For those that can’t play the clip:
“And it will also be the first test for the new LibDim leader, er, LibDem leader, Sir Menzies Campbell…”
Right on sister!
For those that can’t play the clip:
“And it will also be the first test for the new LibDim leader, er, LibDem leader, Sir Menzies Campbell…”
Right on sister!
pounce -> i dunno if you remember a piece on newsnight a few months ago about the rise in anti-semetic attacks in Britain.
the perpetrators of the attacks were reported as “asian”.
oh right – as if Indian Hindus go around beating up Rabbis…
Well one thing that can be said for Reid & Beckett is that they are grumpy old folk with little patience for the tittle tattle level of much media questioning.
i actually look forward to hearing Reid anytime he on “Today” – the guy simply demolishes them eacn and every time…
oh – did anyone see QT last night?
i think i’m in love…
LOL! I have just seen a screenshot of the ‘neanderthal’ ‘Tory man’ graphic.
Yes, it’s quite clever and witty but, on a more serious level, one wonders if anyone at BBC Towers twigged that this would attract indignation and complaints? Millbank would never stand for such a ruse – Campbell would have had the programmer’s producer by the balls.
The BBC proudly boasts that it is impartial, follows strict guidelines. It is undoubtedly a highly sophisticated organisation and it knows that every word, every nuance of its coverage is watched intently. So which bright spark thought it would be okay to depict Conservatives as knuckle-dragging neanderthals?
For those with an eye on BBC ‘bias’, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. This is worthy of a complaint – if only to point out how dim the corporation can be!
Is Mrs Beckett entitled to a ministerial caravan?
Well it was the local elections yesterday.
However from the post event coverage the Beeb are pushing out you wouldn’t know about it. (Labour get a kicking did they Al Beeb?)
Mind you a few articles posted by the political elites seem to be finger pointing without giving out how big a kicking Labour actually got;
Labour suffers local losses.
Personally I would call 250 lost seats a poor night Al Beeb it’s a trashing.
Sex scandal blamed for Tory win
Here we go, play the blame game Al-beeb. I see nothing of a comparative nature for 2 jags… Just think if a certain liberal MP hadn’t been caught up to the hilt in guilt with a male friend who just happened to find some money on the table as he left in the morning. Then maybe just maybe he wouldn’t have lost his seat.
Will BNP election gains last?
Al Beeb paints a negative picture of the idiots at the BNP.
(And please I hate the BNP)
About how previous incarnations of the Nazis party in the Uk have been short lived.
Al beeb not once in your diatribe do you even attempt to explain why people are flocking to the far right. Instead of expressing why, you instead, like your Islamic and socialist masters play the throw the abuse game. The people who rightly or wrongly voted for the BNP did so as they believe that nobody is listening to them. To continue that frame of mind in your literal autopsy shows how myopic you are to the views of mainstream Britain. In other words Al Beeb. You are as much to blame for the lean to the far right as are the mainstream politicians in the UK.
Closing your eyes and saying it isn’t so is pathetic.
devils kitchen makes a good point, regarding “racially motivated” murders:
(pounce, the BNP are actually a party of the left. They believe in re-nationalising industry, trade barriers, the power of the state to solve all problems, etc. They are also a racist supremecist party)
If I have criticism of the BBC’s (and other media’s) election coverage today, it is the rather heavy-handed emphasis on the ‘Blair factor’. Voters have not so much turned away from Labour but rejected Blair, it appears.
I don’t buy this editorial line. Prof Anthony King made a point a few days ago that the electorate is (a) a little prickly at the moment and (b) very divided. There is real dissatisfaction with the Labour’s government’s performance and the direction in which it is taking the UK.
The BNP’s gains – modest as they are – would suggest that there is more the Labour’s slump than a disenchantment with Blair.
reith has been wittering away again on the previous thread, and getting his facts wrong as usual.
As some of his posts were addressed to me I sent some replies back late yesterday when i saw the tosh he had posted. All on the previous thread.
He has hopefully disappeared again, getting fed up with his twisting of the facts.
fellow B-BBCer’s
have a look at the Des Brown bio.
it’ll certainly raise a few eyebrows if you arent aware of what he did previously.
John Reith turns his nose up at me whenever we cross paths in the Biased BBC corridor. I think he doesn’t like my constant reminders that he has failed to produce his Hamas report.
And failed to explain his failure.
Here’s a gem from the
2.19 …..the BBC must be aware of anxiety that its coverage may impact on the personal safety of members of communities within the UK. Some of the most troubling evidence put to the Panel was the fear expressed by members of the Jewish community that inaccurate, tendentious or unfair reporting of the conflict could be reflected in increased anti-Semitic attitudes or behaviour in the UK. We did not find evidence that any increase in anti-Semitic behaviour could be attributed to BBC coverage.
[Yes, it’s difficult to draw a direct correlation there, but they could use their common sense, for goodness sake.]
But the concern in the Jewish community, which is plainly and understandably deeply felt, is a salutary reminder that failing to observe the impartiality requirements could have serious practical consequences.
2.20 Although the evidence put to us by those supportive of the Palestinian side did not emphasise this point, it is easy to see that there is also the possibility of an adverse impact on Muslim communities. [My emphasis.]
Right, like Jews are going to be attacking Muslims in the street, overturning Muslim gravestones and desecrating mosques.
Moral equivalence is a disease.
And another snippet, but this one is 100% accurate:
2.23 The nature of the conflict, and the breadth of support for each side among its audience, means that the BBC cannot expect to avoid complaints. But it should not respond to them defensively, rather seeing them as providing helpful evidence of how its product is received by its customers. Indeed there should be, as there is not now, a systematic feedback mechanism to ensure that those involved in the programme which gave rise to the complaint are aware of it and its outcome. Where appropriate the BBC should readily acknowledge any mistakes made without resisting every charge until the last ditch; and of course every complaint should be promptly acknowledged. (Some of us tested the BBC’s claims in this respect and found that our correspondence was not acknowledged promptly.)
I detect intelligent life in the panel.
Back on the subject of this thread, during the second Intifada I was an occasional viewer of Sky News. They were interviewing a mealy-mouthed apologist for Palestinian terror after a particularly horrendous spate of terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians when one of the interviewers got a trifle impatient with him.
“What do you want Israel to do?” she exclaimed.
It was one of those rare moments of truth on TV and it cut through the bullshit like a scythe.
Apparently Sky has been edging l
No more Tory man graphics now the BBC man is outside the tent?
Nick Pisani, the editor of the BBC One programme Question Time, resigned abruptly last night as news leaked out that he was to become head of presentation for David Cameron.
He is a respected figure at the BBC and his contacts within the corporation could be invaluable for the Tories, who have lodged several complaints alleging pro-Labour bias.,,174-2166205,00.html
Why don’t they threaten an end to the compulsory levy?
Thanks, So Des Brown is (yet) another member of the Scottish raj.
Archduke wrote:
Jupiter is growing new red spot. the first one in over 500 years. a very notable occurence dont you think?”
Reading the article, it is made clear that this is climate change?
Is it man-made?
AntiCitizenOne -> and he was Immigration and Asylum Minister at the home office until May 2005.
I honestly fear for our troops, with a twat like him in charge of defence.
Childrens BBC presenter wears communist t shirts…
…er, I meant to add to my anonymous post at 4.27 pm that apparently Sky has been edging leftwards in recent years. Damn pity.
From the Newsnight editor a tale of cost cutting
it’s with sadness that I report that the smart
livery of our helicopter Newsnight 1 took to the air for the last time
this week, as Michael Crick hopped to Hull and Norwich in search of
voter reaction to scandal-prone ministers in the run up to the local
Perhaps rather jetting off on a whim, Crick could have made soundings to find out if there was a story.
Norwich (home of C. Clarke) poll results
Labour +1, total seats 16
Liberal Democrat -6, 12
Green +4, 9
Conservative +1, 2
Grimer – the BBC’s Emily Maitlis has just said the prospect of BNP gains is “alarming”. The BBC then cut to coverage of Respect – a party that supports terrorist attacks on British troops – and yet no BBC reporter appears to be alarmed by the possibility of that party winning seats.
DFH | Homepage | 05.05.06 – 1:12 am | #
That is very illuminating DFH, and a clear example of BBC bias. If the BNP is “far right” isn’t Respect & George Galloway equally indicative of the “far left”? Why is the BBC incapable of using this political terminology? Is it a case of the kettle calling itself black? How come both parties are Anti-Bush, Anti-Iraq and in their political manifestos both want the troops out? Is the BBC incapable of biting this apple? Why is one alarming and yet the other not?
“Lib Dem MEP Chris Davies has resigned as the party’s leader in Europe over comments to a Jewish constituent.
North West England MEP Mr Davies told an e-mail correspondent he hoped she enjoyed “wallowing in her own filth”.”
I heard Frank Dobsen refer to the BNP councillors on BBC radio 4 in a similar style, can’t remember his invective but it was rather coarse. Dobsen was oblivious to the political fact that, they are so reformed, that they even have Jewish councillors amidst their ranks, the BBC interviewer didn’t suggest to him that his remarks are therefore bordering on the anti-Semitic. We do know that Dobson is father to an Islamic convert son, who has been shoe-horned into a government quango (socialist nepotism rules!). I wonder if a Jewish BNP councillor is too difficult for him to fathom? In bias BBC world, they don’t understand what impartial political news or reporting means.
Is Mrs Beckett entitled to a ministerial caravan?
TAoL Reincarnated
Very funny! She is quite the fashionista too, she will love dressing up in her smart fur hat and boots when visiting Russia soon.
My wife is a Mauritian Hindu.
To her thinking all Indians are by definition hindus. However she has no concept of being Asian as she comes from a part of Africa. The BBC spends so much energy trying to make sense to itself, it fails very very often to make sense to any one else.
One day I hope the BBC will understand as you seem to, that multi-culturalism is just another Orwellian word for apartheid. If we are not ALL British because we live, work and pay taxes in Britain, it is a very dodgy future we all face.
Britain is a multi-racial country, and has been for two thousand years.
However this only has a chance of working if.
All the people of Britain are treated equily by the state and its laws. Regardless of age race sex or wealth. This is much easier than it may seem to be,to do, but the government has to at least try to do it.
This is what living in a modern liberal democracy is all about. It has nothing to do with living in any socialist run state. This one or any other socialist one on offer.
Nice to see the BNP doing so well in Labour areas. While the Tories pick up 250 odd seats. I am not at all suprised by this. It seems also that now, even the BBC have given up on the lie.
I know why I am a Tory, but it is clear that a lot of x Labour voters, have little idear why they ever voted Labour in the first place.
Getting something for nothing seems to have been their biggest motivation. That and making sure no-one else gets it except them.
From today’s Newsnight “In tonight’s programme” email:
Tonight on Review:
Teenage violence and teenage codes, political scandal and gay sex and the Zionist rapper who’s taken the American charts by storm – all this in the company of Paul Morley, Julie Myerson, Michael Gove and Johann Hari.
Zionist rapper?
MATISYAHU used to be plain Mathew Miller, an American teenage dope smoking drop-out; now Rolling Stone magazine has proclaimed him the ‘Hasidic Hot Stepper’.
Matisyahu is a born again orthodox Jew whose membership of the Chabad Lubavitch informs his strict observance, his politics and his music in equal measure. Think Bob Marley meets The Police with lyrics about the Old Testament.
I can’t find anything that would justify calling him a “Zionist”.
Orthodox Jew yes, but “Zionist”?
An example of the left using the term as an insult to anyone who defends Israel’s right to exist.
All very true. Except you only stated 3 things simular to Labour movement policies. However the list, I do understand would be so long,we would all fall asleep reading it.
As for there being Jews in the BNP.
I have long believed that socialism can not be in the interests of Britain or British people….ever. So it can not be a good thing for immigrants old or new, either. However there are plenty of ethnic minorities in the Labour party. So people not always knowing what is good for them, is not a new thing.
To her thinking all Indians are by definition hindus.
That just leaves 200 million Muslims a bit out of sorts in India then……….is that why Gujarat has such difficulty in ensuring order ?
Really India should consider Muslims citizens too
Jupiter is growing new red spot. the first one in over 500 years. a very notable occurence dont you think?”
Reading the article, it is made clear that this is climate change?
Is it man-made?
Allan@Aberdeen | 05.05.06 – 4:50 pm | #
Obviously Allan………but they are “little green men” so it is okay
I don’t buy this editorial line. Prof Anthony King made a point a few days ago that the electorate is (a) a little prickly at the moment and (b) very divided. There is real dissatisfaction with the Labour’s government’s performance and the direction in which it is taking the UK.
Funny that, in our council the Con/Lib incumbents lost 5 seats and Labour picked up seats to become the largest party
Yes, Rick, and the BNP picked up a few seats in Essex, the Lib Dems made gains in London, and so on. On the other hand, the Labour vote stayed strong in some areas.
But overall, Labour took something of a pounding last night.
“Really India should consider Muslims citizens too” : Rick
“Britain is a multi-racial country, and has been for two thousand years.”
indeed Gary. right back to the Roman Legions, if not further.
The Romans had a black emperor – without any need for race equality laws.
his name was Septimus Severus.
so , if you get asked in a pub quiz , “who was the first African ruler of Britain” , there’s your answer.
of course , if classical studies were re-instated as part of the education curriculum, a lot more people would know about this fascinating piece of British history.
(which has obviously gone over the heads of the BNP crowd…)
“”Britain is a multi-racial country, and has been for two thousand years.”
indeed Gary. right back to the Roman Legions, if not further.
The Romans had a black emperor – without any need for race equality laws.
his name was Septimus Severus.”
God, you’re a pathetic bunch of pinched mouth borgoisie Tory idiots!
For a start Britain hasn’t been a multi-racial country for 2000 years! The Romans were caucasoid (as was Septimus Severus who was north African, not equatorial black), and they’re were not immigrants! They were invaders!
The Celts didn’t welcome them with open arms, as neither did the Anglo-Saxons with the Normans! With each each successive wave there has been bloody battles faught! And these small numbers of invaders, from the 900 year period of Norman conquest, to the Empire Windrush in the late 50s, accumulatively only reached the about 200,000! We’re getting those numbers yearly now, and more significantly a certain section of this Septic Isle’s latest imports are bent on our destruction!
Can’t you get this though you thick Tory skulls?
This country has not only been settled in during times of wars or invations. Although history books may indicate otherwise. This countries people have been trading goods and people with Europe and the middle east since the stone age.
It matters not much anyway, how settlement was made. Just look at a large section of British people and compare them with the variation present in the Chinese population.
Our language is a mixture of many, including hindi. A lot of our national habits come from all over the world. Like bathing from India. We are indead THE BASTARD NATION. Which is why we are independant free thinking smart hardworking and ambitious people. A European prototype for the USA.
But rather than giving you history lesons. What exactly is your problem with being British? I am proud of my countries history. It is what made it a great country in the first place. Or perhaps you think the place would be better if the Romans never came? Or we never used a ship.
Your friend Hitler believed that the German peoples were geneticaly spiritualy and intellectualy INFERIOR to their enemies, if they failed to win the war. Maybe Adolf was right about something at least.
Sorry I should have written All Hindus are by definition Indians.
However I never claimed my wife was not a racist. She comes from a very racist country indead.
Whatever the nice travel agent says.
Even though most of her friends are Muslims. She does not trust Muslims as a whole as far as she can throw them.
Gary – Im amazed at you regurgitating this happy-clappy liberal propaganda. *sigh*
The Celts didn’t welcome them with open arms,
Surprising ! When you think the Romans came all that way to visit…………..and the Normans too………..especially in the North the Normans had to destroy everything and massacre thousands……………..all because they did not understand that multi-culturalism was the modern fashion.
Then when the Hanoverian kings came over to England they had to go north and deal with the tribal rebellion in Scotland and the poor Duke of Cumberland had to civilise the Scots.
Without men like General Wade bringing Christian civilisation and bridges to Scotland where would we be ?
and the work Strongbow and Oliver Cromwell had to do to help the Irish understand multiculturalism is so often misunderstood.
Gary P,
Please your posts are much better when you dont accuse people of being Nazis.
It is very significant that Essex should be a big focus of BNP activity.
What people are protesting about, right or wrong, is that parts of the old East End has had a massive inflow of mainly Bangladeshis – one locality in Bangladesh is the source, and the more that arrived here the more they have brought in, either as dependent relatives or as imported brides/grooms. In the space of a generation the entire area was changed. And there was massive pressure on already inadequate social resources. Go eastwards from Tower Hamlets, down the Mile End Road to say Bromley-by-Bow, and you will see that much of the social housing (council or housing association) is heavily or often predominately occupied by non-indigenous families.
Add in a strong sense that the “newcomers” often seem to be running the social services – they are the faces at the council offices.
People further out in Essex feeel that this huge wave of immigration is being spread their way. Inner London boroughs try to organise for housing the excess of their applicants in adjacent boroughs.
Never ever on the BBC do we get any reflection of the social anxieties all this causes. Schools full of children who cannot speak English, which must damage the life chances of all the pupils, the streets often full of elderly men in what appears to be strange garb, wandering around looking helpless and obviously not contributing to the economy. A worrying incidence of anti-British sentiment among many of the youth. Very low economic activity rates among the newcomer population.
And no-one has ever been consulted about all this. The “Barking” view is that inner East London has effectively been invaded and largely taken over by a province in Bangladesh. They fear the same is about to happen in Barking. They simply do not want it, they disagree with the pundits who say that immigration brings economic benefits when all they can see is a lot of poverty and squalor arriving. In a democracy, their voice should be heard. If none of the main parties seem to listen to these anxieties, they will turn elsewhere.
The BBC attacks people for voting BNP when they are simply acting from tribal loyalties. They never attack the Respect party which relies on tribal voting by the Bangladeshi community.
This is a deeeply worrying schism in British politics. I fear there is far worse to come. The BBC has glibly ignored it all, the social strains do not impinge on the likes of James Naughtie at the opera house or the Royal Albert Hall. I happened to be visiting E3 on polling day, the tension outside the polling station was electric – and it was Respect who were causing it, the BNP was nowhere in evidence.
Prof Anthony King declared on the night, and repeats, in terms, in this article, that the Tories won decisively on Thursday. And that it is most unusual for any party to win so decisively.
But the BBC coverage has not reflected that reality. It has all been “The Tories did well BUT…..”
You are the first person to call me a liberal, but the point is well taken. I believe I am just stateing facts. I believe that knowing the facts are on the whole a good thing. However you have every right to view the facts as you feel fitt.
This is a liberal country because of its history. The Conservative Party must be a liberal party, because it has run the place for most of the time. But being in power means doing practical things, which a truly liberal agenda can not accomodate.
There have always been racists in Britain. My grandfather suffered several racist attacks in London in the 1930s.
The problem for BNP supporters is that they have voted for the Labour Party for their own stupidity and laziness, for to long. They seem only now to understand that the Labour Party does not and has not for a long time given a flying F..K about them, or their futures.
It is what happens when you get most of your understanding of the world from organisations like the BBC.
I would like to appeal to potential or real BNP voters to vote Tory. Because the state never could and never will be an answer to your problems. If anything it is the cause of a lot of them. NG GB TB MC and even DC can not sort you lives out, only you can.
I would not worry about the BNP being strong while the Tory Party is also strong. However if there was strong BNP momentum while there was a Tory government, this would be much more of a concern. This could happen in the future, but I dont think it is likely.
The BNP was missnamed it should have been the BNLP The British National Labour Party. But no Trade Union funds, put an end to that. Now the Trade Unions have been politicaly semi-castrated, things could go a much different path. Political parties live and breath on funds. The BNP can now get money from many different sources, and is. The Left has the potential to split right down the middle. The Labour parties and the countries most dangerous nightmare is possible. However the liberal vote has been split for a long time. When those nice Liberal chappies start taking responsibility again for the destiny of their nation, and vote Tory. We might just end up with the best of all worlds instead of what we have now.
Gary Powell,
You sound like one of the blind party faithful.
The very serious problems Britain faces didn’t suddenly appear in May 1997, when Labour took over. The loss of control over the UK’s borders for example, and the resulting uncontrolled immigration and flood of “asylum” seekers, can be directly traced back to the mid-1980s and the height of Tory rule.
Likewise, London becoming a hot bed of Islamic agitation started back in the 1980s, when for God knows what reason, known trouble makers from the middle east and beyond were allowed to settle in the UK. The most out spoken of the loud mouth clerics have been in the UK for well over a decade.
Whether it’s creeping islamification, political correctness, the out of control BBC, or the EU, the Tory party would be as equally useless as the Labour party. You faith in the Tory party isn’t matched by their record in office I’m afraid.
Britain’s predicament has come about precisely because of its unrepresentative and isolated party system, a party system that is rapidly and deservingly losing the confidence of the electorate, as demonstrated by the ever lower turn outs.
The old party system in the UK is broken, and it’s about time somebody in those parties actually realised it.
OT but an interesting discussion:
How much would the BBC raise if they went private?
Blue boy
I never mentioned Muslims immigration, or Britains problems starting in 1997. Britains problems get worse than they should be because goverments keep sticking their noses into things they dont understand anything about.
Britains political system is messed up because if it was working well, it would never elect socialist goverments in the first place. The USA manages it, which is why the people still live in a country to be proud of.
We have had a problem since the Trade Union movement formed the Labour Party in the first place.
The liberal vote is still split, but is slowly getting its act together.
So when it does ( which it always does in the end ) we will have a strong government, capable at least, of repairing by then 12-13 years of corrupt incompetent neglect. I just hope DC has got at least some of what it takes. But then just letting people get on and make some money, really is not that hard.
18 years we had a Tory government, and yes there was plenty of immigation, so whats your problem? If you have evidence that your local goverment is ripping you off and not representing your interests, have a bloody load go at them then. Chances are you will find it is a Labour council that is doing it.
This country by now would be even more down the Swanny if we were not currently keeping brownstuffs Toytown economy going, by importing human economic growth.
Until enough of the people work out that socialism in all its differing forms DOES NOT WORK, we will get reletively poorer, in our present and future economic prosperity and quality of life.
As for being a Conservative. I just think its good to be honest. Would you not agree?
There is many on this site that talk plenty, but never mention who they vote for. I wonder why?
I believe that when people say they do not vote, some are ” being economical with the truth.”
If people dont vote maybe it is because a lot of people dont feel that the way they vote will make any difference to them. So whats your problem? Maybe they are right.
“The very serious problems Britain faces didn’t suddenly appear in May 1997, when Labour took over. The loss of control over the UK’s borders for example, and the resulting uncontrolled immigration and flood of “asylum” seekers, can be directly traced back to the mid-1980s and the height of Tory rule.
Likewise, London becoming a hot bed of Islamic agitation started back in the 1980s, when for God knows what reason, known trouble makers from the middle east and beyond were allowed to settle in the UK. The most out spoken of the loud mouth clerics have been in the UK for well over a decade.
Whether it’s creeping islamification, political correctness, the out of control BBC, or the EU, the Tory party would be as equally useless as the Labour party. You faith in the Tory party isn’t matched by their record in office I’m afraid.”
The main problem in the 1980s, even for the Tory party, was the rise in pressure groups, then called the “Loony Left”, but whose views now dominate much of the policy-making process.
Voters tended to punish the Government of the day more heavily in local elections, thus helping to put the likes of Ken Livingstone (GLC), Ted Knight (Lambeth) and Derek Hatton (Liverpool) in power.
This created a guerilla mentality in many town halls, which accelerated ‘Tory flight’ from the cities.
Those same cities then acted as magnets for welfare spongers and other undesirables, who knew that they could count on benefits advice, from their bloated town-hall armies recruited from The Guardian.
Sadly, the entire Establishment, from the Home Office down, has now been afflicted by this ‘disease’ of PC.
Breaking this vicious circle will be a huge challenge for any politician – who will be brave enough to take those Guardianistas head on and expose them for the empty but dangerous vessels they are? .