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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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“allan@Aberdeen |”
yeah. i wonder how many have been killed in the Congo this week.
although its died down now, the first African continental war, in which 4 million died was kind of overlooked by Al-Beeb…
if you ask me, thats more important than Pallywood. way way more important. why should i care about a people, like the Pallywooders, that hate the west and scream “death to america” all the time , whilst jumping for joy over 911.
whereas the Africans want to trade with us. want to emulate us, and just want to be rid of their corrupt governments.
i really dont understand the priorities. beats me.
“Allan@Aberdeen | 19.03.07 – 11:37 pm”
i’ve been hearing the same stuck record. which is why i gave up on Today, and have started listening to Podcasts instead. i would hazard a bet that the vast majority of people in the UK know nothing of the success of Kurdistan, thanks to the BBCs doom laden news output. in fact, i gave up on Today because for my mental health – its a purveyor of utter depression. there should be an NHS warning on it.
“Kidnapped Reporter Saw Decapitation”
“An Italian journalist held for two weeks in Afghanistan said after his release Monday that he saw his captors cut off the head of one of the two Afghans kidnapped with him and thought he would be next to die.
In an interview with RAI Tg3 News, Daniele Mastrogiacomo described a harrowing experience. “I saw him be decapitated,” he said.
He said the kidnappers threw the Afghan to his knees and suffocated him in the sand as they cut his head off.
“Then they wiped the knife on his clothes. I was shaking. Obviously I thought ‘it’s my turn now,'” Mastrogiacomo said”.
Biodegradable | 19.03.07 – 12:29 pm |
Many thanks … TPO
“Are you the same MisterMinit who was claiming recently that people here unfairly cherry pick examples to prove the BBC left wing, and that you could prove it right wing using the same tactics?”
Bryan, I think you will recall that I have never explicitly said that I could prove that it was right-wing. However, I do stand by my assertion that by cherry-picking parts of the BBC’s output, you could prove almost anything (and I can’t imagine that anyone would disagree with that).
As for ‘proving’ the BBC has a right-wing bias, a little bit of searching reveals that many people have already done it for me:,6903,1548936,00.html
“If you really are anti-BBC it is hardly apparent from your comments to this blog.”
I’m not “anti”-BBC either.
archduke: “It could well be that – it could also be the influence of the eastern european economies, where former communists have gone laissez faire, with supposedly “right wing” nationalist parties wanting to preserve the state in some cases. the traditional left/right divide has gone topsy turvey in those cases.”
I think that what this proves, more that anything, is that the terms “left wing” and “right wing” mean many different things to many different people and it would be a much better world when political discussion didn’t revolve around these concepts so much.
I think the only consistent definition if these terms is that “right-wing” referes to being conservative and preserving values and ideals that currently exist and “left-wing” means the opposite.
“‘right-wing’ referes to being conservative and preserving values and ideals that currently exist”
I should probably add nationalistic to that too.
Good Morning:
RobbieKeane and fellow travellers:
RE:Chemical bombs in Iraq
“On that basis the UK has weapons of mass destruction stockpiled at every swimming pool??”
Yes-that is what I am saying.
Of course Al Beeb with there in-depth analysis has forgotten to explain what “duel use” is-materials and equipment that can be used for civilian as well as military purposes. To use your analogy your chlorine that you use in swimming pools was one of the first gasses to be used in the First World War, Zyklon B (the gas used in the Holocaust) was developed initially as pest control for lice. The terrorist group Aum developed Sarin in chemistry labs no more sophisticated than found in your average college.
Look at this report by Al Beeb on the jailing of a Dutch CEO of a industrial company:
He left Iraq in Feb 2003.
But my point is more sutble. A mass of documents, personnel and equipment went “missing” before, during and after the initial conflict. Al Zarqawi himself was in Iraq before the wars with I assume the intention of exploting what expertise in Iraq regarding the up-coming campaign. That the “stockpiles” (and I assume the laymen immediately thinks of the old Soviet Mayday parades when this is said) weren’t “found” does not mean Iraq had no programmes or knowledge.Are these not dangerous?
In fact as a bi-partisan observer Iraq’s WMD programme was ideal for asymmetrical warfare, because looking at the pattern of these attacks (which I might add started in 2003) they are become quite deadly. An imagine what the psychological damage is in a country all ready familiar with the finer points of Saddam benevolent rule:
What Al Beeb time and again fails to explain is how complex and subtle Iraq WMD programme was, and who much we still don’t know today. The very fact the insurgents have escalated these attacks shows knowledge and technique-even if the materials are crude.
It appears I’m not the only one starting to question the narrative, seeing that a “third” of us supports the intervention I’m starting to think the people are drawing there own conclusions about who spinning a yarn…….
I’m not interested with there tiff with Tony, which for the last four years have been basis of their reporting, because as far as I’m concerned the BBC no longer reports meaningful news.
“I should probably add nationalistic to that too.”
Oh dear.
You were doing ever so well until then.
Have you forgotten Uncle Joe’s Great Patriotic War? Or Mao’s platform of getting rid of foreign influence. Or that both the Viet Nihm and Viet Cong were “nationalist” movements in eyes of the people.
And what of INLA-Irish National Liberation Army who were more inspired by RAF and the Red Brigades than the ol’boys and the “struggle”.
Or FARC, or ETA (a “national” liberation movement before “social justice”) or the Republicans who fought for a “just Spain”. I think that you are confusing Trotsky’s “International” communism and the media friendly “New Left” movement from the fifties and sixties with hard-line Marxists who positively encouraged “nationalism” when it suited them.
Yes, I believe you are right about the sequence of events. You said that using the methods on this blog you could prove the BBC to be just about anything. Then you were challenged to prove it right wing.
Well, how about it? Those links don’t do it. That’s a Reithian trick.
Why don’t those links do it?
You guys are really fucked up!
I think you’ll find – even if your complaint is upheld – that the Governors will say “the particular person will be reminded on the BBC guidelines for reporting opinion polls” – full stop, end of story, now sod off.
“I think you’ll find” – hmmn – you sound almost as pompous as the Beeb itself, Jon. Still, I am pursuing my complaint, knowing full well what the reply will be. I’m certainly not going to roll over and be a good little pleb by not complaining.
Believe it or not, you can make an official complaint as well as posting to anti-BBC bias sites.
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