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Muslim’s ‘grave error’ over Irving
“Asghar Bukhari, a former chief executive of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC), which describes itself as a civil liberties group”
Just remind me again, how much does the British taxpayer fork out to subsidise this collection of pantomime horses.
On the bbc?
No I didn’t think so.
Setting the daily tone for social workers across the country You And Yours is perhaps the most derided programme on BBC Radio 4 – even among R4’s Guardian-reading listeners. Today’s edition provided a couple of fine examples of why this organ of statism is so dangerous that anyone mining for evidence of the BBC spewing a stream of control-freakery
into the airwaves needs look no further.
Item one for the prosecution was the “discussion” of a leaked (!) report suggesting the government is about to allow water companies to force consumers to have water meters – now to be installed at their own expense. Oh goodie! And who did Y&Y have on to comment on this proposal? Why, some ZaNuLabour android who pretends to be the consumer’s advocate on the Labour quango that is stitching up the deal. And did she take the consumer’s part? Of course she didn’t! Airily stepping around the fact that even by the water company’s own figures, water meters might result in a ten per cent reduction in consumption, she was word perfect, doing precisely what she was appointed to do: support whatever proposals some policy twonk has told Tony Bliar is A Good Thing.
There was no opposing voice.
Next on parade was road pricing. This time we were exposed to some deeply troubled soul from the Chambers of Commerce, who was heard stumbling around, suggesting (against all logic) that road pricing will reduce traffic. Well, we only drive for pleasure, don’t we? So we’ll all cut down. Err, won’t we? Of course, we won’t: and all road pricing will do is raise yet more money for the government to squander. And the opposing point of view from Y&Y? Again, not a whisper. Instead we had a teenager who claimed to be a ‘road pricing consultant’ telling us that road pricing is “inevitable”.
It’s only inevitable, sonny, because people like you have already decided it will happen, whether we want it or not.
Thus was another good morning’s work accomplished by the Y&Y team, promoting the encroachment of the state, stifling debate, advancing whatever cause the government wishes to advance and, generally, helping make life worse for everyone.
Y&Y always reminds me of the “committee to save the gay whales”.
Every day they are earnestly tut-tutting about some newly discovered problem in society that can apparently only be fixed by some kind of new law and a new committee of well-meaning, well-intentioned volvo drivers like themselves.
Today’s little gem also covered customer service from broadband companies. There were some weird views being floated – especially the idea that if a company provides a really good helpline this will only encourage its customers to call. Presumably the converse is that a really crap helpline can be very cheap because fewer people will even try to call. AAAAAAArrrrggghhhhh !
I really do think that the Y&Y crew could do with a “business for dummies” primer – a kind of “Real-World 101” lesson.
“Presumably the converse is that a really crap helpline can be very cheap because fewer people will even try to call.”
That actually makes sense. Why do they need a primer?
This is precisely what Carphone Warehouse has been accused of – cost cutting on its customer service, with the result of long waiting times and confusing results.
CW trade off customer satisfaction in the knowledge that customers are locked in. Giving them minimal forum for complaint or the chance to back out of the service means that their complaints may blow over. Some don’t of course, but CW, one guesses, calculates that unless customers are truly hacked off, the hassle of switching for many is too burdensome to make them do something.
It’s not great [long term] business, IMO, but it certainly is practiced and it may well make financial sense to do so in the short term.
Additionally, a number of companies such as Easyjet don’t provide a free helpline, which would be many people’s idea of a good helpline. And that certainly discourages callers and, through charging ones that are connected make it cheaper for the company. In this case, the cheap cost of flights means the vast majority of people probably don’t care that they have to pay for a helpline.
Following the BBCs Panorama last night “Booze – What Every Teenager Needs to Know: Panorama reports on the hidden lives of teenage binge drinkers and follows one girl’s battle with the bottle” it was interesting to hear Andrew Marr and others on Radio 4s “Start the Week” chat show never ever using the Binge word when they were talking about writers and intellectuals, instead it’s so and so was “a huge heavy drinker” or they “all drank huge amounts” I wonder if this is because the BBC gaggle of liberal elitists only like to refer to “Binge drinking” when it’s the white working class? Once again proving Leo McKinstry’s point in his Telegraph article last week In defence of the white working class. The BBC journalist Anna Adams in last night’s Panorama had a permanent sneer on her face, such a haughty countenance! How awful for her mixing with such low life- young persons drinking alcohol! In fact, at times, it reminded me a bit of Bruce Parry in his “Tribe” series.
BTW Sir David Frost plugging Al Jazeera on BBC Radio 4 this morning, tells all “it’s on Channel 514” Andrew Marr comments: “Excellent!”
No hint of product placement here then!
The Milton Friedman (D)HYS didn’t stay open very long, did it? I wonder if he’ll get eulogised on Y&Y?
Do you not see the irony of the fact that your website is blatantly biased against the BBC? Surely if you’re campaigning for unbiased headlines you should be unbiased about the news agencies themselves…
guyrin tool,
how does that work then?
… far as i can see, this website reveals a hidden (or maybe not so hidden) bbc politcal agenda.
i dont pay any license fee for this useful service, so they can be as biased as they please, so long as what they publish is anchored in truth.
Shouldn’t this website be called Biased Biased BBC then?
or BBBBC in short.
“Do you not see the irony of the fact that your website is blatantly biased against the BBC?”
Documenting the BBC’s far left wing agenda is not bias, it’s fact.
The Lib Dems in Yorkshire want to go into an alliance with the BNP yet can you find a MSM or BBC story on it?
Though when that Tory in Wiltshire sent that ‘racist’ Email the Lib Dims and the media jumped on it.
Regarding the road pricing, I dont suppose the foreign trucks which have been using our roads for free for decades was mentioned ?
A BBC Editor writes about Five Live’s hug a muslim day.
A day in the life
Richard Jackson 20 Nov 06, 02:40 PM
“There were several texts and e-mails along the lines of “Oh no, not Muslims again” . In fact, Khalid and Sara told Nicky they too are fed up of hearing about Muslims in the news. Some people who work here were sceptical too. Was it patronising? Would we get the tone right?
But there’s been a lot of positive reaction too. Some other bits of BBC News told us they wish they’d had the idea. A couple of sceptics told us they were won over, not least by Sara’s passionate arguments.
And we also had a lot of questions from people. Some were challenging what the Koran had to say about certain issues,”
Just ‘certain issues’? What ‘issues’ would they be? Why so shy BBC?
“…others wanted to know practical details (why do you have to pray five times a day? Why not six – or four?) Others were just grateful to hear some calmer voices in a debate which so often gets taken over by the more strident opinions.
Predictably, others wanted to know when we might spend a day with a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu. It’s something we would certainly consider. What do you reckon, Steve?
Donhca just hate those listeners who don’t buy in to the whole multi-culti hug-a-muslim thing – it’s all so ‘predictable’….
Moonbat arrested?
At the same time as the Nazi Graffiti was daubed on the war memorial (and elsewhere!), according to the Worthing Herald
the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal headquarters, also in Worthing, received an anonymous letter…
The writer refers to the war on Iraq and said: “I hope all British and Americans are kicked out or killed”.
Well, now the BBC announces
Man arrested over Nazi graffiti
A 21-year-old man has been arrested by police hunting vandals who daubed a war memorial in West Sussex with Nazi swastikas and SS symbols.
The BBC interpretation of events never let on about the anonymous letter (even the police tried to play it down), I wonder if we will hear a sympathetic tone now for an anti-Iraq war protestor? Maybe one of the protestors from the original million man march?
Another (D)HYS shut down early for not towing the liberal multi-culti line. Check out the whole first page of recommended.
Is Dutch government right to back burqa ban?
“The Dutch cabinet said burqas disturb public order, citizens and safety.
Do you live in the Netherlands? Can an item of clothing really disturb public order? Are you a Muslim? Send us your views and experiences.
I forgot to add, that although we are used to the Biased BBC not revealing the ethnicity of suspects when it doesn’t suit them this has been well documented), it would be very inconvenient indeed if the ‘Man arrested over Nazi graffiti’ had anything to do with the religion of peace. Especially with the launch tonight:
“of a high-powered coalition, involving MPs, Muslim groups, trade unions and the campaign group Liberty, to confront Islamophobia.”,,1952627,00.html
Guy Rintoul:
Have you ever read Jihad V Mcworld?
CNN/Fox/BBC/CBS/ABC/C4 et al are only interested in one thing……MONEY.
Once Al-Beeb never advertised,now even the “news” becomes an “infotainment” with more on Mad-onna and gutter politics,than “journalism” (not forgetting the adverts for Doha et al on World),more interested in promoting the “ideaology” than factual reporting.
And of course any amount of discourse is only going to further “viewer/readership” so spin any yarn to get a “reaction” and watch the coffers go up and up and up.
In fact I would go as far as to say that in the LONG TERM the Al Beeb et al are more damaging to democracy than Al Quieda,after all these jokers are in control of the infomation that we recieve……..
Once upon a time the “left” was against “big buisness”-now it is THE BUISNESS.
O/T Tim Blair links to an hilarious mp3 file where author Bryce Courtenay joins the Juan Cole & Michael Moore club, where 9/11 was in retaliation for events which had not yet taken place.
Notice that after Bryce has been told that he has been talking boll***s he swings smoothly into another line that leaves the democratic world as being in the wrong.
I think the goo doctor has something to add.
Back to You and Yours
Different Anon is righ to say that running a crap helpline might make short-term commercial sense.
What was missing was any appreciation of how an individual calling a crap helpline would not know that other people also found it crap – he or she has only his own experience. And there was a total lack of even basic maths – the studio crowd all seemed to agree that say a huge corporation having 10 complaints was worse than a tiny company having only 9 complaints.
“10 complaints is worse than 9 complaints.” Sadly this is the kind of crap we expect from the general public – this kind of mathematical illitercay – but I would hope that BBC journoes could do a little bit better.
Yes, I have just come across a BBC shocker – why is it that they LIKE to promulgate allergies, and persuade the middle class tree-hugging parents that their children are allergic to everything.
In light of all the publicity the BBC gave towards that Panorama program about underage drinking last night.
I wonder why the BBC are keeping the lid on this story;
City’s young Asians keep sex a secret
Nov 20 2006
YOUNG Asians in Birmingham appear to be relying on emergency contraception and abortions as a result of keeping their sexual relationships secret, according to new figures.
Analysis of the 4,400 young Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani and British Asians who visited the Brook advisory service in Birmingham from April 2005 to March 2006 also revealed they are more likely to have unprotected sex but less likely to be tested for sexually transmitted infections.
Instead of using the Pill or contraceptive implants, young Asian women are more likely to need the morning after pill or an abortion referral, according to a BBC Asian Network investigation – Sex, Lies and Culture – to be broadcast tonight.
Meera, a 19-year-old Birmingham student, who contracted herpes, said: “Having herpes has totally ruled out the possibility I could have an arranged marriage.”
She admitted there was a need to keep her sexual relationships secret from her family.
The BBC and half a story;
This story broke yesterday;
Inquiry opens into fatal stabbing
A 25-year-old man has died in hospital following a disturbance involving more than a dozen men in Greater Manchester. The man suffered stab wounds in the fracas in Bradshawgate, Bolton, in the early hours of Sunday and later died. A 23-year-old man was also taken to the Royal Bolton Hospital with stab wounds but later discharged himself.
Today it was amended to say this;
Seven held after stabbing death
Seven people are being questioned by police in Greater Manchester after a 25-year-old man was stabbed to death during a disturbance. Rabid Amin was killed during a fracas in Bradshawgate, Bolton, in the early hours of Sunday. A post-mortem examination revealed he died from multiple stab wounds. Seven men, aged 20, 22, 23, 34 and three 19-year-olds were arrested on suspicion of murder and are being questioned by detectives.
and here’s how the Manchester Evening news reports on the story;
Plea for calm after brawl knife death
A POLICE chief has appealed for calm after a man was stabbed to death in a town centre.The 25-year-old victim, who has been named as Rabid Amin, suffered stab wounds during a disturbance in Bolton. Seven men are now in custody after being arrested on suspicion of murder. The incident, involving 15 youths, all Asian, happened outside Raja’s Takeaway on Bradshawgate at about 4.30am yesterday.
What is it about the BBC in which they always cover up the thuggery (usually with knives) which the faithful have a penchant for.
The BBC and half a story.
Oh dear, another (D)HYS not going al-beebs way. I expect it will be closed once the moonbat morning shift get in tomorrow….
Should there be a right to wear a cross at work?
“Added: Monday, 20 November, 2006, 14:52 GMT 14:52 UK
I suggest Miss Eweida wears a full Muslim outfit to work tomorrow and wear the cross under that, the BA bosses won’t know it’s there!
[photoboy], Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Recommended by 79 people”
Remind the BBC of this next time you hear them bleating on about ‘alienation’ as a cause of terrorism…..
Terror hotbed theory ‘unproven’
Pounce – “keeping the lid” on that story? It aired as part of the Six O’Clock News! Apparently before your comment, according to the timestamp.
Do you live in the Netherlands? Can an item of clothing really disturb public order? Are you a Muslim? Send us your views and experiences.
Ritter | 20.11.06 – 4:53 pm | #
Try wearing a nice crisp Nazi Uniform whilst out walking the dog and see an item of clothing disturb public order!
BBC- As thick as unpeeled King Edward Potatoes.
“I really do think that the Y&Y crew could do with a “business for dummies” primer – a kind of “Real-World 101″ lesson.”
i really do refuse to listen to Y&Y – if i did i’d be down to the U.S. embassy applying for a visa to get the hell out of here…
it is really depressing stuff.
On PM I heard another one sided report form Gaza – the reporter (can’t remember his name) said something like (I wish I could remember the exact words) when the Israelis give notice to a Palestinian militant that he is going to be bombed – neighbours all go around and act as a “Human Shield” so that the Israelis don’t attack. The reporter never once said that this was against the Geneva Convention. But what was also interesting was that the spokesman for the “Human Shield” said that it stops the Israelis attacking the house. I found this quite odd as according to most reports from the BBC the Israelis are “targeting civilians” – if this is the case surely Palestinian Human Shields should make no difference at all. One can only conclude that the Israelis do not in fact knowingly target civilians. I wonder how the BBC will square that circle.
“Dr John Crippen | Homepage | 20.11.06 – 5:58 pm |”
part and parcel of the overall decline in science reporting on the BBC.
anything for a quick, tabloidish headline.
“The reporter never once said that this was against the Geneva Convention.”
Hamas gunman enters house : “you must go to human shield!!”
houseowner: “err. no i’d rather not”
Hamas gunmen: “if you do , i kill your children”
houseowner: “ooh ok. so. will i shout Allah Akbar as well so?”
devils kitchen is on Doughty Street. he’s been invited onto vox politics.
(he’s promised to keep his language under control)
Tony Blair at Camp Bastion, Helmand, to members of the task force, including 42 Commando Royal Marines.
“You may not know this but people back home are very proud of what you do regardless of what they think of the politicians.”
This “they” does he mean the BBC and their biased reporting of events in Afghanistan & Iraq?
Ollie wrote;
“Pounce – “keeping the lid” on that story? It aired as part of the Six O’Clock News! Apparently before your comment, according to the timestamp.”
Good point. Unlike you i haven’t had the chance to watch the telly tonight.
Maybe that explains why 99% of my posts attack the BBC news web outlet.
On another note I’ve just drained another Millers.
I know I shouldn’t say this.
But just for once I would love the IDF to just throe caution to the wind.;
Oh the BBC wouldn’t like it. But oh boy would I dance a jig for the jews that night.
Doesn’t that make me a racist?
I was just wondering what the Guiness Book of Records has for the largest number of Palestinians to be taken out by a single IDF strike!
Maybe Hamas will blow up some of their own in the interests of the greater good! It wouldn’t be the first time if certain rumours are true.
That piece on PM by the high-pitched BBC boy in Gaza was appallingly biased.
Wonder why there are no human shields in Israel? This sort of logic is beyond the Fisk groupies who crawl around the BBC newsroom.
Oh and how about this on PM from Eddie Mair (paraphrased) : “and we hear from the woman who wants to show off her Christianity”. I wonder if he would (or would dare to) use such a phrase when describing the veiled maidens of Islam? I think not.
Re: Socialism is Necrotizing | 20.11.06 – 8:37 pm | #
“Try wearing a nice crisp Nazi Uniform whilst out walking the dog and see an item of clothing disturb public order!”
Well, I recollect that Prince Harry did the Swastika arm-band thing for a fancy dress party and got a right royal roasting from the media and all and sundry. Of course he had to apologise profusely etc. etc. and was grounded for several weeks by Chas.
Goose, sauce, gander springs to mind.
Wonders will never cease…Sharmi Chakrabati seen on ITV News talking sense re: the British Airways ban on the wearing of a crucifix!
“Flying Pig Squadron – you are cleared for take-off on runway 27…”
“Oh the BBC wouldn’t like it. But oh boy would I dance a jig for the jews that night.”
i would too. and half the time , i wonder why they dont just bomb the crap out of the place.
then i read stuff about treblinka, belzec, etc.. and then i understand why they dont.
never heard of belzec eh?
here you go. 9 months. 600,000.
that is at the *core* of the israeli state – “never again”. and for them to engage in random genocide is unthinkable to them. that is why they still have a “gaza problem”, whereas the likes of say , the Yanks, or even ourselves, the Brits would have blown it to kingdom come years ago.
Here’s an e-mail from BBC that’s been circulated around Manchester universities:
“The BBC wants to hear from you! Interested in working in TV? The industry needs to attract the brightest, most creative and talented people it can find. We want to reflect the cultural diversity of the North West region so are especially keen to welcome people from diverse communities.
Can you help deliver the best programmes on television, radio or online? Come along to one of the Question and Answer sessions in your area and find out more about exciting opportunities at the BBC and ITV Granada and a host of other TV companies. Together with Cultural Diversity Network North and Media Training North West, we’ll be announcing details of placements, training schemes and work opportunities. We’ll also explain how you can get involved in developing a new BBC comedy drama series based on stories from Muslim communities.
Question and Answer sessions:
Mon 27 Nov OLDHAM Grange Arts Centre, Rochdale Road, Oldham
Tues 28 Nov BOLTON Reebok Stadium, Junction 6 M61, De Vere Whites Hotel, Bolton Weds 29 Nov MANCHESTER, BBC New Broadcasting House, Oxford Rd, Manchester
Thurs 30 Nov BLACKBURN King George’s Hall Northgate, Blackburn
Refreshments provided! Win tickets for BBC shows!
For bookings and more information contact Melanie Harris to reserve a place.
Phone: 07813 989933 or Email:“
You gotta love it.
there is no such thing as a “muslim community” – they have as many subdivisions and sects as the “christian community”.
its like lumping Ian Paisleys lot with the Roman Catholics… and calling the combined total the “christian community”.
utter bollocks in other words.
The MSM have excelled themselves in their current anti-Russian pogrom.The great cold war enemy is resurrected again, just in time for the re-launch of a 1960s James Bond film. It seems that too many people are getting use to the Islamic terrorists as the bad guys and it might be a good idea to return to the old maps and the once familiar territory. Jon Snow this evening on C4 news:
“Did Putin poison him?” as well as the BBC ramping up the volume, digging up all of the old Kremlinologists.
Don’t underestimate the forces at work in Londonistan that genuinely support the Islamists in Chechnya.
And what a bonus for Litvinenko’s crazy book “Blowing up Russia: Terror from Within”, one of Osama’s favourite books. The sales right now must be rocketing, the BBC even has a picture of him with his book
Is this all a gigantic book publishing PR scam organised by the Russian mafia, similar to Murdoch’s attempt to sell OJ Simpson’s book? Why this attempt by the MSM to sympathise with a crazy conspiracy theorist who says that it wasn’t Islamic terrorists that killed 300 people in Moscow but the Russian FSB?
There are a number of BBC journalists on Newsnight who trot out this nonsense regularly. This is all very similar to those people who believe that 9/11 was the result of the CIA who, they argue, blew it up themselves.
Because I believe that it was Islamic terrorists who blew up Moscow, that blew up the Moscow Theatre, etc., I am very sceptical of anything Litvinenko says, because he is in denial. I see him rather like some people look upon David Irving, and to be quite honest the images of him propped up in a hospital bed looked to me quite normal, ok his hair has been shaved off, unlike the one of him holding his book .And this all happened how many weeks ago? Well orchestrated isn’t it?
Has it crossed peoples minds that this may have been self-inflicted?
“From militant leaders to schoolgirls, Palestinians can unite in confronting their enemy and the passive resistance of the human shields will be admired from around the world.”
So says Alan Johnson from the BBC.
I find the BBC absolutely repugnant.
Read the rest if you can stomach the gut churning propoganda.
Come on John Reith defend that.
“Hundreds of protesters gathered in Bogor to complain about US foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, though no violence was reported.”
Are the BBC not aware that the jakarta-bogor area is home to about 20 million people yet only a few hundred could be roused to protest his visit. Bush could raise more than a few hundred protesters in Crawford Texas! A typical bbc hyped anti-bush non-story
Oh come on now, Jon! Alan Johnson can’t have spent more than about 400 words in a sort of ecstacy of celebration of the brave Palestinians facing down the Most Evil “Country” in the World. He balanced the piece marvellously I thought with his closing paragraph:
“But nobody should imagine that the likes of Hamas are suddenly being won over wholly to the strategies of pacifism.
If they possessed anti-aircraft guns [which, they don’t, poor things and must be content with casting impotent stones at their vicious enemies], they would surely blaze away [but, alas, in futility because of the superior technology sold to the Zionist mass-murdering oppressors by the war-mongering Booosh] at the circling planes.”
Somehow, the Beeb’s ‘balancing’ page – the Israelis facing Palestinian rockets – doesn’t have quite the same tone:
Dennisthemenace: that was an Afrika Korps uniform – in other words, regular army. No SS or other Nazi troops ever fought on the African fronts, and that, added to the upright instincts of most commanders, mean that it was the most clean and chivalrous campaign – along with the short-lived Ethiopian affair – in the entire Second World War. The closest I have ever come to hearing of any war crime in Africa was a photo of a British soldier in Tobruk wearing a dozen watches on his arm – which it was supposed he had not acquired by purchase. Therefore, when the papers went apeshit about poor Prince Harry wearing an Afrika Korps uniform, they only displayed their ignorance. And besides, shock horror: eighteen-year-old goes to party dressed as German trooper. If he had dressed as a Mafia murderer (with a nice imitation Thompson machine gun) or a bandit or an old-time executioner, would anyone have said anything? Of course not: even though, compared to any of these, an Afrika Korps trooper is a model of decency. Political Correctness and brute ignorance go side by side.
Naughtie 1 (about 7.30am)
St James has a “lighthearted” piece on Today about the amount of official red tape. However, he soon becomes rather priggish and tetchy with the interviewee Ross Clark. But is it simply because Clark writes for a magazine that is definitely not the BBC in-house magazine:
or is it because Clark used as his main example Gordon Brown’s 1000 page pension information? Criticism of Gordon Brtown is a definite no-no to St James.