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General BBC-related comment thread:
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Oh well, what can you do?
But at least the term “BBC” is increasingly becoming a pejorative term also.
Yes, we’re all Wahhibis in my Dorset constituency branch !
The last thread rather degenerated. Can we just accept that a generation of beeboids were recruited from Essex Uni in the 60’s and unfortunately never outgrew the politics of that time. And when they came to induct the next generation of beeboids, they went for more of the same, but with the coating of condescention that belonging to a final salary pension scheme when virtually no company in the private sector can afford one, brings. Hence their attraction to the chancers on the make in nulab.
Its important that this site reminds people that they can take constructive steps to reform the bbc. Simply join a political party, go to branch meetings and express your disquiet. You will find that the majority agree with you , as no doubt will your MP. It then becomes a simple matter for him to pass on to the party hierarchy, that there is considerable pressure from the grass roots for bbc reform.
Update on the silly girl doing the beeboid version of a farming programme. TB is all the farmers fault for not having bio secure fences and buildings. You couldn’t make it up.
This is how ‘Jihadwatch’ sees the issue of the (BBC) report on the issue of Turkey and Islamic texts:-
“Turkey in radical revision of Islamic texts”
I want to take this opportunity as a Scot to apologise for last night’s edition of BBC Question Time. It came from Stirling and was not an edifying spectacle.
No panel on which Nicola Sturgeon (anti-Trident, anti-Iraq, big State) could be seen as in the centre can be anything other than hopelessly biased.
Galloway and Cathy Jamieson both used to inhabit the hard left of Labour until Galloway left the party.
What was Galloway doing on the panel in the first place? The Jocks got rid of him ages ago. Why no Rifkind, in that case?
Abandon Ship!
“BBC” is a synonym for “Submission”. The whole point about the tellytax is that it gives the Beeboids their sense of self-worth – they couldn’t hack it in the real world, but they take great comfort in having the power to tax “lesser” people.
Update on the silly girl doing the beeboid version of a farming programme. TB is all the farmers fault for not having bio secure fences and buildings. You couldn’t make it up.
backwoodsman | 29.02.08 – 8:47 am | #
Another very silly girl is Rebecca Pike on The Chris Evans Drivetime Show ( I know he`s a clown but they do a business segment and ask to be taken seriously, so I shall take them seriously).
Two items last week, one on FairTrade products that failed to mention that what the developing (?) world require is Free Trade (i.e. NO EU Tariffs and free access to European markets).
European Welfare states screw over the third world with tariffs and the lefties come up with FairTrade that makes Waitrose richer. Brilliant!
The second item was on the record grain prices and what that was doing to the price of food staples around the world. also affecting the poorest the most. The very silly Rebecca Pike agreed with a man brought on to blame it all on the weather!
NO MENTION of course that the real reason for increased grain prices is the BIOFUEL industry. Again, leftie enviromental policies hammer the poorest the hardest whilst the indentured socialists at the BBC comfort themselves with Eco Myths and unbleached cotton. Brilliant!
Rebecca Pike is a very smug person indeed, and not smart enough to be allowed to broadcast on a national radio station.
Lurker in a Burqua | 29.02.08 – 1:33 pm | #
Hate to break it to you, but biofuel is just one of the reasons for an increase in price. An increase in demand and controls put in place by countries including Russia also play a big part (as well as the movement of money into commodities after the crunch). I notice you don’t mention the drive to divert corn into fuel in the US, instigated by that well know lefty bush
The drive for ‘biofuels’ was a direct result of green pressure groups such as greenpeace and other politicised eco groups around the world.
The energy shortage is a direct result of pressure by those groups to comply with insane and needless CO2 limitations, this is visible in South Africa where the governmment listened to the enviromental lobbies and cut back their investment in new power stations and then bragged about CO2 reductions! Well they are not crowing now are they?
Comodity price rises are a direct result of stupid policies that ‘fight’ non existent man made climate change.
Ethanol production has been a feature of US energy policy for years now and it was pushed in the first place by guess who?
Every stupid mistake and damaging green policy has its roots in the powerful yet ignorant left leaning eco lobby.
CO2 reductions mandated by stupid polititions while being pressured by rent a mob greenies backed up by leftists with a politcal aim are to blame for the current mess so when you try and blame GW Bush for todays problems, just think how much worse it would be without his annoying(for you)habit of refusing drastic CO2 emmision cuts!
Remeber Kyoto? remember the IPCC? The first gave us the terrible problems we are going to have to deal with and the second is piling on more and more insane and stupid targets that will directly lead to the deaths and starvation of millions!
CO2 induced climate change is a fantasy of fantastic proportions and is costing the world its future.
People are going to remember the saying…
Cassandra: The environmental lobby should be campaigning on the ONE REAL ISSUE that would make a change to our planet.
Population reduction. It should be as socially unacceptable to breed in large numbers as it is to own a patio heater or a plastic carrier bag.
What the THICK liberals don’t get is that with an EVER increasing world population, any cuts in CO2 output simply get eaten up by the need to build more houses (and hence more power stations) more schools, more cars, more jobs etc to meet the need of that population.
What is the typical Carbon footprint of a UK citizen over their lifetime? That should be calculated and converted into a tax placed on those that insist on breeding.
If it is “acceptable” to tax those that drive 4X4’s or take lots of flights, why not tax those (rather than reward them) that produce yet more bags of un-needed Carbon (that’s babies)
It won’t happen of course. Why? Because leftie trendy liberals need babies to preach their hate and propaganda to (it’s usually young people who do the protesting) and the immigrant population cane be easily manipulated to favour the politicians that provide the most benefits.
A thoughtful observation from ‘Cranmer’ on Turkey and ‘revision of Islamic texts’:
You make good points about world population tolerance and it begs the question just why its not covered by the media?
My only explanation is that the UN and governments are trying to kill off large numbers of humanity using the ‘energy weapon’? Why also does the UN resist helping Africa to exploit the latest technology in crop growing? Cheap and abundant energy and food only improves the conditions for fast expansion of the human race so it must go that to ration that same energy will limit population growth.
Scientific evidence is telling us that far from being a killer increased CO2 levels would bring great benefits to humanity. CO2 is now known to LAG warming cycles not LEAD it and increased CO2 levels would greatly assist the planets plantlife and animal life that depends on it!
I have known for years that a good level of atmospheric CO2 would be approx 800-1000PPM, at this level it would kick in the ‘eden effect’ of a warm, wet and vegetation rich enviroment.
Ask yourself why the IPCC and the governments and pressure groups are not jumping for joy at the prospect of putting enough CO2 in the air to help this ‘new eden’ get started?
After all a bountiful earth with cheap energy supplies could tolerate a human population of 50 billion with ease, after all the earth is a huge place and did you know that if you took the whole human population and stood them shoulder to shoulder in a group, what country would they fit into?
a)the UK?
d)the isle of wight?
The answer is ‘d’! Most of our world is empty, utterly unknowing of human presence.
Its time for us all to stop swallowing the lies and stop listening to those who would lead us to disaster!
Hold on a moment, Lurker in a B., my harvest was down 40% in 2007, and that was purely due to the weather.
Please tell us what harvest was this?
Wheat or corn? How many hectacres did you reap?
Did you use GM seeds? Have you undertaken the EU directives on crop rotation?
When you post about things like that can you supply a bit more info?
Please tell us what harvest was this?
Wheat or corn? How many hectacres did you reap?
Did you use GM seeds? Have you undertaken the EU directives on crop rotation?
When you post about things like that can you supply a bit more info?
Why stop there?
We need grid references, major routes out, fertiliser usage, tractor specs, the radio station playing in your harvester cab and your inside leg measurement. Plus your eight favourite records in case Kirsty Young has a free hour. Oh, yes…unleaded or diesel in the family car? Keith Richard or Cliff Richards? Boxers or Y-fronts? Dirty weekend or Harvest festival? Alcohol consumption diary and last three insurance claims, too, please…
In triplicate.
Biased BBC: Never too much of a good thing
From the top:
Wheat, barley, and beans.
369 hectares.
Not GM.
There are no EU directives on crop rotation!
Not telling (if I did, you’d find a picure of me in my combine on Google Earth!)
240 kg/ha N (milling wheat)
Massey Ferguson 6465
Test Match Special
32 inch.
Nu Shooz – I can’t wait
Rush – Sprit of Radio
Blondie – Rapture (long version)
Dire Straits – Private Investigations
Average White Band – Pick up the Pieces
Muse – Hysteria
Goldfrapp – Train
Jimmy Smith – Organ Grinder’s Swing
Beverley Knight – Straight-jacket
Police – Regatta de Blanc.
Keith Richards.
Dirty Harvest.
Reversed seed drill into cultivator, drove loader tractor into a delivery van, and some physio work thanks to that nice Mr BUPA.
Read it three times.
Well, you did ask.
You’re so childish. I’m beginning to like you.
When do I get my nickname?
Chuffer, poor you. Accident prone and can’t count to eight.
Oh blimey, you’re right.
Lose Beverley Knight and Dire Straights. No, hold on…er….lose…
Thanks for the info, but are you sure about the lack of EU directives on set aside,crop rotation and fertiliser input etc?
Do you qualify for CAP subsidies? I only ask because if you do then you would have to conform to a raft of EU CAP directives. When you say 40% yield loss, was that on your entire crop load or just one crop?
I only ask because its interesting to listen to a farmers view on things.
All I asked for was a little info from chuffer!
I didnt ask for your sarcastic and stupid comments did I?
How am I supposed to follow posts if no info is given? Should I read his mind?
Instead of making childish jibes and making fun of people why not add to the free exchange of ideas and opinions?
Every post you make is a pisstake and I am getting sick of it, for your information I am interested in farming methods(how boring of me eh?) plus I want to learn about the world around me and I am inquisitive by nature! I meant no disrespect to chuffer to why jump in with your nasty comments?
My posting name is CASSANDRA so why do you insist on calling me CASSATTA?
There are directives-a-plenty on set-aside (although, thanks to the world-wide stortage of grain, there is no set-aside this year)and all sorts of aspects of farming in general, but none on ‘crop rotation’.
The 40% drop was on total stuff in the shed. My spring bean crop failed completely (thanks to the freak april), and was simply ploughed back in, and other crops were down by about a quarter.
Thanks again for the info, sounds like 2007 was a year to forget? Hope 2008 brings better news for you! keep up the good work As they say, one farmer is worth a hundred state parasites(MPs).
Update on BBC’s Turkey’s ‘Islamic texts reform’ – ‘conservatives’ still in charge:
“Turkey’d big Islamic reform: Never mind”
My posting name is CASSANDRA so why do you insist on calling me CASSATTA?
Cassandra | 29.02.08 – 5:50 pm |
Because he’s a not very clever, very unfunny, silly bunt, that’s why.
By the way, you may be too young to remember the Monty Python sketch about the man who could not pronounce the letter ‘c’ and instead inserted the letter ‘b’ in its place.
Disinterred Bystander:
By the way, you may be too young to remember the Monty Python sketch about the man who could not pronounce the letter ‘c’ and instead inserted the letter ‘b’ in its place.
Disinterested Cystander?
Ciased CCB?
Update on BBC’s Turkey’s ‘Islamic texts reform’ – ‘conservatives’ still in charge:
Yes, the BBC’s Thesaurus seems to go missing at times like this and out comes “conservative”. Sooo pathetic.
Still not at all funny.
For God’s sake get a new scriptwriter.
As I said before, a Charlie without the Chaplin.
You’ll always be Sue to me.
Don’t can Hilly,
Some of his bomments are bool.
Cassandra | 29.02.08 – 2:32 pm | #
“Comodity price rises are a direct result of stupid policies that ‘fight’ non existent man made climate change.”
How exactly do you know for sure that it isn’t man made? As far as I’m aware (and concerned) the jury is still out. Would you care to divulge your scientific credentials?
“Ethanol production has been a feature of US energy policy for years now and it was pushed in the first place by guess who?”
Very true, since 1978 in fact – except that under Bush the amount of corn turned over to ethanol production has gone from 3% to 20% in four years, as doing so “will enable us to live our lives less dependent on oil”.
So you still maintain that Bush is doing this in response to green pressure groups?
As I stated, the rise in corn prices is caused by a number of factors. The subsidies in the US (OECD estimate $7 billion a year) are just as much a cause as those the EU has put in place (which is actually reducing its sugar subsidies).
“By the way, you may be too young to remember the Monty Python sketch about the man who could not pronounce the letter ‘c’ and instead inserted the letter ‘b’ in its place.”
Could have sworn it was an “h”
Could have sworn it was an “h”
Concerned taxpayer | 01.03.08 – 11:28 pm |
I’ve managed to find the script from the show ‘Monty Python Live At The Hollywood Bowl,
…………Mr. Bounder: Ah. Hello, I’m Bounder of Adventure.
Mr. Smoketoomuch: Oh, hello. My name is Smoketoomuch.
Mr. Bounder: What?
Mr. Smoketoomuch: My name is Smoketoomuch. Mr. Smoketoomuch.
Mr. Bounder: Well, you’d better cut down a little then. [Laughter]
Mr. Smoketoomuch: I’m sorry?
Mr. Bounder: You’d better cut down a little then. [Snigger]
Mr. Smoketoomuch: Oh, I see! Smoke too much so I’d better cut down a little then!
Mr. Bounder: Yes. [Laughter] Ooh, it’s going to get people making jokes about your name all the time, eh?
Mr. Smoketoomuch: No, actually, it never struck me before. Smoketoomuch… [Laughter]
Mr. Bounder: Anyway, ehm, you’re interested in one of our holidays, are you?
Mr. Smoketoomuch: Yes, that’s right. I saw your advert in the blassified ads.
Mr. Bounder: The what?
Mr. Smoketoomuch: In The Times Blassified Ads.
Mr. Bounder: Ah, The Times Classified Ads.
Mr. Smoketoomuch: Yes, that’s right. I’m afraid I have a speech impediment. I can’t pronounce the letter B.
Mr. Bounder: Uh, C.
Mr. Smoketoomuch: Yes, that’s right, B. It’s all due to a trauma I suffered when I was a schoolboy. I was attacked by a
Siamese bat.
Mr. Bounder: Uh, ah, a Siamese cat.
Mr. Smoketoomuch: No, a Siamese bat. They’re more dangerous.
Mr. Bounder: Listen…can you say the letter K?
Mr. Smoketoomuch: Oh, yes. Khaki, kettle, Kipling, Khomeini, Kellog’s Born Flakes.
Mr. Bounder: Well, why don’t you say the letter K instead of the letter C?
Mr. Smoketoomuch: Well, you mean, pronounce “blassified” with a K?
Mr. Bounder: Yes, absolutely!
Mr. Smoketoomuch: Classified!
Mr. Bounder: Good!
Mr. Smoketoomuch: Oh, it’s very good! I never thought of that before. What a silly bunt.
Oh dear Ben, You seem just a little desperate there, scratching around for a reply are we? Hmm, I wonder if the US congess and the senate had anything to do with ethanol production ramping? I wonder just who locked the US into increased ethanol production? Wouldnt be a certain president called Clinton would it? Oh dear Ben, you have to do better than that!
You ask whether I have scientific qualifications?
Its odd that you would do this when strict instructions have been handed to eco activists on how to deal with “deniers”. One of the ‘rules’ is always question the targets qualification,education,suitability etc.
Your reply fits that profile very well I think?
I am a normal person who is sick to death of the AGW propaganda and lies and manipulation!
I left school at 14 because of a disability with hardly any education. I have sruggled to educate myself and to make sense of the world around me.
Perhaps you would like to make fun of disability? Maybe you think that by picking at my disability you will score points? maybe get one over on me? perhaps make me look stupid in front of all posters?
I look forward to your insults and jeers, do you know why perchance?
Ben, the truth will out and what will you do then? Will you take back all the insults and slurs? Of course not.
CO2 makes up just 0.036% of the atmosphere, if the atmosphere were a hundred story building, the CO2 content would consist of the ground floor lino! Does it seem possible that a trace gas can somehow ignore the laws of thermodynamics and hold onto its heat AND transfer it to the majority atmosphere? IF CO2 was a cause of warming then why has there been no tropospheric warming? Why the lack of equatorial hot spots? Why has EVERY IPCC prediction been wrong? and every IPCC correction also proved wrong? Why have ice core samples shown CO2 lags warming cycles not lead them?
Ben, these questions are simple and have simple answers, you dont have to be a brainiac tefal headed genius to work it out do you?
Dear Ben,
Please forgive the tetchy nature of my reply and the notion that you somehow were insulting in your posts. I think on balance you see things a little differently to me but that doesnt mean we cannot put forward our views in a sensible manner.
The reason CO2 levels lag temperature changes is because the warmer you make a liquid, the more any CO2 dissolved in it gets released.
Thus if the oceans are warming, atmospheric CO2 will rise.
You can test this quite easily by opening a can of Coke and microwaving half of it for 2 minutes or so. If you then drink it, you’ll find it’s completely flat compared to the control half that you didn’t microwave. That half will still be fizzy.
There’s no doubt at all that warming the oceans would raise CO2 levels. There’s some doubt that raising CO2 would warm the oceans. The consensus is that it’s happening, but of course, consensus isn’t science, it’s opinion.
Is it safe to microwave a can of coke?
It is if you decant it.
Cassandra | 02.03.08 – 6:53 am | #
“Oh dear Ben, You seem just a little desperate there, scratching around for a reply are we? Hmm, I wonder if the US congess and the senate had anything to do with ethanol production ramping? I wonder just who locked the US into increased ethanol production? Wouldnt be a certain president called Clinton would it? Oh dear Ben, you have to do better than that!”
Right, so Bush didn’t sign legislation last year requiring a fivefold increase in biofuels production by 2022? They have both played a significant role in this.
“You ask whether I have scientific qualifications? Its odd that you would do this when strict instructions have been handed to eco activists on how to deal with “deniers”. One of the ‘rules’ is always question the targets qualification,education,suitability etc.
Your reply fits that profile very well I think?”
I’m hardly an eco-activist, I stated I believe the jury is still out on AGW. The only one trying to discredit through smearing seems to be you by inferring this (because I have the audacity to not take your side!).
“I am a normal person who is sick to death of the AGW propaganda and lies and manipulation!
I left school at 14 because of a disability with hardly any education. I have sruggled to educate myself and to make sense of the world around me.”
While I wouldn’t take what scientists state as gospel, I don’t think it is too outlandish take the word of those who work in the field (either for, against or in between) slightly more seriously than someone with very little education or experience in the field. I’m just being realistic.
“Perhaps you would like to make fun of disability? Maybe you think that by picking at my disability you will score points? maybe get one over on me? perhaps make me look stupid in front of all posters?”
Please point out where I did that – seriously. I’m sorry about your disability and the fact you obviously have a chip on your shoulder about it, but that’s not going to suddenly make me take your arguments any more seriously. Science isn’t based on believing those we feel sorry for.
“I look forward to your insults and jeers, do you know why perchance? Ben, the truth will out and what will you do then? Will you take back all the insults and slurs? Of course not.”
Again, please point out where I insulted or slurred you. You are imagining things.
“CO2 makes up just 0.036% of the atmosphere, if the atmosphere were a hundred story building, the CO2 content would consist of the ground floor lino!”
A 100 story building would be at least 300m tall. Lino is approx 3mm thick. 3 / 300000 = 0.00001% For it to be 0.036% of the volume of the building the lino would have to be 10.8m thick
“Does it seem possible that a trace gas can somehow ignore the laws of thermodynamics and hold onto its heat AND transfer it to the majority atmosphere?”
This does not accurately describe the mechanism that results in global warming.
“IF CO2 was a cause of warming then why has there been no tropospheric warming?”
There has been. How else do you explain that 10 of the warmest years on record occuring since 1995?
“Why the lack of equatorial hot spots?”
Why would there be equatorial hotspots? Atmospheric mixing is significant over the tropics so should hotspots form in the first place.
“Why has EVERY IPCC prediction been wrong? and every IPCC correction also proved wrong?”
Not true.
“Why have ice core samples shown CO2 lags warming cycles not lead them?”
Too much uncertainty to say either way.
“Ben, these questions are simple and have simple answers,”
I disagree completely. Again, I don’t profess to know the truth, but I’m very wary of anyone who does either way, especially one that doesn’t specialise in the field.
“you dont have to be a brainiac tefal headed genius to work it out do you?”
No comment.