From “concerns and questions” to “lambasts.”

In this post, Little Bulldogs contrasts the text of a BBC story that reports that the Red Cross raised “concerns and questions” about the US anti-terror law. However the BBC headline reads “Red Cross Lambasts US terror law”. The author writes, “There aren’t even quotation marks.”

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7 Responses to From “concerns and questions” to “lambasts.”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Sorry to hijack this….but I want you to see this…..


  2. Anonymous says:

    Some people are well aware of the BBCs blatant propaganda and false parallels.


  3. Jon says:

    I never watch anything on the BBC now as every single program no matter if its news, drama or comedy is filled with propaganda.


  4. Anonymous says:


    Milesinfront…..I read that Dailymail report, and wondered if I was still dreaming….

    In a nutshell: BBC Workers ADMIT it is an extreme left leaning biased broadcaster, filled with too many young, trendy, ethnic, and homsexual types…and does NOT reflect the society it is supposed to…..with an Overt support of Islam.

    Am I dreaming? If they admit this, they are admitting their charter failure..

    And of course, to all the Morons who said the BBC was balanced…now they ALL can fianly admit to the lies they have been telling?

    Where is Reith Now???…….lolol..

    We’re right…and Appologists like Reith have been prooven wrong, or worse…LIARS….


  5. milesinfront says:

    If the BBC has breached it’s charter, surely now we would be entitled to withold our licence fee?


  6. AntiCitizenOne says:

    I’ve already withheld my license fee. The whole idea of a license fee in a n age of massive media (not just TV) choice is postively evil.