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haven’t heard much about this on Al Beeb
or this
or this
or this
or any of this…
Credit where credit is due: R4’s File On Four this evening about the radicalisation of ‘yoof’ by Islamists was an excellent piece of work.
Of course, I can’t leave it there. Anyone even half awake who was living or working in South London could have told the BBC what was happening five years ago.
Ah well, time for a highly inappropriate quote: “…joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons…”
It’s not all bad…
BBC News:
‘A banned cleric is still preaching support for terrorism to young British Muslims by appearing incognito on the internet, the BBC has learned.
The joint investigation by File on 4 and Newsnight has found Omar Bakri Mohammed broadcasts hatred for the UK using a variety of pseudonyms.’
Jeremy Bowen was on Simon Mayos program today selling his wares and his impartiallity.
When asked about how Israel does not intentionally target citizens he sidesteps, says “well thats the Israeli narrative, however… some poeople are trigger happy and how can we know what the Israelis actually order. And Hamas, well they would say that….” to paraphase.
It was a fine peace of evasion and false equivalence in the name of being “unbiased” as Ive heard for some time.
Also on rdaio 5 next week breakfast comes from a muslim household …
5 have also been trailing a report on how the Brits may have something to learn from the americans as regards relations with muslim citizens… But i seem to be mis hearing the numbers that they are reporting. How a tiny is the proportion of Muslims in America again?
If you dig deep on the BBC website, its surprising what turns up. I’ve just emailed this to them:
“On your link on this page:
To Background “The Evidence”
Second Graphic “Long Term High” shows the “Hockey Stick” developed by Mann et al.
This particular graph has been totally discredited, so why is it still given prominence in your presentation?
I’m sure you will be well aware of this but here is the background”
I don’t expect a coherent answer
Natalie, Thanks about Tyndall and Duke. I knew who they were and I remember David Duke’s campaign for the governorship(?) of Louisiana. The point I was putting tangentially was why are they relevant to this thread and any subject matter herein? Obviously it’s one of the BBC’s diversions as posted by ‘John Reith’, whoever that may be today.
Does anyone have info on the number of people jailed by the BBC, i.e. by the ‘caring’ BBC which doesn’t believe in custodial sentences – except for those who haven’t paid the TV-tax?
Suggest you contact the CAB as they seem to have done research into this:
In March 1998 Citizens Advice published ‘TV Sinners’, a report based on evidence supplied by 232 CABS all over the country. It showed:
each year approximately 200,000 people are prosecuted for non-payment of the TV Licence
68percent of these prosecutions are against women (this is because when the TV Licence inspectors call during the day it’s usually the woman who’s at home)
out of the total of 200,000 prosecutions 98 percent result in a fine
because TV Licence evasion is a strict liability offence these cases have to be heard in a magistrates court, and the court has no compulsion to allow fines to be paid by instalments
there is no compulsion on Magistrates to means test people who appear in court
if you do not pay the fine a warrant will be issued for your arrest
over the years thousands of women have been imprisoned in the United Kingdom because they were not able to pay fines imposed upon them for not having a TV Licence. Almost all of these women were on benefits and around half of them had dependent children
Following this report, in 1999 the Government set-up an advisory board to look into the whole issue of the TV Licence (‘The Davies Review’), which identified fundamental problems with funding by a universal licence. ’’Broadcasting is a public good. The essential problem with public goods is that it is difficult to get people to pay for goods where they do not have exclusive rights to consume the good in question and when their consumption of the good does not affect the good itself. Under these circumstances, it is difficult to direct a good exclusively to the person who is paying for it.’’
The review concluded that ‘’the digital age will increasingly be one in which many or most consumers of television pay for packages closely tailored to their needs. As they become more accustomed to choice, to subscription and to pay-per-view, it could be that the licence fee will come to seem an anachronism.’’ However the review was not satisfied with funding alternatives, and left the matter to be decided by the BBC Charter Review.
Changes in the Courts system
There are also significant changes in the Courts that are being introduced into the systems for fine enforcement, that may make it more appropriate to reclassify non-payment of the TV licence fee as a civil offence. Lord Justice Auld’s review of the Criminal Courts recommended that there are many summary fines • including TV licence fee evasion – which could be more dealt with through fixed penalty notices rather than prosecutions. Auld also recommended that all civil debt enforcement should eventually be removed from Courts exercising a criminal jurisdiction. Although Lord Justice Auld’s review did not recommend that enforcement of licence fees should be decriminalised, it did highlight that technological developments • such as those that enable suspension of service • could eventually make it’s classification as a criminal offence an absurdity.
The Treasury Minutes on the First Report from the Committee of Public Accounts 2002-2003 Collecting the Television Licence Fee confirm that the Home Office ‘’has been exploring the possibility of introducing a fixed penalty notice for TV licence evasion in consultation with the BBC and other interested parties’’.
newsnight – to be fair – the Hitz Ub Tahrir guy is putting up a good fight.
i’m half thinking that the so called “expose” is yet another example of lazy , sloppy reporting – when the real meat is something that the BBC wouldnt dare venture onto.
Not Bias
Just an observation
“The average person in Europe is overweight, official figures say”
I’m not a maffs proffesser but;
Surely if the average person is overweight – then that is the average!
The BBC – How Bone?
Funny how the (D) HYS on Immigration is closed after only a few days – Clearly that topic wasn’t going their way!
archduke writes:
“newsnight – to be fair – the Hitz Ub Tahrir guy is putting up a good fight.”
I read it a different way. While the average Moslem thug in the street is braindead, there is no getting away from the fact that the organisers of this rabble are skilled and even intelligent people (in so far as one can define as intelligent, someone who believes this nonsense). These people are skilled and fluent liars. They train at it.
What we saw was an Islamist ringleader who, though plainly barking mad, was a match for a very off-form Paxman, unused to being aggressively answered back.
Think of it it as a measure of what we are up aganst, rather than revealing defficiences in what was, in fact, quite a good report by BBC standards.
the french “intifada”
never heard of this on the british MSM? thought not.
gcooper -> maybe my wording is wrong – but you put it better.
one should have respect for the enemy – for they aren’t thickos – far from it – but he is the enemy nonetheless.
paxman was run around in circles alright…
to be fair – i dont think he was fully briefed.. the so called “report” did appear to be sloppy – even to me.
“in fact, quite a good report by BBC standards.”
actually – i take it back. it was a good report – but only by BBC standards.
in other words , about 5 years too late.
Another couple of topics not being covered by al-beeb news, (I checked) that would be counter-message for their agenda •
1. Remember the ‘TIME’ magazine photo of the oh-so-tuff Hezbollah “fighter” standing in front of a fiercely burning downed Israeli Aircraft ——
Here’s the REAL story !!!
2. They managed to bend over backwards and stick their heads up their bums recently about 18 unfortunate Palestinians who were accidentally killed due to technical malfunctions. However on the following deliberate perversion of justice in Iran that will shortly result in the execution of 10 innocent men, they are remarkably silent. I wonder why ???
They’re (the MSM) really all just whore’s who don’t care who they turn ‘tricks’ for as long as they get “laid n’ paid” — sloppy seconds anyone with the “Whore of Babylon”.
(I believe St. John mentioned her in his gospel • you know the one with the 4 horsemen and all that other good stuff.).
BTW. I tried visualising Simpso, Bowen, Guerin et. al. bent over backwards with their heads up their bums, I must confess it did raise a wee smile for a few seconds.
archduke writes:
“in other words , about 5 years too late.”
And how! It was perfectly clear that the very plans that BBC report was trying to expose were already taking place five, six, seven years ago in parts of London I know well.
One can only assume the same was true in Luton, Bradford et al .
When the first radiological bomb goes off in England, or the first cases of bubonic plague or smallpox strike, when the first ricin attack takes place on the tube, then the liberal apologists for Islam – be they former MI5 officers, Guardian writers, politicians of all parties and, most particularly given our context here, BBC liberals – will have a great deal to answer for.
And I do hope that, whatever follows the inevitable outrage we are assured by our suddenly awakened security services will occur, that they will answer for their actions, which have brought us to this point of peril.
On the topic of the appalling suicides by burning of women in muslim Afghanistan, Al-BBC manage to avoid the elephant in the room yet again…
“These young girls are killing themselves from frustration and because they feel that there is no way out of them.”
…… the choice of self-immolation may be influenced by the fact that many of the women sought shelter in Iran, where the practise is more common.
Campaigners say illiteracy and an incompetent justice system contribute to women deciding to take their own lives, because they can see no way out of their problems.”
Nothing to do with the way Islam treats women of course ! Note also the throwaway line about the practise of self-immolation being more common in Iran – isn’t this the wonderful Islamic Republic where Al-Beeb’s Francis Harrison resides ? Why no stories on this from the Corporation’s muslim-in-residence ?
And I do hope that, whatever follows the inevitable outrage we are assured by our suddenly awakened security services will occur, that they will answer for their actions, which have brought us to this point of peril.
Dream on! The excuse has already been set. It would be Blair’s fault for deposing Saddam.
will writes:
“Dream on! The excuse has already been set. It would be Blair’s fault for deposing Saddam.”
While I share your cynicism, I do sense that the worm is turning. We’re slow to anger in this country. And reassuringly deadly when it happens.
So has the BBC finally woken up to the spectre that is radical Islam?
Or is it just a face saving exercise in which to try and recapture the moral highground after a steady few months of anti BBC bashing by the likes of sites like this one?
Me I’m just washing how long this campaign by the BBC goes on before they turn around and stab the Great British public in the back and continue with their anti western drivel.
I meant watching.
(Damn you Microsoft)
“GCooper | 15.11.06 – 12:54 am |”
queen liz. biding her time – but she will make her mark in history.
that is who people will turn to.
(if she doesnt – then its hello republic, and hello revolution)
BTW. I tried visualising Simpso, Bowen, Guerin et. al. bent over backwards with their heads up their bums, I must confess it did raise a wee smile for a few seconds.
DennisTheMenace | 15.11.06 – 12:47 am
Here’s a rare photo from the John Reith Hulton Picture Library©™
The war within the west (3)
Yesterday on Today:
Big Issue founder says family life has broken down and more people homeless because of “consumerism”. Accepted blandly by Naughtie.
Today on Today:
EasyJet executive says more cheap flights will contribute to world peace. This comment subjected by Naughtie to much ridicule and joking, including special feature involving interview with Michael Winner.
Why the difference? Both ideas are contentious.
Could it be that the Big Issue comment was accepted because it came from a lefty do-gooder who ticks all the right BBC boxes, whereas the wolrd peace comment was ridiculed because it emanated from a businessman who is very successful and believes in the free market?
But who has done more for the ordinary person in British society? My vote goes to EasyJet, allowing many people on limited incomes to visit foreign parts. Not a fact that would register on the BBC’s liberalometer, which pays little attention to the ordinary person in this country.
Small wonder that there might be a technicians’ strike at Al-Beeb. I presume they all want the £60,000 + bonuses salary that the infamous light-bulb changer was on.
Sorry I missed this last night I was tolerating a visit from the Mother-In-Law.
‘Nice diaeresis. Such punctilio. I never seem to get it to work.
You’re probably right about judicial review.
And probably wrong about Yemen being on our side (really).’
John Reith | 14.11.06 – 5:15 pm | #
1. I’ve already told you I’m one of Kerry’s dumbass types – no uni for me, just cannon fodder – so I had to get the dictionary out for ‘diaeresis’. Anyway, not down to me guv, all Bill gates work.
2. Judicial review – Yes I am right. I may elaborate in the future when I’m finally far away from these shores. You see I signed a piece of paper which allows them to throw me into prison, along with the OAP’s who refuse to pay the council & BBC taxes, if I allude to the truth, and they would.
3. Yemen? I’ll meet you half way. Uneasy bedfellows might be better.
4. There is a clamour growing on this site for you to come out of the closet regarding your assertion of half a dozen BNP commentators posting here and for you to identify them. Can you do so or are you going to pass. I have to say though that unless their comments are offensive, why shouldn’t they?
‘I now think of her as Neboola Kaplinski.’
Nice one, but Amanda Platell (columnist who loathes Kaplinski) has got in first with her moniker ‘Spangles’. I prefer yours though.
Finally because I have to do some work today:
Anon above refers to this from Melanie Phillips
If you read it just think of the stunt Tony’s Cronies, Charlie ‘Lord’ Falconer and Pete ‘Lord’ Goldsmith are going to pull with regard to freedom of speech in this country.. Will they be able to prosecute Mel? You betcha. Will they? You betcha.
Just remember Edmond Burke “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”
Charlie and Pete? Good men they ain’t.
JBH, still going through your dossier, but have a look at the Mel Phillips link, it mentions your mate Peter Preston.
The BBC must be nonplussed why
Al-Jazeera is starting its 24-hour tv
news channel in English; after all, the Al-Beeb has been doing Al-Jazeera’s work for it, by expanding
Islamist interests for years.
No doubt, Al-Beeb staff will be applying for employment there; they will feel quite at home as dhimmis.
(Suprise,suprise, ‘Al-Guardian’gives
a big, uncritical space to
Al-Jazeera spokesman (online today).
Leading member of Muslim extremist group working at the Home Office
A leading member of an extremist Islamic group is working as a senior official at the Home Office, it has emerged.
Abid Javaid is a ‘senior executive officer’ in the IT department at the scandal-hit Immigration and Nationality Directorate which processes tens of thousands of asylum and visa applications every year.
But he is also an activist in the fundamentalist Islamic group Hizb-ut Tahrir which believes in a worldwide Islamic state under Shariah law.
Compare with this
More drivel from Mel Phillips, god forbid that the British Prime Minister pursue the interests of our country. What he clearly should be doing is looking out for Israel. Every time one finds oneself edging to the right politically a brief exposure to Mel is sufficient to drive you back to the center post haste.
I see 5 Live’s looking for questions for their get to know Islam series next week. Suggestions?
1) Have you paid your car insurance?
2) Do you practice female genital mutilation?
3) Is your wife allowed out on her own?
4) Is the meat you eat killed humanely, to British standards, or is it killed in line with Bronze Age practice in the Middle East?
Palestinian rocket kills Israeli
Note the mixing in of sympathy for the “Palestinians” in this piece:
An Israeli woman has been killed and one man injured in a Palestinian rocket attack on the town of Sderot, Israeli officials say.
Police say six rockets fell in and around Sderot, close to the border with Gaza in southern Israel.
The Israeli army has been carrying out raids in Gaza intended to stop such rocket attacks.
Last week 19 Palestinian civilians were killed in Beit Hanoun, in an Israeli strike blamed on a technical failure.
A man in his 20s was also seriously wounded in the strike on the town, whose western edge lies less than a kilometre from the Gaza border.
This young man was not just “seriously wounded”. He lost both his legs!,7340,L-3328341,00.html
And of course no BBC report on attempted mass murder of Israeli civilians would be complete without the now obligatory:
Qassam rockets are fired into Israel by Palestinian militants in Gaza on a daily basis.
They rarely cause death or serious injury, but do cause fear and panic. In all, nine people, all civilians, are thought to have been killed in Israel by Qassam rockets since the first fatalities in June 2004.
The last time someone was confirmed to have been killed inside Israel by Palestinian rocket fire was in July 2005.
And just in case there’s any danger of the reader feeling any sympathy for the Jews the report ends thus:
Almost 400 Palestinians, many of them civilians, have died in such operations since late June 2006.
The UN’s chief human rights official, Louise Arbour, says she will visit Israel and the Palestinian territories next week to examine the current situation for civilians. She will hold talks with the authorities on both sides as well as with human rights groups
Cockney, has it ever occurred to you and any of the islamolefty dead-brains that Israel is the west’s frontline and that what happens to them tomorrow would happen to us the day after?
The BBC knows this: that’s why they connive in Israel’s delegitimisation. The comments anticipating the destruction of the jewish state are already written – “the jews brought it upon themselves”, “they refused to make peace” etc. Pure nazism – and you lot accuse the BNP!
I’ll second that.
I’ve got a slightly more “pro Isreal” view, but with views like Mel Smith, is it any wonder that Al Beeb is given carte blanche on it’s reporting.
And this is the thing, it doesn’t take alot to stoke up the flames between the two groups, and where as we need to get the parties to reach a common ground,Al Beeb and Mel are in there own little way driving a wedge between them.
Still it gets the ratings, and now that war is “entertainment” you can bet your grannies life savings that CNN/BBC/FOX/CBS/Sky/C4 et al will make sure that discourse is the name of the day,and not to the gain of the “viewer”.
Jihad V McWorld looks more and more real each day….
Cockney, has it ever occurred to you and any of the islamolefty dead-brains that Israel is the west’s frontline and that what happens to them tomorrow would happen to us the day after?
I think Spain is first.
“They rarely cause death or serious injury”
Where is “crudely made”? Are the not crudely made when they successfully hit Israeli civilians?
In defence of the white working class
The article includes this comment from the racist Yasmin Alibai-Brown, an odious woman whom the BBC gives, in the form of appearance fees, money that is derived from the BBC Tax which I am compelled to pay.
‘This kind of repellent snobbery and prejudice was captured in an extraordinary outburst from newspaper columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Condemning white working-class Britons as “either too lazy or too expensive to compete” in the new era of multi-racialism, she wrote that “tax-paying immigrants past and present keep indolent British scroungers on their couches drinking beer and watching TV”.’
And this comment:
‘while the BBC makes a fetish of minority recruitment, reflected in the famous comment of the former director general Greg Dyke that the corporation is “hideously white”.’
No, it hasn’t occured to me becuase it’s b*llocks as is your ludicrous accusation against the BBC, notwithstanding their admittedly pathetic kneejerk pro-Palestinan stance.
To suggest that the British PM should abandon pragmatism and take a stance guaranteed to perpetuate for all eternity a conflict which generates all sorts of horribly expensive foreign policy issues just demonstrates what a deluded clown Phillips is.
Well, if you can’t tell the difference between a liberal democracy and a tribalist theocracy then I guess Israel must look expendable to some folks.
To suggest that the British PM should abandon pragmatism.
You’ll be voting Labour then?
I’ve got a slightly more “pro Isreal” view, but with views like Mel Smith, is it any wonder that Al Beeb is given carte blanche on it’s reporting.
Please define ‘slightly more “pro Isreal” view’.
And this is the thing, it doesn’t take alot to stoke up the flames between the two groups, and where as we need to get the parties to reach a common ground
Keith T | 15.11.06 – 11:56 am
Are you seriously suggesting that there is a ‘common ground’ to be found between Israel and the likes of Hamas and Hezbollah who’s very existence is based on the destruction of the Jewish State?
This is in the NYT today and is surely worth a mention on BBC news?
Published: November 15, 2006
UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 14 — More than 700 Islamic militants from Somalia traveled to Lebanon in July to fight alongside Hezbollah in its war against Israel, a United Nations report says. The militia in Lebanon returned the favor by providing training and — through its patrons Iran and Syria — weapons to the Islamic alliance struggling for control of Somalia, it adds.
I guess the gushing sympathy we so often heard for Hezbollah from so many BBC journalists will find this fact difficult to swallow, as well as the loud smooching music and overtures towards both Iran & Syria. How many coquette Syrian diplomats have been interviewed on the BBC recently?
Don’t mention the Somalians, or, hey, how about asking a well known former BBC journalist training, sorry, working, for Al Jazeera now?
Don’t mention the Somalians, or, hey, how about asking a well known former BBC journalist training, sorry, working, for Al Jazeera now?
At least we have a pragmatic Prime Minister.
My “pro Isreali” views are that it has the right to exist,and not to be blamed for everything “wrong” in the M.E.
I’ll even support a wall being built if it keeps the peace.
With regards to my “serious suggestion”.
I’m not for one minute suggesting Isreal sits down with Iran’s and Syria’s puppets (and Iraq-Uncle Saddam was making big play’s with Fahtah regarding weapon shipments,including “exotic devises”and any reader of Iraqi Baath Party rehtoric knows that Saddam was rather keen on wiping out Isreal so that he can claim to be a Lion of Islam),BUT they both have sit down eventually or they will be both going the same way as the dodo (a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv isn’t going to help the average Gazian either)….
And the only two peoples that can do that are Palistinians and Isreali’s.
How is that going to happen,don’t ask me,but there will be a “tipping point” where they will have no choice.
You’ll be voting Labour then?
Oh don’t worry, Cockney’s already voted Labour. He doesn’t have the shame to hide it, let alone apologise for it.
Then again this is a fella who thinks that living on the 18th floor of Polly Toynbee House, with its panoramic views of the North Circular Road, is a sign of sophisticated living.
I don’t mind leftists living the cesspit lifestyle, in fact they deserve it. It’s the squaller they want to inflict on everyone else I object to.
AlJazeera TV now available in English on Sky Channel 514.
(well, it cant be worse than AlBeeb!)
Keith T
My “pro Isreali” views are that it has the right to exist,and not to be blamed for everything “wrong” in the M.E.
Woah! Steady on there Keith, you’ll be growing curly sideburns and having your willy snipped at this rate! I mean, acknowledging Israel’s right to exist, where will that lead you? To fascism no doubt! And what with not blaming everything in the middle east on Israel, well I just hope that the Aunty Nancy League are onto ya.
I see Al Beeb is playing one against another….
I would suggest that the average Tory and the average Labour voter have more “values” in common than has been suggested by Andrew Neil.
Forget the pantomime and think for a moment.
Al Beeb (et al) tells us daily how bad the politicians are.
How corrupt and untrustworthy they are.
Then comes election time and “voter apathy” reaches new highs
But the Government are also the regulators of said media corperations.
They don’t like oversight apart from enforcing contracts (the Balen Report being one example).
So it makes sence that the Government and the opposition are bashed over the heads each and every day.
And slowly but carefully the “democracy” that we remember becomes one single homogonous market “brand” with no “left” or “right” but “outsiders” and “insiders”
To summerise- The modern media discredits the political process, to be replaced by a “brand” that promotes tribalism and discourse,while at the same time providing a homogonous,sterile souless world.
William Gibson wrote stories twenty years ago about this.
Now it’s reality called Mcworld.
I’m actually growing my beard for the day “that the black flag of Islam is over Europe”