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I smell a very large rat with this story about our forces being abused by some ‘mystery civilians’!
Its very strange just how and when the story came out isnt it?
All the MSM come out with a ‘Gordon Brown defends our troops’ type story and Gordon Brown is able to portray himself as a gallant patriot!
Call me cynical but Gordon Brown and NuLiebour are past masters at the planted setup story and Gordon Brown and NuLiebour are expert in using the media for their own political gain!
If Gordon Brown is using our troops in a cynical attempt to raise his profile with the voters what a sad and pathetic man he is!
I cannot believe that the BBC’s ‘Last Orders’ programme from the ‘White’ season was representative of working mens clubs, did the director of this programme have to concentrate on the vile father and son BNP combo?.
The whole point of the ‘White’ series was to celebrate and discuss the working class, however, the BBC decided to find the worst aspects of this Bradford suburb and highlight them, we were treated to rascist language and alcoholics.
David Presiser: I see Obama has had to sack Samantha Powers!!!!!
After all that spinning the BBC did for her over the last 10 days, she’s had to go for calling Hillary Clinton a “monster”
Well I reckon Hillary would scare me to death if I saw her without all her slap on as well!
The curse of the BBC strikes again.
Dutch Joe,
The whole point of the BBC series was to mark out “white people” as ignorant,backward,drunken,ignorant and racist knuckle draggers or simply thick and scared morons who would quickly change their backward views if taken in hand by the BBC and shown the wonderful nature of Islam etc.
To say that the series was about “whites” they seemed to focus on “non whites” quite a bit.
The BBC attitude consisted of ‘look at these poor deluded,ignorant,foolish white people and look at how we can change their backward views if we(BBC)can subject them to some ‘political education’.
All in all it was a covert request to instigate a ‘political education’ campaign on the lines of the USSR? or CUBA? or the same kind that the EU is planning?
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Re: Whites. What did people expect from the BBC?
Having said that. I don’t remmeber the white working population abusing injured soldiers in hospitals, blowing up busses or tube trains or flying planes into buildings.
Now who did that again?
‘Daily Telegraph’ preview, of tonight:
“Rivers of Blood
BBC2, 9.00pm
“As part of the BBC’s White season about Britain’s white working class, this austere documentary painstakingly re-examines Enoch Powell’s inflammatory 1968 “Rivers of Blood” speech, which some consider a fervently racist polemic, and some a
chillingly accurate prophecy. Powell’s argument was somewhat lost in his own inflated rhetoric, but his conviction that immigration would lead to segregation and violence
spelt the end for his political career. Piecing together the
surviving filmed fragments of the speech and calling upon contemporary and retrospective observers, the programme still ultimately sidesteps its own contentious question • was Powell right? “
I’m waiting for the BBC to report this, and to invite the ‘selectively freedom-loving’ Ms. S. Chakrabarti of ‘Liberty’ to oppose the Labour Government’s ban:
“Likud’s deputy leader banned from UK”
“Martin | 08.03.08 – 12:03 pm |”
Don’t you know that the war in Afghanistan is WHITE RACIST VIOLENCE!
I’ll be grateful if you continue this in future. Many people will be benefited from your writing. Classic Rock Bottom