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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Did the Army pull the wool over this BBC reporters eyes?
“New technology has given the average soldier what they have never had before – a voice. But how have their gripes and grumbles been aired before and what do the changes mean?
We may groan, complain, gripe or grumble about everything from school dinners and traffic cones to fashion and foreign policy.
Then we contact the BBC, e-mail our MP or write to a newspaper in an attempt to air our grievance and change things. It is part of the process of a democratic society. But there’s one group who have a long and respectable history of gripes and grumbles, but have no voice – and it’s the military.
Web blogs tell of life in Iraq
Soldierly complaining is down to such a fine art that they have a special word for it; to “grouse”.
Grouse? Err BBC I think the word the armed forces use isn’t ‘Grouse’ it’s winge.
And I’d be very very wary of the value of awesome historical exclusives in the Daily Mail.
Cockney | 30.11.06 – 1:46 pm
You’re not suggesting it was an Islamic invention after all and that Euclid’s lot had nothing to do with it. Are you? ‘Cos the beeb is always trying to pull that one.
Nope, not me. My connection is very much different.
Oh yes silly me the link to the grouse article;
FTP -> it is. i watched about 1 episode of it. never again…
Donators to the Trust, including Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela and Bill Clinton are reported to have requested copies of the tape.
Haven’t the BBC illiterates who come up with these HYS topics ever heard of that little word donor?
Part of the general decline, I guess.
A chap to be commissioned by the BBC as a counter to Adam Curtis?
Winning Muslim hearts and minds – Michael Burleigh
Constant warnings about terrorist threats evoke mixed public responses: rage, indifference, panic, or, from the liberal-Left, the clever patrician conceit that these are invented “nightmares”. None of these is open to anyone aspiring to government, including the Conservative Party as it wrestles with these terribly difficult issues.
Far too often we concede too much to the terrorists’ vision, not only of us, but of themselves. How exactly would the caliphate of bin Laden’s imaginings be governed? Hardly at all, judging by the carnage that enveloped Afghanistan under the Taliban. What precisely do the self-appointed emirs and imams know about Islam? How do you subvert the cultural supremacy of Arabic within it? Surely we should be encouraging authoritative voices that regard radical jihadists as heretics rather than kow-towing to useless so-called “community” leaders?
But where are such authoritative voices?
“The enemies of reconciliation between Turkey and Europe hoped that the Pope’s visit would be controversial and unpleasant. It has been the opposite. The disappointment in al-Qaida’s absurd press statement yesterday was palpable. The annoyance in the Greek Cyriot pseudo-state in southern Cyprus must have been just as great. ”
If anyone has access to CiF, could they have a word with this prat please?
“My battle with liberal Britain”,,2087-1892987,00.html
three page article by Shaun Bailey.
worth reading.
“voluntary code free zone”
a graphic to stick on yer blog.
Excellent article from Down Under,20867,20843706-7583,00.html
Hat-tip Norm at Normblog
“Though she said she wants to live in Pakistan, in my view the reason given by her that she has been prevented by the petitioner (her mother) from leading her life according to Islamic virtue seems to me to have been tutored as at present she is under the influence of the respondent (her father).”
The Pakistani judge in the Molly Campbell case seems to have a much better grasp of the situation than al beeb.
‘Molly’s father slammed by judge as custody basttle continues’,,3-2479627,00.html
Just spotted this in the Telegraph – ‘Sky’s Murdoch accuses BBC of ‘megalomania’
“Speaking at Ofcom’s first international Communications and Convergence conference in London, Mr Murdoch called for an end to the “cosy world of UK broadcasting” where “arguing in favour of the free market still causes raised eyebrows”.
James Murdoch is pleased ITV has strong leadership
Singling out the UK’s main state broadcasting agency for particular criticism he said: “The BBC, infamously fantasizes about creating a British Google – and wants the taxpayer to fund it. “This is not public service, it’s megalomania.”;jsessionid=03YMV2WARDHS3QFIQMFCFFOAVCBQYIV0?xml=/money/2006/11/30/bcnsky30.xml
I can’t believe Keith Allen and his totally pathetic comments on Robin Hood.
He enjoys the comments the show makes on life in the 21st century, particularly the conflict in Iraq, and thinks it’s important the viewers pick up on them.”
I see. So a drama set in the early 13th century about English’s most famous folk hero, must become a vehicle to promote 21st century BBC attitudes. Can you say propaganda?
“We can’t ignore Iraq and the war, it’s as simple as that. I think the writers have been incredibly brave to have taken it on and included it in the script.”
Oh come on Keith luvie, turning another BBC drama series into a preachy soap box for the left is hardly “incredibly brave” is it? Hardly Theo van Gogh!
How about just for sheer novelty value, making an historical drama series that actually bares some resemblance to the period in which it’s supposed to be set.
TPO said: I’ve always been hard pushed to swallow the bbc line that every wonder of the modern world can be traced back to some tent dweller in the middle of Arabia.
You are absolutely correct to be skeptical. Islamic learning flowered only after those tent dwellers had been exposed to the higher civilizations of Byzantium, Persia and India. Also a whole lot of those so-called ‘Arab’ scholars were actually Assyrians, Persians or Jews.
Re the ancient greek computer: it’s actually quite an old story, nearly a year as I recall. Can’t see why the Mail are reporting it now, unless some majore new discovery about it has been made. Doesn’t look like it.
That aside, the only factual error I can find is the age. It’s a lot older than 2000 years. Probably closer to 2500. The jews were still in the middle of the Maccabean revolt when that thing was dropped in the sea, the arabs were quite happily worshiping their gods without murdering anyone who disagreed with them, the last remnants of the Persian empire were being absorbed by the Greeks, who quite appreciated the carpets, Hindu mathematicians were wrestling with mathematical concepts that even the Greeks had trouble with (such as the number 0, one of 9 sanskrit numerals that are erroneously referred toa s “arabic” for some reason), and using them to observe the stars, and the chinese were forgetting how to make gunpowder again. No uncle Mo anywhere.
Banned in Britain: You are so right about Mark Steyn and him being “more right that most understand and the left has little concept at all.”
As he wrote in May 2003; ” This war is over. The only question now is whether a new provisional government is installed before the BBC and The New York Times have finished running their exhaustive series on What Went Wrong with the Pentagon’s Failed War Plan. . .
…It takes two to quagmire. In Vietnam, America had an enemy that enjoyed significant popular support and effective supply lines. Neither is true in Iraq. Isolated atrocities will continue to happen in the days ahead, as dwindling numbers of the more depraved Ba’athists confront the totality of their irrelevance. But these are the death throes: the regime was decapitated two weeks ago, and what we’ve witnessed is the last random thrashing of the snake’s body.
By the time you read this, Tariq Aziz and the last five Ba’athists in Baghdad may be holed up in Fisk’s Ba’athroom, and he’ll be hailing the genius of their plan to lure the Americans to their doom by leaving his loo rolls on the stairwell for the Marines to slip on.
But, for everyone other than media naysayers, it’s the Anglo-Aussie-American side who are the geniuses. Rumsfeld’s view that one shouldn’t do it with once-a-decade force, but with a lighter, faster touch has been vindicated, with interesting implications for other members of the axis of evil and its reserve league.”
Or even better just after the capture of Saddam. “The insurgency will continue for a few weeks yet, but it will peter out, like the dictator, not with a bang but a whimper.”
Right on Mark!
HYS on Microsoft Vista
oh dear. the debate is now closed.
i wonder why?
to be honest , i was quite surprised myself at the amount of people saying they are running Linux. i thought it was just me and similar hacker/geeky types…
While watching the distinctly sinister Matthew Taylor being interviewed (with special kid gloves) by Auntie Martha, on Newsnight, a thought occurs to me.
When the space aliens occupied the bodies of the zombies who drive ZaNuLabour, what was done to their brains that made it impossible for them to pronounce the letter ‘T’?
I swear, if one more of these affected imbeciles says “tha'” instead of “that” or “abou'” instead of “about”, I am going to scream. Loudly.
gr cooper -> dunno. is that the sarf engerland accent creeping in?
“When the space aliens occupied the bodies of the zombies who drive ZaNuLabour,”
HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!
What a SLUR on Space Aliens….
I think you’ll find that what infected Neo Labour and the SatanicHomosexual BBC is more like a perverse living slurry…….or, shit for brains…..
Christ, the backlash is going to be huge…..what a mess Neo Fascist Labour have made……
Must say I’m enjoying watching the BBC die……do you know, that the shitty cheap Zena Robin Hood on Saturday nights? only gets about 5 million viewers??…..thats right folks……..MOST PEOPLE have better things to do on a Saturday night……and by MOST I mean over 90% of the UK population….yet the BBC screams about this as a success??? HAHAHA
BBC – Everyones Switching Off…..LOL.
I give it 5 years, and it will be totaly dead, out paced by technology and the free market……
And lets face it, locking up people over the TV LOicence is going to end up in the BBC getting sued for Human Rights abuses….and instead of them bleating and crying about a 200 Year Dead Slave Trade…they can deal with the 30,000 LIVING people that they take to court every month…….
Fuck the BBC……it’s a steaming pile of communist/gay/islamic shit.
In Fighting at the BBC too???……make that 3 years…
Sounds like Paxo don’t want to hear the voice of the people…he would much rather listen to his own old, boring tones……the only good thing to ever come out of Paxo was his spitting image puppet…
Keep him where he is Beeb…….with old dinosaurs like Paxo slagging of the BBC and public……’s all going in the right direction… 😉
…if you want to see the end of the bbc that is…
archduke writes:
!gr cooper -> dunno. is that the sarf engerland accent creeping in?’
Nuffink Sarf London about that lot of tossers. Bliar’s native accent is Scottish. The glottal stop etc are phoney’s ‘man of the people’ affectations and, as such, adopted by his courtiers in homage.
BTW, the ‘R’ crept in mistakenly in my earlier post. Can’t type yet feels free to criticise others’ pronunciation!
anonymous – see the “Name:” thing in the comments box. type in someting – i dunno – “willy wonka” maybe. its not that hard.
anyway – on the Paxman tiff , i will defend the guy in that instance. Newsnight is *supposed* to be high brow and elitist. That is what I expect , as indeed do the vast majority of regular newsnight viewers.
Many commentators , including myself, have noticed a progressive dumbing down of Newsnight, which has culminated in the utter bilge that is “ethical man”.
good on him for saying “no more”. straw and camels back comes to mind. its been a long time brewing.
no doubt , Michael Grade will tempt him over to ITN with a multi million pound package.
“GCooper | 30.11.06 – 11:31 pm |”
ah yes. thanks for explaining (i’m irish… )
further to my newsnight comments above – i get my “newsnight” fix from Andrew Neil’s excellent “This Week”. i kind of like surface of frivolity, but underneath its hard politics. (e.g. the Richard Branson v Andrew Neil kerfuffle last week…)
Archduke wrote;
to be honest , i was quite surprised myself at the amount of people saying they are running Linux. i thought it was just me and similar hacker/geeky types…
I’ve noticed the subtle gravitation the BBC has towards Vista and of Microsoft in general. The fact that both are in cahoots with each other makes the promotion of vista even more insipid.
A few points about vista the BBC doesn’t highlight;
To run Vista seamlessly you require at least 1meg of memory. (I know I had to sort out a friends computer when he upgraded to Vista)
A new graphics card was mentioned in the BBC, however what a lot of people don’t realise is that AGP is slowly being replaced by PCI-E it won’t be long before AGP goes the way of PCI cards. My point the vast majority of video cards inside computers are AGP (which can’t process Direct X 10) So what the BBC aren’t saying is that in a vast majority of cases the uptake of VISTA by a lot of people around the world will entail the purchase of a brand new MOBO (motherboard) or as will be most likely be the case a new computer. Now if people are only using their computers for E-mail, the odd spot of letter writing, a music bank (Don’t even bother asking me about how the Zune is unable to play music bought from Microsoft’s own music outlet) and as an album for their photos then Vista will not appeal to them. They will stick with what they have until it breaks.
I’ve a friends hard drive in front of me (it crashed) I’ve recovered most of his files but I will be inserting a new hard drive and installing a copy of XP on it. Funny enough he doesn’t like Windows office but instead prefers Ability office which at £12 (have a shop around on a certain South American river retail site) does everything that windows office can do but do it cheaper. (And it even looks and operates just like office 2003) and he runs his business on using ability office.
Now what did the BBC say about Office 2007;
“The office software will follow a similar pattern, or be even more successful as it can run on both Windows Vista and XP. “Office 2007 will find good acceptance,” says Melissa Webster of IDC.”
And the basic (OEM version) OFFICE 2003 sells for £123 so I wonder how much 2007 will retail for?
It appears that Microsoft has paired up with the BBC in which to garner a few tips on how to fleece the common man of every penny he has. Must be why the BBC is singing such high praises for Vista. But for a public funded organisation it appears it doesn’t wish for them to know of the (just as good) cheaper alternatives to Microsoft.
left this out from my last;
But back to Archduke and Linux.
Linux is good and is getting better by the day. (Ever tried running a Microsoft program on live disc?) Now if only Linux can deliver that knockout product (as did AMD did to Intel) then the software world will become a much better place.
pounce -> didnt the BBC announce a deal with Microsoft a few weeks back. think it was something to do with online video downloads, which will be DRMed…
google around for it…
oh – and its 1 GIG of RAM to run vista pounce… (but i know thats probably just a typo on your part)
“Must be why the BBC is singing such high praises for Vista. But for a public funded organisation it appears it doesn’t wish for them to know of the (just as good) cheaper alternatives to M
agreed. its something thats been overlooked on this blog. And it also ties into the government cosying up to Microsoft.
The NHS supercomputer project thats costing billions for example? Thats a Microsoft platform, developed by Microsoft – and , get this – the software will remain the intellectual property of Microsoft. UK plc will have no rights to it. Great dumbass deal , eh?
and i can go cheaper than Ability – OpenOffice is free, and theres a windows version.
more crappy tech reporting by the bbc
illustrated by a picture from “second life” – which is, believe me, massively overhyped.
online communities = blogs like this. text based.
the bbc – not a clue.
Archduke wrote;
“oh – and its 1 GIG of RAM to run vista pounce… (but i know thats probably just a typo on your part)”
Stupid boy pounce…
I stand corrected it should have been 1 Gig and not 1 meg. (Christ I recommend people use 512 meg for XP alone)
come to think of it – and that makes the bbc report even more moronic.
the internet ITSELF is an online “community”. Ever hear about email lists or UseNet? they’ve been there since the internet was invented.
1 gig is nuts pounce. just installed Damn Small Linux (all 50 MEG of it) on an old laptop with 128mb of ram. uses the Fluxbox window manager.
its a bit techie, but worth the effort if you want to make really old hardware useful again.
beryl demo.
if you want to see more, just search for “beryl” on youtube.
and KDE 4 hasnt even been released yet… Vista my ass.
bbc news 24 right now.
heather mills…
interview with her.
(who cares?)
The BBC and the promotion of a religion as a just cause.
Gift from God
By Sarah Holt
Before Mohammad Yousuf’s conversion to Islam from Christianity, rumour has it he was told by those close to the Pakistan squad that he was the only thing standing between God and his team.
Not so now. Since he became a Muslim in 2005, his star has been on this rise and in the last year Yousuf’s batting average has risen to a staggering average of 99.33.
There you have it folks, according to the BBC revert to Islam and become a world class sportsman. Don’t believe me here is more of the above tripe from that story;
“”It was only with God’s help that I achieved this,” said Yousuf, who converted from Christianity nearly two years ago. The statistics appear to support his belief. The player, formerly known as Yousuf Youhana, averaged around 48 in his first 59 Tests before converting. Since adopting the Islamic faith of his team-mates, Yousuf scored a double hundred in Lahore to seal the winter Test series against England for Pakistan and, although Pakistan lost the return series to England last summer, Yousuf shone, hitting scores of 202, 192 and 128.”
“Yousuf, now sporting a bushy beard, says his change of faith has given him a new-found focus on the field. “I had money and fame but I was restless,” he explained. “Offering prayers five times a day makes you disciplined and I take this discipline onto the field as well.”
“Pakistan coach Bob Woolmer agrees that religion has helped Yousuf hone his batting technique and develop his mental strength. “Islam has helped him focus his skills and shaped the way he trains,” said Woolmer.
What the BBC don’t say is that the rumour mill has it that the person in question received numerous death threats for not being a Muslim, that as a non-Muslim he had no chance of becoming captain. And that when he came out, he stated he converted 3 years previously. (How’s that for silencing any death threats)
Now BBC if Islam is so great for ensuring that you become the worlds best when start to you pray to Allah, I wonder if you could explain how 1.5 billion people can’t provide a 100th of the number of Nobel laureates that 6 million Jews can.
Yeah right you can’t…
Archduke wrote;
“1 gig is nuts pounce. just installed Damn Small Linux (all 50 MEG of it) on an old laptop with 128mb of ram. uses the Fluxbox window manager.”
I personally have no problem running Linux. (Other than how many computers do I actually need to run) I’ve the young lads computer (which his mum wants me to sort out) next to me. I’ve asked him what he wants to do with it and all he wants is to be able to do his homework. So I’ve a Linux disc ready to install on it. But going back to my original point. There are lots of alternatives to Microsoft products. The problem is Microsoft have ingrained themselves into our way of life.(schools, business, home and now the BBC) Christ you try weaning somebody off Microsoft office. (Have more luck with a crack addict) people don’t wish to branch out and try something different. (Mind you Microsoft are trying with Live search (google) nice advert on page 21 of Time Out this week with a picture of Bill Gates as an example of how to preview images in detail) Then again Google are taking on Microsoft with on line office software;<mpl=WR_tmp_2_lfty&nui=1
Microsoft isn’t finding it all plain sailing in taking over the world, getting into bed with the BBC simply gives them a sympathetic voice to 60 million people in the UK.
I suppose it won’t be long before Google becomes the enemy for the BBC.
Silly me they have;
The BBC and the defence of the realm;
Britain ‘planned to cut off Nile’
Britain drew up plans to cut the flow of the River Nile to Egypt to force President Gamal Abdel Nasser to give up the Suez Canal in 1956, files reveal.
Under the plan, Britain would have used a dam in Uganda to reduce water levels in the White Nile by seven-eighths.
Wow the nasty British empire was a bugger according to the BBC. But I wonder did anybody at the BBC even look where Uganda is on the map of Africa?
Now I haven’t touched geography for over 30 years but I’m sure a river gets bigger as more tributaries pour into it (such as the Blue Nile which provide over 56% of the volume of water that passes down the Nile in Egypt)
So why is such a non entity of story given such prominence by the BBC on the 1st of December 2006?
Maybe the answer to that question of mine lies here;
“The documents, released to the National Archives in Kew, also show the prime minister was urged to conceal the fact that his attorney-general had warned that the invasion was illegal. ”
“At the time, UK lawmakers were claiming that the action was legal.”
And here;
“Then-Cabinet Secretary Sir Norman Brooks told the prime minister that he should not raise the issue of the war’s legality in future speeches.”
So what does the BBC hope to achieve by all of the above? Maybe that answer lies right at the end of that story;
“The Suez crisis damaged Sir Anthony’s reputation and led to his resignation in 1957. ”
The BBC and the defence of the realm. (The Radical Islamic one that is)
Nobody gets sent to prison for owning a computer but not buying Microsoft products.
What gives the BBC the right to open discussions on commercial products?
The BBC and half a story;
UN to discuss child abuse claims
The United Nations has said it will hold a conference in New York on Monday to address the issue of the sexual abuse of children by UN peacekeepers.
The BBC had uncovered fresh allegations of children being subjected to rape and prostitution in Haiti and Liberia
So tell me somebody why don’t you name which country these rapists came from, I mean the BBc has no problem pointing the finger at American and British troops anywhere in the world where a local complains about them. So why not with the rest of the world. On that note here (from the UN web site) is a list of current military personal in Haiti;
“Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Jordan, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Phillipines, Sri Lanka, United States and Uruguay”
and here are the stats for Liberia;
“Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Indonesia, Ireland, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Moldova, Mongolia, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Phillipines, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Senegal, Serbia, Sweden, Togo, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States and Zambia ”
So come on BBC how about telling us all just who you uncovered as kiddie fiddlers.
Something tells me they didn’t come from London or Washington.
The BBC and half a story;
Lebanese PM vows to defy protests
Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora has said his government will not be brought down by mass protests planned by pro-Syrian opposition groups
Lebanon’s pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud has declared the government unconstitutional following the resignations earlier this month of five Shia ministers and one Christian ally. The ministers quit after Hezbollah’s call for more cabinet seats for it and its allies was rejected.
Why can’t the BBC explain to the great unwashed the fact that out of those 5 resignations that 3 belonged to Hezbollah and the other two to Amal.(a Shia party which like Hezbollah is also a terrorist outfit) and that those 5 seats are the only shia seats in the Lebanese parliament. The people have voted and the radical Islamists demand more seats not by the ballot box but by the gun and the BBC remains silent.
The BBC and half a story.
The BBC and half a story;
Iran issues fatwa on Azeri writer
By Frances Harrison
BBC News in Teheran
One of Iran’s most senior clergymen has issued a fatwa on an Azeri writer said to have insulted the Prophet Muhammad.
The Iranian media is reporting that Grand Ayatollah Lankarani’s followers inside the republic of Azerbaijan wrote to him asking for advice about what they called “the apostate writer”. They accuse the Azeri writer of portraying Christianity as superior to Islam and Europe as superior to the Middle East. They allege that he has ridiculed all the sanctities of Islam and done it knowingly, fully aware of the consequences of his action.
Just what did this man say which has the peaceful religion up in arms yet again;
“The commentary, published in Sanat’s October issue, praised European values and freedoms highly and argued that Christianity is the only religion compatible with European values. “Europe has always rejected the pseudo-humanitarian ideas of other religions, including Islam,” the article, entitled “Europe and Us”, read.
The writer used some derogatory words against the Prophet Muhammad, calling him a “scary creature” and “the father of war fatwahs”. He said that the spread of Islam is very limited in Europe, and that only “incognito terrorists” represent the faith in some European countries.”
More here
So by saying out loud that Christianity is the only religion compatible with European values. Muslims (and the BBC) take the hump)
By the saying that Mo was a scary creature. And the father of war fatwahs the faithful have become incandescent. The fact the BBC hide just how this man offended Islam shows how weak the argument for this mans death is. (and not a squeak from the Human rights brigade. Come on BBC how about a quote from the Islamic human rights lot?)
The BBC and half a story…
The BBC and half a story;
Atlantic rower calls club sexist
The first woman to row single-handedly across the Atlantic has accused an Oxfordshire rowing club of sexism. Roz Savage, 38, of London, was told she could only have “associate” membership of Leander Club as her achievement did not qualify her to be a full member.
Now contrast that story with this one;
Woman leads US Muslims to prayer
A professor in the US is thought to have become one of the first Muslim women to lead mixed Friday prayers. More than 100 men and women attended the service and sermon given by Amina Wadud, professor of Islamic studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. The location was moved to an Anglican Church building in New York after mosques refused to host the event. The service has been criticised by a number of Muslim leaders, who say it goes against Islamic doctrine.
Does the BBC refer to the latter as sexist? Nah it simply gives the nutters more airtime in which to speak their mind;
“”She is tarnishing the whole Islamic faith. If this was an Islamic state, this woman would be hanged,” one man, Nussrah, told the Associated Press.
As they would say in a BBC comedy program about a certain regal family.
“sexist my arse”
The BBC and half a story..
Hey, anybody know where John Reith is? I’m getting worried.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! LOLOLOLOL! (Sorry, “anonymous” is a bad influence on me.)
Pounce – about the sexual practices of certain armies – and certain religious groups. During the later stages of World War Two, De Gaulle recruited fairly extensively among Moroccan subjects of the French empire. The French Moroccan units were sent to the Italian front.
Shortly after, the Italian language acquired a new verb: “Marocchinare”, “to do a Moroccan”. It means “to rape”.
I can’t stand the BBC’s technology articles. It’s their incompetence at reporting on science and technology stuff that made me suspicious about all their reporting. How can this billion pound corporation employ people who know less than me on these issues? Bill Thompson (he writes on their site) is a running joke in my nerd circles.
On Vista:
The only thing I object to is the media seems to be saying “get Vista you need it!”.
1GB of RAM is fine. I can’t stand XP on less than 512MB and made quite a bit of money upgrading people from 128 or 256 and giving people a “miracle cure” to XP’s slowness. My 3 main computers are running with 2GB PC6300 and I doubt anybody with a decent interest in computers (the people who would be interested in Vista despite the media) are running less than 1GB on their main machine these days.
The 3D Vista themes only require a 128MB DirectX9 card with Pixel Shaders 2.0, not a DX10 card (there’s only 1 on the market right now and it’s like £600). It doesn’t matter if it’s AGP or PCI-E. That means any card from the last 4 or so years should do and if not you can probably run the old fashioned XP style themes.
The sort of people who would be fine with an open source OS are nerds who know how to make the OS do what they want it to and grannies who only want to check email. But the grannies buy computers from PC World and they get XP thrown in for £0-40, their neighbours know how to help them with it, etc so it’s probably better for them.
95% of the problems with Windows are the users and not the OS. If the majority of people were running Linux then the virus, spyware and adware makers would start targeting it and do you really think that just because people are running Linux it will prevent them from clicking on weird stuff? Security from obscurity and all that.
Personally I’ll probably do with Vista what I did with XP; pirate it until I can find an OEM copy for £50 or less. I’ll keep the old computers on XP and the older ones on 2k. I have to help people with computers enough and I really can’t be bothered with the hassle of teaching them other OSs.
As for office suites, Open Office is indeed nice. It’s only missing a grammar checker but they’re working on it (only 1 other free office suite has a grammar checker anyway, Asomething or Esomething?. Can’t remember). OO is pretty ugly but I’d rather it be ugly and free than pretty and cost £10.
BBC has captured the spirit of terrorist mouth piece al-Jazeera as the BBC news chief calls for interviews with Taliban and BNP.
“The BBC’s TV news chief has sparked fury after promising more interviews with extremist groups like the Taliban and the BNP.
BBC head of television news Peter Horrocks claimed the BBC should give more airtime to religious extremists and the far right, branding the moves “radical impartiality”.
He also claimed that the days of “middle-of-the-road” impartiality “balancing left and right” were dead.
His comments have mystifed politicans, who claim that above any other broadcaster, the BBC should have a reputation for balanced reporting. There are also concerns that the BBC is being repeatedly used as a platform for extremists.
It was only last month that the BBC was accused of broadcasting enemy propaganda after BBC2’s Newsnight ran extensive interviews with the Taliban, in which the extremist organisation vowed to fight British troops “to the death”.
Before that Radio 4’s Today programme came under fire after it gave 12 minutes of airtime to Muslim extremist”.
Interesting how the BBC makes out that this “mending” issue is the “biggest “story”. I would have thought that the Christian “mending” was of more historical significance than some gesture towards post-Mohammed Danish Cartoon fanatics?
* Pope makes Turkish mosque visit *
Pope Benedict XVI visits a Turkish mosque in what is seen as an attempt to mend relations with Muslims.
Full story:
I would have thought that his “mending” with Patriarch Bartholomew I, the spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, was the most important aspect of his Turkish visit. But of course the BBC thinks that it is al Jazeera doesn’t it?
And since when were BBC journalists capable of knowing when the Pope
was praying? The BBC tells us he “refrained from any religious gesture” Not a hint of a prayer, because the BBC is even capable of knowing what his heart is saying- and of course we are reliably told there was none. Hello! did this same zealous BBC Journalist perhaps notice the massive Cross around his neck in the Mosque? No? Of course in BBC LA LA land this is not a religious gesture, it’s kind of like the BA approach, simply jewellry, no “gesture” here then!
And why would the Pope need to cross himself if he was wearing a cross? Awnsers on a postcard please to the BBC dhimmis.
“The [150] demonstrators warned that any hint of a prayer there would be deeply offensive, but the Pope refrained from any religious gesture, such as praying or crossing himself.”
Oh and that placard the other day read: “Jesus is not the Son of God. He is a prophet of Islam” Of course, no deeply offensive gesture here. Any photos of that?