The BBC is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Radio 4’s revolutionary Toady programme

. A previously unseen document found in a skip outside Narrowcasting House gives a unique insight into the years of dedicated training that have gone in to producing some of the Corporation’s brightest stars.


Comrades Jim and John, well known Toady presenters

Comrades Jim & John: well known Radio 4 Toady presenters

An excerpt from the full Handbook of the BBC’s Young Pioneers:

“After years of training, John and Jim are finally allowed to run Toady – the most important radio propaganda broadcast.

Jim is so enthusiastic about The Party he sometimes says “we” – meaning him, The Party and all right-minded folk everywhere. But of course he’s a trained BBC Pioneer so he’s never biased.

John thinks it would be good if The Party took more money from everyone so that everything in the country could be perfect. The Party agrees and helps John to make lots of money for himself in return.”

We the undeserving proletarian masses offer our grateful thanks to Comrades Jim, John, Sarah, Carolyn & Ed for their heroic struggle in the service of the People’s Democratic Committee for State Broadcasting and IndoctrinEducation (The BBC-CCCP). We salute you!

Update (11.30pm): Further pages in the Handbook of the BBC’s Young Pioneers have come to light, including Comrade Paxochev and capitalist running-dog-eat-dog smears about Comrade Commissar Mark Thompson.

Update (Friday): More newly discovered information has appeared…

Click the link for full version. Thank you to Bob and another reader for the original link.

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8 Responses to The BBC is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Radio 4’s revolutionary Toady programme

  1. Lurker in a Burqua says:

    He does not know how much he does not know

    Headline from a wonderful review of Comrade Humphrys latest “God Dont Really Exist” tract


  2. backwoodsman says:

    Good to see you getting on the ball with this – it would be excellent if you could put the whole bbc young pioneers or a link to it up.
    The list of knee jerk bbc dislikes – the countryside, because Tories live there etc, is very revealing.
    It also highlights the disgraceful sycophancy of marr, brown’s tame beeboid spinner. Nobody who sees this should be prepared to pay the bbc in licence fee.


  3. Dr R says:



  4. Andrew says:

    Backwoodsman, that big purple line in bold in the middle is a link to it…

    Does anyone happen to know the author? Send me an email if you want to keep it private.


  5. Dogbert says:

    Backwoodsman, I don’t see how any of it can be said to be “revealing”, as it’s not what the BBC say, it’s just a satire done by someone else.

    And very poorly-done satire at that — there are much better sites in the US that take a similar line, such as The People’s Cube. If the authors could get it to that level, then we’d have something.


  6. Andrew says:

    The People’s Cube is a new one to me – very funny – but the Today effort’s pretty good (though the formatting seems overly generously spaced). Still, send me your satire Dogbert and we’ll help you share it with a critical world…


  7. Chuffer says:

    I love it!
    But it still doesn’t explain Life’s Biggest Mystery: why millions of otherwise normal and right/Right-thihking people tune in every day and treat it as an authoritative source of information and news!


  8. Lurkio says:

    Well it made me laugh.