Tuning into Radio 4 “Today” programme, I thought I had accidentally come across the Gaza Broadcasting Corporation. Around 7.45am, the BBC ran an item on a doctor working in Gaza, who also runs a blog, highlighting just how awful it all is for Palestinians living under Israeli “occupation.” She was give free rein to undermine Israel and the best that the BBC interviewer could come up with was the suggestion that perhaps Israel and Hamas were equally to blame for the alleged deprivation! At NO point did she choose to ask where the $$$billions of aid poured into this wretched place over the years has gone, an obvious question one w0uld have thought. Nor did she question how it is that medical supplies just cannot be gotten whereas Qassam rockets overflow in this territory. This interview was but a trailer for the main news item at 8 o’clock which was a sustained attack on Israel, care of the Shamnesty International, Save the Children etc cabal. In true form, these left-wing charities blame Israel, exonerate Hamas from any responsibility, and the BBC laps it all up. If you can force yourself to read this page from the BBC this morning, I think we must settle on the fact that when it comes to the Israel/Palestinian issue, the BBC is not just biased, but an active participant in the Palestinian propaganda campaign.
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What makes me laugh is all these morons who accuse the evil joooooooos of owning the media around the world!
If it is true that the evil joooooooos own the worlds media…then considering the absolute crap coverage the evil joooooooos get do you think this is the worlds worst purchase in history?
Or is this just part of the massive worldwide joooooooo conspiracy? [insert rolling eyes]
Re: David’s post:
“…the BBC is not just biased, but an active participant in the Palestinian propaganda campaign.”
It would appear so with the BBC actively seeking ‘stories’ and pictures from Gazan’s to publish on the BBC News website….
Check out the plea from the BBC at the bottom of the story David links to:
Gaza conditions ‘at 40-year low’
“Are you living in Gaza? What are your living conditions like? Do you have access to clean water, electricity and medical care? Send us your comments and pictures using the post forms below:”
I must have missed a similar plea made to Israeli’s living in Sderot or Ashkelon where Qassam and Katyusha rockets have been exploding recently.
Nope, no plea here:
Gaza’s rocket threat to Israel
…nor here..
Gaza rocketeers confound Israel
Hmm. Maybe I am just deluding myself that our state broadcaster actually takes it’s obligation to impartiality seriously. Silly me.
If any Beeboid’s are reading, if you’d like to get the views of Israeli’s living under the daily threat of indescriminate rocket attacks from Hamas (that terrorist group as proscribed by the UN, EU and US), this is what a similar plea would look like:
“Are you living in Ashkelon or Sderot? Are you living under the constant threat of indescriminate rocket attack? What is it like? Send us your comments and pictures using the post forms below:
(Beeboids feel free to cut’n’paste the above…you know, same as what you do when Shami sends you a ‘press release’!)
I agree with you. They should ask people about their experiences in Sderot and Ashkelon.
Spot on Ritter – a perfect example of the subconscious Beeboid bias. They don’t even realise they’re doing it.
They wouldn’t even think of asking Israelis what life was like for them because the Gazans are the only victims in the conflict – the conflict caused by the Israelis.
Just to re-enforce the point, here is an article that gives a credible argument that Israel is no way handing out collective punishment, indeed Hamas is doing it to the residents of Sderot.
AYA: I’ve checked it for tasteless adverts, so perhaps you would like to comment on this alternative viewpoint. It’s our contention that failure to represent both sides of an argument is bias, plain and simple.
The disgusting, anti-semitic BBC has always been an advocate for Palestinian and Islamist terror. The fundamental assumption is that Arabs are simply incapable of moral behaviour or thought which is the perogative of white men (esp Americans) and joos.
Of course, Israel should help the holy, blameless Palestinians fire rockets into Israel’s cities. Talk of cognitive dissonance!
Naughtie was interviewing an Israeli on Today this morning–sorry didn’t catch his name–and asked him if the Israeli embargo of Gaza was collective punishment as described by the charities. The Israeli guy asked Naughtie if the sanctions against South Africa and Serbia had been collective punishment. Naughtie just brought the interview to a rather curt conclusion without asking anything else. Earlier there was a guy–again I missed who he was–who said that Israel should open the border with Gaza irrespective of whether Hamas were lobbing rockets or not.
“I agree with you. They should ask people about their experiences in Sderot and Ashkelon.”
Why do they rarely do this, if ever?
I agree with you. They should ask people about their experiences in Sderot and Ashkelon.
Hillhunt | 06.03.08 – 10:58 am | #
Yeah It’s called bias!
Re several comments above:
Someone close to me was snoring last night so I launched a small counter-attack by turning on BBC World Service.
Headline news.
“Leading British Charities have said that Gaza is suffering its worst humanitarian crisis since Israel occupied it 40 years ago because of collective punishment which ‘Israel says’ is to stop rockets being fired from Gaza.”
First, it’s not surprising that charities should be concerned about human deprivation, and second, given the prevailing mood, it’s also not surprising that they should blame demon Israel.
But while the first may be news, the second is true only in that is represents their view, which, to say the least, does give not the whole picture.
If it had said ..because of sanctions imposed by Israel after Hamas failed to stop rockets being fired on Sderot. That would have been less biased.
We heard an interview with a Gazan lady ‘doctor and blogger.’ She set out their daily deprivations and hardships, which did indeed sound ‘unconscionable’, the word used by UN aid agency spokesperson John Ging. There was nothing wrong with reporting that, it was news. But not the whole news.
Instead of an equally intimate interview about life in Sderot, making Israel’s case was left to Mr. Hertzog, barking from a wind tunnel, sounding harsh and therefore unreasonable. However if you had the will to get past that, he emphasised that Israel was very concerned indeed about the humanitarian crisis, but pointed out that Hamas actually made it difficult to deliver aid, not to mention that if they stopped the rockets, the suffering could be alleviated.
When radio 4 took over later, we were treated to a more lengthy tale from Gaza from same lady doc. after which Carolyn Quinn did note that civilian casualties were the inevitable consequence of rockets coming from within densely populated areas. Doc admitted this, but it was only because Gaza was so crowded. Not Gaza city. Just Gaza. It didn’t occur to her that they could fire from unpopulated areas of Gaza, or in fact stop doing it altogether.
At one repeat, the headline proclaimed ‘since Israel invaded” then it went back to ‘occupied’ Naturally, Israel’s assertions are ‘claims’, for example “Israeli government is thwarted by what ‘it claims’ is terrorist activity.
Irishman John Ging, the UN spokesman said “those firing rockets should not dictate the actions of others.” He did not say the firing should stop, just that Israel should stop sanctions and open borders, and not let rockets dictate.
Mark Regev was finally given a brief chance to speak, but of course by then the damage had been done.
From BBC 4 site:
BBC Four’s documentary Israel’s Terror Bus gives a rare insight into the feelings of the drivers, survivors and families of the victims of bus bombings, both Arab and Jewish.
What did you think of the film?
Send us your thoughts using the form on the right and we’ll publish a selection below.
I was appalled at the biased nature of this programme. One expects even-handed treatment of the issues from the BBC – this programme seemed to give a clear endorsement to the illegal apartheid wall and cast the Palestinians as villains – they are not.
Dave Poole, London
I wonder how many comments that HYS will get from the Gazans. If what the BBC says about the power situation there is true, then it should be close to zero.
Those silly Jews and their ‘z0mg apartyde wallz!!1!LOL’ – they built it the wrong way round, which is why 25% (and climbing rapidly) of Israel’s population is Arab.
You’d’ve thought with the ability to control all the words media and have started all of the wars in the history of humanity, that they’d be able to build a wall (see: porous, staccatoed fence) the right way around. Duh.
Slightly off previous topic, but still indicative of how useless beeboids are : Telly news announcer ‘ and 700 customs officers are going on strike’, Cue film clip showing RNLI Lifeboat crew, who of course are volunteers !
PaulS | 06.03.08 – 12:33 pm | #
Is that the best you can find? The BBC asking Iraeli’s for their experiences in 2004? That’s over 3 years ago?
Surely with all that has happened since the BBC will have asked more recently?
Maybe the BBC works in 5 years cycles and there will be another ‘terror bus’ sop along in 2009?
Tuesday 30 November 2004 9pm-10pm; 1am-2am; Saturday 4 December 11.35pm-12.35am
What I never can work out is why Gaza’s border with Egypt is closed, and why this never gets any criticism or attention (apart from when it got blown up)?
That Toady interview this morning was the moment when Al-Beeb jumped the shark and abandoned any pretence of impartility.
“Nation shall speak agitprop unto nation.”
Ritter | 06.03.08 – 1:13 pm
Is that the best you can find? The BBC asking Iraeli’s for their experiences in 2004? That’s over 3 years ago?
I wasn’t trying to find examples of the beeb asking Israelis. I simply stumbled on this one and posted it because of the moonbat comment below it.
I agree Israel is being protrayed as harsh and unreasonable, but they are the occupying power and as such they have obligations. People are entitled to clean water at least. That will hardly make Hamas flourish. It is never easy when the many suffer for the sins of a few, but the sanctions will fuel militancy.
Israel will be forced to look at this again through force of international opinion. This is not the siege of Derry- some body is going to have to open a little gate somewhere and allow in basic humanitarian aid. Israel values what the international community says, they will have to do it, and they know it. If they don’t they are playing in to the hands of Hamas, and they will lose standing and the propaganda war. Thats important.
Choking these people with a lack of clean drinking water will only justify the demonisation of the jews.
The bias in the report was clear, but it would be difficult for any humane person to report on that situation without seeing and reporting distress, hence the bias, hence Israel needs to look again at the blockade. Something needs to give.
Have they questioned the agencies methodology regarding the 40 year low? What if it’s 38? Curiously no mentioned was made of the period prior to 1967, was it even worse then in the Arab hands?
This is not just a misguided Leftoid commiseration with the population of Gaza by the BBC playing into Hamas hands.
Here is what Jeremy Bowen (Middle East Editor) had to say:
What is going on between the Palestinian rocket squads in Gaza and the Israeli army is a classic fight between the strong and the weak – which is known these days as asymmetric warfare.
The thing about it is that the weaker side can exert leverage far beyond the power of its weapons.
He alludes here that BBC is going into full combat mode against Israel, to help the “Palestinian rocket squads” which he obviously sees as some sort of heroic guerrilla fighters.
Being weaker, in Jeremy Bowen’s world obviously gives them moral immunity to indiscriminately direct rocket fire from population centers into its enemy’s population centers.
The BBC, how it defends Hamas terrorism and half the story.
Fierce Gaza clashes break out
Reports from Gaza say fierce fighting has broken out between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen near the Kissufim border crossing. The Israeli army says one soldier was killed and another three injured when a bomb exploded beside their jeep.
In northern Gaza, a member of a militant group had been killed in an Israeli air strike, medics said.
The BBC reports of fierce classes in which to present to the public of a two sided shindig between Hamas and the IDF. It reports near the border in which to hide exactly where and maybe present the image that the IDf have invaded again and then adds the story of a poor innocent militant who just happened to be picking flowers for his poor mother who had a bomb land on him in which to add a semblance of balance.
Here is what really happened on the Jewish side of the border as reported by a proper news outlet.;
KISSUFIM CROSSING, Israel (AP) — Palestinian militants ambushed an Israeli army jeep patrolling the Gaza border, then attacked a rescue crew that rushed to the scene, killing one soldier and wounding three in a brazen cross-border attack, according to military and witness accounts. The attack raised the possibility of a fresh round of violence in Gaza, just two days after Israel ended an offensive that killed more than 120 Palestinians. Senior Israeli military officers held an emergency meeting to plot a response, officials said.
If the idiots in that region want to kill each other fine.. But why is it when the Jews slot a few Muslims we have the full facts on the table (and a little more) in minutes. Yet when Jews die the BBC clouds the story in which to promote the image that maybe just maybe the IDF was invading gaza yet again.
The BBC, how it defends Hamas terrorism and half the story.
I was appalled at the biased nature of this programme. One expects even-handed treatment of the issues from the BBC – this programme seemed to give a clear endorsement to the illegal apartheid wall and cast the Palestinians as villains – they are not.
Dave Poole, London
http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/you…error- bus.shtml
PaulS | 06.03.08 – 12:33 pm |
You mean the “illegal apartheid wall” that stopped the aforementioned terror attacks in which hundreds of Israeli (and Arab-Israeli) civilians were being killed.
Poor Hamas now has to use unguided indiscriminate rocket attacks and can’t boast that it kills as many as it did back in 2004, so BBC has to help empower them because they are weaker.
I agree Israel is being protrayed as harsh and unreasonable, but they are the occupying power and as such they have obligations. People are entitled to clean water at least.
Typhoo | Homepage | 06.03.08 – 2:11 pm |
It is unbelievable that you think Israel is not letting in clean water run and doesn’t supply electricity.
The reason you think that is the case, is pure BBC blackout of anything that might cast Israel in positive light out.
Israel is supplying electricity, food and water just as it did before.
The cuts are only in fuel, and at that it is not a total cut.
Less than 30% of electricity is produced in Gaza using fuel generators, and hospitals are still being supplied.
Israel is also letting hundreds of Palestinians in for medical treatment every week. But this of course is not news. You can only get a glimpse of hundreds of trucks with food going into Gaza from Israel when something like this happens:
“EU condemns use of phony sugar bags by Palestinians to conceal banned chemicals”
Or this, two days ago, you will never find on the BBC site:
Choking these people with a lack of clean drinking water will only justify the demonisation of the jews.
Typhoo | Homepage | 06.03.08 – 2:11 pm
This is remarkable! And is exactly what some people on this board have been warning would happen – the demonisation of Jews.
It is simply not true that Israel is not supplying clean water! The fact is that it never stopped supplying clean water and electricity through the power grid! The supply has not stopped or diminished even for a moment, in spite the fact that Gaza is a “hostile entity” and rockets are constantly being fired from there into Israel.
Only the fuel has been cut!
Please find any evidence that electricity or water grid has been cut!
This is even more disturbing because US and EU governments (that have observers on the ground) know that electricity and water are being supplied and 100s of trucks with food aid are crossing every day.
So obviously they don’t accuse Israel of cutting them. You on the other hand are led to believe by the BBC that this is the case.
Your only conclusion is that it is the “Israel Lobby” that prevents US and EU from acting against Israel and not the reality on the ground that is very different to what you are led to believe.
Noone can seriously argue that this might really cause anti-Semitism.
bob | 06.03.08 – 3:12 pm |
Thanks Bob, but I find it very frightening that a multi-billion BBC, uses its power in such an irresponsible manner.
The BBC implying that Israel is not supplying the basics: water, electricity and necessary food to the Palestinian population in Gaza is unbelievable.
All the while Egypt, which also has a border is building a new 3 meter concrete wall and doesn’t supply any food and water to Gaza:
I agree … but they are the occupying power…
They are not the occupying power, For over two years there have been no occupation forces in Gaza
Have they questioned the agencies methodology regarding the 40 year low? What if it’s 38? Curiously no mentioned was made of the period prior to 1967, was it even worse then in the Arab hands?
RM | 06.03.08 – 2:13 pm | #”
Hansard re.
Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale’s speech regarding conditions in Gaza pre 1967
“I would like to put on record that I visited Gaza then for the first time. It was a hellhole,………..only a few weeks after it had been Egypt’s responsibility”
I forgot to include that point that in my earlier comment, or mention that the impression given was that Israel was still occupying Gaza.
Was in a hurry.
D Burbage | 06.03.08 – 1:18 pm |
What I never can work out is why Gaza’s border with Egypt is closed, and why this never gets any criticism or attention (apart from when it got blown up)?
The BBC takes the official Palestinian lie that John Reith believed, which he and I discussed some time ago. They believe that the pro-Israel Jewish lobby has too much influence on the US government, which in turn has Egypt in thrall because they receive gobs of US subsidies (only to control them and protect Israel, naturally), and so Egypt does whatever Israel wants. Also, Egypt supposedly can only open it’s own border if Israel allows them. In short, Israel controls everything and everyone. We have since discovered that the BBC is seriously misinformed, and that Bowen and Co. have been actually lying to the public about it. So only the independent freedom-fighting BBC is not controlled by the Jewish lobby and the US, I guess (but don’t tell that to the usual nutters on HYS).
You can apply that algorithm to any problem in Gaza and get the desired result. Hence all BBC reporting on the region, especially the lies exposed by Alan @ 3:06pm..
I agree … but they are the occupying power…
They are not the occupying power, For over two years there have been no occupation forces in Gaza
RM | 06.03.08 – 4:17 pm |
The sad truth is that Hamas cannot survive without Israel to blame and fight. Rockets only prove this – what is their purpose? To reengage and drag Israel in. Every time that happens they want Israel to take more and more responsibility for the rest of Gazans.
Hamas behave as the ultimate irresponsible children, and that only plays into Leftoids’ post-colonial brand of racism that seem to think that only the West needs to behave responsibly and morally.
Alan | 06.03.08 – 3:06 pm
The supply has not stopped or diminished even for a moment ….
Only the fuel has been cut!
Please find any evidence that electricity or water grid has been cut!
Israeli allows 2.2 million litres of EU-supplied industrial diesel per week, which is not enough to keep Gaza’s main power plant operating at full capacity.
There is a 20% shortfall in electricity with implications for hospitals, sewage works, water supply and other public institutions.
Between 25-30% of the population of the Gaza Strip does not receive running water at home because electricity is not available for pumping.
You can only get a glimpse of hundreds of trucks with food going into Gaza
Supplies to Gaza, intended to be 250 trucks a day, are limited to 45 trucks a day.
Israel steals Palestinian water:
some body is going to have to open a little gate somewhere and allow in basic humanitarian aid.
Silly me, I thought that Gaza had a long coastline with the Mediterranean, I didn’t realise it was landlocked.
I also find it surprising that the Gazans lack the basic necessities due to the Isreal blockade, but can apparently fire a never ending stream of rockets into Isreal
Israel cannot lift Gaza border restrictions without leaving herself open to SUICIDE BOMBERS commiting mass murder of innocent civilians! Has the BBC ‘forgotten’ that because border security has increased SUICIDE BOMBINGS have fallen to near zero levels?
Has it occured to the BBC that Hammas wants border restrictions lifted so it can resume its SUICIDE MURDER campaign?
Hammas abuses its own women and children using them as shields to launch rocket attacks!
Hammas forces very young children to wear mock suicide vests and makes TV programmes glorifying the murder of jews and praising terrorists!
Hammas are cowards and they are evil!
IF Israel opened up its borders to Gazans tommorow there would be suicide killers walking through those checkpoints the same day!
The Gazans misery and deprivation are caused by their own twisted evil hatred of Jews NOTHING ELSE! The Gazans are the authors of their own misery.
People in the West who critisise Israel for defending itself are no better than the Nazis and they are using Gaza as a beard for their Jew hatred.
Silly me, I thought that Gaza had a long coastline with the Mediterranean, I didn’t realise it was landlocked.
Silly you not knowing Israel controls the coastline and blockades it.
Gaza was part of Egypt before losing it in war with Israel as they did Sinai.
Sinai was returned Israel did not want it.
Israel definitely does not want Gaza, even the religious Jews favouring eretz israel presumably acknowledge it was philistine and not biblical israel.
Why not simply hand it back to Egypt?
If it were Egyptian the Gazans would be ‘free of Israel’.
Egypt could control their own territory and stop all rocket attacks on Israel.
Hand Gaza to Egypt.
Seems simple…
If Israel is ‘blockading’ Gaza, what is Egypt doing? The same?
This comment, from Melanie Phillips, can serve as a useful critical counter to BBC 2 TV ‘Newsnight’ item, scheduled tonight, on Gaza:
“Genocide With Jam on It”
this report poses serious problems for the beeboid mind.
“UNWRA spokesman Christopher Gunness said earlier his agency was running short of nylon for plastic bags and fuel for vehicles and generators”
gaza without plastic bags !
the bbc hates plastic bags and carbon based fuels. what a dilemma.
what is the beeb position on this ? are plastic bags desperately needed if you are a palestinian but not if you live in the uk ?
Re giving Gaza back to Egypt
Egyptians may have their problems but they are not all cretins nontheless.
I remember asking a Spaniard a few years ago, at the time of one of the half hearted Spanish demands to be given Gibralter back. Why Spain did not ask for Roussillon back from France?
(Roussillon is the southernmost department of France where many people still speak the Catalan dialect spoken in Barcelona)
His reply was that Spain had already too many Catalans, thank you very much!
Who could want Palestinins? When Saddam invaded Kuwait there were 300 00 Palestinians working there. They sucked up to Saddam’s invading army.
After the defeat of Saddam they were expelled.
Many Gaza citizens used to work in Israel.
Why is that no longer the case?
“Ye have sown the wind. Ye shall reap the whirlwind.”
Nowhere in this BBC report about Egypt hosting “Gaza ceasefire talks” does it mention the fact that Egypt is building a new concrete wall to keep the Gazans out. Why does the BBC ignore this? Perhaps there’s a fear that tsunami survivors in Indonesia and Sri Lanka wouldn’t thank them.
In its latest reports BBC has passed the point of anti Semitism and is now like the Nazi fascist propaganda machine. If the UK is the free country we believe then the BBC must be taken in hand and the people responsible for this Jew hatred be prosecuted. Free speech must prevail but Nazi Jew hatred is out.
I was last in Gaza about 1995. Even then we were told not to drink the water because the pipes have not be replaced since 1948 (or earlier) and pollutants contaminate the water.
It seems that none of the billions received by the Palestinians was used to improve infrastructure. What a surprise.
Supplies to Gaza, intended to be 250 trucks a day, are limited to 45 trucks a day.
FG | 06.03.08 – 4:38 pm |
Well maybe if Hamas stopped firing mortars on Kerem Shalom and Karni crossing they could get in.
Weird how when Serbia was under total sanctions for years with fuel supply cut by 90% no one was crying about collective punishment.
I guess punishing Serbia was Leftoid pet cause.
What is it that stops the BBC from asking the most obvious of questions?
1. the rockets: is hams firing these? If so, that is an act of war.
If not, why aren’t they enforcing the law?
2. the blockade: why have fellow Arabs and Muslims (Egypt) blockaded/barricaded the south?
Will the BBC call for an end to the Egyptian blockade?
Gaza is a big port – what’s stopping the arrival of stuff from sea?
3. the biggest question of all: why are people living in ‘refugee camps’ 60 years after they – or rather their grandparents – were displaced? Why have these ‘camps’ not been closed?
An excellent analysis of the bias of the BBC, I was most impressed with the comment on South Africa and Serbia, loved it. Hats off to the GBC for showing their true colours once again.
libertus | 07.03.08 – 7:10 am |
What is it that stops the BBC from asking the most obvious of questions?
Sadly, they already have their own answers, and broadcast them to the public.
I didn’t hear the radio broadcast so I will limit my commentary. However as with all your radio posts, it is impossible to distinguish what was said from your interpretations, which is at best confusing and at worst outright mendacious.
“Nor did she question how it is that medical supplies just cannot be gotten whereas Qassam rockets overflow in this territory.”
I would say it’s fairly simple. Qassam rockets can be made at home out of sugar, fertiliser and sticky-backed plastic. Penicillin isn’t so easy. Also illegal things like rockets are far more likely to be smuggled in than legal things like bandages and anti-septic.
“This interview was but a trailer for the main news item at 8 o’clock which was a sustained attack on Israel, care of the Shamnesty International, Save the Children etc cabal. In true form, these left-wing charities blame Israel, exonerate Hamas from any responsibility, and the BBC laps it all up.”
When you say “laps it all up”, I assume you mean “reports it”. And in your words, the BBC also lapped up this statement:
Israel’s Defence Ministry rejected the criticism in the report, blaming the Hamas militant group which controls Gaza. “The main responsibility for events in Gaza is the Hamas organisation, to which all complaints should be addressed,” a statement read.
And this one:
Israel says the measures are designed to stamp out frequent rocket fire by Palestinian militants.
Oh and look:
Recent rocket attacks have hit deeper into southern Israel, reaching Ashkelon, the closest large Israeli city to the Gaza Strip.
The right-wing anti-Palestinian fanatics at the BBC are implying that the A-rahbs deserve their terrible conditions. Anti-Semites! Anti-Semites!