So, I settled down last evening to watch “Question Time” that flagship BBC programme for political debate. It was the usual uneven mix, with three leftists and two right of liberal panelists. We had the ubiquitous Lib-Dem Baroness Shirley Williams, a BBC favourite, who has now attained sainthood and whose every banal utterance is treated with due solemnity. Then there was Mr Bean look-a-like Labour Minister Ed Miliband. To balance we had David Davis from the Conservatives and Nigel Farage from the UKIP. I thought this provided a form of balance between right and left in terms of the political representatives but what is to be made of the sneering Marcus Brigstock, the alleged comedian, who made up the panel of five?
Naturally he was reflexively left wing but he quite clearly made an utter fool of himself when he declared that since he could not understand the Lisbon treaty, he felt the electorate was therefore not in a position to pass judgement on it via a referendum. It’s as if he did not understand the implication of his own words! Why does the BBC insist on stacking panels with this banal “Student Grant” type of left wing comedian? They add nothing to the quality of the debate and most of them just regurgitate whatever it is they have scanned in the opinion columns of the Guardian. Political debate should not be just for politicians, but the BBC’s odd idea that it must provide space for these clowns is equally unacceptable. I continue to think David Dimbleby an excellent chairman but this programme never achieves it full potential because it insists on being unbalanced in its guest list.
Well prior to Uni, Brigstocke was at college in the West Country (Tiverton I think). Know someone who knew him back then and has always maintained him to be a first rate arse – will enquire this evening for anything worth knowing I can pass on!!
Professional politicians can lay claim to a family tradition – given the nepotism in the Labour party it’s pretty well de rigeur. Having knocked on several thousand doors canvassing, however, I’ve never had a Tory voter make that claim, whereas I’ve had several Labour votes who are quite proud to say their vote goes tribally – even in some quite smart areas.
That’s only the experience of one person, of course.
Some points about the Constitution/Treaty being too complicated for the great unwashed to understand.
One is the world outside politics is chock full of intelligent,highly educated and skilled people.They are the ones who make the world work whilst the posturing mountebanks of politics and the media prattle and tinker.
Secondly,the political poltroons only win a beauty contest,the majority have no job qualifications whatsoever.Many are simply an extension of student politics.They might have been elected to the job,but nobody voted them any brains.
Lastly MPs did not read the wretched document either, a readable English version only emerged last week.Brown and Miliband may have signed it but they haven’t read it.
A copy can be acquired from “The Treaty of Lisbon in Perspective”.
As I’ve explained before, the panel traditionally has 1 Labour, 1 Conservative and 1 Liberal Democrat,as they have proven electoral support. If you see balance only in terms of your definition of right/left then you will always see the panel as having 2 lefties against one from the right.
In regard to Newsnight, it would be difficult to have a discussion about the white, working class and their attitudes toward immigration etc without hearing from the BNP. Presumably Newsnight viewers are capable of making up their own mind about what he said.
I was astonished by his interview though. Normally he chooses his words carefully,(on camera anyway) but he came out with some bizarre statements last night.
The only people who want a vote on the treaty are those who want to say ‘No’. And they want to say ‘No’ to the EU and not just the treaty. Its not like they object to Article 13a section ii is it?
I appreciate what your saying Peter, but the reality is most poeple dont know enough or care about it.
Lefty Brigstock sends his kids to private schools.
As always with the champagne scoialist don’t do as I do do as I tell you.
No Joel: The BBC rolls out endless left wing guests. For example, the vile Chakrabarti who has ZERO political mandate as do the endless Greenies.
When was the last time Jon Gaunt or Richard Littlejohn were on QT? James Whale has been trying to get on QT for years.
When was the last time Nick Griffin on? If “some” people won’t appear with Griffin, that’s their choice, their chair should be left empty.
I personally don’t see the need for 5 guests. This is clearly done to ensure that there is a left wing bias on the panel.
Why do we get pointless pop stars or other “celebs?”
One Tory, one Mc Labour and a Lib Dem should do.
I don’t see why they have the SNP on for example. Not too many SNP MPs in England is there?
Perhaps the sweaty socks should have their own QT?
Nothing more boring that an episode of QT from Scotland. Apart from the fact I need subtitles to understand what’s being said.
We English should be grateful for the millionairess Margaret Eve, Lady Hodge, MBE (née Margaret Oppenheimer; born 8 September 1944, Cairo,for putting us right on our culture.
Did anyone notice that Question Time is getting a new editor?
As well as being quite pretty, she’s come from ITV and apparently has excellent credentials and wide experience in political journalism.
Could it be that the BBC is finally taking note of all our criticisms and drawing its political journalists from a wider pool?
She cut her teeth in politics as a researcher for IRA supporting, far left Labour MP Kevin McNamara and then worked in the BBC Political Research Unit – described by the Spectator as “…an invisible branch of the Labour party.”
Ah well – plus ca change.
At least we’ve got another candidate for our “Hero of Socialist Broadcasting ” awards.
“The only people who want a vote on the treaty are those who want to say ‘No’. And they want to say ‘No’ to the EU and not just the treaty.”
So what? Last time I looked, Britain was a democracy. I think it is absolutely necessary that a document as far reaching as this one should be put to the public vote. If the treaty is the harmless “tidying-up” exercise that the government maintains it is, then they should have no fear of putting it to the test in this way. If it is so wonderful, they will surely have no trouble selling it to the British electorate. Especially when they will have the BBC earnestly labouring on their behalf.
Anyway, I think you will find that most people want a referendum because it was promised in the NuLabour ‘manifesto’. The fact that most of them will vote No is beside the point.
Get out and meet most people,there is a groundswell of anger,it has not yet been given voice by the MSM.The BBC has been derelict in its duty reporting the slow motion coup which has abolished our elective government and put power into the hands of an unaccountable new form of government.
Only fools and egotists think this project, built as it is on lies and deceit, will not come to tears.
What you may have heard from Marcus Brigstocke on the Now Show:
“I’d like to start this week with a request, and this one goes out to the followers of the three Abrahamic religions: the Muslims, Christians, and Jews. It’s just a little thing, really, but do you think that when you’ve finished smashing up the world and blowing each other to bits and demanding special privileges while you do it, do you think that maybe the rest of us could sort of have our planet back? I wouldn’t ask but I’m starting to think that there must be something written in the special books that each of you so enjoy referring to that it’s ok to behave like special, petulent, pugnacious, pricks.”
What you will never hear from anyone on the Now Show:
“I’d like to start this week with a request, and this one goes out to the followers of the European Project. It’s just a little thing, really, but do you think that when you’ve finished discussing your treaty, the one which devolves decision-making to an ever more powerful centralised political elite, do you think that maybe the rest of us could have a say in our future before you rubberstamp the end of our sovereignty? I wouldn’t ask but I’m starting to think that there must be something in the Lisbon Treaty that you don’t want widely known because it is inherently anti-democratic.”
So the last stand argument of the leftists and pro EU supporters is…the voters of Great Britain are too stupid to understand the EU constitution and too dull to take in the benefits of being an EU citizen? Par for the course with leftists/socialists in general who only require the common masses to obey and do as they are told and no input from the masses is requested or required.
It makes my skin crawl to listen to these new ‘master race’ socialists tell us that normal people should be refused a vote because they are not ‘educated’ to the right degree. I mean, what next? No more voting for the local government in Westminster because the masses might show their stupidity by voting the wrong way? Or no more voting for our new central high government in Brussels because the masses are not mentally capable of making political choices? Or perhaps an IQ test to weed out the dullards among us?(like they tried in the deep south states)
These socialists are really starting to earn the preface ‘national’ in their title!
The BBC, being free of the demands to raise capital through the larger market (relying instead on forced direct taxation to fund its activities) steadfastly maintains a belief that it, and it alone, stands in defiance to the vast, right-wing media enterprises which dominate the world’s media. Except, of course, the BBC is actually now the largest, most pervasive media organization in the world. It has grown (as direct consequence of of its ‘unique’ funding structure) to become a global media behemoth larger than other of its type anywhere. But despite its reach and inherent power, the staff who comprise the BBC still believe they are a lone progressive voice, champions of the people who speak ‘truth to power’, and as such believe that a ‘progressive’ slant to production output is simply a means to balance the right wing bias in all others’ output. Of course, this is false. The BBC dominates all media spheres in the UK, with the exception of print (the reach of which pales in comparison to the scope and scale of the BBC in all other media forms). The BBC, through sheer scale and heft, has moved the political goal posts, moving the center far to the left, so centrist thought (or that most common hybrid: fiscal conservative, social liberal beliefs), becomes ‘right-wing’. The Democratic party would rank (given the stated political platforms of both Obama and Hillary) somewhere between the centre and the centre-right within the BBC world view.
The problem with the BBC, is the BBC. Any organization that is permitted to grow to such a scale, based solely on forced direct taxation, has never to engage the large society – the views of the populace can not directly affect the growth or scale of the BBC. So while most people may find it does not reflect their view points, or experiences, this will not alter the BBC’s income one jot. If any other enterprise was to grow in such a way it would be hamstrung by funding (or lack thereof). Don’t like the product, don’t buy it. Don’t like the BBC? Tough.
The UK has problem with democracy (no need to go into the democratic principles which allow a man who has never garnered a vote in England to rule the country for the next three years), and the BBC is part of the problem. The first thing I noticed upon leaving the UK after 4 years in the Kingdom is the lack of diverse opinion in the popular (non-print) media. The US, has competing media enterprises, for example, and seems to be more comfortable offering a platform for diverse opinions. The BBC promotes a group-think approach where certain ‘truths’ are never really challenged, and the organization goes about, not informing, but education the masses to what is ‘correct.’ It is highly paternalistic and from my vantage point undermines the development of the nation as a whole.
For a better tomorrow, stop funding the BBC today.
“When was the last time Jon Gaunt or Richard Littlejohn were on QT? – They on fairly often actually!
When was the last time Nick Griffin on? Dunno, look it up but he has been on. Considering the electoral support there is for his party I think he does alright. Besides he was on Newsnight last night when QT was on! (He’s also been on Radio5, Saturday Live, QT, Newsnight, World at One etc)
“I personally don’t see the need for 5 guests. This is clearly done to ensure that there is a left wing bias on the panel…One Tory, one Mc Labour and a Lib Dem should do.” – Yes Martin clearly. How would Nick Griffin et al fit on the panel in this case!?!?!
I don’t see why they have the SNP on for example. Not too many SNP MPs in England is there? – When the programme comes from Scotland it seems only fair to have a representative from the current gov. there?!?
Joel:”The only people who want a vote on the treaty are those who want to say ‘No’. And they want to say ‘No’ to the EU and not just the treaty. Its not like they object to Article 13a section ii is it?”
And those who don’t are all constitutional experts?
Lefty Brigstock sends his kids to private schools.
Niall | 07.03.08 – 5:50 pm |
So does the odious Hodge as does Diane Abbott, once famously booed on Question Time when, having had her ludicrous assertions shown for what they were, accused her interlocutor of being racist.
Didn’t Bliar fiddle it for his kids as well, or did he engineer it for them to attend the best possible state school? I can’t remember.
Well said David S!
The BBC has warped and perverted the course of the UK media evolution for far too long now and its time it was stopped.
A few like minded leftist/socialist elite have tried to force feed the British public with leftist propaganda thinly disguised as entertainment and everthing the BBC does is couched in marxist/socialist political education techniques, put in simple terms, the BBC establishment are a nest of traitors and quislings who wish to destroy Great Britain, her history and pride in itself so as to build their new socialist workers EUSSR paradise.
The one thing the leftists fear most is a free democracy.
The next general election will be in 2010 and if we vote in a Europhile regime it will be our last ever free election.
Never mind Radio 4 lefty comedians, this is really funny. Earlier this week BBC types were falling over themselves to get Barack Obama’s foreign policy adviser Samantha Power on their shows (Start the Week, Newsnight, Today, Jeremy Vine, Simon Mayo – she was on them all). What a shame for all those hopeful influence-seeking Beeboids:
WASHINGTON–Samantha Power resigned as a foreign policy advisor to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) after she called Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) a “monster” in an interview with The Scotsman newspaper.,sweet030708.article
Now that made me laugh a lot.
The BBC promotes a group-think approach where certain ‘truths’ are never really challenged, and the organization goes about, not informing, but education the masses to what is ‘correct.’ It is highly paternalistic and from my vantage point undermines the development of the nation as a whole.
For a better tomorrow, stop funding the BBC today.
David S | 07.03.08 – 6:39 pm | #
Very well put, David S.
A very concise summary of the BBC problem.
Hillarious Clinton IS a monster! With that stapled on smile of hers that sometimes slips a little to show the real face beneath. Turning on the waterworks got her a few more votes didnt it? and when that little scam was worn out she went in for the dirty tricks and smears which she has always been good at and that got her a few more.
Apparently she said she saved Kosovo single handed and half a dozen other places when asked what experience she could bring to the job.
If the USA is stupid enough to elect that harriden then they really will be in deep doo doo.
“The next general election will be in 2010 and if we vote in a Europhile regime it will be our last ever free election.
Cassandra | 07.03.08 – 6:57 pm | # ”
No,that was the last one.Gordon Brown has given his fealty to the European Union.He get to on the European Council,our supreme government.This body has now a legal identity,power to legislate on anything it wishes, and,here is the kicker,its own tax raising powers.
The latter will not bother the BBC unduly since they are similar orgasations.Unaccountable an imovable.
WASHINGTON–Samantha Power resigned as a foreign policy advisor to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) after she called Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) a “monster” in an interview with The Scotsman newspaper. swe…t030708.article
Now that made me laugh a lot.
DB | 07.03.08 – 6:58 pm | #
She struck me as a scary, unprincipled “power groupie”.
Presumably, after Ohio & Texas, she didn’t want to burn her boats with the Clinton camp.
The point I was trying to make concerned all those BBC presenters offering easy access to the Obama adviser. It was all about the peripheral sprinkle of Barack’s stardust, the vicarious pulse of power – everyone at the Beeb wanted to be in on it. And now – ha! She’s gone!
Joel: You are SO wrong. Why is Chakrabarti on so often? She has NO political mandate. Nick Griffin has more.
Why is there a “greenie” on almost every week? No one votes for them so they have no political mandate either. Not that that stops the BBC of course.
Why should there be a Scottish representative when QT comes from Scotland? The programme is being broadcast across the UK and the SNP don’t stand in England or Wales.
The Scots should have their own political programme. I’m not the slightest bit interested in Scottish politics.
OK when was the last time Nick Griffin was on? Must be years ago?
Yes he was on Newsnight, but only for a quick soundbite.
Don’t distort the facts.
Re Brigstock and his sniggering pals: what symbolises this shameful age better than the wretched ‘alternative’ (ie Leftie) comedian?
Is there an alternative to them?
Cassandra: I was listening to a debate on Fox News last night. They were amazed that Obama hasn’t challenged her about her “30 years of experience”
In what exactly?
As they said, that should make Laura Bush “experienced” as well.
Dennis Thatcher was married to Maggie for god knows how long, does that make him experienced?
Obama needs to really go after the hag. Problem is if he beats up on her she’ll use the “they are picking on me because I’m a woman” crap again.
I feel like doing a spoof of Hillary’s silly advert about who you want to answer the phone at 3am.
Version 1 Hillary picks up the phone and says “… Bill, it’s for you…”
Version 2. John McCain is seen picking up the phone.
I tired to get some detail about how the QT audience was selected a few months ago – here is the application form (astonishing)
I would dearly like to see the algorithm the Bolsheviks use to select the audience – it must exist. What are the assumptions that it makes and how does it so frequently generate the glaring over representation of minorities and leftist views.
A controlled experiment may be in order – someone could apply in two different names – person A could be a BBC stereotype ‘right winger’ and person B could tick all the BBC boxes. Guess who will be invited to participate
As far as the Brigstock goes, a disgrace to let an idiot like that onto the panel. Many people may be idiots but they don’t need to understand the whole ‘treaty’ to realise that it creates a ‘legal personality’ for the EU and the treaty is self amending – so the EU is now enabled to now metastasize as and when it wants to become more ‘competent’.
The Lisbon treaty might as well be a blank sheet of paper – to be written as and when it pleases the Commission and its backers in Mitteleuropa. The BBC sees fit not to let this point come across for reasons that I confess quite escape me….
Joel | Homepage | 07.03.08 – 5:46 pm
“I appreciate what your saying Peter, but the reality is most poeple dont know enough or care about it.”
Brigstocke and your arguement that the Lisbon Treaty is too complicated to allow people a referendum is a very poor one.
The Constitutional Treaty was a very long and complicated document, so long and complicated that in 2005 the Labour party promised that we the little people would get a vote on it and that they would campaign for a ‘Yes’.
The rejection of the Constitutional Treaty by France and the Netherlands made them find a ‘third way’.
“normal people should be refused a vote because they are not ‘educated’ to the right degree. I mean, what next?”
Ramming through a constitution (465 pages of goobledegook) of existential importance that the governed have no knowledge of and that they have no knowledge of is used to justify there not having a vote on it.
(Wow, what a long sentance)
It’s Soviet logic.
No really it is Soviet logic. In the Soviet Union one would struggle in vain to find a copy of the Penal Code. And having a copy of it could get you 10 years in the GULAG.
It’s an act of dogma to have a sixth-former like Brigstocke on. The kind of dogma that the BBC so adore.
It’s like giving a geriatric in a wheelchair an England cap in the name of fighting ageism, or a blind man a pilots licence in the name of fighting disability discrimination. Neither of which is likely to have a desirable result, but that’s to miss the point; which is not about beneficial outcomes but about grinding us down to the mediocrity of the lowest common denominator.
As far as the Brigstock goes, a disgrace to let an idiot like that onto the panel.
Why don’t they go the whole hog and have The Krankies?
David Davis is the token conservative to convince themselves they are impartial, but their bias continues unabated.
The BBC continues to ignore the significant proportion of British who don’t agree with their premises.
The bias is not so much in what they do report, but in what they don’t. No matter how flat the pancake, there’s always two sides. For too long the BBC has ignored this and will surely one day pay the price.
My perception of the BBC in this internet age is of an organization desperately maintaining the status quo, ignoring the fact that ‘the times, they are a changing.’ It is likely that in the not-too-distant future the BBC will lose its ability to influence mindsets. The writing is on the wall.
I wonder where senior Beeboids were when this was happening?
Just for the sake of adding my own two cents here.
Just because the BBC and the media have brainwashed the general public into believing the BNP are right wing, for several generations, does not make them so.
Socialism is LEFT WING. I hope we can agree on that, at least.
Nick Griffin describes himself as a National Socialist. He does this, because it is precisely what he is. He and his party are therefore not just left wing they are EXTREME LEFT WING.
Extreme right wing is defined as classic liberalism. Which is very VERY logically, the complete opposite to anything socialist.
The only people that could possibly honestly describe themselves as anything slightly close to being right wing therefore, are the Libertarian Party, UKIP and sometimes on a good day when the sun is shining, the Conservative Party.
Why is it that apparently intelligent people on this blog, have to be reminded of such obvious things. By someone with no more the a crap comprehensive, dumping ground, education, like myself?
Did some of you even go to school?
Still don’t feel bad. Its not your fault.
The BBC brainwashed you all before you even started school.
sounds to me that the current BBC oiks have rather a lot in common with the RAF:
products of the Left-wing counter-culture of the Sixties, a group who railed against the Establishment and had bonded around casual sex, rock music and the ingestion of massive quantities of illegal drugs.
re: Marcus whatsisnaname
Says it all really.
For the numpty on another thread who was claiming that he was the only working class contributor.
I went to the worst rated school in my city, I left with 5 `O` levels, served an apprenticeship, and have worked as an electrician ever since (25yrs),is that working class enough for you?
I still think that the BBC is full of left wing t*ssers!
Atlas Shrugged:
The Al-Beeb forever misrepresent fascism & communism as right/left products – as do most people. Both are products of the left.
The key distinction in politics should not be right or left however, but rather statist or non-statist.
The Conservative right are trapped in the comfortable and career-profitable bubble of statism – see USA for prime example.
Statists love to talk about the good “they” are doing and how “they” are making “our” country more prosperous.
Taking credit for job creation is one aspect that makes me laugh as if they, not entrepeneurs, are the wealth makers!
I guess “Breast Feeding awareness co-ordinators” are much in demand in the private sector! [This was a £25k pa job I saw advertised for the Barnsley Health trust area in the local Sheffield Star Paper a few weeks ago. I guess Barnsley women are non too keen on a kid sucking on their tits; meanwhile statists continue to suck our private wealth dry.]
The novel, “Atlas Shrugged”, should be required reading for Beeboids. T
he movie is due out next year, and be prepared for the the backlash from all Statists (left and right).
It will be vehemently attacked, or totally ignored, as a strategy to avoid rational discussion of the current statist created apocalypse we are rapidly heading towards and the alternative strategy AS presents.
Now that made me laugh a lot.
DB | 07.03.08 – 6:58 pm | #
What isn’t funny is the way Newsnight and etc blatantly promote a candidate for an American election.