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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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dave t
Thanks mate.
Agreed, I’ve also been to Belfast as a British Soldier and then a few years later with the BBC as a security consultant, whilst it was kicking off around the Holy Cross School, Ardoyne.
After the riots, myself and the camera crew went to both sides of the divide to hear the usual claim and counter claim.
With my own eyes I saw one section of the community (Guess which one was best at playing the media/propganda game?)put an old couple (Who did not live in the petrol bombed house) in front of the cameras – For affect a childs bycicle was also put in shot, against a burned out garden shed.
BBC propaganda – I’ve first hand experience of it – Many times!
Biting off the heads of little frogs and tearing the heart out of a small, furry rabbit don’t strike me as very convincing demonstrations of ‘courage’.
I suppose it all comes under the heading of delightful native customs…
It couldn’t be because it is good news, could it?
No. Good news is good.
It couldn’t be because the BBC institutionally wants the British and the U.S. to “lose” the war, could it?
Certainly not.
It couldn’t be because the BBC is biased, could it?
Perish the thought.
Because seeing as it was reported by Reuters, I’m pretty sure it couldn’t just be an oversight. Could it?
It’s an interesting snippet. Might make a line in an analysis piece. Once we’ve got a name and some more context, it might even make a story of its own, if the guy’s all he’s cracked up to be.
As subscribers to Reuters (and AP/AFP/PA etc.) the BBC gets many thousands of these every day. Jolly useful.
But the BBC News website isn’t a wire service.
Tim in Baghdad:
Here are a few more articles on the BBC’s anti-American, pro Islamofascist reporting for any British and American soldiers you come across who’ve been blown up/shot to bits.
For perfect viewing, right click on image, save to folder, and use your preferred image viewer. All images are sized 20cm x 26cm or less and so will print perfectly on A4 and US 8.5″ x 11″ paper:
The Wall Street Journal “The Beeb has much to answer for”
The Wall Street Journal “More Orwellian Than You Think”
The Weekly Standard: “The Wreck of the BBC”
Page 23:
Page 24:
Page 25:
Scripps News Service “Why They Hate Us”
Page 1:
Page 2:
Wall Street Journal “An Aunt With An Attitude”
Fox News “Anti-American Danger”
Sunday Telegraph “BBC is attacked for airing film by activist who supports terror raids on Israeli “oppressors” “
BBC Web: “Why radical views must be heard”
Page 1:
Page 2:
Daily Express “We did not pay our licence fee to watch TV bias”
Daily Mail “BBC bias is terror’s recruiting sergeant”
Sunday Telegraph “The real news from Iraq”
Independent on Sunday “Blair tells Murdock: ‘gloating BBC is ‘full of hatred for America’ “
Page 1:
Page 2:
Scotland on Sunday “Bloated and biased BBC”
Continued on next post…
…Continued from previous post
Israel Hasbara Committee “Useful Idiots”
The Sun “Beeb’s shame”
The Daily Mail “BBC Newspeak”
The Daily Mail: “We must avoid the T-word, says BBC”
The Sun (Trevor Kavanagh on BBC reporter Matt Frei’s anti Americanism)
Daily Mail “Troops ‘put in danger by BBC’ “
Daily Mail “Why did BBC allow a Muslim firebrand a 12-minute radio rant?”
Daily Mail “Evening infidels! Here is the news from the BBC . . .”
Continued on next post…
…Continued from previous post
Daily Express: “The BBC boss who says: Let Muslim newsreaders wear the veil”
Daily Express: “There’s no veiling the stupidity at the Beeb”
Daily Mail “Outrage as BBC gives the Taliban a platform”
Daily Telegraph “Talking to the enemy”
Red Orbit “Afghan Daily Slams BBC for Taliban Interview”
Daily Telegraph “Taliban on air”
Sunday Telegraph “BBC deputy chief refuses to rule out letting a woman read news in a veil”
NOW THEN, weigh up that little lot and then digest the following two articles:
The Independent The BBC’s Afghan lifeline”
Brand Republic BBC World Service to launch Iranian TV channel”
(Now join the dots.)
Schoolboy Error:
All help welcome. I look forward to receiving your communication. Thanks.
Christmas greetings… one and all (who wish to celebrate) from Ayman al Zawahiri, OBL’s number two via Scott Ott.
Heron | 21.12.06 – 3:47 pm | #
even more ot?
well, i’m not surprised much at all…i’m familiar with more than one publication detailing the gap between “liberals'” words and their deeds.
my thinking is that too many liberals are only in favour of this or that if (to the extent that?) it pits them against their ideological enemies…
just one example: do your own research, and examine the number of deaths since world war two due to leftist govts, and the amount of documented bashing of these governments by, say, the same media and commentariat that are happy to negatively compare bush with hitler…
it is amazing to me how so many lives take on value once they are allegedly snuffed out or endangered even by bush, versus the great uncounted slaughtered by their own govts who apparently count for little, if anything, to some members of that same commentariat…
I must recommend max’s recently posted link:
I particularly liked the complaint that there wasn’t enough space in the subject’s dwelling for his eleven (yes, 11) children. FFS! Who does have accommodation for eleven children. Aid agencies should get this guy a vasectomy.
Bet the poor old Israelis get blamed…they stopped the TV showing BBC documentaries so the only thing left for former militants who can afford canaries but not drugs for their kids to do in their spare time was procreate….then again you could always eat the canaries!
knacker | 21.12.06 – 2:24 am
I have answered this at least half a dozen times. 1.
John Reith | 21.12.06 – 10:46 am
You have? Not on this forum. And a few weeks ago you sincerely undertook to expose my alleged mendacious campaign of racist vilification within a few days.
(It woz such floury langwidge it sort of stuk in my brein.)
And it’s been months since you undertook to have a listen to Alan Little’s Inside the Red Cross, presumably to prove that he isn’t anti-Israel, ’cause I said he is.
You are as likely to keep your promises, John Reith, as the BBC is to be impartial.
The BBC and half a story.
Once again the BBC gives coverage to a racist thug without any semblance of a contrasting voice.
Mayor’s fresh attack on Phillips
London mayor Ken Livingstone has attacked race equality chief Trevor Phillips, saying he could not have carried out his job if he was white.
So seen as the BBC only painted Mr Trevor Phillips as some sort of Uncle Tom and Livingstone as some hero for the minority faiths in the Uk in its coverage of the story Herr (pun intended) are a few snippets the BBC didn’t mention about Red ken.
He’s a racist.
He’s a terrorist sympathiser
He’s a bigot
And he loves spending other people cash for free holidays.
Now is Mr Trevor Phillips guilty of any of the above?
Typical BBC speak of a white man telling a coloured man what racism is all about in a 90% white majority country.
Unfortunately I’ve had the displeasure to meet him (well my back did) at Parliament. Kind of put his nose out of joint when on rushing over on seeing a brown face in a sea of white I turned my back on him and ignored him completely.
Islamic centre on site of dairy.
In October, racially motivated violence erupted outside the site in Vale Road and eight people were arrested.
Would that have been Muslims attacking locals BBC?
I particularly liked this bit:
The mayor also said he believed Mr Phillips was more interested in media coverage than helping people who had suffered racial abuse.
“Trevor thinks he’s doing his job as long as he’s all over the media,” he said.
Anybody that lives in London will have seen that every TFL poster on the tube extolling the virtues of London/The Olympics/Transport/Culture/Art has a ‘Mayor of London’ logo at the bottom.
Nice to see that my Council Tax is being used to ‘remind’ everybody what a ‘good job’ Ken is doing.
You can even see the logo at the bottom of the page here:
bbc news are going big on the haditha trail..
does anyone else feel as if the Beebs coverage is , shall we say, unbalanced – after all, the Islamists have killed about 50 iraqis a day for the past month or so. and yet we have “haditha” as big banner headline news….
have a look here:
not saying that we should excuse what those US marines did – we shouldnt – and they should be punished.
but it was 24 murders , last year – and yet the islamists are killing about 50 a DAY in iraq.
ooops – meant to say – click on the international version (which all non-uk people get) – us marine trial is the top story.
Merry Christmas Ya’ll.
Been reading Crichton “Global warming denier” latest book ; found it quite funny how he’s slagged off one of his critics by using his name for a child molester in his book (BTW Funny how no one seems to mention as a corollary that he uses quite a few other real famous names for his characters).
But the best thing I reckon is this mention of the BBC’s usual useless science references:
Starve the bastards,,1977557,00.html
DangerousBadger | 22.12.06 – 2:28 am
Whilst taking your very good point that the story is bogus and yet another piece of shoddy lack of research by the beeb, another facet of the report struck me.
The researchers also believe that so-called bottle blondes may be to blame for the demise of their natural rivals.
They suggest that dyed-blondes are more attractive to men who choose them as partners over true blondes.
They then show as an example of a bottle blonde a pic of Anne Widdecombe. Whilst I am a great admirer of AW, in reality she has not been more attractive to men than natural blondes.
Did they pick her as a subtle put down of a Conservative? It doesn’t make sense.
I did notice that the assumption that AW as a threat to the blonde genotype was probably part of the shaggy dog story aspect of the story (denialablity?) but they had to kick a ‘reactionary tory’ while informing us or what? I mean do kids learn stuff of these sites or is it all a joke?
When are they seriously doing anything they’re accountable for?
It’s clearly one of those Beeboid in-jokes, don’t you think? Can’t you just imagine them all rolling around on the floor of White City like the robots in the old Cadbury’s Smash commercials at the very idea of Widdecombe’s supposed sex appeal?
Meanwhile, more ’cause and effect’ stuff to dwell on:
“Fatah decries Al-Jazeera’s pro-Hamas bias
Recent Palestinian infighting has extended beyond bullets and rockets this week as Fatah leaders hurl accusations that the Arab news network Al-Jazeera reports with a pro-Hamas bias. In response to the accusations, Hamas has come to the network’s defense calling the Qatar-based media outlet fair and objective.
According to an article in the Hamas newspaper Al-Risalah, Al Jazeera “…has always been thorough in conveying the suffering of the Palestinians and their message to the world in a professional and respectful manner.” …
… One of Israel’s two leading television cable providers, Yes, decided earlier this month to drop BBC World in favor of Al-Jazeera English.
The move represents a small coup for Al-Jazeera since the majority of its founding staff were trained by the BBC for a special Arab-focused section of the British media giant.
Oops, forgot the link:
More revealing than what the BBC puts in its stories, is what it leaves out. For the last few days, the Palestinians have been making a mockery of the latest ceasefire by launching rockets into Israeli communities in the Negev. But you would never know it if you follow the BBC website. They are too busy running sob stories like “Hard Times in Gaza”.
One can be sure however, that the moment the Israeli government decides to retaliate against the rocket fire, the BBC will post a “Breaking News” announcement on the front page — Israel Violates Ceasefire — while propagandists like Alan Johnston ready the usual Palestinian human interest stories replete with tears for Achmed because it isn’t safe for him to play near the Qassam launching sites.
Today’s Unbiased Baghdad Blog…
Weather is very cold today, with a thick fog hanging over the city. Most mornings start cold at this time of the year, but by midday it’s normally quite pleasant. Today though is a real pea souper, I guess like you have at home and as I’m seeing on Sky news.
Vehicle curfew is just about to kick in here (1100hrs local time) Every Friday – (Prayer Day)
We’ve been out to the shooting ranges early this morning. Most check points we past, had fires lit next to them, so the various civilian guards, Iraqi military or police could keep warm.
I witnessed one sinister action this morning, with one guy in a balaclava and pistol and another with an AK47, giving someone grief, at one of the many make shift fuel stops beside the road (Could have just been a robbery)
OK more later from your unB-BBC reporter in Mesopotami
Re the Kassams, I’m waiting for the day Alan Johnston asks the terrorists why they are launching their rockets from Ahmed’s playground.
…..tap foot impatiently, gaze at the sky….
I must recommend max’s recently posted link:…ast/ 6199529.stm
‘I particularly liked the complaint that there wasn’t enough space in the subject’s dwelling for his eleven (yes, 11) children. FFS! Who does have accommodation for eleven children. Aid agencies should get this guy a vasectomy.’
Alan … You missed the bit about him being an ‘unemployed militant’
Alan … You missed the bit about him being an ‘unemployed militant’
He might be a part-time militant, or even on strike in protest at the EU not providing sufficient funds.
Yesterday on Radio 4 was a BBC ‘reporter’ saying that the Israelis were causing Christians to leave Bethlehem because of ‘the wall’. What a bunch of F**kin’ liars.
You have? Not on this forum.
Yes here in this forum. Where else?
Here’s one from November:
For the umpteenth time: I don’t work at the BBC press office. I am not seconded to fly any flags. I am not employed to monitor this blog. The licence payer is not funding my time on-line. I do not have access to teams of researchers. I have never claimed to speak for or on behalf of the BBC. On the contrary, I have emphatically stated that I speak for myself alone. When I first started commenting here – in response to a reasonable request for clarification on some point – I ‘declared an interest’ in that a substantial part of my income (but by no means all) does come from the BBC. … Hope that’s clear now.
John Reith | 08.11.06 – 9:54 am |
Merry Christmas to everybody.
Has anyone else been on the Digital Spy website recently?
I’m sure there are about 20 “John Reith’s” operating for the BBC on there.
Can anyone out there trace if this is true?
Every time a story comes up, almost immediately there are loads of ludicrous blogs backing up the BBC with links to stories that no-one else can ever seem to find, or spouting propoganda on the BBC’s behalf, or defending them when stories of bias come up.
Surely this must be illegal? They shouldn’t be allowed to spend our money on this sneaky propoganda.
They should be exposed.
If anyone can link all these people to the BBC too that would be great.
The BBC employs twenty two thousand people? and you can count on one hand how many of their TV programs are worth watching in a week.
Now the Good News:
“BBC braced for job”
Excellent, John Reith. I stand (or sit) corrected. Now if you can throw in the five or six BNP members you’ve apparently identified on this blog. And while you’re about it….
Come to think of it, if what you state in your 08.11.06 – 9:54 am post is indeed your position, one would think you would at least occasionally acknowledge BBC bias. You never do.
On the other hand, people on this blog occasionally pat the BBC on the back.
What does that say about us, John Reith? And what does that say about you?
To quote Pounce: The BBC and Not the Nine O’Clock News.
“Tsunami aid sent to an Indonesian province has freed government funds for the lashing of women for purported violations of Islamic law, a report said Sunday.
Militant Islamists in Indonesia’s Aceh Province now impose Shariah law and pay moral vigilante forces to harass women and stage frequent public beatings.”
Strange how this one hasn’t made it onto our poll tax-funded airwaves.
Still, as John Reith points out quite correctly:
“But the BBC News website isn’t a wire service.”
Indeed not, unless you happen to be an Israeli or American committing an act that can be portrayed as wrong, bad or illegal, in which case the news is there in bold print with pictures quicker than the car behind can pip his horn once the lights have turned to green.
You must have been busy elsewhere. We did the naming of BNP supporters (not members) a while back.
Re: Allan Little • I’ve tried a number of times to get the audio to work on that link. Nothing happens. I suspect they’ve taken it away. Sorry • meant to tell you that before.
I do from time to time acknowledge mistakes and inadequacies in some stories. The BBC, like everyone else, sometimes makes errors of fact and judgment. What I dispute is that the coverage is characterized by any consistent bias or coloured by a partisan worldview.
I know it isn’t because I have witnessed the lively debates that go on in editorial meetings. I participate in some of them. The whole premise about ‘groupthink’ • conspiracy • agenda driven journalism • or bias…..whatever you want to call it…doesn’t correspond with my experience of the daily process where journos reflecting a wide range of personal backgrounds and views discuss how best to present a story or issue impartially.
Hope it’s not too late to wish you a happy Hannukah.
“Journalists reflecting a wide range of personal backgrounds and views”
Sorry, the evidence from BBC output doesn’t support that statement. Nor does the BBC recruitment policy of advertising jobs only in the Guardian.
Arthur Dent. Sorry that last point is just stupid. The Guardian has the biggest and best Media section. That’s why the BBC advertises there.
The scuz balls at al beeb are at it again. This time in the form of a ‘reporter’ called Lyse Ducette (sp?)commenting on the visit of a pack of Christian bishops to Bethlehem who have blamed Israel, its security fence, and by extension, Jews for the exodus of Christians from the town.(Comparing the “plight” of the Palestinians to the suffering of Christ is a classic Christian anti-semitism tool just as bad as Medieval blood libel and well poisoning.) Fact is the Christian population of Israel itself is up from its 1948 level of 34,000 to about 130,000 today, so we know where at least some of them have gone. Thanks to years of Muslim persecution, very little to do with Israel, the Christian mumbers are dwindling. It would be nice if just for once al-beeb would give the full story — like how in the last 13 years terrorists have murdered 1800 Israelis and injured 7000. Since the barrier has gone up scores of evil doers have been nabbed and the rate of attacks has plummetted 93%.
The following is from YNET.
“If the Israelis contributed in any way to the exodus of Christians, it was by withdrawing from Bethlehem and the so-called “Palestinian territories” in the West Bank. Since they left, the Palestinian Authority has waged a jihad against the Christian community, raping women, extorting businessmen, lynching “collaborators” and seizing homes.
“That’s why the Christians have left and continue to leave. They enjoyed life while their towns were under the control of Israel. Once they were turned over to the terrorists, there wasn’t much left to keep them in the areas in which their families lived for generations.”
Thanks again for your completeness bbc — serving some of the people some of the time.
A little loyalty to the source of one’s income is one thing, but JR’s continued defence of the BBC is more akin to a party member defending his political party. Only a true believer in the ideals of the BBC would bother to constantly defend this organisation.
Is it me or does anyone else sense anything sinister in JRs last comment.
“Hope it’s not too late to wish you a happy Hannukah”
Jon, it’s you.
Happy Christmas all!!
Is it me or does anyone else sense anything sinister in JRs last comment.
I think you will find that the entity which posted as Mr John Reith today has a penchant for [deleted] Kind of says it all about the BBC doesn’t it.
If you get the chance read the Christmas edition of the Economist (page 38) Honour among them.
Nice quote from Churchill on page 39
“Their system of Ethics, which regards treachery and violence as virtues rather than vices…is incomprehensible to a logical mind”
Kind of says it all about the BBC.
[Certain words of this comment were deleted on grounds of taste.]
Edited By Siteowner
Hope it’s not too late to wish you a happy Hannukah.
Nope, and thanks. Now what do I wish you, John Reith?
Well, Merry Christmas, if that fits?!
Merry Christmas fits very well, thanks.
I can’t find any coverage on the BBC (or anywhere else for that matter – mind you I’m not paying for “anywhere else”) about the contribution of all our wind farms to the electricity grid during this spell of non-windy weather. If the projected windfarms off the Essex coast were available they would be contributing . . . precisely nothing. You won’t hear much about this analysis from the BBC although, to be fair, there was uncritical coverage of this good news. So thank (your) God for coal, gas and nuclear power – at least it’s there when needed.
I posted this on another thread but it seems appropriate here as well.
I was delighted to see on newsnight this evening (Thu) that “ethical man” has been forced to admit that home windmills dont work and that buying “green” electricity is a con because buying such electricity doesn’t lead to a reduction in the generation of non-green electricity.
Are these the first faltering steps towards the realisation that the leftie, greenie beeboids are misguided and naive? That they are now only green in the sense of being gullible?
Will they next be conceding that george monbiot is in fact a moonbat and shouldn’t be allowed on tv to spout his crap?
I can’t find any coverage of this news item on the bbc website or on its radio or TV news broadcasts. If anyone has heard it could they let me know.
Immigration fury over killer gangs
However the bbc rushes to produce this:
Inquiry call on ‘suspect in veil’
Labour MP John Denham said sensitivity around veils meant the claim could cause “huge damage”.
The Home Office said the claim was unlikely to be true as women can be asked to lift veils in identity checks.
Mr Denham, a former Home Office minister, said the suggestion that a veil disguise was used, when there was no evidence to support the claim, was potentially damaging because “veils are a very sensitive issue in our society at the moment”.
I can assure readers here, from personal experience, that any utterance by the Home Office, or any Home Office minister, past or present, on any issue, should be treated with suspicion. I have never dealt with a more incompetent bunch.
“Arthur Dent. Sorry that last point is just stupid. The Guardian has the biggest and best Media section”
Ahem, that precisely is the point Anon, why does the Guardian have the biggest Media section? It’s because most people in the UK media are Guardian readers. Thus we get a self perpetuating liberal chattering class media. It’s known as Chicken and Egg syndrome and is why whenever media people come into contact with real people (i.e. other than themselves) they are surprised, outraged and horrified at the opinions expressed.
I couldn’t work out why the bbc had gone silent on this:
British soldier accused of spying
Ahh!! That’s why.
The 44-year-old Shia Muslim, who changed his name 10 years ago