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The BBC report has been stealth edited to reove a picture of John Noakes with a swastika and Hitler moustache.
Beeboid thought processing:
“But surely he must be innocent, he’s in Guantanamo.”
Anyone hear the beginning of PM last night?
For a minute I thought CND had taken over the BBC. Oh…of couurse…they have.
End to end coverage of the “rebels” that Beeboids love to love – you know, that list of t—–s that always has “Diane Abbott” at the top.
Would that list also include loyal British subjects like:
Jeremy Corbyn
Joan Ruddock
Dennis Skinner
Kate Hoey
Glenda Jackson
Frank Cook
Clearly having lost last night,and not having the comforting shoulder of there Stazi handlers to cry on,Al Beeb now questions Tony Blairs position (seeing as he has a few months to go)….
Bad morning at Broadcasting House-with Trident going through and KSM spilling the beans on why we have Camp Delta…..
Click to access 15_03_07_mohammed_transcript.pdf
GW,Trident,KSM,Blue Peter… the worm turning?
Sorry Camp X-Ray
A Lurker,
If UK Muslims spewing vitriol over the distant Iraq war can jump up and down behind Not in Our Name placards, and go into a violent frenzy over Mohammed cartoons, they should be at least as strongly committed to opposing home-grown Islamic terrorism.
Yet, with very few bold exceptions, all we see from them is mealy-mouthed equivocation and justification for terror.
Until such time as this situation changes, you shouldn’t be surprised that non-Muslims see Islamic terror as simply the extreme manifestation of a widespread Islamic loathing of the West and the intention to colonise and subjugate the West through the Caliphate.
actually bryan does make a point.
where are the “not in my name” protests after 911, Madrid and 7/7?
but they seemed to get all heated up about some Mo cartoons, and the Hez/Israel war.
Take a look here. You will find some amusement if you look carefully.
archduke | 15.03.07 – 10:45 am,
In their case, silence could very well mean consent.
Meanwhile, at AL JAZEERA:
“Al-Jazeea: ‘the Muslim Brotherhood channel.'” (15 Mar.)
“The Muslim Brotherhood is, of course, the direct progenitor of Hamas and Al-Qaeda. This confirms what has long been known about Al-Jazeera.”
See also: “The ‘Project’: Muslim Brotherhood blueprint for cultural jihad”
D Burbage:
That wouldn’t be our very own Laban Tall who suggested:
“proactively reach out to broad sections of the community on a multi-agency basis, while empowering a cross-section of service providers with a raft of sustainable initiatives”.
And while we are on the subject of humour note Al Beebs attempt at being “funny”………
BBC-Bringing “news” first.
‘Cash for Questions’ and ‘Cash for Honours’ were so serious that they dominated the headlines for many a day.
Now we have ‘cash for reporting’
A BBC crisis to boot.
If true its very serious.
I think it deserves its own thread here doesnt it?
The link was already reported by Jon above but here it is again.
I would say I look forward to seeing it on the BBC but I think we all know that is extremely unlikely. It will be interesting to see the BBC’s competitors reporting of this however.
Using the BBC theory of the ‘Cash for honours’ affair that unproven alegations somehow constitute evidence and there is no smoke without fire then by their own standards the BBC has a lot to answer.
There’s also the question of BBC cash for terror groups. Here is Debka’s take on the Alan Johnston kidnap.
Nice work Baggie and Jon!!
Hmmmm…Its turning into a bad week for Al Beeb.
“Cash for questions”
“Cash for terrorists”
And another little gem highlighted by our old friend Guildo Fawkes relating to the “cash for honours”:
“Mrs Justice Swift identified the material Mr Havers said should not be published as falling into three categories:
A Material relating to policy strategy in conducting their future investigations. As to that, the judge said that the real concern of the police was that they wished to put the document to several individuals who might be suspects. They considered that there was a risk that if information about the document was published, that would give potential interviewees the opportunity to frustrate the investigation.
B Material of a factual nature: The police regarded the document in question as a key document in the investigation into the perversion of the course of justice, whose deployment was a matter of real interest and concern and the police were for that reason concerned about it receiving advanced publicity in the media. The document was not an email, it ran to several pages and contained far more information. There was a real question mark as to whether Mr Powell, the addressee, ever received it and the investigating officers were very interested to discover whether he did so or not.
C Material related to Mr John McTer-nan, director of political operations at Downing Street.”
So I wasn’t an e-mail but a whole document!!
Is the BBC guilty of perverting the course of justice along with there NuLab friends?
Check the Al Beeb narrative and the above.
You spin me round baby right round……..
the bbc never fails to give Islam a plug, even if the story has got absolutely nothing to do with it:
“The general public, meanwhile, will be treated to a free open-air concert near the Brandenburg Gate by bands from all over Europe.
They include veteran English rocker Joe Cocker, Scottish folk band The Unusual Suspects, and Outlandish, a Danish-Moroccan trio, which has a wide Muslim fan base. “
Heated exchange between C4 “GGW Swindle” programme maker & denier deniers; BBC’s name sullied
C4’s debate on global warming boils over
Mr Durkin replied to both later that morning, saying: “You’re a big daft cock.” Less than an hour later, Mr Singh, who has worked for the BBC, intervened to urge Mr Durkin to engage in serious debate. He wrote: “I suspect that you will have upset many people (if Armand is right), so it would be great if you could engage in the debate rather than just resorting to one-line replies. That way we could figure out what went wrong/ right and how do things better/ even better in the future.” Mr Durkin replied nine minutes later: “The BBC is now a force for bigotry and intolerance . . . Since 1940 we have had four decades of cooling, three of warming, and the last decade when temperature has been doing nothing.
“Why have we not heard this in the hours and hours of shit programming on global warming shoved down our throats by the BBC?
“Never mind an irresponsible bit of film-making. Go and f*** yourself.”
“The young children of a suicide bomber discuss her act of mass murder in a video so heart-warming that it will give you heartburn”.
Biodegradable | 14.03.07 – 10:37 pm
Expect the BBC to publish a correction any time now…
Your comment about the statistics on the percentage of settlement development built on private Palestinian land (i.e. land effectively stolen from legally registered title-holders) gave (me) the strong impression that the data released by the Israeli Civil Administration to Peace Now had seriously undermined PN’s November report, which was the subject of a BBC story.
That impression was magnified by the example you chose – Ma’aleh Adumim – where an original claim of 86% had been scaled back to 0.5%.
Looking at the released figures, however, I find that far from undermining the original Peace Now document – they very largely corroborate it. With, of course, the exception of….Ma’ale Adumim.
An exception you cited as if it were typical.
Yet, excluding Ma’aleh Adumim, the reports are within a percentage point of one another.
In fact, PN now claim:
Main findings:
According to official and up-to-date data from the Civil Administration:
∗ 131 settlements are completely or partially situated on private land.
∗ Only 31 settlements are “clean” of private land.
∗ Over 32% of the land dominated by the settlements is private land.
So – what would the implications be for the BBC story? Are huge changes required?…ast/ 6168752.stm
More than a third of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank are built on privately owned Palestinian land, an Israeli campaign group has reported.
To be strictly accurate, this should now read: Approximately a third of the Jewish settlements………..
Peace Now says nearly 40% of the land the settlements sit on is, according to official data, “effectively stolen” from Palestinian landowners.
Should now read: More than 32% of the land settlements sit on……..
Minor changes compared to the volte face required of you and others here who have long insisted that none of the land used for settlements was expropriated from private citizens, but was unused or State land.
John Reith | 15.03.07 – 2:05 pm
According to the report, 86.4% of the Maale Adumim settlement block, the largest in the West Bank, is built on private Palestinian land, and not on what the Israeli government refers to as “state land”.
In November, Peace Now claimed that 86 percent of Ma’aleh Adumim was built on private Palestinian land. After successfully petitioning the court to see the database, the group reported Wednesday that data show that only 0.5% of the settlement was built on private land.
That’s only a difference of 85.9%, or 85.5%, depending on which figure you use, so there’s no need for a correction or an updated report to point that out?
BTW, ‘Peace Now’ is correctly described as a ‘left-wing anti-settlement organization’ by the Jerusalem Post while Al-Beeb calls it an ‘Israeli campaign group’.
(i.e. land effectively stolen from legally registered title-holders)
That is straight out of the PA propaganda handbook!
What ‘legally registered’ land has been ‘stolen’ and where was it ‘registered’?
BBC plea for Gaza correspondent
Middle East bureau chief Simon Wilson said the corporation had received no firm word on Johnston since he disappeared on Monday.
He thanked all those who had tried to help resolve the situation, including Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and PM Ismail Haniya.
Mr Haniya said he told security forces to do all they could to find him.
If Abbas and Haniya say they don’t know where he is they’re either lying, or Al-Qaeda really does have him.
Kidnappings were unacceptable and “harm the civilised face of our people”, he added.
While televised interviews with the children of suicide killers are perfectly acceptable and show the (civilised) face of the “Palestinian people”.
Reading a statement in Gaza, Wilson said Johnston had dedicated the last three years to living and working with the people of Gaza, and it was now becoming clear how much his efforts were appreciated.
Yep, there’s gratitude for you, with friends like that who needs enemies?
in the run up to st patricks day we get this from the bbc:
“irish EU’s worst binge-drinkers”
you can view the EU report yourself via here:
direct link to the PDF:
Click to access ebs_272b_en.pdf
what the BBC doesnt mention is that the Irish have one of the *lowest* daily alchohol consumption rates – a mere 2%, compared to portugal’s 47%
and also, the Irish have the highest “once a week” rates – 41%
(see page 9 of the report)
and the EU definition of “binge drinking” is a laughable “3 to 4 drinks in one session”
so a young Irish lad going out on a Saturday night , having 4 pints of guiness is suddenly a “binge drinker”?
one factor in true binge drinking is the speed of alchohol comsumption, not the total amount. in the time that it takes Essex lads to down 15 pints of lager, Mr Irish guy would be on his 4 pint of stout.
Biodegradable | 14.03.07 – 5:55 pm
I asked you to compare “Palestinian” indoctrination of children to hate with the Israeli education system.
No you didn’t. You asked me to compare a scene shown on PA-TV of Palestinians exulting in the death of Jews to something equivalent on Israeli TV.
see this clip from official Palestinian Authority TV then find me a comparable example from Israeli TV. Go on, I dare you. Biodegradable | 14.03.07 – 4:54 pm
Since I don’t get Israeli TV, I turned to the most proximate medium where I have witnessed someone exulting in the death of Palestinians – this blog.
that is very different from accepting your premise that both sides are equally at fault.
I have never said that both sides are equally at fault. Only that there is fault on both sides, which is not the same thing.
your attempts to justify Arab Jew-hatred by comparing it with what’s said in the blogosphere
I wasn’t trying to justify anything. You invited me to find an example of tasteless exulting in the death of Palestinians. I found one close to home. Now you’re complaining. The difference between us is that I am prepared to condemn both Jew-hatred and exulting in the death of pregnant Palestinian women. You, it seems, are not.
I don’t give a damn whether Alan Johnson lives or dies Biodegradable | 14.03.07 – 7:12 pm
Says it all really.
Since I don’t get Israeli TV, I turned to the most proximate medium where I have witnessed someone exulting in the death of Palestinians – this blog.
Your comments used to be vaguely interesting, sometimes I even agreed with you. You’ve become simply pathetic.
I don’t give a damn whether Alan Johnson lives or dies Biodegradable | 14.03.07 – 7:12 pm
Says it all really.
Not quite, I also said this:
I’m certainly not wishing any ill on Alan Johnston, I simply don’t care any more.
Biodegradable | 14.03.07 – 11:43 pm |
‘Since I don’t get Israeli TV, I turned to the most proximate medium where I have witnessed someone exulting in the death of Palestinians – this blog.’
Says it all really.
With people like you working for the BBC why would anyone think it’s biased and populated by arrogent prats?
“Since I don’t get Israeli TV, I turned to the most proximate medium where I have witnessed someone exulting in the death of Palestinians – this blog.”
No John, sorry, I don’t usually comment much on here but this is totally irrational. He asked you to find an example from Israeli TV and you haven’t yet. Going to a blog where anyone at all can comment and finding someone exulting in the death of a Palestinian is NOT an acceptable substitute and you should know it. An open blog is not Israeli TV.
Bio’s point remains: There are instances of Palestinian Authority TV which glory in the deaths of Israelis, but no instances of Israeli TV which glory in the deaths of Palestinians.
Please prove it wrong.
“Says it all really.”
Yes…maybe now you will start to realise just how much hate their is for the Damage the BBC has done……
You’re not loved Rieth…your’e obsolete, and some hate the propaganda and lies so much, they wish ill of people…..
Time to kill the BBC, before anymore lies and hurt.
Hang your head in Shame Rieth…what a bloody mess the BBC has become… reap what ye sow.
‘John Reith’:
Statement of policy on comments:
The comments facility is the property of ‘Biased BBC’ blog. Comments are unmoderated and do not necessarily reflect the views of Biased BBC or anyone other than the commenter who makes them. The owners of this blog reserve the right to edit, amend or remove all and any comments for reasons of libel, gratuitous insult or any other legal or policy reasons or any other reasons we judge fit. By posting comments here you accept and acknowledge the absolute and unfettered right of the owners of this blog to edit your comments as set out above. The presence of any comment on this site does NOT constitute an endorsement by Biased BBC or anyone else of the views expressed therein.
“What ‘legally registered’ land has been ‘stolen’ and where was it ‘registered’?”
I happened to drive through the West Bank last week along the Jordan valley and was able to witness at first hand the ‘settlements’ there. The infamous route which movingly commemorates the many Israelis murdered by Palestinian snipers and bombers during the Intifada is now a well constructed and relatively safe road that snakes through mile after mile of rocky desert. In the midst of this toughest of terrain there are little oases of Jewish agricultural development where date palms and a variety of crops are planted. Apart from Bedouin who periodically graze their sheep in the Jordan valley there is no Arab presence – although where Jews have developed the land, Arab villages are enabled to start up. On the Jordanian side of the border there is now mile after mile of greenhouses and crop development – all due to water deals with Israel following the 1993 peace treaty. In general the productivity of Israel in industry and agriculture is astonishing. The idea that this development is anything other than beneficial to the land and its people is just nonsense.
I don’t seem to have the time to contribute here that I used to but this one caught my eye and I couldn’t let it go. Through some of my old work I was privy to most of what is mentioned here and perhaps you might care to give me your opinions about part of it.
Key 9/11 suspect ‘admits guilt’
What actually caused me to raise my eyebrow was this:
‘But his confession of involvement in a wide range of ambitious plots reflects his boastful nature and a desire to portray himself as a terrorist mastermind, says the BBC’s security correspondent Gordon Corera.’
Now I don’t know anything about Mr. Corera but I fear he has gone out on a limb on this one, because what I knew at the time does not fit with his assertion.
You may recall that I once made mention about a BBC journalist making a statement on prime time news about something that he could not possibly know about from personal experience. The journalist in question was Tom Mangold and he had been fed a line from a particular government agency to bolster their credibility in Whitehall and to ‘steal the thunder’ from the bodies that had actually undertaken the work. Mangold is viewed as a useful dupe when it comes to things like this, being manipulated with titbits and passing it off as gospel.
Very similar in fact to John Simpson who is treated as another useful dupe. I well recall Simpson’s pomposity when he recounted how he had stood in ‘C’s’ office and, as if someone had indoctrinated him into all the Secrets of State, ‘looked out over the Thames’. Yes, and if you go down one floor you can get the same view from the bar.
Mr Corera however seems to have a different track, after all, the individual subject of the story has been held incommunicado since his apprehension, so how did he come by this information or is it just conjecture on his part?.
The difference between us is that I am prepared to condemn both Jew-hatred and exulting in the death of pregnant Palestinian women. You, it seems, are not.
Yes I do condemn the accidental death of a Palestinian woman and any comments that may glorify it, even though I don’t remember it or the alleged reaction by a B-BBC commenter.
The difference is while you say you condemn incitement to Jew-hatred you excuse it and justify it by pointing to alleged Arab-hatred, not finding it in Israel you point at LGF and this blog.
You may remember some time ago I complained about “Pete_London” and his use of ‘towel head’, ‘camel jockey’ and other such terms when talking about Muslims.
I’m certainly not ‘exalting’ Alan Johnston’s kidnapping, it just happens to be a fact of life that if you sleep with pigs you wake up covered in sh*t. Who’s fault is that and should I sympathise with the sleeper, the pigs, both or neither?
Is it true then that the sound of disks being destroyed, paper shredders and ‘Internet Cleanup 7 Pro guaranteeing e-mails can’t be retreived’ are pervading the home of the BBC as the allegations have emerged?
I have to assume the pro BBC tumbleweed and crickets response seems to help confirm it…
Jonathan Cambridge | 15.03.07 – 3:21 pm
Since I have never argued that Israeli TV indulges in displays of ethnic hatred, why should I feel under any pressure at all to ‘prove it wrong’?
Frankly, I would be very surprised if Israeli TV did.
My point is merely that tasteless displays of exulting in the death of innocents isn’t a Pally monopoly. It’s happened here.
Thanks for that insight. What many forget, or never knew, is that the West Bank was under Jordanian control from 1948 – 1967 so who exactly are these “Palestinians” that Israel allegedly stole land from?
I’ll be going to Israel for the first time in October to attend the World Mediation Forum which this year is to be held near the Dead Sea – I hope to have time to also visit other places and meet up with members of my family living in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
I commented previously about this news which the BBC and it’s resident in Gaza, Alan Johnson, didn’t see fit to mention:
IDF: 20,000 jobs created in Gaza
Close to 20,000 jobs have been created in the Gaza Strip over the last four months thanks to coordination between the IDF and Palestinian agricultural unions, according to Col. Nir Press, commander of the IDF Coordination and Liaison Administration.
A drop in terror threats to the Karni Crossing made the changes possible, said Press. Nevertheless, unemployment in the Strip remains close to 35 percent, he said.
Out of the 19,100 Gazans who found jobs in the past four months, 10,500 were in agriculture, he said. The increase was spurred by an IDF decision to allow Palestinians to work fields in the northern Strip, particularly in the Beit Lahiya area, that had been off limits since they are used to fire Kassam rockets.
It’s always been clear that if the Arabs simply ceased their terror and hatred they would find Israel to be a more than willing partner in their future development as a truly viable state.
More that the BBC won’t touch with a barge pole because it doesn’t fit with their ideas:
Israel, PA agree on Japan-backed plan
A recent Japan-backed agreement to promote economic cooperation and development in the Middle East must run parallel to concrete steps to stem violence there and revive the stalled peace process, Israeli and Palestinian officials said Thursday.
Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan and Japan agreed on a plan Wednesday to build an agro industrial park in the West Bank at a confidence-building conference hosted by Tokyo, which has sought to play a mediating role in the region.
Guess who’s putting a spanner n the works?
But senior officials from the Mideast parties said in the wake of the agreement that economic cooperation would be impossible without political progress.
“Can regional cooperation be translated into a political solution? Can we achieve prosperity for Palestinians, Israelis and Jordanians while the Israeli occupation continues?” Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat told a conference sponsored by Japan’s Foreign Ministry Thursday in Tokyo.
I have just discovered, via The Brussels Journal, that the Ondiep area of Utrecht has had three days of rioting by native Dutch.
The BBC, as far as I know have not even mentioned this.
Go the link and you will find out why.
John Reith
Talking of the murder of pregnant women – remember the murder of the 8 months pregnant Jewish mother and her four children by terrorists in Gaza (before all the ‘illegal settlements’ were destroyed)?. Recognise this description of Palestinian reaction?
“In what has become a common scenario following terror attacks, Arab civilians in several locales under Arafat’s control celebrated in the streets the murder of the Jewish mother and her children.”
Richard Brown, I assume you’re referring to this:
Utrecht: Ethnic Riots after Dutchman is Killed by Police
JR: “Since I have never argued that Israeli TV indulges in displays of ethnic hatred, why should I feel under any pressure at all to ‘prove it wrong’?
Frankly, I would be very surprised if Israeli TV did.”
Fair enough.
Thanks for this interesting info. It’s hard to describe just how different my experience of Israel was compared to BBC (and other) reports. The kind of bullshit John Reith is trying to peddle here bears virtually no relationship to the reality. What you say is absolutely true – the Israeli mentality is highly practical and constuctive and there are any number of productive deals Palestinians could be doing with Israel if only their leaders would let them.
The BBC is widely hated and shunned across Israel – funnily enough they don’t seem to understand how impartial it is. Maybe John Reith should explain it to them.
Oscar | 15.03.07 – 3:58 pm
Arafat’s PA Honors Killers of Jewish Family
According to Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Authority (PA), pregnant Jewish women and young Jewish girls who make their homes in the Gaza Strip are “terrorists,” while the Palestinians who murder them are “heroic martyrs.”
On May 2, two Palestinian Arab gunmen mercilessly shot to death Tali Hatuel and her four daughters, all under the age of 12. The Hatuel’s unborn son was also killed.
But rather than condemn their murder, the Arafat-controlled Voice of Palestine slammed Israel for rocketing a Gaza City Hamas radio station in response. The massacre of the Hatuel family – during which the terrorists themselves were eliminated by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops – was labeled as an “act of heroic martyrdom.”
Following the gruesome slaughter of the Hatuel family, Israel launched a limited rocket attack on a Gaza City Hamas radio station known as a beacon of virulent hatred of Jews. While no Palestinians were wounded in the strike, and the station was operating in violation of the Oslo Accords, the Voice of Palestine quoted a senior PA official as calling the raid a “cowardly act by a war criminal.”
The anchor then went on to portray the murderers of the Hatuel family as “heroic martyrs” (they were chased down and killed by IDF soldiers following the attack), reported media analyst Michael Widlanski.
The Voice of Palestine is an official mouthpiece of Arafat’s PA. The mainstream Arabic satellite network Al Jazeera referred to the killing as a “resistance strike.”
While their killers were honored, Voice of Palestine called Tali Hatuel and her daughters “terrorists” in its May 3 morning broadcast, Widlanski noted. The radio’s initial report on the attack said only that “five settlers” had been killed, but failed to identify the victims as a pregnant woman and four young girls. Nor was the brutal manner in which they were executed reported.
Further investigation of the attack revealed that the two “Palestinian” gunmen first shot at the Hatuels’ car from several meters away, and then approached to finish off the family at close range.
According to Arutz 7, the killers videotaped the Hatuels being ripped apart by their bullets and bleeding to death.
Palestinian Arabs throughout Judea, Samaria, and Gaza celebrated the murder of Tali and her girls.
How did the BBC report it?
while you say you condemn incitement to Jew-hatred you excuse it and justify it by pointing to alleged Arab-hatred, not finding it in Israel you point at LGF and this blog.
I did not excuse or justify it.
On the contrary, I called it ‘appalling’ and said that I shared your revulsion at the PA’s role in disseminating it.
You invited an equivalent example from Israel. I am not in Israel. But the person who posted a comment expressing equivalent sentiments here used to post many comments in support of Israel.
You seek to put across the notion that only Palestinians behave badly. In one post today you suggest that the behaviour of those pictured in a magazine photo featured on LGF is enough to deny the entire people any rights of political self-determination.
Then you call yourself ‘a reasonable person’ – albeit one who doesn’t care whether a British citizen kidnapped in Gaza lives or dies. Why not? Because he works for the BBC. So what happened – did your moral high horse die?
You ask rhetorically where Palestinian land is registered – when you know damn well that starting in the 20s the British Mandate authorities started to compile a land register based on the UK model – and that it was kept up by the Jordanians.
You probably also know that Israel’s basic law recognizes the Ottoman criteria for the ownership of cultivated land.
You know more than anyone else on this blog about these sorts of issues.
Yet you seek to quibble about whether Peace Now should be represented as a leftwing group when it’s irrelevant whether its right wing, left wing or a white heather club. The figures published on its website come directly from the Israeli Civil Administration under the equivalent of the freedom of information act. As you know full well.
Daffy duck follows bugs bunny on stage, the audience reacts…
I did not excuse or justify it.
You attempt to diminish it by pointing to similar exaltation in irrelevant places. Next you’ll be quoting Storm Front or the BNP to discredit Israel and this blog. Oh, you already have accused commenters here of being members of the BNP.
You invited an equivalent example from Israel. I am not in Israel. But the person who posted a comment expressing equivalent sentiments here used to post many comments in support of Israel.
That is just too convoluted for words. But it comes very close to, “if you support Israel you must be a Zionist”, ie: bad.
You seek to put across the notion that only Palestinians behave badly.
Just a ‘notion’?
Just ‘behaving badly’?
Are you now accusing me of maligning and slandering those poor innocent people?
… one who doesn’t care whether a British citizen kidnapped in Gaza lives or dies. Why not?
I’ve already explained.
Because he works for the BBC.
He’s paid by the BBC and works for the enemy, not just the enemy of Israel but the enemy of all ‘reasonable’ people.
So what happened – did your moral high horse die?
Unlike you I’ve never claimed to have one.
A Little Biographical leverage on MR CORREA
Mr Correa is from the “media friendly” and “cut and paste” school of journalism:
Click to access 3-ODI%20Media%20Training%20(DE).pdf
Newsnifer was on him too
Appears to have some friends in high places:
“There is little doubt that November 7, 2000 will forever be remembered as a “black Tuesday” for the American media • the day they first “gave” and then “took back” six million votes not once but twice in a few hours, ending up with what one of the million dollar anchors said was not just egg but an omelette on their faces”.
“Gordon Corera was the US Affairs Analyst for BBC News (now Security). He was educated in the UK and the US and worked in political campaigns in Washington and London before joining the BBC”.
JR-What sort of political campaigns was he in? CND? SWP? THE WEATHERMEN?
you know damn well that starting in the 20s the British Mandate authorities started to compile a land register based on the UK model
Actually I know: The (Turkish) Land Registration Law of 1858, ostensibly passed to determine title to land, “was actually a means of identifying properties for the purpose of taxation and of disclosing the existence of persons subject to military conscription. For these reasons only a small proportion of transactions was recorded, and these chiefly concerned elderly persons, females, foreigners and those sufficiently influential to be able to avoid military service. As an index of owners, the registers therefore became hopelessly incomplete… In order to avoid taxation, a person owning some hundreds of dunums had them recorded as an area of, say, ten or twenty dunums”
Peasants who registered their land at all often did so in the names of deceased or fictitious persons or of members of the effendi (gentry) or of urban merchants. Title thereby existed in the names of upper class Moslems, Christians, and Jews in Jerusalem, Beirut, and Damascus. Members of the urban elite filed whole villages in their own names, and tenure passed into the hands of those who were often landlord, tax collector, and usurer all in one. The bribing of officials and the blackmailing of peasants also played a role in the recording of ever more land in the names of absentee landlord.
The preceding quote comes from The Alienation of a Homeland: How Palestine Became Israel by Stephen P. Halbrook quoting the report to the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry 1946. While the author is as biased against Israel as JB and the BBC the article itself is academic, footnoted and worth reading.
Incidentally the Israel Land Registration Office is still known by its Turkish name – Tarbo.
The quote does explain why Palestinians and their apologists use ‘ownership’ as a stick to beat Israel in practice they avoid dealing with the issue. To do otherwise would be to admit that most ‘Palestinians’ do not legally own land they claim. To do otherwise would be to open the door to violence between the ‘legal’ owners, the ‘inhabitant’ owners and the Palestinian thugs who have acquired land in the P.A. through force and corruption.
IngSoc is Doublethink & TPO
JR-What sort of political campaigns was he in? CND? SWP? THE WEATHERMEN?
Hardly. Gordon C was a Frank Knox Fellow at Harvard.
According to the wishes of Mrs. Knox, Fellows are selected on the basis of “future promise of leadership, strength of character, keen mind, a balanced judgment and a devotion to the democratic ideal.”
I agree with you about the need for journos to be circumspect about what’s fed to them by your former colleagues and sister/rival services. Particularly if -as you suggest – Le Carre wasn’t exaggerating the bureaucratic infighting.
You know more than anyone else on this blog about these sorts of issues.
John Reith | 15.03.07 – 4:20 pm
No I don’t. deegee knows far more than me.
BTW, I’ve often wondered why the BBC’s ‘Related Links’ to stories only ever include links to the Palestinian National Authority, as on , and never direct links to Fateh or Hamas web sites.
The ‘moderate’ Fateh’s Constitution:
Principles… Goals…. Methods
The Movement’s Essential Principles
Article (1) Palestine is part of the Arab World, and the Palestinian people are part of the Arab Nation, and their struggle is part of its struggle.
Article (4) The Palestinian struggle is part and parcel of the world-wide struggle against Zionism, colonialism and international imperialism.
Article (5) Liberating Palestine is a national obligation which necessities the materialistic and human support of the Arab Nation.
Article (6) UN projects, accords and reso, or those of any individual cowhich undermine the Palestinian people’s right in their homeland are illegal and rejected.
Article (7) The Zionist Movement is racial, colonial and aggressive in ideology, goals, organisation and method.
Article (8) The Israeli existence in Palestine is a Zionist invasion with a colonial expansive base, and it is a natural ally to colonialism and international imperialism.
Article (9) Liberating Palestine and protecting its holy places is an Arab, religious and human obligation.
Article (10) Palestinian National Liberation Movement, “FATEH”, is an independent national revolutionary movement representing the revolutionary vanguard of the Palestinian people.
Article (11) The crowds which participate in the revolution and liberation are the proprietors of the Palestinian land.
Article (12) Complete liberation of Palestine, and eradication of Zionist economic, political, military and cultural existence.
Article (13) Establishing an independent democratic state with complete sovereignty on all Palestinian lands, and Jerusalem is its capital city, and protecting the citizens’ legal and equal rights without any racial or religious discrimination.
Hamas Charter
Amongst the lunatic rantings just see this example:
Article Twenty-Eight
The Zionist invasion is a mischievous one. It does not hesitate to take any road, or to pursue all despicable and repulsive means to fulfill its desires. It relies to a great extent, for its meddling and spying activities, on the clandestine organizations which it has established, such as the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, Lions, and other spying associations. All those secret organizations, some which are overt, act for the interests of Zionism and under its directions, strive to demolish societies, to destroy values, to wreck answerableness, to totter virtues and to wipe out Islam. It stands behind the diffusion of drugs and toxics of all kinds in order to facilitate its control and expansion. The Arab states surrounding Israel are required to open their borders to the Jihad fighters, the sons of the Arab and Islamic peoples, to enable them to play their role and to join their efforts to those of their brothers among the Muslim Brothers in Palestine. The other Arab and Islamic states are required, at the very least, to facilitate the movement of the Jihad fighters from and to them. We cannot fail to remind every Muslim that when the Jews occupied Holy Jerusalem in 1967 and stood at the doorstep of the Blessed Aqsa Mosque, they shouted with joy: “Muhammad is dead, he left daughters behind.” Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims. “Let the eyes of the cowards not fall asleep.”
Note the chutzpah:
Article Thirty-One: The Members of Other Religions The Hamas is a Humane Movement
Hamas is a humane movement, which cares for human rights and is committed to the tolerance inherent in Islam as regards attitudes towards other religions….
deegee | 15.03.07 – 5:19 pm
It was because the Ottoman register was as useless as your source describes that the British Mandate authority set up (in the 1920s) a proper one to register the land to the farmers who cultivated it and the residents who owned houses that were built on it.
Palestinian ownership rights are recognized by Israel. Talia Sasson wrote a report for the government of Israel in 2004, which said:
It is absolutely prohibited to establish outposts on private Palestinian property. Such an action may in certain circumstances become a felony.
But first and foremost this is a serious prejudice of the right of possession. This right is a basic right in Israel – included in Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom, and was defined by the Israeli Supreme Court as a constitutional right. Israel High Court of Justice ruled that the Commander of the area must protect the fundamental rights of the Palestinians in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. This means he must also protect their right of possession. It is the Commander’s duty to prevent the intolerable prejudice of Palestinians’ right of possession, which an establishment of outposts on their property causes.
There is no way to validate the establishment of an outpost on private Palestinian property, not even post factum. Such outposts must be evacuated, the sooner the better.
The New York Times:
The Biased Broadcasting Corporation
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BBC eyewitness:
One eyewitness, who did not wish to be named, said she had seen the teenager chased by a gang.
“I saw a fight at the top of the road. There were a big gang of guys chasing a guy with a dog, chucking sticks and shouting.”
Evening Standard eyewitness:
One woman said: “I saw eight or nine black boys in a very agitated state. One of them was waving a massive knife around. These boys were very hyped up. I recognised one of them as being a well-known local gang member. These kids were all gravitating around the boy with the carving knife.”