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Thanks for that. I look forward to your thoughts on “TWTW” doc.
Incidentally, former Guardian editor and career conspirator Peter Preston provably lied through his teeth in his solemnly signed witness statement of June 1995 for Hamilton’s first libel action against the Guardian; did so again in person during examination by Sir Gordon Downey’s inquiry in February 1997; and did so again both in his solemnly signed witness statement, and, most worryingly for him, on oath in the witness box during Hamilton’s Nov-Dec 1999 libel trial.
Just thought I’d mention it.
Are there anyone out there from the BBC reading this, who would like to be the people who finally bring this story of press criminality to the British public’s – and the world’s – attention? A story of the biggest press scandal of all time? The story of how a few corrupt journalists in control of the media’s favourite newspaper used their sway over the Beeb to brainwash a democratic state?
John Reith? Found anyone from the Beeb to sit in on a demo of the evidence yet for £1,000 to charity? For an organisation like the BBC, stuffed as it is with fact-seeking truth-tellers, it should be a cinch, shouldn’t it?
Keith T
I’m relieved to hear that your support of Israel goes as far as it does. What still puzzles me though is what the two sides could possibly talk about. You’re assuming that Arabs think like we do while they’ve been very clear in telling us that they love death while we love life etc.
Just a quick peek at the Hamas Covenant should convince you that talking to them is like, to paraphrase Yitzak Rabin, the mouse telling the cat he doesn’t want to play any more.
Remember that by “Palestine” Hamas means ALL of what is now Israel.
Preface: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” (A quote by Imam Hassan al Banna)
Article 11: “The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up.”
Article 13: “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors. The Palestinian people know better than to consent to having their future, rights and fate toyed with.”
Article 28: “The Zionist invasion is a vicious invasion … It relies greatly in its infiltration and espionage operations on the secret organizations it gave rise to, such as the Freemasons, The Rotary and Lions clubs, and other sabotage groups. All these organizations, whether secret or open, work in the interest of Zionism and according to its instructions …”
Article 32: “After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying.”[31]
See also:
It seems that our problems with the BBC and/or the CofE do not chime all that much in the US. The link here from Instapundit has only generated a few thousand hits.
(EUReferendum has received more than 1.5m as a result of Qanagate).
So despite the blogtalk in the US about the BBC’s ability to inflence US elections it looks like the BBC remains our obsession.
Don’t get narky with me Pete or me and my mates will REALLY ban foxhunting next time.
The BBC and half a story;
Palestinian rocket kills Israeli
An Israeli woman has been killed and one man injured in a Palestinian rocket attack on the town of Sderot, Israeli officials say.
The BBC reports on the death of a woman by terrorists in Israel. So how does the BBC report the story:
Try and claim some sort of justification from the terrorist side;
“There have been several claims of responsibility, including one from the armed wing of the governing Hamas militant group. It said the attack was a response to the deaths in Beit Hanoun.”
Which is given credence by the BBC earlier in that post;
“Last week 19 Palestinian civilians were killed in Beit Hanoun, in an Israeli strike blamed on a technical failure.”
Then point out just how ineffective these crudely home made rockets are.
“Qassam rockets are fired into Israel by Palestinian militants in Gaza on a daily basis. They rarely cause death or serious injury, but do cause fear and panic. In all, nine people, all civilians, are thought to have been killed in Israel by Qassam rockets since the first fatalities in June 2004.
Then point out how effective the jews are in killing Muslims;
“Almost 400 Palestinians, many of them civilians, have died in such operations since late June 2006.”
Then blame the jew a little more;
“The announcement was made as Arab and Islamic countries called for an urgent investigation into the Beit Hanoun deaths, which will be put to a vote later in the day at a special session of the UN Human Rights Council.
Finish with an admission of guilt from the Jews;
“An Israeli military investigation has blamed technical failures for the deaths.”
And there you have it. A story about how a woman was murdered in Israel by Islamic terrorists (who while having no money to feed the kids have enough to launch rocket attacks upon a country which wants nothing to do with them.) and still the BBC blames the victim.
The BBC and half a story.
Your right on the money there me thinks!!
Hamas/Fatah/Hizb are the same cut of the cloth, despotic and who raison d’etre is death and violence.
Eventually even the down trodden will get fed up of the death squads (PA to the Beeboids),no money,no water,no jobs etc….
and the other “paradox” is the less the West is dependant on M.E oil the more these people are forced to have to trade,work and live together.
Probably won’t happen in my life time (and it might end up being mushroom clouds) but the more the ME is weened of the “Zionist” conspiracies the better.
You’ll be voting Labour then?
Oh don’t worry, Cockney’s already voted Labour. He doesn’t have the shame to hide it, let alone apologise for it.
Sorry, I didn’t realise. It puts into context Cockney’s remark in the other thread:
‘I’m sorry but this is really extremely amusing. I’m all in favour of banning old people, they are very annoying.’
This is very Cool-Britannia and fits in nicely with the party of vermin’s pensions cock-up; euthanasia and then snaffle the inheritance tax.
That’s me & the jooows sorted.
Of course, talking about vermin, a good substitute for foxes would be……….?
Check out the Middle Eastern Military Balence on the Centre for Stratigic Studies website ( to see where the Palistinian Authorities spending went…….
Also gives a very good breakdown of the current military situation/expenditure.
And I also recommend reading Anthony Coresman as well for a non partisan account of the problems in Iraq,Iran etc….
Needless to say this organisation has already been trashed by the Beeb because “it was wrong about Iraq”…..
BTW-Is B-BBC is also a pressure group?
The Palestinian’s have repeatedly made it clear that they do not want a two-state solution. Mark Steyn claimed they are after a “No-State Solution”, and considering that all the foreign aid given them to develop their own infrastructure and economy has gone towards trying to destroy Israel, he might not be too far wrong. While this remains the case there is no end in sight for the Israel-Palestine issue. The Palestinians have made sure of that, and its people have voted in Hamas to make doubly sure.
Unless, of course, the Arabs have their way and Israel is wiped off the map. Notwithstanding the obvious grave injustice, if this happened does anyone seriously believe that suicide bombers worldwide would lay down their belts? More like “We’re leaving Israel, next stop, Spain”. So I don’t understand what Blair thinks he can achieve.
Pounce’s last post exposes perfectly the BBC’s infantile stance on the issue. It does not matter a rat’s arse how few Jews are killed by the daily rocket attacks, Israel has the sovereign right to defend itself as it sees fit, and defend itself from extinction. If that leads to more Palestinian deaths, so be it. There is no moral equivalence whatever between a recognised sovereign state, and a group of terrorist organisations whose sole aim is to destroy that state; or between Israel and the Palestinian authorities who divert foreign aid away from their people to fund more terrorism against Israel. The Palestinian folk may be oppressed, but they are oppressed by those who claim to represent them.
Those who blame the Jews, and those who believe the Palestinians want peace, are sadly deluded. That includes the BBC.
WOULD-BE donors are being advised not to send money to Children in Need on Friday.
An independent charity ratings service claims that donations to the BBC appeal, symbolised by the bear Pudsey, will incur two sets of administration charges.,,172-2453720,00.html
& we know how adept are the BBC in running up costs.
I’m only teasing TPO. Some of my best friends are old people. Or Jewish people. Or even old Jewish people.
Some good points there.
Interesting that you mention Blair because so far (and I state in my humble opinion) although he has had his Clintonesque moments (do nothing) he has been on the ball about the Middle East for the last few years (especially Iraq).
Which is why I’m confused about linking Iraq with with the Arab/Isreal conflict.
All that does is allow Iran and Syria to wriggle out of any commitment in Iraq,link in the nuclear issue and place the West/Isreal on the back foot again.
Or am I reading the spun version from Al Beeb?
I’m only teasing TPO.
So I can keep my scalp then even though I prefer Teddy Johnson & Pearl Carr to Puff whatever.
I’m assuming that you’ll be too young to remember that they were the 1959 winners of the Eurovision song contest with ‘Sing little birdy sing’.
Actually they were crap. In all honesty are REALLY going to vote Labour?
are you REALLY
I lie: they were second.
I’m sure as hell not voting Labour next time, abstaining looks like the best option at the moment due to the complete lack of a credible alternative. Maybe I’ll just stand myself and sort this country out once and for all.
Can’t say I’ve heard Teddy and Pearl’s ditty but I’m sure it’s vastly preferable to all (c)rap ‘music’.
Have you any policy suggestions?
Since Uncle Tone had announced his “retirement” Labour has gone rapidly down the karzi…….
The friends of Hizb ut-Tahrir turn on the Beeb…
Let me quote Aziz from Talk about Newsnight-
“Its funny how all this propaganda from all levels of society e.g. government ministers, Head of MI5 and now (Al)BBC are piling on the term Radicalisation of Muslim youth when in actual fact, what is happening is Politicisation due to the government’s foreign policy”.
Well if Aziz is having kittens about what the head of MI5 is saying then the AIVD (Dutch intelligence) in it’s report gives a stark threat of the problems society faces.
The link is provided below and is avalible in English:
Article:From dawa to jihad The various threats from Radical Islam to the democratic legal order
Click to access dawa.pdf
“The friends of Hizb ut-Tahrir turn on the Beeb…”
it was very sloppy reporting,with no real meat. (such as , who funds them – and what are their links to terrorism…)
The unadulterated gobshite that is the BBC’s Focus on Africa magazine, paid for by all you telly tax payers, has in the current edition a stomach-turning tribute to Kofi Annan:
Of course, contrary opinions about the effectiveness of the ‘secular pope’ that could easily found in Rwanda, Congo etc., aren’t provided.
For a fuller exploration of the controversies about Annan go to the free-to-read Wikipedia and leave Focus on Africa on the magazine shelves for the paper recyclers:
” Notwithstanding the obvious grave injustice, if this happened does anyone seriously believe that suicide bombers worldwide would lay down their belts? More like “We’re leaving Israel, next stop, Spain”
Excellent point, heron. A couple of years ago a spokesman for Hamas said that they wouldn’t rest until the flag of Islam first flew over Jeruselem and then the entire world. Israel is our front line in the ongoing islamic Jihad.
Just finished listening to PM on 4. Not a peep about the Palestinian rockets being fired into Israel all day, with one dead and seriously injured people. Jewish casualties are nonexistent for AlBeeb.
And then, in a segment about Phil Shiner who is suing the UK for supplying arms to Israel, Caroline Quin asks: Are you going to sue China and Turkey for arms supplies to Israel?
Hello? Come again? Where have Turkey and China supplied arms to Israel?
Voted Labour ? who is sorry now
“Unemployment hits seven-year high”
The number of people working in manufacturing slumped to a 165-year low.
Gil w rote;
And then, in a segment about Phil Shiner who is suing the UK for supplying arms to Israel, Caroline Quin asks: Are you going to sue China and Turkey for arms supplies to Israel?
This is a funny one, the liberals try to present the image that the Uk is directly supplying Israel with finished weapons of war.
The British supply Aircraft ejector seats and HUD up displays for the American F16 which is then sold by the yanks onto the IDF.
As for Turkey and China. Israel is currently in the process of upgrading the M60 MBT to the Sabra model.
China on the other hand purchases electronic warfare equipment off of Israel.
(I think you will find neither of the above produce anything of a military nature which the IDF would wish to procure)
True story.
In the 60s the IDF used the Centurion MBT and was looking for a replacement. The British in need of an export market for the its Centurion replacement (The Chieftain) allowed the IDF to help develop the tank with an aim to selling it on to Israel. However after the six-day war Arab pressure lead to Britain breaking all contact with Israel and ironically selling on the IDF improved Chieftain onto Israel’s enemies.
(Something the Liberals don’t like to mention)
pounce -> indeed that is correct. and it directly lead to the development of the Merkava tank project, which is probably the best battle tank ever produced.
Re: Merkeva.
Yeah, thats them bloody “joos” for yah!
You shit on them and they turn it into chocolate mousse, so exasperating isn’t it.
The BBC’s chief political correspondent, Nick Robinson, is the prime example of a journalist interested only in the gossip & intrigue of politics, rather than considering that he has any duty to his audience to explain the intricacies of policy.
Well in this case, not Robinson, but the next “best” thing, Jon Snow (from his snowmail)
It’s official. Tony Blair endorses Gordon Brown for prime minister. That’s really the biggest thing out of today’s Queen’s speech event
These journalists spend all their time telling us that Blair’s a lame duck, has no support left, etc etc. Yet they obsess over trying to get wind of any endorsement that Blair may give to a successor.
” will | 15.11.06 – 9:38 pm |”
pathetic isnt it?
remember when “control orders” were introduced, because of terrorism and terrorists.
well, lo and behold , they are now being extended to “serious criminals”.
“The introduction of Serious Crime Prevention Orders (SCPOs), which are designed to restrict the ability of crime bosses to carry out their illegal businesses. They are similar to control orders used on terrorist suspects.”
“restrict”??? huh? how about arresting them and putting them on trial?
How’d you like this?
Just offhand I’d suggest that more Jews then Arabs win Nobel prizes because their kids study science instead of the Koran and high explosives.
John Reith | 14.11.06 – 1:34 pm
I’d bet the reason was ignorance, not bias.
And I’d bet the reason was the usual BBC minimising of Muslim culpability, probably at editorial level but equally likely to have stemmed from the reporter’s understanding of what BBC editors regard as acceptable reporting on Muslims.
Who are you trying to kid, John Reith? Are you really tring to tell us that the BBC hasn’t been largely taken over by Muslim-friendly propagandists?
The most disgusting BBC bias I have heard was a day or two after the 7th July bombings. I was watching BBC News 24 in the early hours (God knows why) and the female ‘on the spot’ reporter mentioned that the bus had exploded near the headquarters of the BMA. She said something along the lines that the suicide bomber ‘possibly exploded the bomb there because he didn’t want people to suffer and knew doctors would come rushing out of the BMA building and help’.
I didn’t know if I was dreaming at first and still am that disgusted by what I heard that maybe I was.
Perhaps Mr Reith can guide me to an archive of BBC News 24 material as I really would like to check this out.
Mr Reith wont guide anyone anywhere that will prove BBC bias. Or, in this case BBC, ignorance and idiocy.
Iraq-“That means killing the bad guys. Not winning their hearts and minds, placating them or bringing them into the government. Killing them.
To master Iraq now – if it could be done – we’d have to fight every faction except the Kurds. Are we willing to do that? Are we willing to kill mass murderers and cold-blooded executioners on the spot?
“If not, we can’t win, no matter what else we do.”
Ralph Peters-New York Post
Just on newsnight, racist attack in Scotland some got their hair cut off.
“Ralph Peters-New York Post”
errr… but we are killing them. has he forgotten about Al Zaqwari already?
The BBC – gateway to Al Jazeera,,2-2454612,00.html
Well what did you expect for ex-Beeboids – Fox News?
“Almost 400 Palestinians, many of them civilians, have died in such operations since late June 2006.”
Of course there are heavy civilian casualties – terrorists are civilians!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course there are heavy civilian casualties – terrorists are civilians!!!!!!!!!!!
Jon | 16.11.06 – 12:40 am
Jeremy Bowen lets slip that there is actually a Palestinian Army, called Fatah:
“This is an ugly game,” a young Palestinian soldier loyal to President Abbas said, as he eyed the Hamas men, with their beards and Kalashnikovs, on the other side of the street.
“To master Iraq now – if it could be done – we’d have to fight every faction except the Kurds. Are we willing to do that? Are we willing to kill mass murderers and cold-blooded executioners on the spot?”
I’ve got no problem with it.