloodshed. We in the West have moved on from this. We have suffered from this blinkered mindset but western philosophers such as Voltaire launched a virulent anti-clerical campaign, their books were read and circulated widely and minds were set free and enlightened. The last straw for Voltaire was the execution in 1776 of a Catholic who was found guilty of “blasphemous disregard of a religious procession”
    If we find this unacceptable today why do so many so called intellectuals find Islam a cause worth supporting?


  27. Sarge uncensored says:

    I understand and appreciate your praise for reporting as it should be, no one can detract from that.
    However the BBC is still plugging the “protests and riots”
    This is specious,
    spe·cious ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spshs)
    Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious: a specious argument.
    Deceptively attractive.


  28. Sarge uncensored says:

    doh am I missing something?
    -“were made on 1 April”.
    It is hard to believe that some media including the BBC, whose employees have presumably had a decent education, keep emphasising a religion such as Islam as noble and peaceloving when the facts are otherwise. A BBC reporter, if he could get near enough without being blown up, should ask an Islamic insurgent the question, “What is it like to eat human flesh?”


  29. Rob says:


    A couple of hundred people here, a thousand there – is that it? This is worthy of being headline news for two days? Some useful idiot sings a John Lennon song – dur, so what? It’s pathetic!


  30. henry, Hereford says:

    OT – The Today programme (which really needs its own blog to do it justice) is just taking the piss now. Their April Fool bit is a piece about the UK Theme being replaced by an EU theme ie a medly of national themes from EU countries, Ode To Joy ect ect. Obviously a jibe at all the conservative listeners who want to keep the theme and know full well the reasons why it is being axed. Oh, and they finished with an e-mail from a “listener” saying that Condi Rice was less heroic than some single mother the “listener” knew. Anyone want to complain. There are people with a genuine complaint about the theme’s removal and the editorial team have obviously decided that they are crackpots who need the piss ripping out of them. Fine, a lot of their listeners are euroskeptic, should they be mocking their justified prejudice in this way?


  31. Bryan says:

    To be fair, I think the BBC has treated Condi Rice’s visit entirely fairly.

    April 1st, indeed!

    I just listened to someone called Naughtie, I think, interviewing the eminent Rice on the World Service. He was impolite, interrupting her more than once during the short clip and putting questions to her in an insulting tone of voice.

    Contrast this with the fawning respect with which the BBC interviews Islamic terrorists and their supporters.


  32. henry, Hereford says:

    It has not amplified the comments of her critics.
    dumbcisco | 01.04.06 – 8:15 am |

    I don’t know what you’re watching, but News 24 and R4 start with the protestors and only then do they go to whatever Condi is doing, only to then discuss the protests at length again.


  33. Rob says:

    Unions reject Chirac ‘compromise’:


    On other pages:

    Pope buys another tall hat, Bears warned about defacating in woods.

    As an aside, look at the “Opponents and supporters of the CPE air their views” slide show, about half way down. By my reckoning seven of them are against the plans, two in favour with one not expressing an opinion one way or the other. So, the BBC just happens to present this issue as being divided nearly 4 to 1 in favour of the socialists. Quelle surprise!


  34. Rob says:

    When the “UK Theme” is replaced by some disastrous “ethnic fusion” b*llocks, the Today programme will fawn over it.


  35. Rick says:

    He was impolite, interrupting her more than once during the short clip and putting questions to her in an insulting tone of voice.

    He cannot help it – upbringing I am afraid – he looks down on black women and assumes they are there to empty the waste bins and polish the woodwork.

    It is unfiortunate, but imagine the culture shock when the uncouth Scotsman came south and found he had to shave daily…..


  36. dumbcisco says:

    hey guys – when I said the BBC was treating the Condi Rice visit properly, I was being ironic !

    Kinda April the First spoof.


  37. Bryan says:

    Rick, I dunno.

    It seems likely that he would have been equally insulting whatever her colour. After all, she’s American and, horror of horrors, her boss is George W Bush!


  38. KdB says:

    Hello, this is my first post to this highly informative weblog and thanks are due to Natalie and all the dedicated editors and contributors of this site.
    Regarding this topic,is this the same BBC reporter,Paul Reynolds,who has posted to this site and seemed to have some integrity with regard to Journalistic standards ? If so,then his casual dismissal of the point being made re. casualty figures is surprising.
    I can barely stand to watch a BBC news programme,with the mixture of pernicious agenda pushing and ignorant,sloppy journalism.The rest of the TV news media aren’t much better (is it a disease affecting the contemporary journalist ? )The only TV news show that I would give some credit to is Sky News World news tonight, 8PM weekdays with James Rubin. Rubin was part of the Clinton administration, so it can be safely presumed that he is of the centre left.However, it is a relief to hear a presenter asking intelligent questions on the major issues of our times (and letting the interviewee answer the question without needless interruptions).Rubin is not a polished TV presenter but scores on substance. It should be compulsory viewing for the ignorant BBC hacks(Humphries,Frei)to enlighten them as to what news for grown-ups looks like.


  39. Otis says:


    (D)HYS on the Condi Rice visit. Of the first page of the recommended comments, all but three are pro-Rice. Yet the two highlighted quotes on the (D)HYS front page are:

    “Welcome Miss Rice, but simultaneously condemn US/UK foreign policy”

    “It’s just a worthless publicity stunt”

    I guess in Al-Beeb’s world the first comment is pro-Rice and therefore provides balance!

    *Sigh* – I can be bothered to be outraged any more.


  40. dumbcisco says:

    The Naughtie interview with Condi Rice and Jack Straw on the Today prog this morning was a real pain. All the old anti-war chestnuts, twisting what the US and UK Governments said before the invasion of Iraq, pushing the hans Blix appeasement line, asserting that democracy is happening at gunpoint, repeated interruptions, the refusal to accept straight answers, the drawn-out phony stuff about renditions (when will you stop beating your wife?”), the totally false statement that Gitmo prisoners are entitled to normal processes of criminal law, taking the Palestinian and Hamas side against Israel – and above all, the haughty and hectoring tone of Naughtie’s voice.

    But I am glad it happened. It will have given Condi a direct taste of how the BBC behaves – and I hope someone points out that if Humphrys had performed the interview it would have been even worse. I really want the US State Department and its Embassy here to be keeping a far closer watch on how the BBC presents world affairs, and to be more forthright in criticising and challenging the BBC or in deploying spokesmen like Colleen Gaffrey to state the US case.

    Because in the war on terror, the BBC is not on our side.


  41. G Powell says:

    Compare it also to how they talk to Bill Clinton.

    Condi Rice makes George Bush sound like a monkey in comparison.

    This woman is going to be the next president of the USA or I going to MARS. She is the brightest thing on to legs, and is the only hope this world still has.

    It is already clear who the BBC are backing. I advise anyone to read H Clintons books. She is as crazy as anything the British Labour Party has to offer. More crazy even than my ex wife………In fact make that Pluto instead.

    Poor people of Britain. You are about to get far more poor. ID cards will be our death nell. You will be getting your welfair in FOOD CARDS and will never earn any cash. Your entire exsistance will be controled by central goverment. Get used to watching EASTENDERS 24/7. It is all you will not have any cash for,……. forever.

    One day soon the poor of Britain will work it out for themselves,( even if A Lurker never will) how they have been lied to and betrayed. It will not be a pretty sight.

    I would not want DCs next job for all the gravy on the gravy train. That job should have been given to a woman. They seem to be the only sex with the BALLS now days.

    Men only do anything for SEX. I should know I am one. Reference Bill Clinton John Major Jack Kennedy Peter Mandleson Paddy Pantsdown etc etc etc etc. All the rest just managed to keep it away from the press. However the WHIPS office know everything. They can make politicians jump though hoops.

    Condi is the true great white hope. Im in love.


  42. SW. says:

    Some “evil, thuggish, knuckle-dragging, working-class” types give their views about the BBC.



  43. dumbcisco says:

    re. the US hot debate on immigration laws, here is a general brief with a lot of the facts that the BBC will never give us.


    And some of the general points in this brief apply equally to the huge problem of illegal immigrants in the UK.


  44. G Powell says:

    For all you anti-globlelisation freaks.

    Globlelisation is as inevetable as death itself. Get used to both of these facts. So far in Britain the only beneficiary of this has been Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. We are living in a “death row” econemy. We could have been living in one of the best in the world….what a shame.


  45. G Powell says:

    I am quite contented for the BNP to gain votes and seats. It would help wake this country up. As long as they come from Labour. Which is where I would like to believe most of them will. It is Liberal voters that mess this countries voting system up. My appeal is to liberals to vote for the only REAL liberal party that can get elected or get a ticket out of here. For your own sake.


  46. dumbcisco says:

    Jonathan Dimbleby jumps aboard the latest BBC anti-US fad :

    “Condi Rice has said that the US has made thousands of tactical errors in Iraq” – leaving out the fact that in the same sentence she said that the STRATEGY was correct.

    I wonder how many times the BBC will repeat the first part of the sentence and deliberately omit the second half of the sentence.


  47. wex zqed says:

    has anyone noticed that Hustle on BBC1 has turned into Marxist propaganda. Last week it was merchant bankers are evil, this week it is factory owners.


  48. Bryan says:

    ….and above all, the haughty and hectoring tone of Naughtie’s voice.

    Years ago, when I used to watch BBC World, they had a newsreader called something McNaught – who was unprofessional enough at times to allow her typical BBC prejudice to be revealed in all its ugliness.

    When the Palestinian boy – Mohammed al Dura, I think – was killed, the BBC, along with like-minded organisations, unquestioningly bought into the Palestinian propaganda that he had been killed by Israeli gunfire.

    McNaught interviewed an Israeli Army spokesman and could not conceal her dislike of the aforementioned gentleman. This was revealed by her scowling face, her interruptions and the outrage in the tone of her questions.

    Of course, the IDF has since proven that the bullets that killed the boy were not fired from an IDF weapon. But I didn’t see the Naughties and McNaughts of the BBC rushing to reveal this startling bit of information.

    It’s naught for your comfort.


  49. Rick says:

    Rubin was part of the Clinton administration, so it can be safely presumed that he is of the centre left.

    Mr Christiane Amnapour you mean…….?


  50. Bryan says:

    KdB | 01.04.06 – 11:36 am

    Yes, I believe it’s the very Paul Reynolds who pops in from time to time to check on us and communicate.

    We do the same to him.