Did you see that the BBC has given due prominence to the outrageous claim by Rowan Williams, part-time Druid and full time hypocrite, that Sharia law in the UK “is inevitable” and indeed could help sustain social cohesion? Well, I’m not sure if beheadings for thieves in Blackburn, stonings of homosexuals in Bradford, maybe the occassional public amputation for adulterers in Birmingham will really add the social cohesion that Williams imagines. There appears to be a move afoot to institutionalise Sharia law here, with the dreadful Williams now becoming an advocate for this novel form of social cohesion. Maybe the BBC could provide us with insight into just how much “cohesion” Sharia has brought to those wretched countries that have embraced it?
UPDATE: Here’s a chance for Druid Williams to get real insight into the joys of Sharia Law. Let him buy a ticket to Tehran (One way, preferably) to witness the coming stoning to death of two women. Two sisters – identified only as Zohreh and Azar – have been convicted of adultery and have now been sentenced to be stoned to death. Adultery is a crime punishable by death in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in accordance with the canons of Islamic Sharia law. The Iranian Supreme Court has upheld the stoning sentence. Zohreh and Azar have already received 99 lashes for “illegal relations.” Yet they were tried again for the same crime, and convicted of adultery on the evidence of videotape that showed them in the presence of other men while their husbands were absent. (Best Druid Williams leaves his wife Jane at home!) The video does not show either of them engaging in any sexual activity at all. Won’t it be fab when we get what the Druid wants – it will certainly create a few vacancies in the Media. Good for social adhesion, and coming to a town near you if Williams and his fellow dhimmis prevail. Any chance of the BBC providing a platform for those of us who oppose a return to dark ages savagery?
Muslims in UK expand the activities of Sharia courts:
“Sharia court frees London knife youths”
EDIT: Okay, not NO MUSLIMS, there are extremist murderers that want it, but for the most part, I don’t think it’s an issue for us as Brits.
And were the British police involved? These are vigilante courts, where clearly no aspect of British law was made aware. And more proof that Williams’ comments are ridiculous.
Nice to see a balanced report though, eh?
Al Beeb are in multiculty overdrive trying to suppress the natural reaction to the arch druid’s tortured mental masturbation.
Last nights “PM” included interviews with about as many muslims as they could muster given the short time they had to gather them together, and one mild statement against Williams from a fairly liberal human rights lawyer.
No interview with Nick Griffin then ?
The “Reaction in Quotes” page on their website includes six entries from the usual carefully selected apologists, explaining how sharia can enlighten our wicked western lives, and six from non muslims, again all fairly moderate.
Isn’t this 50:50 split a little biased in favour of the Islamic viewpoint given the small proportion of the total population which muslims represent.
The BBC is now so out of touch that when they screw up badly they firstly seem unable to see it coming, and then compound their error by feeble and hopelessly transparent attemts at spin and self justification.
I want my licence money back.
“…despite NO MUSLIMS saying sharia law should replace British law.
The debate, IMO, should be whether Williams can possibly be taken seriously after such ridiculous comments.
AD | 08.02.08 – 1:00 pm ”
I suppose in your view the telegraph poll in 2006 was faked then?
Or perhaps you think views have changed since?
Where is your evidence?
If I had to make an educated guess I would say the percentage has increased not decreased now, but I haven’t the evidence to back that up, so 40% can cover it for now.
EDIT: Okay, not NO MUSLIMS, there are extremist murderers that want it, but for the most part, I don’t think it’s an issue for us as Brits.
AD | 08.02.08 – 1:01 pm
Ain’t quite true. On the World Service yesterday they had a moderate-sounding Muslim who followed Williams’ argument that he is not advocating the more extreme forms of Sharia. The moderate one said that Sharia would only be used for civil matters such as marriage and divorce. This is nonsense, of course. It’s obvious that this is just the thin end of the wedge. And it is totally bizarre that the wedge is being wielded by a home-grown British archbishop.
I heard today that if the EU decides to introduce Sharia the UK will have no power to prevent it. If this is true, then we’re all in deeper fertiliser than I thought.
But from what I’ve read here and on the BBC, I think it’s a bit unfair to claim that the BBC is 100% behind Sharia. It appears to be seriously split on the issue.
Sorry meant to add this to the above
“EDIT: Okay, not NO MUSLIMS, there are extremist murderers that want it, but for the most part, I don’t think it’s an issue for us as Brits.
AD | 08.02.08 – 1:01 pm”
same comment…
Beeboids probably thought that the scepticism of Mohammedans aired on this blog was in now way reflected by “normal” people.
Well, away from the coffee shops of Islington people are pi**ed off by what Islam means. Here’s a sample of public feeling on the BBC’s own corner of cyberspace…
In today’s BBC News site (not CBBC but the one for adults) article about the archbish being ‘shocked’ at Sharia row we have this helpful sentence:
“Islamic Sharia law is a legal and social code designed to help Muslims live their daily lives, but it has proved controversial in the West for the extreme nature of some of its punishments.”
Classic understatement.
I fail to see what this has to do with BBC bias. But I do think the whole thing is amusing.
There’s nothing funnier than watching the British run around clutching their arses cackling “Save us, save us!” “When can we return to our telly watching and excuses.”
Sharia law is inevitable in the UK, how can it not be? We are a nation of lazy, spineless whiners who are incapable of doing anything and expecting it all to be done for us.
Can you name a single nation in the world that would be easier to absorb into an Islamic state than England.
I look on the bright side, firstly, I would have left this country long before it will become a reality,
and secondly, 90% of those at the BBC would have lost their jobs. As it has an abundance of gays and ‘wimmin’ they are going to reap what they have sown, and deservedly so.
Sharia law: the BBC doesn’t get it,
but Melanie Phillips does:-
“The Archbishop’s Speech”
The news bulletin at 3pm today on Radio 4 started with a mention that some people had criticised Williams’ speech but then went onto someone commenting that Willaims had one of the finest minds in the ciuntry!!!! And how awful it was for anyone to criticise him. As Cicero said over 2000 years ago :- There is nothing so absurd but some philosopher has said it.
BTW If Sharia law is implemented in this country aren’t the large number of homosexuals working for the BBC worried about being killed in some very unpleasant manner?
And yet again, the BBC provides Tariq Ramadan another platform again today. He’s on morning, noon and night. He was on ‘Today’ this morning, and he’s on BBC 2 ‘Newsnight’ tonight. (See my earlier references to what sort of person Muslim Mr. Ramadan is,at 7:44 am, and 8:59 am today.). And, again Ramadan is misleadingly described in ‘Newsnight’ by Paxman,who should know much better, as simply being ‘of Oxford University’. This is misleading, as I showed in earlier posts.
‘Newsnight’ following the BBC partisan coverage of the the Archbishop and his predilection for including alien Sharia law in UK law,
gave much time to the views of two unrepresentative C of E type people and to Muslims like Ramadan. The views of the mass of the British people are largely presented as a mere ‘statistic’ without a significant voice allowed on the BBC; unless you’re name is Chakrabarti.
The BBC isn’t, apparently aware of its own dhimmitude in its deference to T. Ramadan; the BBC does not, apparently, see the full seriousness of the enchroachment of Islamic Sharia law, and the consequences of R.Williams’ ‘multiculturalism’:
“The Insufferable Rowan Williams”
Unlike the BBC, Simon Heffer challenges R.Williams’ multiculturalism and dhimmitude:
“Sharia courts? Get off your knees, archbishop”
The People’s Front of Judea | 08.02.08 – 8:01 pm |
There’s nothing funnier than watching the British run around clutching their arses cackling “Save us, save us!” “When can we return to our telly watching and excuses.”
Sharia law is inevitable in the UK, how can it not be? We are a nation of lazy, spineless whiners who are incapable of doing anything and expecting it all to be done for us.
The British people have become reliant on the media establishment protecting their interests. They are probably hoping for a Jamie Oliver type to do one of his school dinner programmes on this. But the problem with relying on the media to defend the British way of life is that the BBC aren’t at all interested in defending Britishness, because the BBC are anti-British. So the British people are hoping that an organisation which hates them will come to their rescue. It won’t happen. Will you see lots of British people protesting outside the archbishop of Canterbury’s home? No. But if this was the other way round, you can bet there would be loads of Muslims protesting on the streets.
Meanwhile, in Australia:
“Govt rejects call for Islamic courts”
You’ve made a classic schoolboy error. Sharia does not in any way sanction amputation for adulterers, the penalties are one hundred lashes for unmarried, death for married.
Just one of, well, pretty much all the facts on this issue that seem to have evaded you.
Small comfort, Angry.
No, you can draw a great deal of comfort from it by thinking that, since you all obviously know next to nothing about Sharia law, its “inevitable” incorporation into British law will probably look very different to how you imagine.
Angry Young Alex | 10.02.08 – 6:11 pm
I feel so much better now that I know that as a married man should I commit adultery I will be sentenced to death rather than amputation. Thanks so much for showing us the caring, humane side of Sharia. I can hardly wait!
BTW young know-it-all, please explain to an old man how an unmarried person can commit adultery?