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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Jon | 13.03.07 – 3:23 pm
The BBC will scour the earth to sling mud at Israel.
Yeah, and not just the BBC, it seems. Those other notoriously biased-against-Israel outfits FOX News, Haaretz and the Israel Hasbara Committee too:
Israel Recalls El Salvador Ambassador Who Was Found Naked, Drunk …
FOX News – 12 Mar 2007
JERUSALEM — The Israeli ambassador to El Salvador has been recalled after he was found drunk, naked and bound in sexual bondage gear in his yard,2933,258299,00.html
Israel recalls El Salvador envoy after reportedly found naked, drunk
By Amiram Barkat, Haaretz Correspondent and Haaretz Service
The Foreign Ministry recalled Israel’s ambassador to El Salvador, Tzuriel Refael, after he was found in the back yard of his residence naked, drunk, bound and gagged,
Israel’s ambassador to El Salvador, Tsuriel Raphael, was discovered naked, drunk, bound, and gagged. The Post reports he was found on a street whereas Haaretz reports he was found in the back of his residence. Further details of this incident are that he was gagged with a rubber ball in his mouth and that “he was wearing some accessories that hinted of sado-masochistic acts.”
John Reith:
If the BBC is so keen to report stories covered by Israeli media why not this one?
Last Thursday, the BBC ran a report that the Hamas-run Palestinian education ministry has ordered that an anthology of folktales be removed from state schools, sparking accusations of Islamic crackdown.
Ahh, but wait. They are not such bad guys after all, since today they report that the Hamas-run Palestinian education ministry has lifted a ban on a children’s anthology of folktales following widespread public outcry.
But whenever did they report the considerably more shocking feature of Palestinian schoolbooks, denying Israel’s right to exist and promoting jihad?
John Reith:
If the BBC is so keen to inform us of this story regarding “Palestinian” school books why have they never reported on the ones that brainwash children into hating Jews?
Stuart | 13.03.07 – 4:40 pm
Palestinian government spokesman Ghazi Hamad said the apparent abduction was a “brutal and criminal action, and a shameful action, done by irresponsible people who are trying to create more tension in our society”.
“Fathi Hamad, Hamas member of Palestinian Legislative Council, demanded the kidnapping of more Israeli soldiers in order to force Israel to free the [Palestinian] prisoners… Hamad said this at a gathering of the “Wa’ed” organization for prisoners and released [prisoners] in Khan Yunis … Hamad stressed it was the responsibility of the government, the Legislative Council, the [armed] factions and military arms to dedicate all the efforts at their disposal to free the prisoners. He argued that the kidnapping of the soldier Gilad Shalit hit Israel very hard.” [Al Ayyam, March 10, 2007]
BBC peddles and spins more crap:
Apparently the bomber went to all the trouble of making high explosives and travelling down to London, just to waste his time, just to scare people with harmless backpacks of inert material.
Look at what I say:
“Apparently the bomber”
The mind-control has worked on me.
Ultraviolence | 13.03.07 – 5:01 pm
Maybe it escaped your attention, but the story you linked to was a court report which was reporting the defence evidence in a trial.
I think you’ll find, if you look more closely, that the BBC isn’t arguing that the bombs weren’t intended to explode. The defendants’ barrister was.
An important distinction when talking about bias.
Biodegradable | 13.03.07 – 4:39 pm
I think we all know why reports from Gaza are thin on the ground today.
John Reith:
Rather than engaging with our latest pet troll why not reply to my questions?
Ultraviolence – I would be grateful if you would modertate your language. It does not bring anything to the debate – but rather ditracts from some of the good points you made. I am no prude but I do believe that thoese at the BBC and their supporters will just jump on this language and ignore the substantial points raised.
Sorry for “ditracts” read “distracts”
Which is why Johnston, or the BBC, doesn’t report news like this
Or this:
JR, I see you did, while I was posting my last comment.
So are you saying that the BBC will not do an exposé of hate filled “Palestinian” school books, or mention the 20,000 jobs created in Gaza while Alan Johnston is being allegedly ‘held’ by unknown ‘militants’, but that once his release has been secured we will see more than his “… day after day reports of the Palestinian predicament in the Gaza Strip…”?
max | 13.03.07 – 5:16 pm
Yes, quite. And let’s not forget that we were told that Hamas won the elections because the “Pretendistinians” were tired of corruption under Arafat’s Fatah.
BTW, has anybody ever been investigated regarding said corruption, and while “Palestinian” spokespeople vow to track down and punish kidnappers have we ever heard of one being apprehended and brought to trial… in fact have we ever heard of any kind of trial in the Palestinian controlled territories other than summary and public executions for alleged ‘collaborators’?
Stuart | 13.03.07 – 4:40 pm
Your link does appear to show that Palestinian schoolbooks do indeed envisage a world without Israel.
But then, it appears Israeli ones ‘deny the right of Palestine to exist’.
Currently, schoolbooks show Israel’s territorial conquests in the 1967 war – the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights – as part of Israel.
But the BBC is nothing if not even handed:
For many Israelis the continuous Palestinian militancy, suicide bombing, the incitement in the media and in school textbooks against Israel and her citizens – such as depicting the Jews as arrogant and sly traitors, and Zionism as a racist movement and a “germ” – had served as evidence that the Palestinian Authority is less than genuine in its strategic intentions to end the conflict.
“Ultraviolence – I would be grateful if you would moderate your language.”
Well okay, [EDIT : Childish Name calling], maybe you should edit that post, replace “death” with “down”.
Nevertheless, the article I have linked to is mega-spin Mr Reith, if that is your REAL NAME.
It does not mention how this terror defendants flimsy lie was quickly refuted in court by other experts (I watched the ITN report last night).
It is more likely that the explosives in the ruck-sack were from an old batch made up for 7/7 that had degraded in a few weeks and became inert.
That article does not in anyway give an accurate picture of what has already been said in the trial.
[EDIT: Childish insults removed]
The BBC in hyperdrive telling us that the acquitals at the court martial were only achieved by omerta.
Outside the courtroom is the spiteful mouthed Hawley, getting a bit of R&R away from the ME, cueing in anti-military voices; then tonight we have a whole Panorama to condemn our troops for not acting more like social workers.
“I think you’ll find, if you look more closely, that the BBC isn’t arguing that the bombs weren’t intended to explode. The defendants’ barrister was.”
The facts don’t choose themselves.
[Gently Caress]
Ultraviolence | 13.03.07 – 5:44 pm |
I hope you’ll forgive me if I sound patronizing, but you’re obviously new to this lark.
The BBC doesn’t normally employ court reporters but uses shortened versions of agency copy.
The story you object to is from the Press Association. It will form the basis of most of tomorrow’s press reports.
The Guardian website has posted it here:,,-6477325,00.html
It is – like most court reports – a running narrative of proceedings. This story relates today’s proceedings so it’s hard to know how you can know any better unless you were there.
Watching ITN news last night doesn’t hack it. Sorry.
John Reith, true to form, quotes a BBC website article from 2003 and chooses to ignore the fact that the Oslo Accords and all those UN Resolutions that Israel is accused regularly of failing to honour call for the Palestinians to take steps to stop the indoctrination of hatred in their schools.
That Israeli maps show territories occupied in 1967 is neither here nor there, they were never part of “Palestine” because “Palestine” as an independent Arab state as such has never existed. It is quite valid for those areas to be shown as under Israeli control because that is what they are.
Melanie Phillips writes about ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’, David Miliband on BBC Radio Four’s Today programme, and quotes extensively from one of last night’s Newsnight guests, Professor Paul Reiter.
Are you questioning my memory Mr Reith???
I remember what I saw. I think you are lying. Your twisting and turning and making rubbish excuses for an article that is pure spin, I see your trying to shift the blame, but I don’t believe you, I remember what I saw on ITN last night.
You cannot tell me that article is not spin, because it is, and more to the point, I think you approve of that propaganda. You approve of it.
” I hope you’ll forgive me if I sound patronizing, but you’re obviously new to this lark.”
So you think your polite do you? Actually I think you are, your drunk on your self-important socialism. Your loved up, sexed up. To peopleism.
If you are the real John Reith, how do you feel about commanding an organization who funds it’s existence on the basis of loot/tax stolen from peope on the pain of imprisonment?????
And why do you insist on calling terrorists ‘bombers’??
But then, it appears Israeli ones ‘deny the right of Palestine to exist’.
Currently, schoolbooks show Israel’s territorial conquests in the 1967 war – the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights – as part of Israel.
John Reith | 13.03.07 – 5:39 pm
Read that report properly Mr. Reith and you will find that the real story is this:
Israel’s education minister has said school textbooks should show Israel’s pre-1967 borders, prompting a storm of criticism from right-wingers.
Yuli Tamir said changes were needed to give Israeli children a proper understanding of their history.
Where in the report did you find this quote?
‘deny the right of Palestine to exist’
The BBC, its lackeys, and its insidious use of ‘scare quotes’!
Ultraviolence | 13.03.07 – 6:07 pm
The reporting of court proceedings is subject to tight restrictions established under the law of contempt.
If, as you wildly claim, the Press Association has put any ‘spin’ on the story, you can be sure the judge will either lock-up the offending reporter or ban him from court.
The PA (and other agencies) tend to be scrupulous in sticking to the rules which permit only an uninflected and fair summary of what was said in court. It’s their stock-in-trade. They have a (v good) reputation to protect.
Which is more likely – that the PA has spun the story? Or that you are wrong?
It’s beyond reasonable doubt.
Your general manner in this and other comments suggests drug-use or mental illness of some sort. Still, no excuse.
The quotation – or should that be ‘quotation’? – isn’t from the story. It’s an adaptation of what Stuart said in his original comment.
Fact is though – Israel’s textbooks currently (as at December 2006) do what the story says they do.
Meanwhile, back at the GWface, the BBC’s lies and spin continue.
Take R4’s PM this evening, broadcasting a ‘debate’ on the Ch 4 GW Swindle programme. And the participants in this ‘debate’? None other than the “Science” editor of the Independent (a polemical Green” rag which abandoned any right to call itself a newspaper some years ago) and Robert May (one of the most hardline and alarmist proponents of the anthropogenic theory).
The most delicious bit in the ‘debate’ was where one of the twittering geniuses complained that the CH 4 programme hadn’t allowed any opposing views.
Eye. Beam. Mote.
Go on Reith, just for once, shame the devil and admit your employer has lost the plot.
Biodegradable: Thanks for the link – The professors long piece on the “experts” in the IPCC backs a up my long held suspicons.
It is obvious that IPCC panel is made up of “activists” and politicians. What the professor says is IMHO world headline news – why is the BBC not leading on it?
GCcooper: “The most delicious bit in the ‘debate’ was where one of the twittering geniuses complained that the CH 4 programme hadn’t allowed any opposing views.”
I’m speechless!
The quotation – or should that be ‘quotation’? – isn’t from the story. It’s an adaptation of what Stuart said in his original comment.
It’s something you said, it shouldn’t be in quotes at all. That’s what I mean about the BBC’s insidious use of ‘scare quotes’.
Fact is though – Israel’s textbooks currently (as at December 2006) do what the story says they do.
John Reith | 13.03.07 – 6:22 pm
Do they also describe “Palestinians” as animals, as a cancer? Do they encourage Israeli children to strap explosives to themselves and murder as many Arab children as possible?
Do yourself a favour and look at this web site, then please stop your pathetic attempts at drawing equivalences between “Palestinian” and Israel school books:
John Reith obviously wont answer any of my other charges because he knows he can’t.
2+2 = 4
That article is extremely lopsided whatever you say MR REITH IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME.
“Your general manner in this and other comments suggests drug-use or mental illness of some sort. Still, no excuse.”
After all, if I disagree, it’s because there’s something wrong with me.
No doubt you, being a left-wing creep, still approve of it. After all:
“Look at the pictures of Americans running from the 9/11 explosions. American bond traders, you may say, are as undeserving of terror as Vietnamese peasants. Well, yes and no. America has democracy; if it often seems a greedy and overweening power, that is partly because its people have willed it” – New Statesmen editorial
That kind of thinking infests the BBC, that’s why I want the BBC [gone].
“As long as young people feel they have got no hope but to blow themselves up, you are never going to make progress” Cherie Blair
Why should I even try to be reasonable with you??
“drug-use or mental illness of some sort.”
Quite amazing!
Within seconds of the start of the introduction to the interview with David Miliband we hear the following, “… it seems the man who almost certainly will be our next Prime Minister, Gordon Brown…”
“”… it seems the man who almost certainly will be our next Prime Minister, Gordon Brown…””
By the time the BBC has had its way with politics, it wouldn’t be surprising.
Which is why Johnston, or the BBC, doesn’t report news like this
Or this:
max | 13.03.07 – 5:16 pm
Or this:
Or this:,7340,L-3376040,00.html
I was interested in Mr Reith’s comment “the reporting of court proceedings is subject to tight restrictions established under the law of contempt.” I presume this also applies to potential court proceedings as well.
Anyone remember the BBC’s ludicrous tabloid reporting of the recent Ipswich murders? I remember for example a BBC reporter, Esler?, even going to the trouble of timing the the journey from a suspects house to the murder scene. No doubt this is what counts as investigative journalism at the Beeb.
Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador after he was found drunk and naked apart from bondage gear.
Reports say he was able to identify himself to police only after a rubber ball had been removed from his mouth.
I suspect that if the El Salvadorean ambassador to anywhere had been found in such an embarassing position it would still be news or possibly entertainment. It is IMHO it is a funny, embarassing story :o(
I also suspect that given the Beeb’s connection with the Foreign Office similar shennanigans from a British ambassador would receive much less attention until forced by the News of the World or the Daily Mail.
Similar behaviour by diplomats from Arab states would be considered too trivial to report.
More dubious science from the BBC homepage. DON’T MISS:
Dinosaurs in 2007
What would it be like if Earth had not been hit by an asteroid?
The BBC knows, for a fact, that this event finished the dinosaurs ❓ The linked article qualifies this with a ‘probably’. Can we take a vote among scientists?
The police are coy and the Beeb ain’t digging, but let me guess… it isn’t racist because the victims are white?
Two teenagers remain in a critical condition and 14 people have been arrested following a mass brawl outside a college.
Officers say it is not being treated as a racially motivated incident.
if the dinosaurs were wiped out by a single event , such as that asteroid, how come crocs, turtles and iguanas survived?
whilst the asteroid impact was a tipping point, the evidence points to factors such as the breakup of Pangea supercontinent into several continents. a gradual evolutionary decline in other words.
more evidence is coming to light that large numbers of dinosaurs actually did survive – they just evolved into birds.
having said that if dinosaurs had indeed survived, it is highly unlikely that humans would have even evolved.
Why is the bottom of that article all in bold?
10) Although The Wealth of Nations is by far the best-known of Adam Smith’s works today, it was an earlier work – The Theory of Moral Sentiments – which made his name during his lifetime. A treatise which argued that people were born with a sense of right and wrong, and of how to behave towards others, it sold out in weeks.
“Jon | 13.03.07 – 3:23 pm |”
admittedly that is a hilarious, albeit very strange story. and it has been covered by a lot of news outlets.
as for miliband – he got a grade D in physics. and he still hasnt blogged about the “swindle” documentary.
the climate change bill is the stuff of Stalinism…
it legally binds future ministers to its “targets” – or else they will be breaking the law.
thereby enforcing the “climate change consensus” IN LAW and making Britain the ONLY country in the world where it is legally binding on future elected officials.
welcome to Big Brother.
Bodo | 13.03.07 – 9:11 pm
If you want to find out facts, try Life Style Extra.
atchduke writes:
“thereby enforcing the “climate change consensus” IN LAW and making Britain the ONLY country in the world where it is legally binding on future elected officials.”
Did I miss something? I thought it was unconstitutional to bind the hands of a future government in this country.
When did this change? Or is it yet anther ZaNuLabour “improvement”?
The BBC – lying by omission
have a guess whats missing from this story:
and wasnt mentioned on the 10 o clock news tonight.
a quick google and i find this:
POLICE investigating the deaths believe it may have been a so-called “honour killing“,
The “honour killing” theory is one of two suspected by detectives struggling to understand why a father would kill his own children.
“It had been an arranged marriage in Lahore, Pakistan, between beautiful Uzma and stocky Arshad, who were first cousins, in 1992.”
“Arshad – British-born but of Pakistani origin • was infuriated when Uzma, from Lahore in Pakistan, started to wear western clothes – tight jeans and tops – and began to attract the attention of men.”
Arranged marriage. Honour killing. Pakistan. Islam.
NONE of these aspects were mentioned on the BBC ten o clock news tonight – when even the POLICE themselves suspected that it was an “honour” killing.
pathetic. the BBC – lying by omission.
David Miliband got a ‘D’ in A-level physics, but he got a 1st in PPE from Oxford. The syllabus from the degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics includes large blocks of logic and reasoning amongst other subject areas intended to stimulate the young,developing mind.
Miliband said that he would demolish the case put by the Channel 4 program, which he had not seen and in a field in which he is neither qualified nor to which he is naturally suited.
He is the product of one of our best universities and this is the BS which I heard this morning. Can our universities not perform better than this?
” GCcooper | 13.03.07 – 10:33 pm ”
no you didnt miss something.
A new system of legally binding five year “carbon budgets”, set at least 15 years ahead,
and enforced by:
A new statutory body, the Committee on Climate Change , to provide independent expert advice and guidance to Government on achieving its targets and staying within its carbon budgets.
and more:
a requirement for Government to report at least every five years…
thankfully, its only a draft bill at the moment. the Lords will hopefully rule it as unconstitutional.
It would be a piece of real investigative journalism if the BBC were to check on who the “2500 most eminent scientists” (said David Miliband on Radio 4 this morning) actually are: what are their credentials? I doubt that the BBC would dare to do such a thing because they must suspect, as I do, that the entire report is a fraud.
Where do I find their idents, CVs and qualifications? Any pointers?
” Allan@Aberdeen ”
the brightest youngsters end up working for the City, making a packet in options trading or derivatives. the brightest of the bright end up with those multi-million bonuses that ignoramuses like Peter Hain cant stand.
the not so bright students, end up in politics or the media. hence , you end up with the likes of Miliband and his £75,000 blog. (when it cost Guido Fawkes £0 to set up his)
” Allan@Aberdeen | 13.03.07 – 10:51 pm |”
google around for IPCC. i dont think the report is actually out yet – May 2007 i think. what the EcoFascists are are taking as “gospel” is a SUMMARY of the non-published report.
archduke writes:
“thankfully, its only a draft bill at the moment. the Lords will hopefully rule it as unconstitutional.”
Milliband really is an odious little Nazi, isn’t he?
I was all ready to watch Newsnight this evening, but the mere presence of him and one of the programme’s fatuous ‘ethical man’ segments convinced me it would be bad for my health.