Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated.
Hmm. ITV news. Not so keen on randy Mandy’s bail out plan for the car industry. Unlike the BBC that raved about it.
Then the guy kicked to death for a bottle of wine. Crime is on the decrease will claim the BBC.
Thing is beeboids. No one believes the Government on YOU on crime.
Then the guy kicked to death for a bottle of wine.
martin | 27.01.09 – 6:48 pm |
I presume this poor individual only ‘perceived’ that he was being kicked to death, as the BBC would say.
Mikewine 6:43
It is not a question of whether I “like” someone or not. It is a question of whether I agree with the point they are making.
What Kamm wrote in the article linked above was feeble.
As pointed out by Slacker, Kamm says the BBC is not biased , then says he is not qualified to judge whether it is biased or not.
Raises questions with me about Kamm’s thought processes.
I wonder if living in Stamford Hill has a similar affect
Learn to spell, antisemitic shithole.
Ok. I’m sorry.
But you insult oliver one more time, and you have a flame war on your hands. Ok, buddy?
Be warned: Mikewineliberal is getting angry.
I am sure we are trembling in our boots.
What a pompous tosser.
BBC up to its old moral equivalence tricks again. Now that Hamas has broken the ‘ceasefire’ and succeeded in murdering an Israeli and wounding two more with its terrorist action, the BBC is reporting that ‘an Israeli and a Palestinian have been killed’. No-one listening would have a clue that this was terroriost action followed by a rapid response.
Justin Webb: “Many of my colleages – you know who you are – are not among the leading brains of their age. I am certainly not.” there…in_politic.html
DB | 27.01.09 – 6:31 pm |
As if we didn’t know that already about the idiotic North America Editor, he confirms his illiteracy in the very same article.
It isn’t just the spelling of “colleague”, either. Does he not know to use a spell checker?
How does this university-educated BBC-trained journalist manage not to know the difference between insightful and inciteful?
Nearly Oxfordian | 27.01.09 – 6:58 pm
Learn to spell, antisemitic shithole.
What did I do? what did I misspell? I think I was right to use “affect”, not “effect”. And i’m so pro-israel i’ve been
black-balled from every dinnner party in north london.
will someone rush to defend me?
will someone rush to defend me?
mikewineliberal | 27.01.09 – 7:08 pm
Yes I will. MWL is neither anti-semitic nor a shithole.
How does this university-educated BBC-trained journalist manage not to know the difference between insightful and inciteful?
Millie Tant | 27.01.09 – 7:05 pm
Excellent spot. I have to admit I missed that one.
FWIW I think MWL is a good poster and only adds to the debate, personal attacks on MWL isnt helpful and I for one stand by him.
I speak only for myself and do not wish to contradict other posters or their opinions who are fully entitled to their views.
Dont let it get to you MWL, stick with your beliefs.
No, dear. You should have used “effect” (noun). (It can also be a verb as in “to effect” change.)
“Affect” is a verb (except when it is a noun used by psychiatrists to refer to a patient’s emotional state or “affect”.)
I think I was right to use “affect”, not “effect”.
Well, you think wrong. You were talking about cause and effect. Affect is something else entirely.
And i’m so pro-israel i’ve been
black-balled from every dinnner party in north london
Good to hear – but your sneering reference to Stamford Hill was not about Israel, but about Jews.
I must disagree with David Preiser, clearly mlw was not attempting to do as you claim.
Brilliant BBC, they manage to give the {then} ‘Sen Obama’ a free piece of positive advertising, and then further in the article claims that “the British” invented racism !!.
Take the following chapter:
“People were shocked to hear that Sen. Barack Obama – a black man who speaks so well…he’s such a good speaker – said that he had trouble getting cabs on 60 Minutes. How could a senator and a presidential candidate possibly face discrimination from taxi drivers? But it’s a tale as old as rhyme for most black men in this country. I work and live in New York City, and the sight of an empty cab sailing past my outstretched arm is a common occurrence”.
Had to be done:
back to business as usual at the BBC:
“Israel launches attacks in Gaza”
same story from Sky:
“Fighting In Gaza On Eve Of Visit”
Just watched Press TV and seen the vile awful Lauren Booth sister of the really awful Cherie Bliar.
Another left wing liberal woman pandering to Muslim ideals. I wondered what the hell she had on her head. It’s obviously a Muslim covering. Why?
Take a look yourself. Perhaps she might like to go and live as a Muslim woman in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia?
mikewine 7:08
“Will someone rush to defend me ? ”
Guess the best I can come up with is that , if you didn’t exist, someone would have to invent you !
DB: That’s clever! It’s a shame you can’t post that in the comments on the Webb Monster’s blog.
mikewineliberal | 27.01.09 – 6:43 pm |
You really are the pompous arses’ pompous arse sometimes. My comment was addressed to Grant’s apparent disdain for Mr Kamm; someone I thought he’d quite like.
I see, we’re all supposed to pretend that you didn’t expect anyone else to look at it. So we’ll pretend that you insulted only Grant’s intelligence, then. You know perfectly well that you assumed he would like something Kamm said simply because of other shared opinions. That’s a ridiculous assumption, and insulting. I’m not ready to believe the alternative that you’re not bright enough to understand what you’re doing.
I may as well post the most insane stuff from the DailyKos at you, feign surprise when you don’t agree with it, and then strike back when somebody else looks at it when I only meant it for you. Yeah.
Whilst the BBC is busy trying to ‘close down the debate’ on the corrupt Labour peers, here’s the Evening Standard reporting that one of these corrupt monkeys has claimed 400,000 in expenses alone over 7 years.
Sleaze row peer claims £400,000 just in expenses
yeah, whatever dave.
I wonder if the Entertainment section of BBC News online will report the fact that Benicio Del Toro stormed out of an interview about his starring role in Che after being confronted with some uncomfortable truths about the thuggish commie murderer. Given that the BBC possesses a love of Guevara which would shame a keffiyeh-wearing university fresher, I doubt it.
I know this is biased BBC but Channel 4 just had a terrible time tying themselves up in knots to avoid admitting that Hamas broke the ceasefire and Israel retalliated.
I see Iain Dale picked up on that tosspot Lord Soley getting an easy ride on the Simon Mayo show.
Does anyone else find that once upon a time Oliver Kamm’s blog used to be er…fresh and exciting. Now I find some of his writing so pedantic,though his heart is in the right place. Must be to do with his move to the Times. Also, what’s with the attempt to shout ‘gotcha’ each time he spots a spelling mistake?
“The secret report at heart of BBC’s Gaza paranoia”
Keith Dovkants
The author of this article in the Evening Standard seems to think that the BBC has yielded to pro-Israel pressure!!!!! (In his dreams)
“Does anyone else find that once upon a time Oliver Kamm’s blog used to be er…fresh and exciting. Now I find some of his writing so pedantic,though his heart is in the right place. Must be to do with his move to the Times. Also, what’s with the attempt to shout ‘gotcha’ each time he spots a spelling mistake?”
Oliver Kamm is a neo-liebour pseudo intellectual. His writing style, has got to be, one of the worst, I have ever read. Complete with; overused comma’s, punctuation where there should be no punctuation, to communicate, forcefully, Kamm’s–worthless–ideas.
What exactly is a ‘pseudo intellectual’, how do you become one?, are their any fringe benefits?, I am a Boxer dog, my owner thinks that I look like a dour scottish politician, would this qualify me for the title of ‘pseudo intellectual’?.
For all of Kamm’s talk about “living a philosophical life” we can rightly ascertain that he is actually a queer, a chronic masturbator, and possible shirt lifter. I will send a letter to his GP.
Kamm is an aggressive chauvinist, I know this because he displays David Irving’s plaintive complaint about being “defamed in public” on the top of his blog as though it were a savaged scalp. That isn’t philosophical behaviour. Nor is the use of the word “gotcha”. Nor is blaming Enoch Powell for the poisoning of politics i.e. blaming him for the very things he was drawing attention to. He frequently engages in personal attacks and innuendo’s against his enemies, for instance Chomsky. He once insinuated that Chomsky only held a political Summer School so he could enjoy some boating and swimming and stuff. Not exactly a substantive criticism.
I could go on all night about that fat toad, Oliver Kamm. Just look at his picture, he has a sly tight lipped smile and scheming little eyes. Why do I say tight lipped? Because tight lips are a corollary of a repressed desire to suck at nipples. Which means he misses his mother and is desperate to suck the life out of other people to compensate. He’s a psycho.
The ever excellent Bishop Hill has some good stuff about Newsnight’s faked Obama speech.
Vasili, why don’t crawl back into the sewer from whence you came.
Battersea, I hold my paw up to you in salute!.
Thanks Boxerdogsareclever! I feel mortified that my comments on OK conjured up this loonie.
David Preiser 8:18
It is the simplistic “Table d’hote”, as opposed to “A la carte” view of the World which characterises the left/liberal view.
Because they all have identikit opinions, they assume that those of us who disagree with them also have identikit opinions.
Bill Neeley on ITN News. “A week ago I watched in Iran as crowds chanted death to Obama…”
On the BBC…………
I think Grant makes a very valid point there and it’s what gives rise to the frequently observed cognitive dissonance, when a Left-liberal finds himself holding self-contradictory opinions (fundamentalist Islamists as victims and gay rights, for example).
If they have identikit and contradictory views, e.g. pro fundamentalist Islamists and pro homosexual rights, what does that mean about their views on those two things? That they are inauthentic, perhaps? And if so, what then are their true views?
GCooper 10:26
Millie Tant 10:39
Ah, we are in deep waters now !!!
What is the real motivation of the leftie/liberals , if any ?
Martin 10:23
Obamamania hasn’t quite reached the Iranians yet, but impossible for the simple-minded Beeboids to report.
They are pro-Iran and pro-Obama, so how can Iranians be anti-Obama.
It just doesn’t compute !!!!
Why won’t the real World conform to the BBC view.
It is just not fair ! Toys out of the pram etc. etc. !!
Grant: And no one in Iran protests without permission of the Government.
I’m not sure what term you would use in Britain, but over here a liberal calls hisself or herself “Libertine” or “Independent” when holding contradicting views. In this way there is no responsibility to be consistant.
GC Cooper 9.39pm
Another word in the B-BBC lexicon ‘fauxdio’, brilliant.
Grants writes “What is the real motivation of the leftie/liberals , if any ?”
Over the years I’ve formed the view that, rather than evolving their position from observation, or theories then tested, most Left-liberals start from an emotional position (a mindset, if you like).
It has a lot to do with a belief in the the essential ‘goodness’ and perfectibility of the human race (hence ‘progressive’) which, when it fails to be perfected, as it always will, needs to be increasingly coerced, to ‘behave’.
It starts with a Sunday school teacher and ends with Pol Pot.
Because Left-liberalism involves accreting ideas to an emotional instinct, rather than requiring each one to be stress-tested by reality, the inevitable consequence is a ragbag of often wholly incompatible notions.
I should add, quite a few on the Right are guilty of this conceptual corseting, too, but it does seem more common on the lockstep Left.
GCooper 11:22
“It starts with a Sunday school teacher and ends with Pol Pot “. Brilliant, you should copyright that !
All I might add, is that,in the moral vacuum of the unthinking lefties, there is no the difference between Pol Pot and a Sunday school teacher.
Grants writes “What is the real motivation of the leftie/liberals , if any ?”
I should watch this – it will answer all your questions
Oh dear, the BBC’s favourite ‘scientist’ “embarrassed NASA” and “was never muzzled”:
Will Susie Watts retract her slur against Dubya now Hansen’s supervisor at NASA has added his voice to the growing sentiment surrounding this scam artist?
Many, many thanks for that video!