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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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An interesting insight into Naughtie’s thought processes: he castigates Des Browne for recommending the spending of £15-20 billion on Trident on the grounds that the threat to the UK is in the unforeseeable future and, in any event, uncertain. Yet, his belief in the climate change swindle and the cost to the UK which will run into untold billions (evidenced at the very least by his lack of energy or indignation when questioning a supporter of same) is unshaken despite the threat being “in the unforeseeable future and, in any event, uncertain”. “Go figure” – as they say.
How we dispise the BBC here in Thailand as they continue to try to spin a pro islam point even to massacres of civilians. Look at these two headlines and leading paragraphs
Insurgents kill 9 in shuttle bus attack
– Southern extremists opened fire on a shuttle van loaded with passengers in Yala’s Yaha district Wednesday morning, killing nine Buddhist civilians including two teenage girls.
Now look at BBC
Eight killed in southern Thailand
Eight people have been killed in an attack on a minibus in southern Thailand, police have said.
To try to spin it away more, look at what BBC says next:
In contrast with the rest of Thailand, the south is predominantly Islamic, and most of the people living there have more in common with Malays, who live over the border, than with Buddhist Thais.
What is the point of that sentence? Any psycholinguist will tell you it is to try to create doubt that the action is unjustifiable in defense of the indefensible. In other words, to defend islam even when its adherents are executing children in cold blood.
We in Thailand would welcome the shutting down of BBC if it could be made to happen. They are committing an act of agression against our country with their biased reports every day.
Islamic BBC, we dispise you.
The thing is, by and large, hitler’s policies were considered to be socialist by his peers, and inf act if you were to adopt those policies today, removing the overt racial elements, you would be hailed as a paragon of the socialist movement. In fact, I recall an experiment someone tried quite recently, taking excerpts from hitler’s speeches and policies and sending them as recomendations and letters to modern politicians. They were received very favourably on the whole.
Ing Soc (Etc) probably has it described best, though. First and foremost Hitler was a bastard.
Ooh, BBC Trust in “with teeth” shocker – they’ve announced that the BBC is to suspend the BBC Jam digital curriculum project because of effect on the market
On this nazi:left or right thing, why not take their own word for it.
In their 1933 manifesto they said: “We are socialists and mortal enemies of the Capitalist system”.
Also see this site:
Electronic Music and Politcs.
First of all-forget the mainstream for any political content as they embody the New Left principle of mass marketing limp wristed libralism (BTW I’m not saying these are crap-I’m only pointing out there “political” content).
Thom Yorke/Radiohead,Massive Attack,Faithless,The Orb,The Prodigy,Mody,Orbital,The Shaman, etc…..
For a more “radical” left of centre view Electro has a plethora of groups:
Underground Resistance,Jeff Mills,Mad “Mike” Banks,Dopplereffeckt,Drexcyia,Ectomorph,Cybertron,some Wax Trax label stuff (Lard,Ministry,Rev Co),Alec Empire/ATR.
For a more “right-wing” (although more libertarian than anything) view point then the older industrial stuff might be down your street:
NON/Boyd rice,Current 93,Whitehouse,Sutcliff Jugend,Laibach,some Position Chrome label,Clan of Xymox,Wampscut.
(WARNING:Some of the above is very very hard to stomach so approach with caution!!!)
Most electronic acts don’t have “personalities” per-se (an idea that came from UR) and very rearly mention politics directly (although Autechre did release the Anti EP against the Criminal Justice Bill in 1992) but there are always oblique references to political issues (and sometimes you find tracks ending up on “issue based” comps as well).
One act that is worth mentioning is Boards of Canada and there fixation with the Branch Davidian….?
The best place to hear good music on the BBC isn’t on Radio One but Top Gear-They are always useing BoC,Aphex Twin,Autechre and other Warp Record goodies….
I caught the BBC early morning News magazine show this morning (‘Breakfast Time’?). Don’t usually watch TV at this time of day …
In the 15 minutes I watched it:
1. An article of the way people walk. English people apparantly aren’t sexy like Italians and ‘don’t walk propah’ English people are horrid aren’t they, can’t even walk properly?
2. 50th anniversary of the ‘Great Thames Flood’. Pictures of Reading under water. Apparently caused by heavy snow falls which, when they melted raised the Thames water level by three times it’s normal level. Not helped by the ground not thawing as quick as the snow. So it was cold.
But Beeboid couldn’t help adding that Global Warming would make this worse in the future. Erm..?
3. Trident. No attempt at putting the argument just a trail of anti-nuke POV with interviews from protestors only. The ‘fact’ that the government will have to rely on the Conservatives to pass this evil was stated with the usual disgust.
This was mentioned at least three times during the 15 mins ending with and interview with that reknown expert on nuclear weapons – Bianca Jagger!
4. The NHS in rural areas is not coping with demand. Really, living in rural Oxforshire I wasn’t aware of that. Sarcasm mode off. We have a local lottery. First person to spot an ambulance wins. There has been a roll over for the last 2 years …
So the BBC troll down to Cornwall. Why not closer to home? Why not up North? Well because in Cornwall it is a private company that is failing to provide the NHS with what it needs and not just the NHS.
Two hits in one private medicine and not enough funding for the NHS. No alternative view point given yet again.
I despair.
Now what’s the motive for peddling this.
TPO | 14.03.07 – 10:03 am
Because Andrew Marr is desperate to link Suez & Iraq. He interviewed Robert Lyndsay on his BBC1 Sun AM programme, & he did get Lyndsay to give him a quote that he relays in the Telegraph column
The Entertainer captures the anger and disillusion about Suez brilliantly. So much so, according to its star Robert Lindsay, that some people who have been to see it in the past few days assumed it had been rewritten to make points about Iraq.
But this was in an interview which was introduced by Marr saying c. “An illegal war, vast marches through London, but this was 50 years ago …”
Marr then got the above quote from Lyndsay by repeating illegal war etc & the play still relates.
Leaving “The Entertainer”, Marr claimed that Lyndsay was “haunting the PM”, with Suez & Iraq (i.e. The Trial of TB).
At this stage it all got too much for Lyndsay who said “I don’t get the link between Archie Rice & Tony Blair.
Marr, what a creep, pushing his agenda by seeking to extract the appropiate words from anyone else he can.
A man whose wife died after a series of NHS blunders following childbirth yesterday gave a harrowing account of his family’s suffering. Ben Palmer said his children, Harry, five, and Emily, two, still cry every night for their mother, Jessica, nearly three years after her death…
Bad day at BBC towers – not only is BBC Jam suspended, but now Blue Peter has admitted faking the results of a competition. And they were in a such a tizzy about covering it they’ve accidentally filed it under Middle East!
Wouldn’t have happened in my day, mutter mutter, etc etc.
“Illegal” war?
Could someone enlighten me about the “illegality” of Suez. Certainly the proximate pretext for launching the attack on the Canal – the invasion of the Sinai Peninsular by the Israelis – was pre-arranged by France, Israel and the UK but the cause of the war was the nationalisation of the Canal by Nasser. Grabbing British assets (ie the Canal) was a good and (probably) legal excuse for military action unless, of course, any military action in pursuit of national interests or to protect legitimately acquired national assets is illegal. Funny: the French don’t seem to have any hang-ups about Suez.
“We are socialists and mortal enemies of the Capitalist system”
Good point.
But seeing as the “socalist” element was dropped quickly there after (due to the “compromise” that Hitler made with Hindenberg in’33 on resumption of power) which lead to the split between Rohm and Hitler leading to Night of the Long Knives,to impliy the Nazi’s were “socalists” is incorrect.
The Nazi’s never had a strong idealogical background in economics like Communisum but in the more esoteric arguments regarding “blood and soil” and “race politics”.
Hitler economic policy was Keynesian “tax and spend” not to far away from the policies that being used in Britian and France.This is not surprising since Hitler had little interest in economic policies so giving the Riechbank carte blanche to run Germany.Hitler was only interested in was re-arming Germany,public works projects to increase the prestige of lasting “triumph of the 1000 year Riech” and welfare programmes designed to strengthen the German “Volk” (for example the child support payments to women to increase the birth rate).At no point was the private sector excluded,but what was set up was a kind of “corporate” state of private/public companies ensured to run the different sectors of the economy under Goerings Four Year plans.
Note that this is the same Goering who spent his whole time in the Karinhall being the “Forester of the Riech” when not playing with his trainset,which might give some hint of the state of German economic planning by 1940.
IG Farben is a good example of the sort of companies running the economy,a kind of crude PPFI.
The “socalist” element refered to is not of global equality but of equality based on race-so only “Aryans” are treated equally and get all the benifits of health,welfare and education.This is totally different from the “one world socalism” based around “class” espouced by Lenin and Trotsky,although the outcome was misery and suffering in both cases.
As the Polish officers in the Katryn Forest found out-A 7.62mm Tokarev bullet from an NKVD guard has the same effect as a 9mm from a Walter from an SSer…
Muslims Murdering Muslims?
BAGHDAD – Suicide bombers struck a market in northern Iraq and an Iraqi military checkpoint in Baghdad on Wednesday, killing at least 10 people, while an Iraqi general warned extremists that they will be “smashed under the foot of the Iraqi people” if they resist efforts to end the violence in the country.;_ylt=AphcrdOCd4XlMccDIti_bErMWM0F
“IngSoc is doublethink | 14.03.07 – 10:58 am |”
good summary there of the internal workings of Nazism. the Nazi state was at times almost chaotic in organisation – far from the propagandised notion of a Prussian style centrally controlled regimented state. it was really a load of fiefdoms competing for Hitlers attention.
i would recommend reading “third reich: a new history” by Michael Burleigh for further info on this.
another one on this theme would be “Hitlers Willing Executioners”
a mate of mine who’s signed a record deal with an italian techno label. he’s irish, but now basedin spain.
His web site says he lives in Costa Rica – maybe you were getting confused with Costa Blanca, Costa Brava, Costa del Sol etc. 😆
And they were in a such a tizzy about covering it they’ve accidentally filed it under Middle East!
After all the talk about quotes, tsk tsk. Should read “accidentally” no?
The Trident “Debate”:
So far all the narration has how this is splitting the Labour Party as well as the usual useful idiots from CND…….
Clearly Al Beeb has forgotten to tell the British public that these countries:
USA,Russia,China,France,Pakistan,India,Isreal and probably North Korea
have nuclear capability and these:
Japan,Brazil,South Africa,Iran,South Korea and Tiawan
Will have the means to produce or will have by 2024 nuclear capability,add and a whole host of nations who could develop in a short space of time CBR weapons and thats a lot of places.
So much for “No enemey in sight”…..
If we are not going to have a deterrent will that mean a increase spending, because judging by our troops levels when compared to say Iran or North Korea, we have very very modest levels:
UK Armed Forces Overview
Iranian Armed Forces Overview
North Korean Armed Forces Overview
But hey seeing as we can’t even provide air support for our troops,why not go the whole hog and hand over out stratigic responce to the “evil imperialistc Yanks”……
Unless of course we become we adopt nutrality and have to triple our defence spending to make up for the shortfall AND a massive civil defence programme a la Switzerland or Sweden.
But seeing as Thom Yorke is a student of Molke and Clausewitz I’m sure the TOTP brigade will be telling us how we are all wrong and we should be spening it on “hospital and schools”…….
Ahh…so much for informed debate.
I’ve got Hitlers Willing Executioners,thats a great read….
I must pick up Burlieghs book, I’ve herd some good things about it.
I would also recommend “the Order of the Deaths Head”by Heinze Hohne
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich By William L Shirer
The Dictators By Richard Overy for a good comparasion between the Nazi and Communist systems of Government.
And not forgetting the magestic The Last days of Hitler By Hugh Trevor Roper.
Although the latter is now inaccurate (it was written in 1947 without the aid of the Soviet Archives) in itself it it a great peice of historical research in it’s own right.
Which reminds me-
I’m going to be starting a project studying the role of Saddam’s intelligence agenies both inside and outside of Iraq.
I’m after books detailing the IIS/Mukhaberat as well as more estoteric organizations such as Project 858 and Fayadeen Saddam.
I’m a member of the Federation of American Scientists and have loads of Janes/IISS.CSIS reports so on-line info is easy to get but a good publication……..?
Can anybody help?
An update on the BBC’s refusal to state that Alan Johnston has been kidnapped:
@Max – 😉
@Martin Belam:
Re: Blue Peter
A member of staff asked a child who was visiting the show to pose as a caller and answer a question live on air… An internal investigation discovered the error…
It wasn’t an error, it was deliberate subterfuge. “Uncovered the deception” would be a more accurate description. Honestly, does the BBC really expect us to fall for this ass-covering guff?
So Blue Peter has admitted that at least one of its phone ins was a fix.
Is that news mentioned on the front page of the BBC’s news page?
from sky’s news pages (who by the way have their own agenda in undermining ITV’s phone line income):
But due to a “technical failure”, a telephone caller was not selected.
Instead a member of staff asked a child who was visiting the studio to phone in and give their answer.
That child was then awarded the prize
I wonder if the child, who just so happened to be “visiting the studio” at the time, is a also relative of a member of staff of the BBC.
– We wouldn’t want any prizes going out to the unwashed licence payers now would we?
Just got this extraordinary posting from Melanie Phillips.
It appears that scientists leading the GW debate now believe that we’re in a “post-normal” science era where GW is sooooo vital that we have to make the facts fit the dogma.
I must say I’ve had my suspicions for some time but it’s good of him to “come out” and put it in writing.
Truly we’re in the grip of a new religion.
Alice in Wonderland (sorry – climate change) science
“sentence first, verdict afterwards”
>> So Blue Peter has admitted that at least one of its phone ins was a fix.
Is that news mentioned on the front page of the BBC’s news page?
Erm, well, from where I’m viewing, it is the #3 article and the top entertainment story, and earlier was in the breaking news ticker strap-line, and “BBC suspends net learning project” is also the top story in the Education slot on the UK news homepage at the moment
>> It wasn’t an error, it was deliberate subterfuge.
Nearly all live television is smoke’n’mirrors of some sort – I expect the whole phone votes issue and off-shoots from it will rumble on and on and on for weeks, and involve more BBC programmes too
Re: kidnaping of AJ
Palestinian Authority security sources told The Jerusalem Post they were looking into reports that the BBC journalist’s kidnappers were aided by local Palestinian reporters.
According to the sources, Palestinian journalists working with the international media in the Gaza Strip were linked to previous abductions of foreign journalists.
“We have evidence that some local reporters helped the kidnappers of the foreign reporters,” the sources said. “These journalists don’t want the foreigners to come to the Gaza Strip because they are taking their jobs.”
Grain of salt etc. Interesting if true.
Contrast and Compare:
Israel ‘must halt’ Jerusalem dig
A UN report will call for an immediate halt to work by the Israeli authorities at a Jerusalem site holy to both Muslims and Jews, the BBC has learned.
However, Israeli newspapers have reported the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) will also say Israeli excavations comply with international standards.
Israeli works did not damage Temple Mount, UN says
UNESCO report, which will be published Wednesday, states Israel adhered to international standards in Mugrabi Gate excavations, but calls for suspension of project until international monitors can arrive in Jerusalem
Israeli works near the Temple Mount did not cause damage to the historic site, a UNESCO report set to be published Wednesday states. However, the UN organization recommends that the excavations at the place be suspended in order to allow for international monitors to arrive in Jerusalem and supervise the project.
In the report, which was obtained by Ynet, UNESCO experts laud Israel for the transparency with which the works were being carried out, and note that the excavations conducted near the Temple Mount compound do not jeopardize its stability.
Sources in the Foreign Ministry expressed their satisfaction over the report findings, but not over its conclusions.
“The findings confirm Israel’s claims that the works were carried out professionally and that nothing harmed the Temple Mount. However, the conclusions calling for an immediate halt of the works are inappropriate,” a source said, adding that he was not certain the organization was authorized to issue such recommendations.
Slagging off Israel at every opportunity, it’s what we do!
“It appears that scientists leading the GW debate now believe that we’re in a “post-normal” science era where GW is sooooo vital that we have to make the facts fit the dogma”.
Isn’t this the sort of logic that the moonbats accused GWB and Tony of using over Iraq?
My my why do words like “sexing up” “group think” “over-egging” pop into my head everytime I hear the words Global Warming…….
Re:Slagging off Israel at every opportunity, it’s what we do!
Add this one to the list:
Hamas still has not accepted the principles of recognising Israel, renouncing violence and accepting previous agreements made by Palestinians with the Israelis, and seems unlikely to change its mind if and when it enters a unity government with Fatah.
But it seems clear to most observers outside the Israeli government and sections of the Bush Administration in Washington that Hamas is moving towards the Quartet principles.
But Israel will not deal in half measures.
If Hamas will not do as it is told, it believes it should stay isolated – and noises are coming from the Israeli government suggesting that the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ought to be isolated too if he chooses, in their view, to sell out by joining Hamas.
Nazis -Left Wing?
Mosley’s British Union of Fascists and National Socialists had plenty of ex-Labour people in the leadership as did Beckett’s pro-Hitler British Peoples Party. Anti-Semitism? Well it’s a short jump from beleving the world is run by a clique of capitalist oligarchs to believing its run by a clique of Jewish capitalist oligarchs. The fact that so many on the left are in bed with the Islamofascists isn’t a surprise.
Dear Lefties, I know you think you’rebetter than Joe Public but really you’re not nice people you know.
“Climate change is too important to be left to scientists – least of all the normal ones.”
From the link by Foxgoose:
Honsetly – what is happening? Where are the sane people in this country – why is no elected representative in parliament questioning this ideolgy – its frightening to think that these “eco-facists” can get exactly what they want when the science is being debunked day by day (and from the very people who started the mad rush to blaming man on global warming).
There has to be somp MP or member of the Lords who sees the truth behind all the sham science.
BBC | Climate Change
Not a counter-argument or a dissenting voice to be found.
Even when the BBC talks about the Holocaust it introduces an element of doubt with the occasional ‘alleged’ or ‘it is thought’ or ‘some believe’, but when it comes to climate change it’s presented as immutable truth – to dispute it is to be a heretic, an outcast, a mad person.
Standby for the BBC to report this, again:
Hamas aide: Group to undergo ideological changes
Hamas will undergo ideological changes in the near future, according to Ahmed Youssuf, PA Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh’s political adviser, Army Radio reported.
In an interview with the London-based newspaper Asharq al-Awsat, Youssuf said that “diplomatic activity could achieve our demands, instead of armed resistance.”
He added that “Hamas will accept the establishment of a Palestinian state with the 1967 borders, with the implementation of the Right of Return, in exchange for a 10-year cease-fire with the option of an extension.”
Nil novis sub sol.
Sky reporting on Iraq today said that no insurgents had been reported killed and in the same breath reported civilians killed by suicide bomber.
So the suicide bomber was not an insurgent then?!
Their reporting of what constituted reported can only be described as a poor joke.
Its embarrasingly and ridiculously disingenuous – they clearly arent even bothering to listen to what they are saying.
Are they Al Beebzera in disguise?
Melanie Phillips: The ‘post-normal’ science of climate change
Ooops, didn’t notice that Foxgoose had already mentioned that!
More about their chum, TARIQ RAMADAN, for John Humphrys and Andrew Marr, in particular.:-
“Ramadan detained for insulting an officer” (14 Mar.) (Scroll down.)
What an admission! Let’s read that one again.. “Self-evidently dangerous climate change will not emerge from a normal scientific process of truth seeking”.. Of course not. The facts don’t support it. It’s not true. So, says Hulme, let’s abolish the need to establish the facts and the truth and impose the theory on the basis of — what’s that again — ‘values and beliefs’. In other words, climate change science has got to be anti-science. It’s got to be anti-truth. It’s got to be nothing more than an ideology.
@ John Reith:
Yesterday we were talking about “Palestinian” school books – see this clip from official Palestinian Authority TV then find me a comparable example from Israeli TV.
Go on, I dare you.
Just a comment on B-BBC in general.
Never has the time for a centre-right voice been more needed than now.
We face an agenda of PC orthodoxy that even Stalin would be proud of.
Britian is creaking under the weight of multi-cultralism,EU regulated,unaccountable,eco-facist moonbat politics that is isolating Britain from its traditional allies and friends around the world,and yet embraces the nihilist view of neo-Salafist rubbish which is regarded as “Islam” by the media in the UK.
Never has the ordinary man in the street (white,brown or black) felt so excluded from the political process.Never has the temptation to vote for the likes of the BNP been so high.
With Mr Blair almost gone,the breaks on the socalist gravey train are now off and you can expect unadultrated Labour policies that wouldn’t appear out of place in the 70’s.
Although I’m only been a blogger on this site for a short period,I think there will come a time for the likes of Biased BBC et al to become a real voice for conservative thinking in the UK and outside.
I firmly believe that the centre-right needs to take notes from the leftist, and SUBVERT the media to our cause,to use the counter-culture and to distroy the leftist hegomony of “pop culture” that is necrotizing our society.
As Clausewitz observed when undertaking war you must seek out and distroy the enemies centre of gravity.In this case the Command,Control and Communications of the New Left lies within the Labour/BBC/Guardian/Independant axis.
I think it will soon be time to organize and USE this “intel” that we are blogging,along with the resources provided by Guido Fawkes,Newsniffer,Little Green Footballs etc and combined with other centre right groups we could start influence policy.
Am I wishful thinking here,or do we need to get mobilized?
Biodegradable | 14.03.07 – 4:54 pm
I’m not sure I need to trawl Israeli TV for an equivalent though.
B-BBC has produced its own – remember that post about a pregnant woman being shot dead in the West Bank?.. news that was greeted here by a commenter saying something like:
Boo Hoo. That’s one less Palestinian baby to grow up to be a suicide bomber.
To be fair, Natalie came down hard on that one as I recall.
In most long-running conflicts there is a degree of hard heartedness and downright moral blindness on both sides. It was (is) true in Northern Ireland and is certainly true in the Middle East. And sadly it’s true in the blogosphere. I’ve seen comment threads on LGF that read like a lynch-mob calling for genocide.
While I share your revulsion at the PA promoting this stuff, I can’t say I’m as surprised as you often seem to be
at the hatred many Palestinians feel towards Israelis.
John Reith is an apologist for infanticide, ban him.
“IngSoc is doublethink | 14.03.07 – 5:06 pm ”
its starting to happen in the States.
already New Hampshire rejected smoking ban laws because of lobbying by NH libertarians. its small, but its a start.
“I’ve seen comment threads on LGF that read like a lynch-mob calling for genocide”.
Funny but you could also say-
“Shame they missed the bitch” when remarking on the IRA attack in Brighton……
The last thing JR-Please explain why Anne Lennox and Vivian Westwood “know” more about stratigic military science:
Such poltical heavyweights JR?
Yeah but approving of Thatchers assassination is not like calling for mass-murder in the millions, with nukes and stuff.
Also, I can’t seem to access the LGF website. I bet NTL (my ISP) has banned it.
Could you cut and paste its writing onto this comments box?
John Reith:
Biodegradable | 14.03.07 – 4:54 pm
I’m not sure I need to trawl Israeli TV for an equivalent though.
B-BBC has produced its own
Say WHAT???
– remember that post about a pregnant woman being shot dead in the West Bank?
No I don’t!
.. news that was greeted here by a commenter saying something like:
Boo Hoo. That’s one less Palestinian baby to grow up to be a suicide bomber.
I asked you to compare “Palestinian” indoctrination of children to hate with the Israeli education system. What has been said or not said here is not relevant. B-BBC is not Israel!
To be fair, Natalie came down hard on that one as I recall.
Oh yes, do let’s be fair old chap!
In most long-running conflicts there is a degree of hard heartedness and downright moral blindness on both sides. It was (is) true in Northern Ireland and is certainly true in the Middle East.
You can stuff your moral equivalence where the sun don’t shine matey!
And sadly it’s true in the blogosphere. I’ve seen comment threads on LGF that read like a lynch-mob calling for genocide.
B-BBC is not LGF, and neither are organs of the State of Israel – please deal with the point I raised – or rather you raised it yesterday regarding the PA’s total failure to take steps to stop teaching hatred in its schools.
While I share your revulsion at the PA promoting this stuff, I can’t say I’m as surprised as you often seem to be at the hatred many Palestinians feel towards Israelis.
John Reith | 14.03.07 – 5:30 pm
I’m not at all surprised, given the effort the PA, Hamas and all the other ‘militant’ organizations put into spreading hatred, and the help they receive from the BBC to spread that hatred and demonization to the rest of the world. The point is you fail to condemn it or even recognise that it is one of the most important conditions of past peace accords that the PA has continued to ignore.
The only thing that revolts me more is the failure of the BBC to ever adequately cover the real truth about the depth of hatred spread by the Arabs and their propaganda tools.
I am also equally revolted by your attempts to justify Arab Jew-hatred by comparing it with what’s said in the blogosphere, or the occasional accidental shooting of an Arab civilian.
“We try to fight Left-wing anti-Zionism both by tackling their arguments and by pointing out the racism, the bigotry and violence of anti-Israeli terrorists and their supporters. But if I’m right, this will have limited success because arguments about Israel aren’t really the point. The real point is America.”
‘Daniel Finklestein on why so many on the left are unwilling to take antisemitism seriously’.