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‘China says militant plots foiled’
Strange how the BBC omits to mention that this is Islamic in origin.
From AP:,2933,336250,00.html
Wang Lequan, the top Communist Party official in the far western region of Xinjiang, said materials seized in a Jan. 27 raid in the regional capital, Urumqi, suggested the plotters’ planned “specifically to sabotage the staging of the Beijing Olympics.”
“Their goal was very clear,” Wang told reporters at a meeting of Xinjiang delegates in Beijing.
Wang cited no other evidence or sources of the information and earlier reports on the raid had made no mention of Olympic targets.
Wang said the group had been trained by and was following the orders of a Uighur separatist group based in Pakistan and Afghanistan called the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, or ETIM. The group has been labeled a terrorist organization by the United Nations and the United States. East Turkestan is another name for Xinjiang.
Had to laugh listening to Stephen Nolan just now. He interviewed a Muslim woman who had been sent over to Pakistan to be married (not some jolly arranged marriage so promoted by the BBC in their “Arrange me a marriage” crap”). She was raped and treated like a slave for years. Eventually escpaing from her family and amaking a new life. Her family still try to hunt her down even to this day.
All wonderful and the woman deserved a lot of praise.
However, what amazed me was the attitude of Nolan. He said he was shocked that this sort of thing went on. He mentioned the missing girls in Bradford who are believed to have suffered the same fate.
When will the liberal gay mafia that runs our media (and the BBC) wake up to the evil of Islam?
Making light of a series subject like forced marriage is a disgrace.
However, the prat Nolan has just said “this is not part of Muslim culture”
Oh so it’s a white western thing then is it Nolan you prat!
Looks like I’ve wasted by breath typing this as the BBC will try to spin this.
Martin wrote: ‘the liberal gay mafia that runs our media (and the BBC)’
Taking a look at the editors/ senior management of all UK national newspapers, and the management of the BBC, ITV, and C4, I can’t see a single out gay person. This mafia that you speak of, is it comprised of closet gays, people lower down the food chain, or some other group (eg in your head)?
Steve: I’m not very sure why he is lashing out at a “gay mafia” which may or may not exist. It detracts from his main point.
What do you think about the main point – ie the unnecessary defence of the muslim religion in a news story that concerns muslims doing evil things to other muslims ?
Uighurs: you have to read to the very end to be told that Uighurs are ‘mainly Muslim’ – which alert people already knew, though the BBC seems to want to keep that fact off the radar. Still, in some sloppy editorial oversight, the words ‘terrorism’ and ‘terrorist’ did slip into this report.
This is typical BBC rubbish, the only reason that French Muslims are less extreme is that the French state has been very clear about its secular nature.
Of course the writer has to have a pop at that, “But for all their willingness to contribute, to participate, there is friction with an aggressively secular state. ”
They even mention this:
“A formal revision of the Hadith – the sayings of Muhammad – is well advanced in Turkey, and Muslim women in the West have been pushing for equal status with men.”
Well that is rather funny as the man leading the work is saying that it is nothing of the sort. Clinging onto that lie is rather amusing.
More mis-information about Islam, you can dress a pig up in nice clothes and jewellry, but it is still a pig.
Many people seem to think that the French could produce a version of Islam that is softer less extreme, but it should only produce a population that is making the next step in their humanity, by leaving Islam.
“Gay liberal mafia” indeed. Martin just can’t help revealing himself as a first class bigot and paranoid fantasist, detached from reality, railing against imaginary bogeymen from behind his keyboard. It’s really quite amusing.
Melanie Phillips’ trenchant, wide-ranging article today on the surrender of British national identity, includes this, relating to the BBC ‘White’ season:-
“Even the BBC, through its current “white working-class” season, has finally grasped that a section of the community has been effectively shut out of the national conversation.
“But welcome as this recognition is, the season itself also encapsulates the problem. For it regards the white working class as a kind of vanishing primitive tribe towards whom disdain is only temporarily suspended in the interests of anthropological curiosity.
“But these people are the indigenous people of England, whose cultural heart has been broken.
“So what is the remedy?
“Not the Government’s citizenship hurdles or loyalty oaths, to be sure.
“If Humpty is to be put back together again, fundamentals need to be addressed across the board.
“Things like mass immigration which must be stopped; multiculturalism which must be abandoned; human rights law which must be abolished; the welfare state which must be remodelled; and membership of the EU which must be renegotiated.”
‘What’s the point of citizenship classes when we’ve already surrendered our national identity?’
I posted some stuff about Cool Islam here
Its called wishful thinking: the beebers want muslims to be nice regular people – they desperately want a muslim Rowan Williams or even a muslim leader like that Bishop of Durham guy (Jenkins ?) who doesn’t believe in anything at all.
Anything at all will do as evidence of islam reforming from within. Anything.
A brief rant about BBC’s “WHITE” season:
So, the BBC’s “White” season consists of
* A documentary about a Yorkshire Working Men’s Club unable to cope with multiculturalism (read: muslim colonisation)
* A documentary about Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech(because only those ignorant proles listened to him, right?)
* A documentary about how much harder working east europeans are than our feckless idle poor
* A documentary about a school where there are only two white children, but they get on well with their multicultural chums, most of whom appear to be called Muhammad or Amina – pretty monocultural if you ask me
* A documentary in which BNP voters in Barking are made by the Director to meet immigrants so that they’ll understand that uncontrolled immigration isn’t a problem, and that Shaheed al-Jihadi is just like them (no, that isn’t a bomb belt, the police sniffer dog is mistaken – it was probably trained by the CIA at Guantanamo)
* A TV film in which a white girl from a feckless family of oiks(which is what ALL the white working class are, right, Crispin?)finds calm, security, and Spiritual Fulfilment in the Religion of Peace amongst pakistanis, the founders of world civilisation when they aren’t busy marrying (euphemism)their blood relatives. Because CofE, RC, Methodist, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh etc or even Black Baptist just wouldn’t have moistened any gussets amongst the Beeboids)
Business as usual at the Trotskyist-Gramscian BBC.
Patronising Middle-class Leftie *rsehol*s.
Rob: the word on the street is that the plot line where the white girl finds peace in the mosque was originally submitted as a spoof – someone taking the piss out of the BBC’s pet fetishes. Problem is they did not see the joke and made the film anyway.
Does the word ‘trenchant’ ever appear in the English language today except in relation to the views of Melanie Phillips?
As Melanie says, the ‘white’ season seems to treat a large proportion of the country like primates at the zoo, for the rest of us to peer at with our noses pressed against the glass. Given that presumably most of these people are license fee payers perhaps the Beeb might consider providing some TV coverage of their interests rather than earnestly discussing their imminent demise.
Having said that I went to see Spurs v West Ham yesterday and I’m not sure what was more depressing – the extraordinarily un’vibrant’ and run down multicultural Tottenham/Dalston community as seen from the bus, the poisonous anti-semitism of the extremely unmulticultural West Ham support, or indeed the coin throwing, coach smashing and general violence of the Spurs fans in return – most of whom aren’t Jewish at all and went to nice schools in Hertfordshire.
Jack Hughes excellent overview of this pap, sorry I did not see it, I live in France by the way and saw that Cool Islam last night and was not happy with it.
Amel Boubekeur I think is the daughter of the rector of the Great Mosque in Paris, her father of course attacked Charlie Hebro for printing a cartoon, which shows how much he wants Western society to flourish.
I think the Islamics are desperately trying to connect with many French Muslims who are drifting away from Islam.
“Times and Telegraph…. “Baroness Thatcher”
Guardian and BBC….”Thatcher”
Yeah. Rather like the way BBBC refers to “Blair”, isn’t it?
Same level of respect, different persons.”
Maybe , but you’ll never hear them refer to “Mandela”.
“In my experience the BBC and charities mainly seem to employ the same kind of person – home counties, white, middle class arts graduates…”
Don’t worry, they’ll soon be employing lots of home counties, black, middle class arts graduates.
The BBC refers to ‘Hamas militants’ in its Middle East reports. I wonder if they referred to ‘Nazi Militants’ 60 years ago.
As Hamas believes in the extermination of Israel perhaps the BBC could tell us what a Hamas moderate is?
Steve Jones/Martin:
Re: Teh Gays Secretly Rule The World.
In the interests of accuracy it would be fair to say that there is one proudly homosexual member of the broadcasting elite – Dawn Airey, global content director at ITV and previously a significant figure at Five, Channel 4 and, er, Sky.
She memorably announced that Five’s programme policy would be “Films, Football & F*cking” under her command.
She was obviously keeping the bit about Islam’s Secret World Domination Plan under her hat, the naughty minx…
“The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It’s a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people ”
Andrew Marr
As Hamas believes in the extermination of Israel perhaps the BBC could tell us what a Hamas moderate is?
niconoclast | Homepage | 10.03.08 – 12:01 pm
A Hamas moderate only wants to kill some Jews and subjugate the rest.
Actually, they are an undifferentiated bunch of psychotics with one common aim: the total elimination of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state in its place.
If you ask me, a venture that advertises itself using tasteful, epic photos of Enoch Powell and promotes wife-beating drunk George Best as a ‘working class hero’ is automatically suspect. Even the name ‘White’ is gratuitously provocative, gratuitously divisive.
Going by the website, the season reduces working class people to exhibits in a zoo, to reality television show freaks, to anthropological curiosities in National Geographic. Here’s some knobbly-faced salts of the earth in a Bradford working men’s club. Here’s every little-brained, little Englanders’ worst nightmare, a white girl in a hijab.
Here come the Poles to steal our jobs, women and dignity. Let’s take a trip to putative BNP launchpad, Barking. If the programmes don’t feature some wildlife footage of scantily-clad honkys puking in a gutter outside a nightclub, I’ll run round the town with my trousers round my ankles.
Not only that, what’s the appeal to working class viewers? Where are the stories of working class boys and girls done good? Where’s the message of ‘you can do it too, if you pick up a book or go to a night school class or join the Open University or whatever’. Where’s the tales of ‘if you don’t like it, do something about it’.
Where’s the aspiration? Not the woolly, fuzzy, meaningless kind as espoused by Gordon Brown or David Cameron but the proper, concrete ways for working-class people to escape their so-called oppression.
I don’t want to play the prolier-than-thou card but I was the first person in my family to go to university from generations of steelworkers, coal miners and farmers. It’s doable. Forget the academic side of it. The independence, the social skills, the new outlooks and ways of thinking you get are beyond price. And that’s before we mention making friends who teach you how to hold your drink. Why further and higher education isn’t sold like that is a mystery to me.
Whatever happened to ‘God helps those who help themselves’ or ‘I’m a lucky person and the harder I work, the luckier I get’? The notion of the dignity of the poor is repugnant, but this wallowing in a perceived victimhood is equally difficult to watch and the BBC should be ashamed for fuelling it.
Melanie P seems to think our forces are out in Iraq & Afghanistan to defend our way of life here. I wish she’d tell me how that works.
Note also she thinks that Cameron MAY be waking up to the problems she highlights in her piece. Dream on, love – he wouldn’t dare tamper with the NWO’s scenery-and-prop rearranging.
Y. Alibhai-Brown, that deprived, and apparently ‘victimised’ immigrant has an irrational rant about ‘racism’ in relation to the British white working class,and anyone in the middle class who attempts a rational analysis of immigration. (She uses the phrase “bituminous ‘filth'” with no reference.)
She wants to block discussion of the issue of immigration control. She does not use the word ‘multiculturalism’ once, but she represents an extreme strand of that dogma, which admits no recognition that a nation has a right, and a duty to control immigration. Here’s a sample of her incoherent piece. Read it all for all her illogicalities, inconsistencies and non sequiturs:
“To flag up a BBC season on disgruntled white folk, a trailer shows a white face soiled with graffiti in “wog” languages. Our public service broadcaster is surely inciting racial hatred when it privileges whiteness and seats Nick Griffin of the BNP at the high table of Newsnight? Many of the peeved also hate smoking bans and tough benefit conditions. Those complaints don’t produce the rush of sympathy awakened by anti-immigrant invective. Our working classes include millions of black and Asian people too, ignored in this narrative.
“Obsessive research into the “dangerous” Muslim men goes on and on and immigrants get trashed daily. Last week John Humphrys repeatedly mugged Liam Byrne, the Immigration minister, with the question: “Are there too many immigrants in this country, yes or no?” Does he seriously think there is such an answer or was he trying to whip up populist anxiety?
“Promises made on fair employment have not delivered. Sure there are black and Asian newsreaders and the soaps have opened up but, as Meera Syal and Lenny Henry pointed out recently, British television is adamantly white. As the only non-white, female political columnist, I humbly beg for appearances on our top political programmes.”
Snow now a politically incorrect word.
What the BBC don’t like to report. Fascinating article on EU Referendum
Last week, virtually unreported in Britain, the extraordinary winter weather of 2008 elsewhere in the world continued. In the USA, there were blizzards as far south as Texas and Arkansas, while in northern states and Canada what they are calling “the winter from hell” has continued to break records going back in some cases to 1873. Meanwhile in Asia more details emerged of the catastrophe caused by the northern hemisphere’s greatest snow cover since 1966.”
Similarly, we got nothing of the New York array of leading climatologists and other experts who gathered last week for the most high-powered international conference yet to question the “consensus” on global warming.
Writes, Booker, after three days of what the chairman called “the kind of free-spirited debate that is virtually absent from the global warming alarmist camp”, the 500 delegates issued the Manhattan Declaration, stating that attempts by governments to reduce CO2 emissions would “markedly diminish further prosperity” while having “no appreciable impact” on the Earth’s warming.
“George R:
Y. Alibhai-Brown, that deprived, and apparently ‘victimised’ immigrant has an irrational rant about ‘racism’ in relation to the British white working class,and anyone in the middle class who attempts a rational analysis of immigration.”
I see she cites Keith Vaz as the lone defender of migrants in Parliament, a man of utmost integrity.
“As the only non-white, female political columnist, I humbly beg for appearances on our top political programmes” (and the fee that goes with them)
Oh dear. Looks like the BBC (don’t)HYS board about Middle East peace is predominantly coming out on the side of Israel. The first page and a half are all pro-Israel comments. The minions at the BBC won’t like that at all. I wonder how long it will take for it to suddenly disappear of be ‘closed’.
Reimer | 10.03.08 – 1:15 pm |
Melanie P seems to think our forces are out in Iraq & Afghanistan to defend our way of life here. I wish she’d tell me how that works.
I was having a conversation about this with the driver during a late-night ride home from the airport a while back. The driver was from a former Soviet Republic with lots of consonants in the name, and, while it should have been obvious that I was half asleep, he launched into a tirade about Bush and Afghanistan and Iraq, and why the US thinks we can spread democracy around, how does that protect Americans, etc.
I asked the guy why was he in the US in the first place, and his answer was that there were no opportunities in his country, which was run by a dictator, and some places were dangerous. I laid into him, basically saying that he was typical, and the reason he was here it that his country sucked.
That’s really the reason why all these people have migrated to Europe, the UK, and the US. Their countries suck, and they seek a better life. Europe and the UK give them the extra incentive of a free ride for them and their families (and now extra wives), so why not?
If their countries didn’t suck, they wouldn’t be moving here in droves, your white villages wouldn’t be overrun with Muslims who won’t learn your language, curse your customs, and want you to remove yourselves and your culture from the premises. There wouldn’t be this huge human trafficking problem in the sex industry. Germans and Austrians wouldn’t be fighting legal battles to prevent immigrants from building mosques taller than the local churches. The BBC wouldn’t be making a show about how xenophobic you all are for complaining about Polish laborers working harder than the local indigenous population, or that you must make yourselves subservient to the needs of immigrants.
Further, if the citizens of all these lousy countries find that they can make almost as much money in normal human jobs to support their families as they get for being terrorists, they won’t take up the gun or plot to bomb the trains in the first place.
That’s part of why what the troops are doing over there will help defend what’s left of your way of life. You’ve got to fight the BBC and your own government for the rest of it, I’m afraid.
Note also she thinks that Cameron MAY be waking up to the problems she highlights in her piece. Dream on, love – he wouldn’t dare tamper with the NWO’s scenery-and-prop rearranging.
You’re on your own with that Cameron boy as well.
“MI5, MI6, CIA, BBC, Mossad are working for the New World Order, propagated by continual and consistent disinformation…this is only rational speculation. I have no inside knowledge or evidence, on which to base it.”
This is so funny, reminds me of Dr Fox on Brass Eye: “Paedophiles are genetically closer to crabs than humans. There’s no real evidence for it, but it’s a scientific fact.”
Returning to the Marcus Brigstocke discussion. Here’s an irony-rich story he could do one of his “funny” monologues about. The demand for solar panels from China has led to the mass dumping of a highly toxic by-product, silicon tetrachloride:
“The land where you dump or bury it will be infertile. No grass or trees will grow in the place. . . . It is like dynamite — it is poisonous, it is polluting. Human beings can never touch it,” said Ren Bingyan, a professor at the School of Material Sciences at Hebei Industrial University.
What was it Brigstocke said again? Oh yes:
“I am getting my panels in from a Chinese plant, the only one in the world with a really solid eco-record for making them.”
OK Marcus, you believe that if it makes you feel better.
This is the preview of the BBC’s play White Girl by David Chater of The Times, on BBC2 tonight:
An illiterate, alcoholic, white mother flees her abusive partner and moves to an exclusively Muslim community in Bradford with her children. After the initial shock of the unfamiliar, her 11-year-old daughter Leah develops a fascination with Islam. She befriends her neighbours, wears a hijab and goes to the mosque. “When I pray”, she says, “it’s like everything’s not bad and f**ked up. Like somewhere there’s aplace I feel safe.” Beautifully acted and never less than utterly absorbing, this optimistic fable is a paean to racial harmony in which the compassion and discipline of Islam are contrasted with an indigenous low-life culture that is entirely destructive. Not for the BNP.
That is in The Times today. It’s bad enough the BBC writing such a pile of shit, but to have The Times laud such drivel is quite depressing. Who is David Chater BTW? Ex-BBC, perhaps? He has obviously never heard of suicide bombings, honour killings, muhammad’s liking for 9-year-olds etc.
Natty Dreadlocks | 09.03.08 – 11:53 pm |
Strange how the BBC omits to mention that this is Islamic in origin.
China says militant plots foiled
Good call. I was wondering about this myself, and I think this would be worthy of a full post on the main page. After all, these incidents really put the BBC in a double bind, doesn’t it?
Hey, they actually can use the word “terrorists”. It’s not such an emotional word after all, is it, BBC?
But they can only do so in connection with generic “militants”, and cannot tie the word to Mohammedans. All you poor sods learn from your state-funded national broadcaster is that the Uighur separatists have linds to some vague “international terror networks”. You may ask, “Who can they be?” Scientologists? The unwashed hippies who get violent at World Bank and IMF summits? The Mossad? You are unlikely to get the truth from the BBC.
They can’t report that Muslims might be fighting against anybody else except the nasty US (and UK soldiers, but that’s only because Blair was Bush’s Poodle, so they’re not really fighting against Britain, no sir, how very dare you). Nor can they report that China has been seriously screwing over lots of people in the Western provinces, especially the Uigher.
For years China has been doing lots of construction, urbanization, dam building, etc., that has transformed the landscape all over the country. The BBC even had a three-part series of reports last fall about how great China’s robust growth combined with beautiful collectivism was going to improve the lives of poor rural Chinese. Millions of people have been or are being displaced by all these massive projects, but supposedly the government will look after them, and that’s progress, innit.
What the BBC doesn’t want you to know is that in places like Xinjiang, the Chinese government has been doing a bit of ethnic cleansing and replacing the locals with ethnic Han Chinese. The locals are not ethnically Chinese, and many are Muslim. The BBC does admit that, but they won’t tell you that there has been a low level Muslim separatist battle going on in the region for years. All you know is that the Chinese have been trying to “contain separatist sentiment.” No big deal, then.
What would the reasons be for that separatist movement, BBC? Are the Uighurs right-wing, anti-Communist, Bush-supported separatists like what Kissinger supported in South America?
No, they are Muslim separatists, demanding their own Islamic state, and they have links to the usual Muslim terror networks.
But the BBC can’t tell you that because the real story is that Muslims fight against people besides the US (and subservient allies), and that the Communist Chinese government isn’t so wonderful and violates human rights far worse than the US and engages in ethnic cleansing.
And before any defenders chime in, I do not mean that the BBC should instead shout from the rooftops, “See, Muslims are bad, they fight against everyone!” Everyone here just wants the BBC to report reality.
“I drove to work in blasting rain and very strong wind”
That is currently one of the two highlighted comments for the Have Your Say on “Is This Winter’s Worst Storm”.
Not bias, so I suppose I’m being OT, but it demonstrates the sort of in-depth news coverage we get from the BBC these days.
Well spotted, Michael Crick:
” Spot the Missing Word ”
You’ve got to fight the BBC and your own government for the rest of it, I’m afraid…You’re on your own with that Cameron boy as well.
Yes, IMO that’s on target, and it’s difficult, no ludicrous, for any informed American to believe that the resolve needed for the job can be martialled easily in Britain, if it can be found at all.
Outrage alone isn’t nearly enough. The French are far better than the British at deploying mass anger as an agent of social change; how galling that must be for the few Brits still with a sense of shame.
‘They also serve who sit and harrumph’? — nope, it doesn’t work like that. And if you won’t help yourselves, why should anyone else?
Very meager coverage by the BBC of an issue that forces cartoonists to go into hiding. It seems that not even solidarity with fellow journalists is above their Leftoid ideology:
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – The Danish cartoonist behind controversial images of the Prophet Mohammad has urged a Dutch right-wing politician to broadcast a film expected to be critical of the Koran despite fears it might spark violence.
Roland Deschain wrote;
“I drove to work in blasting rain and very strong wind” That is currently one of the two highlighted comments for the Have Your Say on “Is This Winter’s Worst Storm”.
Not bias, so I suppose I’m being OT, but it demonstrates the sort of in-depth news coverage we get from the BBC these days.
Strangely enough the Big picture for today is this one;
Now seeing as the Riverdance ran aground off of Blackpool last month, what impression do you get by that article?
Most people here are surely aware of Pat Condell already, so I’ll just link to a recent video rant that was just brought to my attention:
For those who already dislike him because he’s a white, not very funny comedian who has already gotten in trouble for criticizing Islam, is probably a racist xenophobe and just hates Moozlums or whatever, please skip forward to about the half-way mark, where the timer on the right reads that there’s 2:50 left. That’s the bit which needs to be understood.
Too bad the BBC won’t hear this.
I see the BBC have been “bigging up” a little storm. LEts get this rifht, this is NOTHING compared to the one in 1980’s, yet the BBC are making a big thing of it. Why?
Well we all know. Climate change. No doubt that idiot Roger Harrabin will be on spouting some nonsense.
I notice the BBC didn’t make mention of the record snow falls in Ohio.
Or perhaps climate change leads to colder winters and more snow?
The BBC, its love fest for Allah and who pays the piper?
Arabic TV
BBC World Service launches a new channel tomorrow morning – BBC Arabic will be adding television to the mix. Initially it will broadcast 12 hours a day, moving to 24 hours later in the year. Together with our radio and internet services in Arabic, it will form part of the first multimedia offer to the Arab world with programming scheduled across all three media – from the web, to radio, to TV. Arabic was the first language beyond English the World Service launched 70 years ago. It was also the first language to have its own website.That track record means the BBC is well known and well respected in the region. Since then, of course, the Arab media market has exploded with many hundreds of channels now available. So why should the BBC offer a TV service and what will it be like? The Arab world is one of the most important regions of the world. Events there affect all of us in some way, from terrorism and war, to oil prices and trade. It is natural therefore that the World Service should seek to reach as many people as possible with its broadcasts – and today that means being on TV which is now the most used medium for news and information…
Like the rest of the World Service, it is being funded by Grant-in-Aid from the Foreign Office – not the UK licence fee – which has led some of our competitors to suggest the channel will simply be Western propaganda. It won’t. As with all World Service programmes, it will be editorially independent – something clearly written into our agreements with the Foreign Office – and will represent the same standards which have made the BBC one of the most trusted broadcasters in the world.
The BBC explains to the white working trash of this country why the BBC feels an obligation to air the news in Arabic. I love how the BBC tells us all it won’t be western Propaganda they will be sending over the air waves to their Islamic brothers . I wonder how Abu Bowen will feel now that he can regurgitate his anti-Semitic message direct to the homes of his masters.
Oh by the way if any of the BBC clones read this. That money the Beeb gets from the foreign office. Still comes from Joe Public.
Where in its online account will the BBC mention Gov. Spitzer’s party?
a. Headline.
b. 1st paragraph.
c. 2nd paragraph.
d. 3rd paragraph.
e. 4th paragraph.
f. Other paragraph.
g. Won’t do the story at all.
“Dutch ‘must show’ anti-Islam film”
( 73 years old Danish cartoonist, Westergaard ).
“He said that no Danish politician would dare to block the film.”
(In the UK, virtually no politician would support it.)
“Danish Muslims Turn Stupidity Into An Artform”
Re Spitzer. The answer is ‘f’ – other paragraph.
The original New York Times story I linked to above mentioned that Spitzer was a Democrat in the fourth paragraph. It has now been re-written and his party affiliation relegated to the 15th paragraph. Had he been Republican it would’ve been in the headline (likewise the BBC). Lefty media – the same all over the world.
I notice the BBC didn’t make mention of the record snow falls in Ohio.
Damn right. Apart from this:
The snowfall in Columbus was the heaviest since 1910. Several people are reported to have died because of the cold weather in Ohio.
Where in its online account will the BBC mention Gov. Spitzer’s party?
a. Headline.
b. 1st paragraph.
c. 2nd paragraph.
d. 3rd paragraph.
e. 4th paragraph.
f. Other paragraph.
g. Won’t do the story at all.
Second lead on the World page at 19.30 GMT: Party mentioned in 6th para. So what?
Biased BBC: Don’t Let Them Pick Your Lottery Numbers
First paragraph.
First paragraph.
There certainly is no mention of Spitzer’s party in this article:
Can anyone link to one that does?
“an indigenous low-life culture that is entirely destructive.”
Yeah, that’s objectively racist – it suggest that drug decadence and immorality are an indigenous (unique) activity – not a public health problem found all over the world that also affects the British Indo-Asian contingent more severely then anyone else as is suggested by there being over represented in the prisons by 5 times.
There certainly is no mention of Spitzer’s party in this article:…cas/ 7288540.stm
Can anyone link to one that does?
David Preiser (USA) | 10.03.08 – 9:05 pm
That’s the same link I used. They’ve removed his party affiliation! Priceless!
Time stamp 19.26, party affiliation mentioned in paragraph 6:
Time stamp 20.03, party affiliation vanishes: