One of the areas of BBC activity that causes me most concern is its active role in sanitising terrorism. Take this charming photocall of IRA terrorist godfather Martin McGuinness sitting between Potto and Hilda. Who are Potto and Hilda? Well, they aren’t members of Sinn Fein (Then again..) but they the stars of the new BBC children’s programme, Sesame Tree, This local version of Sesame Street was launched in Belfast yesterday. The new series swaps the original New York street setting for the titular tree, and aims to showcase ..ugh…”diversity and promote respect and understanding”through the characters’ adventures with local schoolchildren. The programme is linked to the revised Northern Ireland statutory curriculum, and will encourage children to explore and appreciate the world around them.
Chuckle Brother McGuinness recently explained how he had wished to kill every British soldier in Londonderry back in 1972, and remains vague as to how many the IRA unit under his command actually DID kill. The way in which the BBC uses something as innocuous as a Sesame Street spin-off to help improve the image of a self-confessed IRA terrorist McGuinness is an absolute disgrace and it is a role that the local BBC here in Northern Ireland have turned into an art form. Our license-fee is funding aPR make-over for monsters such as McGuinnness.
Good point on the BBC’s love of terrorism, though. The BBC must be in love with the IRA. Why else would the boyos have tried to blow up BBC headquarters?.
Hillhunt | 13.03.08 – 2:37 pm |
Could someone please find a brain for this wretched idiot savant.
nrg | 13.03.08 – 6:22 pm |
I suspect you know a bit about the subject, unlike the buffoon.
I know it seems a bit petty, but why on earth would BBC Northern Ireland want to run a story like this?
A bit of a clamping problem at a shopping centre in a town in The Republic of Ireland? Hardly a international incident. It gives the impression that they do not recognise the border.
Disinterred Cystander:
I suspect you know a bit about the subject, unlike the buffoon.
How unkind. Mr Orange does seem to know a bit about the subject. It just comes out weird when he writes it down. If we all help, he’ll get the hang of it.
He’s also a little touchy. So I’d watch your step…
I suspect you know a bit about the subject, unlike the buffoon.
How unkind……..
Hillhunt | 13.03.08 – 10:28 pm |
Which emphasises my point about finding you a brain as you clearly cannot identify who I was referring to.
Oh. No, wait, how silly of me, it was meant to be a witticism.
Stick to sneering, it becomes you so.
Shocking stuff. Have dropped a line to SESAME STREET HQ in New York to inquire precisely how this sort of marketing affiliation fits in with their brand values.
BBC staff arrested in Garda probe
Some of the seven men arrested by gardai in County Donegal as part of a probe into paramilitary activity are BBC journalists.
The BBC has said the journalists were working on a BBC NI current affairs investigation and had full editorial authority under the BBC’s guidelines.
A spokesperson said the other parties present were fully aware that they were with BBC journalists.
The arrests were made on Saturday night.
The men, who are aged between 30 and 48, are being held at Burnfoot, Letterkenny and Milford Garda Stations.
They were arrested under Section 30 of the Republic’s Offences Against the State Act.
A garda spokesman said the men were being held over “ongoing investigations into paramilitary activity”.
Story from BBC NEWS: