Let’s take a morning trip through some of the propaganda pumped out by the BBC this morning as I think it is offers some fine pickings. First we read that our wise and knowing government is promising 5 hours of “high culture” to schoolchildren each week. Children will be given the chance to attend “top quality theatre and dance performances, world class exhibitions, galleries, museums and heritage sites”Pupils will also be encouraged to take part themselves. (That should make Covent Garden Opera more interesting) More will have the chance to learn a musical instrument, play and sing in groups and choirs, perform drama or make films. This is particularly aimed at those children from “poorer” families, apparently. It’s my view that our left wing government views schools as laboratories in which they can conduct their peverse social engineering and this latest distraction from providing a decent education is to be expected – a headline generating diversion. Listening to John Humphry’s take apart Culture Commissar Andy Burnham just after 8am on “Today” was, however, quite excellent and credit where it is due. We need all BBC coverage to follow this example by rigorously challenging whoever is putting forward the viewpoint.
Next up, we discover that we need MORE immigration into the UK because….Britain’s curry houses can’t get the “cultural sensitivity” from the hordes of eastern Europeans now resident in this country! You cannot be serious! Why was no one interviewed who might have felt that Britain does not exist to provide Bangladeshis with employment?
And finally, as they say, let’s finish with an apology. No, not from me to our resident Beeboids – but from Australian PM Kevin Rudd to the Aborigines. Naturally the BBC are delighted at this liberal guilt trip. There’s nothing like a pointless apology to a minority group, be it from Bill Clinton, from Tony Blair and now from Mr Rudd, for real or imagined historical wrongs, to create a warm glow in leftist land. The fact that many Australian’s DON’T see the need to apologise to the Aborigines is swept aside in the BBC reports. And so it goes folks, drip drip drip!
The People’s Front of Judea:
“…Why don’t they just airbrush the entirety of the white working classes brown so the middle class left can safely do away with them without having to resort to ethnic cleansing….”
actually I think that’s what they are doing. However, the ethnic cleansing is being done by importing millions of non English white working class from eastern europe with their own tradition and culture, thus replacing the English one here.
I wonder how many Poles will have heard of the Tolepuddle marchers so loved by left wing liberals (like non war hero Lord Benn)though? Or how many would give a shit (Carp fishing for them) anyway.
in fact when will the first “Polish Community” representative (I’m sure the BBC will find one) appear on Questiontime along with Shami and Lord Benn? or have I missed it already?
Further to your comment
Yes and most of our children think that the only important thing about Hastings, is that it sells cheap car insurance.
But they know the planet is dying because people insist on driving there.
Thats not a joke, it is a fact.
If our future are our children, we seriously do not have one worth having, and neither do they.
Thats not only not funny. Its one of the saddest things I have ever wrote.
David Vance:
“let’s finish with an apology. No, not from me to our resident Beeboids – but from Australian PM Kevin Rudd to the Aborigines. Naturally the BBC are delighted at this liberal guilt trip. There’s nothing like a pointless apology to a minority group, be it from Bill Clinton, from Tony Blair and now from Mr Rudd, for real or imagined historical wrongs, to create a warm glow in leftist land. The fact that many Australian’s DON’T see the need to apologise to the Aborigines is swept aside in the BBC reports. And so it goes folks, drip drip drip!”
Crap. Megacrap.
Vance displays his deep ignorance of Australia in the same way he displays his deep ignorance of the UK and everywhere else.
There’s a fundamental difference between Australia and Britain – Australia is founded on principles of honour and a deep sense of remembrance and every ANZAC day we remember our soldiers who fought at Gallipolli and died with honour even though the people they fought with (the British) let them die rather than reverse a failed military manoevre.
Don’t come to Australia, Vance, because we don’t want your braying, fascist, megaphone non-populism. In Australia we don’t blame the people we have assaulted and abused by decrying them for being “victimized”. We apologize.
It’s instructive because the UK Parliament never apologizes because the British state has no conscience and no shame. Yet, in Australia all of the Parliament came together to apologize and to remember, not for some mawkish sentimentality but because simply its the right thing to do when you have integrity.
The stolen generations policy was a racist policy designed to get rid of the black race in Australia (ie the native Australians). It was inherited from the time when Australia was still a British colony. The aboriginals were treated by the British as sub-human and many early explorers shot and killed them for scientific study into human origins. The British museum still keeps some skulls of people murdered “for scientific purposes”. Can you imagine a German museum keeping some skulls of Jews killed in the Holocaust “for scientific purposes”? It’s like that.
David Vance, coming from a religious apartheid state which has practiced for many years the virtues of attacking everyone who isn’t part of their “community”, of racial, ethnic and religious cleansing and by covering up all of the above in the name of amnesia, loyalty and even more ludicrously “peace” has no clue that other people are not as mendacious and lacking in basic integrity as he is.
We don’t need racist twats like Vance to tell us how to behave. Knowing many Britons I know that Vance is not representative of British views in general, just of the tiny reactionary clique to which he belongs.
And now he’s taken over a weblog to pronounce to the world that he’s a bigger, louder, more twisted and biased ideologue than the BBC he attacks.
“…it’s all middle class bollocks and black yoof culture they are being steered toward.”
Why “bollocks”? Oh dear – sounds like inverted snobbery to me.
The difference between middle class and working class tastes used to be smaller. My grandfather was a painter – houses, not pictures. He was well read and a good pianist. His collection of records (old shellac 78s) introduced me to G&S and Wagner. A decent (if basic) education system and no heavily promoted mass-market dross to coarsen and dumb down his tastes.
If he were alive today, I hate to admit it but he’d probably have more TV sets than books.
“….we remember our soldiers who fought at Gallipolli and died with honour even though the people they fought with (the British) let them die rather than reverse a failed military manoevre.”
I think you know that this is simplistic claptrap.
Gallipolli Casualties:
British: Dead 21,255 Wounded 52,230
French: Dead 10,000 Wounded 17,000
Australian: Dead 7,594 Wounded 20,000
As for the treatment of the Aboriginals by the British, are you seriously suggesting that all those responsible for the maltreatment returned to Britain, leaving the white Australians totally blameless?
Come on – grow up!
Well said Barry. I get on well with most Aussies I meet but none of them know those stats and they always bring up Gallipolli after a few drinks. They won’t believe you when you tell them.
Also Mr Bystander: ‘In Australia we don’t blame the people we have assaulted and abused by decrying them for being “victimized”. We apologize.’
Tell that to the Lebbos in Cronula.
Two English twats reply:
“….we remember our soldiers who fought at Gallipolli and died with honour even though the people they fought with (the British) let them die rather than reverse a failed military manoevre.”
I think you know that this is simplistic claptrap.
Gallipolli Casualties:
British: Dead 21,255 Wounded 52,230
French: Dead 10,000 Wounded 17,000
Australian: Dead 7,594 Wounded 20,000″
So what?
I didn’t write that the ANZACs were decimated more than anyone else, nor did I claim that British soldiers did not suffer heavy casualties as well. I pointed out that we remember the ANZACs because of their honour and integrity.
I don’t play bloody stupid number games in order to climb some moral molehill like some mental midgets on this blog.
“As for the treatment of the Aboriginals by the British, are you seriously suggesting that all those responsible for the maltreatment returned to Britain, leaving the white Australians totally blameless?
Come on – grow up!”
No, I’m not. I said that the policy was begun before Australia became a federation. The Australian people and Parliament does not duck their responsibility. Hence the apology.
Any chance that the British state will duck its culpability for its treatment of the aboriginals? Of course it will.
It’s the British state. No conscience and no shame.
“Also Mr Bystander: ‘In Australia we don’t blame the people we have assaulted and abused by decrying them for being “victimized”. We apologize.’
Tell that to the Lebbos in Cronula.”
Really? That’s a policy of Australia? No it ain’t. It’s a crime.
Whereas the UK sees no reason to apologize to anyone. It’s the teflon state where no-one is responsible and no-one is to blame.
And it shows.
Actually, some sources put Australian deaths at just over 8,000.
I have no desire to belittle the ANZAC contribution but, by the same token, I’m not prepared to put up with (movie-inspired?) bile.
Aussie Bystander: cheap name-calling does you no credit whatsoever.
Quite a lot of water has passed under the bridge since Australia formed a federation. Since the lot of Aboriginals still leaves a lot to be desired, you seem to be attaching huge importance to a few recent words of apology.
Words are cheap.
“Two English twats reply”.
Sorry – born in Perth, WA.
Perhaps the culture for kids issue will involve the constant recital of seventh Century scriptures for five hours a week.
The Arch Dhimmi has already given us a sneek preview of New Labours thoughts on Christianity in the coming age.
The heritage they talk of, may invite kids into discussing and renaming Towns and Cities across our land.
Of course there would have to be a certain amount of structure and moderation to this process.
Hell – Interested parties from lands far and wide could perhaps sit down and pass down edicts and fatwas in respect on this issue.
Gone would be good old British, Romano-Christian names such as Ford – Bridge – Field – or Ham/especialy Ham. and they could all be replaced with the one size fits all, and far easier to remember ISTAN.
Kids could also be taught to pray in the way of such obscure places such as – I dunno – Saudi Arabia, and learn the delights of worshiping a rock based on a Seventh Century death Cult.
The BBC of course would support these culture changes with open arms.
Oh how they’de love to be renamed for Allah.
Im joking of course – Are’nt I??.
“Whereas the UK sees no reason to apologize to anyone. It’s the teflon state where no-one is responsible and no-one is to blame.”
We do ,we apologize for Australia.
Aussie Bystander:
You highlight the differences between Australia and Britain, but do you know the difference between Australia and a Big Mac?
If you leave a Big Mac alone for 200 years it finally develops a culture.
Frankly, Humphrys’ assailing of Andy Burnham shouldn’t be a big deal. The BBC constantly harries right-wingers in this manner. The trouble is we get so many lefties getting easy rides on al-Beeb that it does seem remarkable when we have a Labour man getting it in this manner.
“The stolen generations policy was a racist policy designed to get rid of the black race in Australia (ie the native Australians)”
That’s a view Aussie Bystander. There is another POV however.
“Rather than being stolen from loving parents to fulfill a nationalist policy of racist eugenics, the only cases where Aboriginal children were removed involved serious parental neglect. In many of these cases, the parents were alcoholics who were not providing proper nutrition or health care and the authorities would have been culpable had they not acted. In some Aboriginal communities, half-caste children were treated as outcasts, especially the girls who became easy sexual prey for both whites and blacks. In some tribes, half-caste children were commonly subject to infanticide.”
There is no reason why you as a private individual should be even handed but I believe it is the responsibility of the BBC to offer impartiality.
“Aussie Bystander: cheap name-calling does you no credit whatsoever.
Quite a lot of water has passed under the bridge since Australia formed a federation. Since the lot of Aboriginals still leaves a lot to be desired, you seem to be attaching huge importance to a few recent words of apology.
Words are cheap.”
Well let’s see how cheap they are. I was wrong to think that the gutless racist whiners who have invaded this blog on that back of Vance’s coattails would ever admit anything wrong at any time. Making unfunny statements attacking Australia is about as close as it gets to reasoned comment nowadays, but with Vance in charge, what do people expect? Its follow the Leader..
I was wrong about one thing: The UK has recently apologized for a historical event only last year: the abolition of slavery anniversary was marked with apologies from various bodies including Parliament, the Church of England and there were commemorations in London, Liverpool, Manchester and even the god-forsaken shithole of Belfast http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/northern_ireland/7080934.stm remembering the way Britain enriched itself from the slave trade.
There was even a service attended by Her Maj where Dr Beardie Weirdie gave this sermon http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6499341.stm but we’ll wait in vain for any criticism of the Queen for indulging in this leftwing sentimentality because Vance is too craven and too loyal ever to criticize the Windsors.
Of course there are people who have no regrets about the slave trade…aren’t there David?
“Of course there are people who have no regrets about the slave trade…”
Too true Aussie,the Arabs.
Aussie bystander,
Have you read about the Gallipoli landings?
Have you studied the campaign and how and what troops did what?
I hate to burst your anti British bubble but before you make ignorant and stupid comments about the British Forces may I suggest you engage your brain before you open your big mouth?
My grandfather fought at Gallipoli and his unit covered the Australian withdrawls and was part of the rearguard.
There was much courage and bravery on both sides and the French, Australians and British ALL made errors!
To make the incredible statement that the British betrayed the ANZACS is an insult to the memories of those fine men.
It does you no credit to use Gallipoli to further your spiteful hatred of the ‘mother country’.
Yeah and don’t you be rude about the Queen either. Back to the sheep dip with you.
The BBC’s Mohammed Frei, his hatred of America and half a story.
Bush defends US record on Darfur
US President George W Bush has defended his decision not to send troops to the Sudanese region of Darfur, despite what he calls a genocide taking place there. He called it a “seminal decision” not to intervene with force, taken partly out of the desire not to send US troops into another Muslim country.
Mohamed Freil has another dig at Bush by trying to spin the line that the US is some how complicit in the murder of millions in Sudan.
Any of the clones wish to inform silly little old me about just who got the peace plan between the Muslim North and the Christian south together. About who offered to send UN troops in 2006 but found Khartoum objecting. Lets not forget which 2 major SC countries (Russia, China) have always voted against any UN action against Sudan. How about how the US is the only country in the world which actually forbids its nationals (and nationals of other countries who wish to do business in the US) from dealing with Sudan.
Yet the BBC paints this image that the US is solely to blame for Darfur. (Won’t be long before the two village idiots start banging their drum about how bad the US is)
The BBC’s Mohammed Frei, his hatred of America and half a story.
Don’t forget Breaker Morant – our antipodean chum is sure to wheel him out at some stage.
Shouldn’t we concentrate on BBC bias and leave post colonial Australian victim mythology to the Australians?
I wonder if Aussie Bystander is on medication?
I was at the opera last night and there wasn’t a single deprived schoolkid there. Somebody in Government needs to pull their finger out.
Keith Vaz was campaigning for the UK to allow an additional 20,000 Bangladeshi waiters to be admitted to this country to fill the alleged shortage of such people THREE years ago. At the time there were, surprise surprise 20, 000 unemployed Bangladeshi waiters signing on!!
Of course most of them were ”employed” they just didn’t appear on the books and were paid cash in hand. Many were and are relatives.