… the coverage of two court cases where teachers are alleged to have had sex with pupils.
A Grammar school music teacher embarked on an affair with a sixth-form pupil, a court heard on Tuesday.
The headline originally referred to the school’s grammar status – it’s since been amended. Contrast with :
An art teacher has appeared in court charged with sexual offences against girls over a period of 30 years.
Not ‘a comprehensive school art teacher’ ? It’s the little things.
There may be another angle to this – it could be rare for grammer school teachers to have sex with their pupils but with comprehensive education it could be the norm (even part of the citizenship syllabus). Somehow though I don’t think so. Its more than likely the BBcs attempt to say “Look what is happening in these elitist grammer schools – we had better abolish them”.
Moreover the grammar boy has an affair which surely means consensual whereas the comp boy committed offences which implies assaults on unwilling females…so which is it? Grammar school girls are tarts who like older men whilst comp girls are victims of evil perverts? What a strange bunch of mixed messages these BBC public schoolboys and girls are sending out!
A quick Google search revealed that the school in the second example is a Church of England school.
I think that the BBC is clearly biased in favour of the CoE.
hang on a minute.
that beggars belief – that means that , if the story is true, is that for three decades he was allowed to do whatever he wanted to do.
there’s a bigger story in this – i find it incredible that not one victim reported it to the police during that time.
the real story is in how the police (or the local council) dealt with it.
Archduke: I suggest you have a look at Hoefstra University’s research into sexual abuse on minors in US public (state) schools, which indicates that 7% of all students have had illegal sex with teachers. As the researcher says, this is far higher than the percentage of Catholic children abused by priests. So how come that the world’s media do not touch the state school teachers and rage and rant against the pervert priests? Researchers and commentators point to two facts: one, state schools are a favourite cause of the US left and the media, who have no desire to demonize teachers as they have Catholic priests; and two, there are legal limits to the compensation that can be imposed on state schools, which make it unattractive for lawyers to specialize in suing them in the way that several prominent legal eagles have become famous by suing the Catholic church.
IN Italy, a woman maths teacher was recently found in class, during lesson time (!), having sex with five male students, none of whom was older than fourteen. It seems that the disease is widespread. But as there is no financial or ideological interest in pursuing schoolteachers as there is in pursuing priests, we shall not find out until impartial academics like those at Hoefstra University decide to make a study.
45 years ago I worshipped the ground that Melanie Carver walked on.
She was the stunning biology and PE teacher at the grammar school I went to. I was the spotty little geek.
Ah… If only!
There was a a show on youtube from some US news channel about the state of the US school system. I think most of their points apply to the UK as well, especially considering that we’re ranked 1 place below the US these days (23rd or so).
Basically the problem is the unions. They’d rather strike than fix anything. Get more money than work hard (look at the relatively poor universities in the UK that outperform Oxbridge in specific areas, money means near to nothing). And as with this case, they’d rather deny their members did anything than risk a bad reputation. They talked of places in the US where (ex-)teachers who can’t be near children just sit around and still pick up their pay cheque. That’s how much the unions don’t want people fired. Add all the left wing political crap that likes to tag on to education and unions and the problem just gets bigger.
Think of things like the NUT conferences here in the UK.
Reporter: “what do you think of allegations that teachers aren’t as good these days?”
Reporter: “could you answer the question please?” (this person isn’t from the BBC)
Teacher: “Listen, if you don’t want to believe us we’ll just go on strike.”
“IN Italy, a woman maths teacher was recently found in class, during lesson time (!), having sex with five male students”
Yeah, I think I’ve seen the video of that one. I always thought they used actors……
Think of things like the NUT conferences here in the UK.
Reporter: “what do you think of allegations that teachers aren’t as good these days?”
Reporter: “could you answer the question please?” (this person isn’t from the BBC)
Teacher: “Listen, if you don’t want to believe us we’ll just go on strike.”
That sounds like a plausable exchange but is it a parody or can you remember where you saw/heard it?
I was just exaggerating what some old bearded teacher said to a TV reporter whenever the last NUT stuff was.
Fair enough.
Not much of an exageration in my opinion. I’m pretty sick of hearing teachers whingeing
obviously not a teacher yersel then? 8-0
To be far to teachers this ‘government’ has given them something to actually whinge about and the BBC has a habit of finding the biggest whinger to talk too.
I recently complained to the BBC about the Miracles of Jesus programme which clearly set out to discredit Christianity. My reply was the usual…’we are not biased’.
Please check out my blog which is mainly to do with the Islamification of Britain. I have been linked to you for a while. Please link back?
Strewth…you really are clutching at straws this time.
The odd thing is that the general view on this blog is that the BBC is in FAVOUR of educational elitism.
I’ve been pilloried for it several times myself.
Now you are suggesting that Auntie is pro-Bog-Standard-Comp.
Well that’s a volte face (sorry…..a bit arsy versy).
Actually – as MisterMinit points out, the second school isn’t yer average comp. It’s a ‘voluntary-aided faith school’. Try getting that into a snappy headline and I’ll buy you a pint.
In any case, BOTH reports you link to are agency court reports and….I’d guess…untouched by BBC hand in any salient particular.
So even CSI would have to concede that in trying to prove BBC bias, they’re forensically USELESS.
Let me know when you spot some REAL bias.
Reith, the general view on this blog is that the BBC is in favour of pseudo-eliteism, that is, what they say is elite is what is elite. Real elites in their fields are pilloried and dismissed by the BBC as “arrogant” or something else along those lines, or objectively biased by their close association with the object of their study. Their elitism is little more than a bunch of pretentious twits harping about how great they are compared to the plebs but who probabl couldn’t think their way out of a wet paper bag, even with a copy of “escaping from wet paper bags for dummies”, a pair of scissors and a large sign saying “slice here to escape”.
Britney British:
I recently complained to the BBC about the Miracles of Jesus programme which clearly set out to discredit Christianity. My reply was the usual…’we are not biased’.
I saw ads for that show and had no intention of watching it but ended up seeing a repeat anyway.
It was a lot better than I expected but I’m not religious. I don’t think there’s bias in the show itself, but bias in the sense that they’d commission it but not something like the “Brutalities of Mohammed”.
The had the crowd following Jesus shouting “Alahu Akbar”. That says it all.
what is your point?
do you have too much time on your hands?