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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Trivial example of a kind of bias on the BBC Have Your Say page. The topic is “Should Pluto remain a planet?”. The prestigious place of “last comment added” and hence most visible is held by this silliness –
“Whatever you call it G.Dubya will “mispronunciate” it.”
Trust me to run into a Jew who has feelings for the sensitivities for people who to kill him.
Trust me to run into a Londoner who can’t read what I write, that does remind me of the Hackney of my youth.
On a recent trip to Wales (I live in Spain) I came across a left wing person who insisted he was a pacifist to the extent that he wouldn’t lift a finger to defend himself if somebody tried to kill him.
My reply was that he was either a liar or a wanker. Possibly both.
Make no mistake, I know who my enemies are, but like a US Marine I once knew said, “we only kill the ones we need to kill.”
Enjoy your footie and easy on the Filipino maid 😉
The BBC and biased reporting
Currently doing the rounds on the BBC news website is this story;
Why leave the UK for this?
By Dominic Casciani
BBC News
Emigration is a life-changing experience – but for British Jews who move to Israel it can also fulfil a religious and cultural dream. So how do they feel about moving to what the rest of the world regards as a war zone?
and how they promote it on their magazine spot;
So with the headline to this story firmly on my mind I wonder if the impartial BBC would CAIR to run the same article but with these fellows being interviewed;
Moazzam Begg
Omar Deghayes
Omar Bakri
All those three fellows left the UK for an Islamic holy land. The funny thing is all of them soon change their minds and demand to be let back into our horrible racist country.
Oh dear. Beeboid PC multi-culti’s fall out.
Fergal Keane responds to BBC race comments
BBC Multi-Culti Tzar: “We need more non-white faces at the BBC”
BBC: “We agree. Er, except when it concerns Fergal Keane, John Simpson oh and all our other white faces. Apart from that, yeah we agree. White= bad, non white= plus double good”
Pete_London | 16.08.06 – 12:18 pm,
Good point. I didn’t think of that angle when I wrote the comment.
bbc news.
unemployment up
immigration up
what do the bbc do – focus on a white english guy who is no longer on incapacity benefit.
then they focus on “older workers” who are entering the labour force.
then , cut back to the studio.
(bloody hell -its obvious whats happening – low wage workers from eastern europe are undercutting britons.. so therefore you have the weird situation of extra jobs = extra unemployment)
ritter -> get a load of this nugget
Yvonne Ndege, a senior producer at the BBC said: “Being white I think can be a hindrance to getting a story and being black can also been hindrance to getting certain stories.
In Africa people are far more trusting of black reporters, correspondents and producers I think.
so , a senior producer is accusing all black Africans of being racist? well ,sorry mate, but thats out and out generalisation, and a real racist attitude to have.
oh , sorry – i forget. in the Beeboid universe, black Africans arent allowed to be racist.
Honest Reporting has a brief but potent expose of fraudulent photograpy and/or captions favouring Arabs in the Arab/israeli conflict called “Smoke and Mirrors”.
Take the quiz and click on “Test Your Knowledge” to access fascinating info on the fraud.
On the ‘yid’ question, it’s obviously all in the attitude. I’ve noticed that the Irish, particularly, like to bounce offensive labels off one another (and anyone else who happens to be around) liberally accompanied by four-letter words. A Jew who wanders into such an environment might take offense where none was intended.
The opposite is also, of course, true. I was once told at work, by a woman that I’d offended, that Hitler didn’t do a good enough job. While I was trying to digest this choice phrase, she said something irrelevant, put her nose in the air and walked out of the room.
I think that the words came out of a reservoir so deep in her unconscious mind that she was not really fully aware of what she was saying in anger. She never touched on the subject again. Neither did I. I just avoided her, having no idea how to respond to such a profound insult.
oh , sorry – i forget. in the Beeboid universe, black Africans arent allowed to be racist.
These interesting parting words from a Guardian SA correspondent highlight the implausability of the Left and its reporting agenda for SA, and that includes the BBC. The simplistic race and culture theories of the new left are in no way a reflection of the complexities of race and nature that motivate real people in real situations. As we are beginning to find out in Britain.
How I never quite fell for South Africa,,1844616,00.html
I think Bio should reflect that Pete_London has never shown anything but anger at the BBC’s treatment of Israel.
While P may reflect that words one can use in local company may not be appropriate here in public.
Where I would like to see unrestrained language is when the BBC interviews some evil bastard who wants all Jews suffering. Starting with Tamini. I am sick and tired of seeing Tamini being given a seat at the BBC table, being treatede with courtesy – when they ought to be grabbing him by the seat of his pants and throwing him out on the street.
After Tamini, that awful little creep from the MCB. Then his new boss. All these people should be treated with ridicule, with scorn, they should be held up as people whose own words make them despicable.
Thanks for the link to that Guardian piece:,,1844616,00.html
It seems to me that Rory Carroll will soon be anopther ex-liberal.
The BBC and half a story in order to bash the US;
The BBC is currently running a story on how America runs the internet. (CAIR to remind us all who invented it in the first place BBC?
Net’s ruling body renews US links
The US looks set to maintain its role as ultimate supervisor of the net’s addressing systems until 2011.
and two little comments caught my eye;
.November sees the first meeting of the Internet Governance Forum which grew out of international attempts to have more of a say in how the net is overseen.
In the last year Icann’s role has become more contentious as more organisations have demanded a say in the way it makes its decisions.
As both are linked here allow me BBC to expand on the above two snippets.
That international attempt in which to have more say on how the net is overseen was championed by 4 countries;
And please somebody don’t say the EU is also behind it. The French will prostate themselves to anybody as long as it allows them to get one over the Yanks.
Strange how the BBC can mention who the usual suspects are there , but not in the current story.
The BBC lying by omission.
The BBC and no story:
Anybody seen this story on the BBC;
“ROME (Reuters) – Italian police arrested a Pakistani immigrant on Monday for the murder of his 20-year-old daughter, who investigators believe was killed because her family disapproved of her relationship with an Italian man.
Police found the body of Hina Saleem on Saturday, buried in the vegetable garden at the back of her family house near the northern city of Brescia. Her throat had been slit and her relatives appeared to have left in a hurry.”
Me neither.
In over 4 weeks of war the BBC hasn’t shown any images of Hezbollah actually in action. Instead they concentrated on only showing the Israeli war machine and ensured that all coverage from Lebanon was pruned of any pictures of why Israel was hitting Lebanon.
Here are a few pictures which the BBC didn’t dare show;

heard anything about Jewish refugees from the BBC;
All taken from this blogg by lisa;
More fun with our favorite monopoly: Clive Anderson filling for Jeremy Whine on Radio 2, first item – should we control the internet ? Needless to say, they’re worried about terrorists using it (not militants this time). But wouldn’t regulation also clamp down on other websites ? The Beeb ain’t saying – no hidden agenda there obviously.
THE BBC is spending £55,000 a DAY on taxis and car hire, The Sun can reveal.
The annual bill is now £20MILLION — as free-spending staff take licence-payers for a ride.
The mind-boggling sum, which includes the cost of ferrying employees to and from their jobs, works out at nearly £1,000 for EVERY Beeb worker,,2-2006380162,00.html
Dumbjon writes:
“The Beeb ain’t saying – no hidden agenda there obviously.”
Golly, no! It’s hard to imagine the Left would want Right-wing investigative sites like LGF and EU Referendum closed down, isn’t it?
I mean, the intensity of the BBC’s reporting on Qanagate, Reutersgate, the AP bust etc has been so copious that I find myself unable to handle the overwhelming volume of information and commentary.
Or something like that, anyway…
Muslims arrested suspected of being involved in terrorism? Well then it’s smiley face time again:
And the same old views, summarised thus; “there can be no excuse for terrorism BUT….”
all of them having a curious collective amnesia about the virulent Nazi ideology of Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda and the other head chopping terrorist scum.
curiously , Adolf Hitler went around playing the “victim” card as well – while his appeasers also had a collective amnesia about the darker aspects of Mein Kampf.
Interesting questions posed by Newsnight tonight?
We are planning to lead tonight on a film from Gaza which provides a
shocking insight into the minds of Palestinian children growing up in
the shadow of the cult of martyrdom.
Paul Martin meets young boys intent on becoming “Shahid” – a martyr for
the cause. With the seeds of hatred planted at such a young age what are
the chances of peace in this troubled region?
And we have an interview with the Archbishop of York John Sentamu who
began a hunger strike on Sunday in protest against Middle East
He’s living in York Minster for a week, fasting and leading prayers for
peace. What does he hope to achieve and why protest over the deaths in
the Middle East rather than the thousands more in the Democratic
Republic of Congo for example?
R5 is wondering why France has only upped its contribution to UNFIL by 200.
A reporter points out that hmph- France – hrrumph mmrrm mrrrmph – difficult history with Hesbollah in Lebanon – hmmph mmrrrm.
Fascinating. Could the BBC possibly be referring to the Hesbollah attacks on French troops in Lebanon.
After all, the BBC is very careful to point out that Hesbollah were not in existence at this time.
Why, if Hesbollah killed 58 French paratroopers they might even be responsible for the attack on the American Marine Barracks in Oct 23, 1983, which some other group claimed responsibility for.
Hold it. My mistake. It seems that the attack on the French Paratroopers happened after the bombing of the American Marine Barracks.
20 seconds after.
plenty of time to form another Terrorist gang.
Product placement ‘set to triple’
What on the BBC? No, only those capitalist swine in the US allow it
Product placement is common on US television, but it is banned in the UK.
So no mention in the lengthy report of any involvement by the BBC, despite previous revelations –
COMPANIES are paying fees of up to £40,000 to advertise their products covertly on BBC programmes, often in breach of the corporation’s rules.
At least 50 cases have been identified where top brands have bought favourable exposure on BBC television by paying specialist agents.
The practice, known as product placement, is so widespread that some leading BBC dramas and lifestyle programmes depend on free gifts.,,2087-1785536,00.html