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I can’t believe Newsnight…….
Paxman arrogant smug introduction of Blah blah blah…..
I had to pinch myself that is the PM , because the way Paxo introduced it it could of been any Tom, Dick or Harry…..
And then the “debate”- Almost mocking to Haugue and didn’t Paxo allow that old man (Ming) to go on and on and on with his “we wos right” look.
And least not forget that the Baker Report hasn’t been released,yet the BBC “experts” are already planning OUR exit….
Completely new topic: how do I get rid of BBC cookies? I do a cookie clear, and an Adaware scan, and Norton anti-virus, and when I log onto the BBC weather page again, it knows which forecast I want. They must be putting one in somewhere else on my machine.
The Today Programme this morning
Exhibit A
The Founder of Big Issue comes on to say that family life is breaking down because of… wait for it… consumerism. Huh? Strangely this ridiculous opinion fails to register on St James’ liberalometer, so he says nothing but passes warmly on to the next question.
Exhibit B
Jeremy “no context” Bowen is on to convince us that the Axis of Evil is in fact the Axis of Reason. No mention of Ahmadinajad’s genocidal tendancies here, which seems kinda relevant to the discussion. And no mention of the quiet rearming of the freedom fighters of Hezbollah by Iran via Syria, or the iron-like control being exerted by UN numpties UNIFIL.
Exhibit C
In a bit of business news, EasyJet are taken to task for, well, being successful and ordering more planes. But think of the carbon! Think of the global warming! Still can you expect any other attitude from those who benefit from regressive taxes and state handouts to fund their blatherings?
Exhibit D
Bishop Tom “let the little children be euthanised” Butler yet again appears on “Lefty claptrap masquerading as religion” For Today. Unfortunately I missed most of his Thought this morning, but does that matter? I think I sort of know what he said, since he no doubt consults the Guardain every morning to give himself spiritual nourishment.
Finally, have you noticed that really annoying habit on Today where one minute Naughtie or Humphrys are haranguing anyone who even thinks they might, possibly, once upon a time, have supported the toppling of Saddam, and the next minute switch to something “amusing” like the decrease in the popularity of whistling, or this morning why telephone receiver wires get twisted. Ho ho ho.
“She [Angelina Jolie] plays the role of Pearl’s widow, while Futterman plays the journalist [Daniel Pearl], who was abducted and murdered in Pakistan in 2002. “
From this story.
No mention that he was beheaded and chopped into 10 pieces or that the murder was perpetrated by Islamic extremists who killed him because he was “a Jew working against Islam.” All these inconvenient truths are airbrushed out of the BBC article. There’s not even a link in the ‘See Also’ section to any report on Pearl’s brutal death. There is however, an external link to the Daniel Pearl Foundation.
It was the usual bit of glib relativism we’ve come to expect from Tom Butler. I think he’s aiming for “national treasure” status alongside Tony Benn.
I wonder when they’ll have an orthodox catholic on that slot, rather than the sometime priest Oliver McTernan? Someone who tells people what the Church teaches? Too much to ask?
The victims
The offenders
I can’t make the link, but in the Mail on Sunday review section (12/11/06), Demetrious Panton has penned a cogent article on racist crime, highlighting the PC thinking that refuses to acknowledge that such crime can be perpetrated by non-whites against whites, and goes on to list numerous examples of quite horrific proportions including Mary-Ann Leneghan. I’d never thought of her murder as racist until Mr. Panton pointed it out.
I seem to recall that for a crime to be deemed ‘racist’, the person perceiving it to be such does not have to be the victim or the legal system. In other words if I perceive the above highlighted offences as racist then racist they are.
I’ve forgotten the legislation, anyone help me out with the Act and wording?
Mr. Panton goes on to say that many of his white friends, or their children, have been the victims of crime perpetrated by young blacks, but none of his black friends have.
He mentions the stabbing to death, at the hands of a black male on a London bus, of a young white man who was trying to defend his girlfriend.
The BBC had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, obfuscating at every turn, to cover this.
But they still couldn’t bring themselves to mention every aspect, that being only one other person on the bus tried to help, another white person. All the other people on the bus did nothing. They were black.
Some of you may know of Mr Panton, he is a race relations consultant who consultant who advises at government level. You may also recall that Mr. Panton has had a what could be described as a very difficult upbringing and culminated in an attempt by the odious Hodge woman trying to smear him. I’m still not sure how far the BBC would have gone along with this smear attempt, considering that Hodge is a pal of Tessa Jowell.
I think archduke mentioned on a previous thread that he’d heard of some foreigners who were going to be deported after having amassed 36 previous convictions. The foreigners in question are the offenders shown above.
Oh, I almost forgot, Mr Panton is black.
Abandon Ship-
I see your in fine form this morning!!!
What did you make of the report “from the front line of Afghanistan?”
Rueful Red
Indeed, TPO. You are exactly right – post-Macphereson the rule is that any incident is racial if anybody thinks it is. The BBC thought this was just ducky, right up until cases like Richard Whelan.
Similarly, the BBC described the gang rape, torture and subsequent murder of Mary Ann Leneghan as gang-related, even though of the two people with her at the time of her abduction, one (with no gang connection) was also raped, tortured and murdered, while the other was released unharmed. Can you guess which one was the Infidel and which the RoPer ?
Letters from Gitmo
Detainee’s excuses as to why they were in Afghanistan. (just one at randon)
· ‘One detainee, a Kuwaiti national named as an al-Qaeda operative on a seized al-Qaeda hard drive, was captured as he tried to flee from Afghanistan into Iran. He insisted that he had no association with any terrorist organization. What then had brought him to Afghanistan? His answer: He had donated 750 Kuwaiti dinars (“not a lot of money” he added) to an Islamic charity to dig wells in Afghanistan–and had decided to travel from Kuwait to see that his money was properly spent.
Letters from Gitmo
Look out for the one mentioning the BBC.
A la Simpson: “we liberated Kabul”
Next the BBC will be claiming that they are turning people away from terrorism
Abandon ship! | 14.11.06 – 10:36 am
-The Founder of Big Issue comes on to say that family life is breaking down because of… wait for it… consumerism. Huh? Strangely this ridiculous opinion fails to register
Lots of people would agree. The Daily Mail ran an interesting story on this in the summer:
The most important factor for the disintegration of the parent-child relationship is the failure of most families to eat a proper meal together, with many working parents resorting to ready meals and fast food.
Other factors for the malaise include children spending long hours playing video games, computers, or watching the television. Half of youngsters now have a television set in their bedroom by the age of 10, spending on average 25 hours a week in front of their television or game console screens – rising to 42 hours during the holidays, mothers reported.
A growth in consumerism, with longer shopping hours and Sunday trading was also attacked, with a third claiming that parents were too busy shopping to spend quality time with their children.
Letters from Gitmo
A former Egyptian army officer acknowledged that he had undergone training in Afghanistan at a camp run by the Kashmiri group, Lashkar-i-Taibi (LiT). However, he said, he had been listening to the BBC in February 2001 and heard an announcer describe LiT as a terrorist organization. After that, he said, he quit the group and had never had anything to do with them again. How had he supported himself in Afghanistan over the following year? He had, he said, relied on charity from his fellow Muslims.
How do you know the bugger’s lying?
Because the BBC would never refer to a muslim terrorist group as ‘terrorist’.
sorry, anon is me.
another day, another Muslim sob story by the BBC.
Pauls – Good points, but my main issue was the unquestioning way that St James and his ilk accept such hypotheses, simply because it has anticapitalist overtones. Same as with criticism of EasyJet.
Keith – I think I missed that bit, but would be interested to know what it (didn’t) said (say).
The spudthick BBC are crying Wolf! once again.
“The heat has been turned up on Muslims. We felt it at 9/11. Now 7/7 has happened it’s even worse.”
This is an Non story.
If ever the “Heat” really is turned up, what will the Dumbos at White City have left in thier arsenal?
Archduke – very BBCish. Of course in general people should be able to pray where they like.
However, I imagine that if two midwestern American children of the Christian persuasion did the same, they would be accused of imposing their views on others. And besides that, we all know that overt shows of piety are not likely to attract approval amongst schoolchildren, whatever their faith.
75 year old ex-forces veteran sent to prison for refusing to pay council tax.
Read it here in the Telegraph:
And here in the Mail:
Anything on the BBC
No thought not. Too much like incitement not to pay the BBC tax next.
Apparently, unlike thugs, robbers, murderers, and those suing the Home Office for not providing their next fix, this old man will not be allowed any remission of sentence.
The BBC are more than happy to run this story about the Abu Hamza’s son entitled ‘Hamza’s son ‘proud to be British’ ‘
I’ve got news for you sonny, I’m no longer proud to be British when they start incarcerating old age pensioners for not paying a tax they can ill afford.
Perhaps I should refuse to pay the BBC tax because I don’t see why I should contribute to the multi-million pound pension pots that Jana Bennet and Jenni Abramski are accruing at our expense.
Give up part of your miniscule pensions for the likes of them to live in the lap of luxury?
The BBC and half a story;
Hamza’s son ‘proud to be British’
The convicted terrorist son of jailed cleric Abu Hamza has sought to distance himself from the radical Islamic views of his father. Mohammed Kamel Mostafa, 25, who served three years in jail for spearheading a bombing campaign in the Yemen in 1999, has said “I’m proud to be British”.
The BBC plays the victim card for a convicted terrorist who actually says he loves Britain and its people. Err BBC please allow me to fill in a few blanks on the above story about that bombing campaign in 1999.
Two British Moslems, Mohsin Ghalain, 18, stepson of London-based Islamic cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri, and Malek Harhara, 26, of Yemeni origin, were both jailed for seven years. Abu Hamza’s 17-year-old son Mohamed Mustapha Kamel was sentenced to three years.
2) The British-Yemen connection
The prosecution said the group were sent by Abu Hamza to bomb British and American interests in Aden. The bomb plots were said to be part of a campaign by militants to drive western influence out of Yemen and set up an Islamic state. The men were arrested in December, 1998. The authorities said that in a car driven by three of the suspects, they found rocket-propelled grenades, TNT explosives, anti-tank rockets, and landmines. A search of their rooms turned up laptops and communications equipment. Literature and videos from the London-based “Supporters of Sharia” were found with some of the suspects.
3) Sources: AFP, BBC
BBC clones it would actually help if you told this story as it is;
and not how you wish to whitewash it for the great unwashed.
(Proud to be British indeed)
The BBC and half a story.
75 year old ex-forces veteran sent to prison for refusing to pay council tax, whilst the Home Office pays convicted junkie scum to snort at our expense. Who says they can’t be proud to be British?
“Archduke – very BBCish. Of course in general people should be able to pray where they like.
Abandon ship! | 14.11.06 – 12:05 pm”
its also very bad for school discipline.
you know how kids are – “if are they allowed X , then why cant i do Y?”
making “exceptions” for certain kids is also extremely divisive and contributions to the increasing fragmentation of society.
TPO, regarding that immigrant gang who were kidnapping people; I don’t know if you noticed but on yesterday’s six o’clock bulletin they made clear that the gang had sometimes targeted people for “racist or homophobic” reasons.
By the 10pm bulletin there was no mention of this. I have no idea why. I think (but I could be wrong) Margaret Gilmore mentioned this detail at 6, but it was edited out later in the evening.
That’s a breakdown of parental authority and control of THEIR children, not consumerism.
Get it right.
John Bull
I’ve stopped watching the Beeb’s six o’clock news because of the ridiculous ‘Spangles’ Kaplinski. The woman who, when discussing the Hubble space telescope on the BBC breakfast bimbo slot pronounced ‘nebula’ as nehBOOlah.
And who once pronounced ‘Today is St Georges day’ and then threw in the aside ‘for those of you that care’.
Radio Five live just ran an ad, next week they are at home with a Muslim Family Nicky Campbell will be bringing the breakfast show from a British Muslims house!
I do not want to hear that.
How about what is going on in the towns and city’s of the UK murders, rapes, old age pensioners going to jail etc how about some real news not propoganda
Hi Abandoned-
Sorry for the late reply-unlike the Beeboids I get a half hour break.
The “excusive” footage with an “elite” group (Recon Squadron of 3 Para I think, but not too sure) with plenty of “firefights”.
And you know you are in trouble when the first line goes “Five years after the defeat of the Taleban the upsurge in fighting continues…….”
But the real stinker came when the “village elders” complained to the squaddies about “the Teleban entering into our homes,then you (The British) start shooting at our homes”
“Quite simply” said the boy scout “the village elders have had enough of the fighting”
Dosn’t take a Bismark to work out what is happening there.
All this said without subtitles,but plenty of comment from the Boy Scout reporter……
I suppose the Beeb is feeling a little miffed about the Taleban interview, so I guess this is an attempt to “even things up”.
They need not have bothered…….
quite interesting – that recent report – in terms of the transport kit that the military were using.
seemed to be jeeps mostly – very mobile – no fixed positions.
reminded me of the original tactics of the S.A.S. in north africa during WW2, which turned out to be highly effective in disrupting enemy supply lines.
one of the paras was bearded – which tells me that he’s been behind enemy lines for an awfully long time – and highly mobile (no time to have a shave, warm up water etc… its go go go…)
of course, all this tactical analysis was never mentioned by the boy scout reporter – its just something i noticed.
forgot to add – the tactics i mentioned (highly mobile, no fixed positions) were never used by the Russians in afghanistan – which is exactly why the Russians had horrendous amounts of casualties.
pounce | 14.11.06 – 12:43 pm
I know I’ve jumped on a lot of your posts recently. But credit where credit’s due.
You have a point this time.
Failing to point out that the planned bombing campaign in Yemen was allegedly directed at British and American targets was wrong.
I’d bet the reason was ignorance, not bias.
And the BBC (Radio 5) is taking a Muslim (the BBC’s description),from
Rochdale to the USA to compare the conditions for Muslims in both countries. And we know who’s paying for this propaganda exercise.
But you guys missed the stinker yesterday about the out of court settlement with the junkies who were “forced” to go “cold turkey”…..
John Reith
Welcome back from lunch. Care to tell us who the 5 or 6 members/supporters of the BNP around here are?
archduke: wrote;
its also very bad for school discipline.
I would like to comment on the above archduke, not on what you say but on the story in general.
One thing I have noted about the Islamic society living in the Uk is how keen it is to use the media (mainly the BBC) in which to achieve its aims.
Problem at work, call it racist and speak to the BBC;
Get caught on a recce, say you are British and speak to the BBC
Get caught as a terrorist, say you are innocent and speak to the BBC
Heckle the Home secretary to stay out of Muslim areas in the Uk and speak to the BBC to cover your story;
Marry a terrorist in prison over the phone and get the BBC to push the story he is not a terrorist
As a child I was always told to play the victim card so I could glean more from society by my father. Its all about playing the system and thanks to the PC brigade its something that those who wish to take no constructive part in British society are doing more and more.
1) My sister was pulled into the office for being rude to a customer. She played the racist card. Got moved to another department and thinks that was it. I went ape-shit saying that she has just polarised not only her boss, but the person who made the complaint.
2) My brother was taking his time returning to work after lunch, I told him to pull his finger out or he would get sacked. His reply. “They can’t sack me, I’ll play the race card” its not worth the bother
These are examples from my immediate family. How many more examples are there out there where people for want of a quiet life simply acquiesce to the surreptitious threats of those who play the race card when caught in the wrong.
Now back to the above story. Lets look at how the BBC starts that report;
“Like all devout Muslims, 14-year-old Yasameen and her sister Sundus, 11, are supposed to pray five times a day.”
So the BBC uses the adjective Devout” in which to promote the image that all Muslims are more religious than their Christian counterparts.
Muslims are people first and just like people everywhere else on the planet they find some things tedious and repetitive. None more so than 14 and 11 year old children who would rather do other things. (I know I was that child).
Now lets look at this statement;
Dr Sanaa Al-Ameen, father of Yasameen and Sundus, said: “The girl who was attacked didn’t have very good English and she thought she was committing a crime by praying. She was very confused.
Poor English?
But the father has lived here 30 years.
“”Someone called her an Iraqi suicide bomber and a gang of eight girls said her father was Saddam Hussein,” said the Iraqi national, who moved to Britain 30 years ago.”
Hang on BBC, if these girl are half Iraqi what is the other half? (from the looks of their photo I’d say the mother is white) Can somebody tell me why she can’t speak the English language for somebody who has lived all her life in the UK. Trying to promote the notion she thought she had committed a crime by praying in the playground is obviously a distraction from something that isn’t been told. Now if her father is a doctor (and not a skill less asylum seeker) are you also telling me that education for his girls isn’t one of his primary goals for his children? So why doe’s she have a poor grasp of English?
The mindset amongst immigrants in the Uk is that if they push “we don’t speak English” then they presume they will be perceived as victims (may explain why so many court cases in the Uk have to have interpreters for people who can speak English)
Personally I think that as it is winter and getting cold in the playground these girls wished to get inside a warm classroom. Playing the race card is one way of getting inside. I mean lets be honest here. How many posters here in the workplace saw their Islamic workmates pray at lunch time? (I bet not many) so where did the devout come from BBC?
I always watch these things with interest too, I think one or two were SAS/SBS (ain’t to many ordinary squaddies that get M16A2 to play with), but clearly (as there role suggests) these were being used in deep recon role.
Regarding the Russians tactics-I believe that the Soviets changed tactics in the last 18 months,using the Mil 24 Hind to hold the mountain tops while deploying BMP/BTR’s on the valley bottoms.
Also Spetnaz employed “caravan hunters” (dressed often in irregular uniforms) that were hugly succsesful in interdiction missions from the Pakistan boarder.
The problem for the Soviets (and us to a lesser extent) is that supplies need to come in by road (especially the Tora Bora) which make your logistics chain dangerously exposed.
I recommed the “The Bear Went Over The Mountain” or “Ghost Wars” if you want to know about Soviet tactics and the origins of the Taleban.
‘Failing to point out that the planned bombing campaign in Yemen was allegedly directed at British and American targets was wrong.’
jr there you go again with your BBC speak viz ‘allegedly’.
Nothing ‘allegedly’ about it, they were convicted QED, and you can forget the bollocks from Jacobi, Stafford-Smith et al with their highly selective interventions in foreign judiciary matters.
Next you’ll be telling me that Kriss Donald was ‘allegedly’ murdered.
By the way, credit where credit is due, the consensus here is that you are on a hiding to nothing in your exchanges with pounce. Keep up the good work.
Given your experience in Muscat, I’d have thought you’d insist on the word ‘allegedly’ being put in front of anything a Yemeni official said.
ooo ooo – Reith, what about that BBC database question from Ritter, JBH and others (including me) ??
John Reith
Request Number 693: who are the 5 or 6 members/supporters of the BNP here?
John Reith:
D Burbage’s post above refers to a post of mine on another thread. Here it is again:
John Reith:
On 12.11.06 – 12:07 pm you listed several BBC TV and radio news reports of the Kriss Donald murder on three particular days in March and April 2004:
35 minutes later Ritter repeated your list and requested of you:
“Please can you provide the links to the BBC News & radio stories you mention above. I will then watch/listen for myself.”
Ten minutes later JX advised Ritter:
“Reith clearly has the complete BBC internal news archive at his disposal here.”
Another 5hrs 35 mins later at 7:27 pm I too repeated your list of broadcasts from two and a half years ago and I asked you a question:
“Simple question: How did you acquire this information John?
Well John, don’t be shy. Ritter, JX and I are all awaiting your answer. Just where did you acquire information about these broadcasts from over two years ago John?
Didn’t you know that in Minitruth WE are all BNP members…..
BTW-I’m now “not allowed” to post on “Have Your Bias” so I’m offically blacklisted.
Might be something to do with the question-Should there be an enquiry on the War in Iraq.
My answer-As soon as the BBC releases the Balen Report…..
Shame really…..
…yet the BBC “experts” are already planning OUR exit….
Keith Thomas | 14.11.06 – 10:12 am | #
Incredible BIAS from the BBC last night regarding the PM’s world affairs speech to the Lord Mayor’s banquet, and of course, they avoided any mention of Islamic terrorism, trying to tell us that it was really all about overtures towards Iran & Syria..
Remembrance weekend took on a special poignancy this year. No longer do we only look back, nostalgia mixed with emotion and pride, on the supreme sacrifices of two World Wars. In this century, a new and unconventional enemy has appeared: a global terrorism, based on a thoroughly warped misinterpretation of Islam, which is fanatical and deadly. It was present for years but little noticed by us, before 9/11. Since 9/11, it has cast its shadow over the Western world.
The bomb which killed British forces in Iraq yesterday was a cruel and wicked reminder that this terrorism is dedicated to one end…
Abandon ship
Jeremy “no context” Bowen is on to convince us that the Axis of Evil is in fact the Axis of Reason.
I heard that too, I cringed when I heard him try to imagine what Iran would be saying to the US & UK and a formulation of a quid pro quo:
“You guys are in a lot of trouble in Iraq…..”sick bucket please!
Today , rounded off by John Humphry’s in search of God conversations with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. I found it sadly predictable that Humphry’s had to raise the subject of Hitler & the Holocaust, and also spoke of Abraham’s “wicked choice”
Does he mean then, Judaism is a wicked faith?
Alert the CPS, Alert the CPS!
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks was by far the best of the three.
Keith T
BTW-I’m now “not allowed” to post on “Have Your Bias” so I’m offically blacklisted.
Ohh it’s the 6 O’Clock knock for you. Best get your will in order.
I get the feeling John Reith doesn’t want to say who these 5 or 6 members/supporters of the BNP are.
“based on a thoroughly warped misinterpretation of Islam, which is fanatical and deadly”
Sounds like someone trying to convince themselves that what they are seeing with their own lying eyes isn’t the truth.
The BBC and no story.
Remember this Muslim MP from West Yorkshire;
MP tells veil woman ‘let it go’
A Muslim teaching assistant suspended for wearing a full-face veil has been urged by her MP to give up her fight. Aishah Azmi lost her employment tribunal case for discrimination and harassment, but was awarded damages for victimisation by Kirklees Council. Her legal representative said they will take the case to “a higher court”. But Dewsbury Labour MP Shahid Malik told the BBC: “I would appeal to Mrs Azmi now just to let this thing go. There is no real support for it.”
It seems that the local Muslims in the area have had enough of him;
“Organisers of a gathering at the Pakistani Kashmiri Welfare Association in Batley on Sunday urged Muslims to hold the Labour MP accountable at the next general election. Speakers said Mr Malik • who is Muslim • was spending too much time representing the interests of non-Muslims.
So let me get this straight, the people the BBC promotes as victims of Islamopobia in the UK are campaigning for the Muslim MP of the area to be held accountable for spending far too much time representing the interests of NON- MUSLIMS
So much for the racist British attitude towards others which the BBC has no problem promoting as our inability to integrate
The BBC and no story.
‘Given your experience in Muscat, I’d have thought you’d insist on the word ‘allegedly’ being put in front of anything a Yemeni official said.’
That was 35 years ago jr. Yesterday’s enemies are today’s friends.
Goodness me you need to catch up. Germany and Japan are our friends now as well.
It’s all so predictable. Following Luton’s manager Mike Newell having a pop at a female linesman, on the front page we have a piece about wimmin and football:
Don’t call them WAGs
Luton Town manager Mike Newell may have apologised for his “sexist” remarks about a female football official, but his tirade is a reminder of the mountain women have struggled to climb to be accepted into the football fold.
Birds, eh?
Bless their little cotton socks….
So you spotted it too.
I mean these “overtures” to Iran and Syria wouldn’t have anything to do with the following points:
1.The Badr Corp (Revolutionary Guard to me and you) supplying motion detectors,limpet mines and other goodies to the Methdi Army in Basra.
2.Syrian itelligence (the same guys who blow up PM’s in the Lebanon) providing support and training to the Sunni/Baathists insurgents.
3.The ever so slight chance that what the Jordainians were tracking BEFORE THE WAR “shipments” and “convoys” leaving Iraq in the direction of Damascus might prove to be the WMD’s that don’t exist.
Of course not.
It’s the “failure” of the policy as told by Ming “I’m the daddy on foreign affairs” the Mercyful…….
Note how ‘immediate withdrawl’ has now become “phased withdrawl with no time table” according to Ming and my how the Democrates have gone strangly silent on Iraq….