So brave … so incredibly brave.
“We can’t ignore Iraq and the war, it’s as simple as that. I think the writers have been incredibly brave to have taken it on and included it in the script.”
– Keith Allen, who plays the Sheriff of Nottingham in the latest BBC version of Robin Hood, is awed by the courage of the Scriptwriters who Took On Bush.
Those guys – they didn’t fear anyone, you know? Can you believe they went up to a BBC commissioning editor and said, why don’t we use the show to comment on the Iraq war? How they ever got that past the BBC of all people, I’ll never know.
Then they actually dared – and remember, this was in 2006 – to portray a cross-dressing Muslim woman scientist favourably. Though even they stopped short of making her a nutritionist. The audience just wasn’t ready to accept a nutritionist.
Mr Allen’s words of praise for the writers who risked so much was quoted by david t of Harry’s Place in a post called The bien pensant Robin Hood. Read the comments.
Hat tip: Oscar and FTP.
Oops … door left open by the right wing John Humphreys and his shoe polisher again …
And attacking Islamic terrorism of course would have been as unthinkable for this left-wing finks as it would be brave.
Oops! Door left open by the right wing John Humphreys and his shoe polisher again …
Of course for these left wing finks it would be as unthinkable as it would be brave that they attack Islamic Terrorism
I don’t deserve credit for this, I only replied to Oscar.
Hasn’t the BBC been in trouble in the past for using their dramas to further left wing agendas? I remember hearing something about it happening in the 80s but I’m way too young.
Allen needs to look up a dictionary definition of brave. While he’s about it he should also check up on:
Remember Allen is a luvvie, pure and simple – everything is simply marvellous, darling, so brave, so wonderful, so true, so…. BBC
Bob | 01.12.06 – 3:28 pm
“Remember Allen is a luvvie, pure and simple – everything is simply marvellous, darling”
You’ve obviously never crossed paths with Keith Allen, Bob.
Let’s put it this way – he’s more likely to strip naked and vomit down your shirt than he is to say ‘simply marvellous, darling’.
However he behaves, he’s still one of that herd of independent minds who dominate the left-liberal MSM.
I mean, come on John Reith, I’ll name name you two left wing actors for every one right wing one you can think of. A truly brave actor would be one who says he agrees with George Bush.
“A truly brave actor would be one who says he agrees with George Bush”
Brave? He’d have to be bloody suicidal, at least as far as Hollywood is concerned. Can you imagine the gaping wound it would deal to his career?
Wish the Das Reich Division had actually made it ashore in Dover…
I’ll name name you two left wing actors for every one right wing one you can think of.
That’s because all the centre and right wing people are out building things, inventing things, running things and so on. This is why the lefties think that there’s a right wing conspiracy to run the world. I’m sure you realise this, but I wish people like Allen would.
FTP said:
“That’s because all the centre and right wing people are out building things, inventing things, running things and so on. ”
Be fair FTP, it was Al Gore that invented the internet.
‘Strip naked and vomit down my shirt?’ Oh DARLING… how WITTY! Allen affects a down-to-earth manner but is so far insulated from the real world he may as well be John Gielgud
I think where the BBC has got this so wrong is thus:
They are thick, and can’t think… to them, USA = Sherrif of Notingham….and OBL = Robin Hood…….
Stupid thing is….USA is really Robin hood, giving Iraq and Afghanistan back to it’s people…..and OBL and Saddam are the real Sherrifs of Nottinham…….
But since the old legend of Robin Hood, the world has changed…and instead of nasty people like the Sherrif running the world, we now have a beacon of freedom like the USA……we are “winning” in the global fight against the Sherrifs of Nottingham……
So in these modern days, its the case that Robin Hood (USA) is running the world…and murdering killers like Saddam and OBL, Hitler (Sherrifs), are being driven out…..
But the retards at the BBC can’t see this,….
Maybe they should just have an episode where “Robin OBL Hood” slaghters 3000 people to get back at the Sherrif…..
Maybe they could show Robbin Hood using WMD on Women and Children in Halabja…..??
Maybe Robin should invade Wales, and send 2 Million of his mery men to the front lines, and then drop Mustard gass on them???
but no…..the BBC is so fucked up it aint funny….
Brave???….The BBC are sniveling limp wristed cowards, cowering under the boot of the new evil of this world, Radical Islam…..Gays and Women, tremmble in fear at the BBCs utter cowardice
The BBC are not brave…they are slurry of the worst order….
While the REAL brave people of this nation, the British Marines have been told they won’t recieve their “bonus” of £3000 as the MOD can’t afford it……the REAL Sherrif of BBC Nottingham (Steals from the poor to give to the rich) is giving Johnathan Ross 6 MILLION pounds a year….
the BBC is the New Sherrif of Nottingham…they steal from the poor, and if the poor can’t pay, they throw them in prison……
[deleted]………and I can’t wait for the King to get back from the Crussades and stick a knife in their black hearts……….
Edited By Siteowner
see the go to robin hood 2006 thread pc robin hood
John Reith | 01.12.06 – 5:51 pm:
“Let’s put it this way – he [Keith Allen]’s more likely to strip naked and vomit down your shirt than he is to say ‘simply marvellous, darling’.”
Simply Marvellous, darling!
If the writers had spent more time on their writing rather than being ‘brave’ (as if being critical of Bush is frowned upon in the BBC) it might actually be getting better reviews and ratings.
What is fun though is that the series has as a hero a man who was involved in ethnic cleansing and genocide, and protected a vile monarch who ordered the mass murder of thousands of POWs and civilians.
have you seen the pc robin hood thread on on pc robin hood
So this thread begs the question-
What is actually worse Hollywood re-writes of “history” re the god awful “Kingdom of Heaven(with its post 9/11 nonsence)” “Pearl Harbour” or “Alexander”
The PC, vomit inducing rubbish of “Spooks” “The State Within” or “Robbin’ Hood”……
Seeing that Al Beeb as turned a national folk hero into a banal PC driven “icon” my Pallywood Award goes Keith Allen and Co.
For a better bet tho’ Robin of Sherwood is on DVD avalible through Amazon ……..
I’ve come to the conclusion that even the Disney animated film, with Robin as a fox, was more accurate than this new “edgy” robin hood drama…
Anyone know if I can get Maid Marion and her Merry Men on DVD or video?