Did you see that the BBC has given due prominence to the outrageous claim by Rowan Williams, part-time Druid and full time hypocrite, that Sharia law in the UK “is inevitable” and indeed could help sustain social cohesion? Well, I’m not sure if beheadings for thieves in Blackburn, stonings of homosexuals in Bradford, maybe the occassional public amputation for adulterers in Birmingham will really add the social cohesion that Williams imagines. There appears to be a move afoot to institutionalise Sharia law here, with the dreadful Williams now becoming an advocate for this novel form of social cohesion. Maybe the BBC could provide us with insight into just how much “cohesion” Sharia has brought to those wretched countries that have embraced it?
UPDATE: Here’s a chance for Druid Williams to get real insight into the joys of Sharia Law. Let him buy a ticket to Tehran (One way, preferably) to witness the coming stoning to death of two women. Two sisters – identified only as Zohreh and Azar – have been convicted of adultery and have now been sentenced to be stoned to death. Adultery is a crime punishable by death in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in accordance with the canons of Islamic Sharia law. The Iranian Supreme Court has upheld the stoning sentence. Zohreh and Azar have already received 99 lashes for “illegal relations.” Yet they were tried again for the same crime, and convicted of adultery on the evidence of videotape that showed them in the presence of other men while their husbands were absent. (Best Druid Williams leaves his wife Jane at home!) The video does not show either of them engaging in any sexual activity at all. Won’t it be fab when we get what the Druid wants – it will certainly create a few vacancies in the Media. Good for social adhesion, and coming to a town near you if Williams and his fellow dhimmis prevail. Any chance of the BBC providing a platform for those of us who oppose a return to dark ages savagery?
From the article:
This may be the understatement of the year:
“His comments are likely to fuel the debate over multiculturalism in the UK.”
Hold on to your hats…
Am I dreaming? I heard the interview and was astonished, shocked and dismayed. Just how stupid can the Williams be? How can sharia law contribute anything to social cohesion? The introduction of such measures will actually lead to trouble heap big.
As a Jedi Knight canI have family disputes settled using light sabres?
“He says Muslims should not have to choose between “the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty”.”
Why not? In the 18th and 19th centuries Catholics were given precisely the same choice (while at the same time enduring civil disqualification from public life), and chose the path of state loyalty while maintaining their own religious practices. Why can’t muslims? Many of them already do, after all, not that al-Beeb mentions the fact.
Just heard it, and I am stunned…
A new low.
Druid Williams gets more stupid by the day, does he not know that he is supposed to preach the Gospel? No, I suppose not, too old fashioned, not like Islam which is 400 years more modern. Stupid, stupid, stupid man.
That weirdy-beardy Archbishop has really shot himself in the foot this time. Or perhaps it’s just a cunning double-cross to wake people up to the threat of Britain becoming an Islamic state? No – he’s not that clever.
“Won’t somebody rid me of this troublesome priest!”. It’s happened before, you know.
Rowan Williams should be kicked out of the Church of England for this. It is appeasement of the lowest kind.
the devils in fiery form on this one.
Interesting that the HYS is in effect a thinly veiled request for testimonials from the Muslim community in support of Sharia law, as opposed to say a genuine debate on the issue open to all members of the public.
But then again, why would anyone actually expect the BBC to encourage such a debate when the opinions expressed would not be to their liking.
‘Dhimmiwatch’ has preamble and comments on dhimmi Rowan Williams, here (scroll up):-
” Archdhimmi of Canterbury ”
Quite how this donkey got to be or remains archbishop of canterbury rather than say the bishop of rochester is quite beyond me though how its an example of BBC bias I am unclear.
For explanation of Sharia Law, and the implications for Infidels, suggest see:
‘ ISLAM 101 ‘ and section 1 (d), here:
BBC has its favourite freedom fighter on tonight
Shami Chakrabarti. Am I the only one that wishes’ she’d just piss off somewhere and never be heard of again? She can take her awful sister with her as well.
It would appear that BBC 5 live “Drive” are not impressed with the text and emails they are getting about Sharia law.
Looks like the BBC is doing it’s selective email reading where 99.9% of emails and texts are against Sharia law, but the BBC will read out a 50/50 balance.
Hey, having an intrinsic aversion to Shami Chakrabarti is just a normal mammalian mechanism, but she’s entitled to live here and say whatever she wants (even if it is with the goal of destroying everything we hold dear).
Normally I’d agree that this doesn’t really have anything to do with BBC bias, but in order to make it pertain to the BBC, let’s mention the Have Your Say comments. I haven’t added them up, and I haven’t read past page 10 or so, but literally all of them bar one was of varying degrees of being appaled at the notion of Shar’ia Law in the UK.
The other one, was a guy – who was either a Muslim or a Leftist – (from the Netherlands, naturally), who suggested that the BBC should ‘moderate’ a.k.a. delete some of the comments.
So anyway, kudos to the BBC on this one, even if the result was the opposite of what you expected and/or wanted.
I’m starting to get worried about the Archbishop of Canterbury. Its not very nice to watch someone so very publicly lose their marbles.
Do you think the archbish really just wants a job with the Beeb?
Just to clarify, my comment above relates to the reader question at the bottom of the article, not the Have Your Say question.
Use the link on the BBC website to go to the Archbishop’s own Lambeth Palace website and the opportunity to (politely) e-mail him with your views on his comments. I just have.
Sick to death of this BBC promoted Sharia law agenda.
I said it the other day I’ll say it again.
” If Sharia is made law in the UK. I as an apostate will become a freedom fighter.”
It has nothing to do with BBC bias. Clearly David Vance and co think its of interest though.
In regard to your personal opinions on the issue itself, rather than just a superficial understanding ie ‘Sharia law bad”, perhaps you should note the comments below which he makes in the article:
‘He stressed that “nobody in their right mind would want to see in this country the kind of inhumanity that’s sometimes been associated with the practice of the law in some Islamic states; the extreme punishments, the attitudes to women as well”.’
Anyone who believes in a fairy story as fact has in my view already lost their marbles.
I actually think that there is a more sinister plot here.
The Christians know that they are losing thier power and influence in the Country and are often ridiculed by the leftist media. By attaching themselves to the coat tales of an extremist religion like Islam, they are hoping no one will attack them for fear of being seen as attacking Islam.
We should be looking to drive religion totally out of society or at least having any influence in law making.
Would we allow people to have laws that reflect their football teams? Of course not, even though many more people go to watch football matches than go to Church.
It’s nonsense. Religion, in particular something as backwards and barbaric as Islam has no place in our Country.
The presenters of Five Live Drive are trying desperately to spin this as no big deal. Peter Allen stated he wanted to “take the heat out of the debate”. How dare the stupid British public get angry about this subject! Let us, the BBC, explain the benefits of Sharia.
25 comments and no word on the BBC giving an entire article to the criticism.
Shilling for Islam my foot. More kneejerkism from Mr Vance, more like.
Yes. 5 lite are the flag ship of Moozlum spin at the BBC.
Incidentally, how does “the law accommodated the anti-abortion views of some Christians” – anyone know?
I have to say the original web report was pretty good, I thought, and to accuse the BBC of bias for simply reporting a newsworthy story seemed unconvincing. Fortunately for Vance they’ve now extensively rewritten the piece to ensure it is heavily slanted to support Williams’ comments and even edited down the comments of the Bishop of Rochester (to make room for a rebuttal). This has removed his reference to the damage done by multiculturist policies – and thus removed the point of mentioning him in the first place. Nice work.
BTW: “People may legally devise their own way to settle a dispute in front of an agreed third party as long as both sides agree to the process.” AKA arbitration, surely, and absolutely nothing to do with religion.
With government-sponsored Orwellian changes to our language, there is little clear understanding of Sharia law and Islamic jihad.
In the context of this week’s BBC ‘Moral Maze’ discussion, Melanie Phillips gives her impressions:-
‘Lost in the Maze’
p and a tale of one chip: ‘cos 23 of them were made before the story was posted?
Oh yes, the brave BBC NOW give some cover to those who may think that the idea of medieval savagery is a tad rich, but in the original story, there was no counter-opinion to his dhimminess. Get with the programme here – the BBC delight in having a nauseating hypocrite such as Williams spinning for Islam.
As I pointed out there is a another story here.
The BBC correctly pointed out that many Christians/Catholics oppose abortion, genetic engineering and so on.
The 6PM news highlighted this and the Church is using “Moozlums” as their point man here.
He knows that there will be massive support from Moozlum groups.
However, what this Christian prat forgets is that in his cowardice you can’t pick and choose Sharia law. It’s the full monty (beheadings the lot) or nothing.
This man is an utter arsehole and it’s about time all Bishops and other religious groups should be banned from the House of Lords.
The Islam accommodating BBC, continued; going off the BBC 2 ‘Newsnight’ blog on tonight’s progamme, this will NOT present a case of outright OPPOSITION to Williams’ dhimmitude, of course. No,”tonight ‘Newsnight’ discusses how Sharia would work given equal status to English and Scottish Law…”
Wow, Al Beeb’s giving out free legal advice of how to implement Sharia law already!
It is, unhappily, true and for several decades that the best that one can expect from a Prince of the Church of England should be the most craven lily livered moral cowardice, wrapped up in the case of the present incumbent, in an ocean of sophistry.
V.S Naipaul said it all a month or so ago “They come here from their own benighted countries…”
Since he is not “hideously white” his comments were reported without comment by the BBC.
A society and its laws, however imperfect, are to be judged as advanced or backward according to standards which either progress or are retrograde.
Sharia law would impact heavily on the BBC with its abnormally high number of homosexuals and women.In fact the BBC is the archetypal liberal institution that the fundamentalists hate the most…along with the C of E.
No mention that Swampy was the turd under the doormat left by Anthony Charles Lynton Blair.Just another institution Attila the Hon has managed to destroy.
“Anyone who believes in a fairy story as fact has in my view already lost their marbles…We should be looking to drive religion totally out of society or at least having any influence in law making…It’s nonsense. Religion, in particular something as backwards and barbaric as Islam has no place in our Country.”
And there are few greater fairy stories than the idea that a country can drive out all religion and be the better for it. Views like this unnerve me almost as much as Islam.
Sick to death of this BBC promoted Sharia law agenda.
I said it the other day I’ll say it again.
” If Sharia is made law in the UK. I as an apostate will become a freedom fighter.”
pounce | 07.02.08 – 5:19 pm | #
And so will I.
George R,
Well spotted. There is an unholy alliance between the holy fool Williams and the Beeboids. They DO shill for Sharia.
Bear in mind that Labour gets special funding from “Muslim Friends for Labour”, would you trust Labour to look after this country.
– from the Muslim Public Affairs UK website
“ONE of Labour’s biggest donors was able secretly to channel more than £300,000 into the party’s election funds through an Islamic lobby group that hid his identity.
Inquiries by The Sunday Times have established that Imran Khand, a 43-year-old computer entrepreneur, was behind three large donations to the party earlier this year.
But his name was never disclosed to the Electoral Commission, which regulates party funding, because the money was given in the name of Muslim Friends of Labour, a lobby group.
Separately, Harriet Harman’s deputy leadership campaign registered a £5,000 donation from Muslim Friends, when the cash was almost entirely from Moham-mad Sarwar, the Labour MP who runs the group. “
I think we should now wake up to what is happening to this country before our very eyes.
The BBC, by its’ standards hasn’t been particularly biased in this case – just bias by omission. I am shocked that they do not react to the grossly illiberal and oppressive, possibly medieval, regime that is espoused by sharia. It must be as far from the leftist, statist utopian views that they hold dear as it is possible to be – yet no comment. Suggest that a dose of mild market reform is necessary in the NHS and they wet themselves with buttock clenching rage. I see BBC bias in here, not in the factuial reporting of the story but in the provision of the benefit of the doubt to any cause, however loopy, that undermines established British values. I have even heard arch freminists on the BBC saying that “the veil must be so liberating”
Doubleplusdoublethink – anything that attacks that which I hate (Britain and its’ established order)must be good
IQ: You think Islamic law is a good idea then? You think religion is a good thing? That a stupid belief that has no base in fact (you could argue that there is more evidence for the presence of fairies, aliens, Bigfoot and ghosts than for God) is a good thing in a modern society?
Why should you religious nutters always get your way?
Most of us don’t want religion thrust down our throats, I strongly object to the BBC doing Songs of Praise at my expense.
How about a show called Songs for those that don’t believe?
All religion is evil, it’s cruelty dressed up in silly books written by sad pathetic men, often used to oppress women whom they fear.
I think religion should be looked at like drink driving, an unacceptable practice.
Martin: I doubt telling you my views would penetrate your prejudice. Though I do think if modern society banished all “stupid beliefs that have no basis in fact”, you might type less.
Sharia law is inevitable? Well to be honest he is right. Mohammed and it’s spelling variations are the 2nd most popular name for baby boys now. So in 18 years time, all these baby Mohammeds will be able to vote and of course, politicians will be keen to come up with Sharia friendly legislation to try and get their vote.
We already have banks that consider it to be economically viable to provide Sharia friendly financial products, so in 18 years time, we will see politcians doing the same.
It’s known as demographic warfare and Britain has been caught sleeping.
It would seem that some savvy peace lovers have been “making love not war” and the birthrates will ensure that they reap the rewards in 18+ years time.
I think that you have forgotten the nulab master card in the battle of demographies – there are 3/4 of a million ‘new Britons’ who are all young and of child bearing age and pretty much Catholic to a person. is this enough of a counterbalance?
I see that BBC ‘Newsnight’ is also featuring LIVINGSTONE tonight:
Will it also feature Livingstone’s joke of today?:-
“Ken Livingstone’s bad taste Joke about Muslims – and Shi’ites in stations”
I know his job is a political appointmet but surely their should be thousands of CofE faithfull marching in the streets to get rid of this guy. He is a fool, not only for this comments but for many more.
This is the problem with small minds pontificating as if they have knowledge.
Here’s what I believe is the crux of the problem:
We think that:
A. Muslims can practice the religion of Islam, it is their right within their individual freedom and liberty,
B. Expecting Muslims to not act in an Islamic manner.
Make no mistake, the liberals (among whom we can include libertarians) are close minded and insular. They are backwards and old fashioned. They need to expand their minds to diversity.
We need to circumvent the whole problem with immigration restriction. But you wont like that because it infringes the right of the individual to go where they please. Which just goes to show that libertarianism is impotent as an ideology before Islam.
Of course if you`re a spineless,bloodless,gutless wet hippy of an appeaser,
with a vanishing congregation who finds that, for all the historic power his position holds,comes across as a cartoon caracature of the `trendy vicar` who no longer speaks for, or is heard by the very people who stuff his churches with cash,
he WOULD think it unavoidable wouldn`t he?
Please note this is the most attention the `bish has had in years,from the public,the government and the media,this may be his aim.
Williams has lost the plot. The silly old hand-wringing leftie fart probably thought he would get a few brownie points from NuLabour – but with such swift denunciation from most places – Trevor Phillips was quick to slap the idea down – Broon will probably leave the old druid out to dry.
I wonder how Newsnight will handle it?
Nothing suprising in a man who promotes one brand of fairy story “empathising” with another brand of fairy story. They are both in the same business: the promotion of the priesthood as spokesperson for the chief Fairy, who, for someone all-powerful, is strangely mute.
Despite HYS riduculing him, the BBC Agenda is to “float the idea” You’ll hear it again. Then again.Then it becomes a “familiar” idea…