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Liddle says it all:
Another fabricated report by the BBC
On Friday, March 7, 2008, the BBC’s World News with Jonathan Charles (seen in the U.S. on PBS stations as part of BBC America) aired footage purporting to show the demolition and burning of a house that belongs to the family of Ala Abu Dheim, the terrorist who murdered eight students and wounded nine others in the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva (Rabbinical Seminary) .
Against footage of a bulldozer destroying a burning home, BBC reporter Nick Miles was heard in voiceover proclaiming:
In the hours after the attack, Israeli bulldozers destroyed his [the terrorist’s] family home. Later, his mourners set up Hamas and Islamic Jihad banners nearby.
But the BBC allegation was patently false.
In fact, the film clip selected by BBC staff could not possibly have been of the terrorist’s family home, as it is still standing (as of March 12) and, together with the nearby public mourning tent erected by the family, serves as a shrine dedicated to the “martyred” terrorist. That such a shrine is still allowed to remain in place has, in fact, prompted public outrage among Israelis and members of Knesset across the political spectrum.
Update, March 12: Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter has asked police to take the appropriate legal steps to allow them to demolish the home, and the Defense Ministry has been asked to clarify what legal steps must be taken. Dichter said, “the demolition of any home, particularly in Jerusalem, requires several legal examinations. I hope that eventually the justice system will allow such a move, but without its authorization we cannot carry it out.” Yediot Aharonot)
Contrary to the BBC’s report, however, the only action taken at the time by Israeli police against the Abu Dheim home was ordering the removal of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah flags from the front of the house. (This CAMERA report includes an AP photograph showing Palestinians removing flags from the front of the Abu Dheim home.) The photo was taken on Friday, March 7 • well after the time that the demolition was supposed to have taken place, according to the BBC report.
If the story above re: the terrorist’s house is true then that’s outrageous.
Outrageous but not surprising, the BBC’s pro-Palestinian propagandising is unceasing.
DB: 13.03.08 12:08 am. (previous Comment Thread).
Yes, BBC Radio 4’s ‘Thinking Allowed’ yesterday was a Islamic propaganda, posing as worthy academic study, fronted by L. Taylor.
It was as though ‘the Religion of Peace’ had not proved its violence; it was as though the Islamic Jihad against us in the West had not happened over centuries!
Three key specific omissions in the programme:
1.) no critique of anti-West, pro-Islam ideology of E.Said allowed; it was as though Ibn Warraq hadn’t written this:
“Defending the West:A Critique of Edward Said’s Orientalism”
2.) no critique of myth of Islamic ‘golden age, like this:
“The Myth of the Golden Age of Tolerance in Medievam Muslim Spain”
3.) no recognition that the Christian Crusades were mainly an operation to defend Christians in the Holy Land who lived there 600 years before Islamic imperialism began:
‘The Real History of the Crusades’
First some inconsistency with CNN.
The EPA says the change could save 4,000 lives each year.
The EPA has said, based on various studies, cutting smog from 80 to 75 parts per billion would prevent between 900 and 1,100 premature deaths a year and mean 1,400 fewer nonfatal heart attacks and 5,600 fewer hospital or emergency room visits. A separate study suggests that tightening the standard to 70 parts per billion could avoid as many 3,800 premature deaths nationwide.
So how does it compare to the european laws. wikipedia in german
110 microgr/m3 60 ppb no health risk
180 microgr/m3 90 ppb inconvienience for people with certain deseases.
If the BBC is about to engage in further commercial sponsorship programmes, would it not be about time to consider removing the licence fee and setting the corporation free?
Reminds me of that old George Bernard Shaw story:
GBS to female friend:
“If I give you five pounds will you sleep with me?”
FF: “Certainly not!”
GBS “If I give you a million pounds will you sleep with me?”
FF: “Well, for that sort of money I’d consider it. Probably yes.”
GBS: “Good. Now that we’ve established the principle, all we have to agree on is the price.”
Yes George absolutely correct.
And why have we been such willing accomplices in the assasination of our own history vis a vis Islam?
Mostly, of course, in recent times.
Laura Trevelyan on Democrat Spitzer:
He will be remembered as a successful attorney general, popular with the public, who swept to power as governor with a big mandate for change.
Only in the rose-tinted world of left-liberal journalism. In the real world his approval ratings tell a very different story. And that’s before news of the scandal broke.
According to Nick Robinson, Tory plans to cut inheritance tax and to crack down on incapacity claimants that have recently been picked up by the government were all Tony Blair’s idea!
Sorry Nick, but some of us have longer memories. Tories have been keen on reducing the burden of inhereitance tax as long as I remember and a crack down on benefit claimants has long been a favourite topic of the Daily Mail. Apparently Tories privately aknowdledge that they got the ideas from Blair. No they didn’t Nick. There isn’t a single Tory that would dream of discussing matters with you Nick. You are so far up Labour’s ass you can see what they had for breakfast.
No information from Nick on how the Tories got the “taxing non-domiciles” idea, but apparently that was all down to Blair too….
H Green | 13.03.08 – 10:26 am
Cockney | 13.03.08 – 10:39 am
Two possibilities:
*The reporter was misled into thinking that the house was that of the “gunman” who murdered the eight students and didn’t check his facts.
*The BBC has now become fully complicit in faithfully reproducing Palestinian terrorist propaganda, just as it acted as a mouthpiece for Hezbollah propaganda during the Second Lebanon War.
Either way, there’s no excuse for this. I sent the prejudiced bunch of alleged journalists an official complaint. I must be feeling optimistic today.
Abandon Ship! | 13.03.08 – 9:39 am |
Yes – great article by Liddle. The ‘White’ season just proved what we all knew all along.
They’ve done it again! The party affiliation of Eliot Spitzer has been removed from a BBC article.
Previous draft:
Flanked by his wife Silda, Mr Spitzer, a leading Democrat, told a news conference: “I cannot allow my private failings to disrupt the people’s work.”
Latest draft:
Flanked by his wife, he told a news conference he could not allow “private failings” to disrupt public work. He is to hand over power on Monday.
The phrase “a leading Democrat” was added during the fourth draft of the story and survived six further updates, but now it’s gone again.
And here’s a little reminder of how the BBC reports Republican scandals:
Rolex sponsors BBC.
So if BBC has official sponsors, why does it need the license fee. Isn’t this basically an unfair competition against other broadcasters.
How come none of the others never filed a lawsuit.
DB – yes, can’t help but think that if Spitzer was a Republican he’d be named as such in large headliney lettering
Haven’t seen ‘John Reith’ around here lately. Anyone know what’s happened to him?
Gone to the mosque I imagine
The BBC, shooting dead terrorists in the West Bank and half the story.
The nasty jews have done it again according to the BBC. With no regard to the so called hudna offered to them by Hamas, they shoot dead 4 men driving around Bethlehem, all tooled up for Bear. (Sorry BBC not Bare as in backing). The BBC reports this outrageous incident against 4 men who just wanted to go for a drive albeit with guns as;
“”Islamic Jihad and the other resistance groups have the right to respond in any place to this crime of assassination and all options are open,” said Dawud Shihab, an Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza.”
Hang on, I thought Hamas and Co offered a huda to the Jews over Gaza and not the West Bank which the PLA run.
I must admit I did like this bit from the BBC about the untimely death of those 4 miscreants. (Miscreant is the old French word for Muslim on a very similar line to infidel)
“In Bethlehem, witnesses said a team of Israeli commandos disguised as Palestinians and driving a car with Palestinian number plates had sprayed a car with bullets
and here is the photo the BBC use in which to depict that spraying with bullets.
Wow what a lot of bullets.(Actually rounds) certainly looks like the Jews sprayed that car with bullets. Until you step back and look at the bigger picture and not the edited one as displayed by the BBC.×384.jpg?x=400&y=300&sig=4SvhCIrsTkl60yiXUSKaiQ–
Sprayed BBC? Have a look at the target area of that grouping that isn’t sprayed gunfire. That is a targeted area. Sprayed gives the impression that bullets were let loose everywhere and anybody could have been hit. If the BBC wants to see sprayed attend any Islamic gunman with an AK . (I do like how 1 shot took out the idiot in the passenger seat)
The BBC, shooting dead terrorists in the West Bank and half the story.
This must have raised a giggle in the BBC canteen:
“Tory Island is not, as you might expect, an isolated maritime community peopled by men in well-cut blazers with strong views on immigration.”
As who might expect?
Shocking news about the Chaldean Catholic archbishop of Iraq.
From their perspective a genuine martyr unlike the suicide bombers who besmirch the name martyr.
‘Found dead’ and “found buried” after abduction.
You are left to work out if he was killed, perhaps he committed suicide or died of natural causes.
Three with him at the time of the abduction were killed.
And its a long line of christian clergy kidnapped in Iraq.
Perhaps he was taken by fellow Christians – no, doesn’t happen.
Perhaps it was retalliation of all those murders by Christians of muslims – no, doesn’t happen.
The BBC seems unwilling to state the obvious even when its staring them in the face.
In fact unfortunately I await the craven ‘justification’ from the BBC.
Kick the establishment: If you’re waiting for the BBC to point the finger at Moozlums, hell will freeze over first.
Archroy: Getting measured for his suicide belt or printing off the “Today we are all Hizbollah” T-shirts perhaps?
So has anybody seen this news from Iraq from the BBC?
Severed fingers of 5 hostages given to U.S. officials in Iraq
Makes you wonder about the veracity about the BBC inspired story about how British troops have no problem mutilating innocent Muslims who just happened to get caught up in a gunfight.
Just imagine the sneering Beeboid sniggering as they type this:
“Tory clings not just to the edge of Europe but to the edge of viability too.”
“BBC attacked over ‘insulting’ focus on white working class”
DB | 13.03.08 – 11:15 am |
Only in the rose-tinted world of left-liberal journalism. In the real world his approval ratings tell a very different story. And that’s before news of the scandal broke.
Quite so. It’s already coming out that many of Spitzer’s successes were in fact intimidation of big bosses into paying fines – settled out of court and never going to trial – and then he smacks down a couple of underlings. I bet the BBC won’t be too forthcoming about the couple of ugly scandals he has had since taking office, which have already done much to tarnish his “Mr. Clean” reputation.
Oh well, never mind. Just more information the BBC doesn’t want you to know.
George R – many thanks for the REAL CRUSADES piece – compelling reading.
Kick The Establishment | Homepage | 13.03.08 – 2:01 pm |
I just saw this as well. Very sad, but unfortunately the BBC already explained the justification for this in their report about his kidnapping on 29 Feb.:
Iraqi Chaldean archbishop seized
Scroll down to the section after “Christians targeted” and you will see this:
“But a rise in attacks on Christians by Sunni extremist groups such as al-Qaeda in Iraq since the US-led invasion in 2003 has prompted many to leave.
Last June, Pope Benedict told US President George W Bush he was deeply concerned about the plight of Iraq’s Christians as a result of the ongoing insurgency.”
And then we must be reminded that Saddam Hussein adhered to the BBC’s rules of tolerance and multiculturalism:
“The church’s community in Iraq is said to be 550,000-strong and its best-known member is Saddam Hussein’s former deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz.”
Clearly the Archbishop’s blood is on Bush’s hands. Nothing to do with the goals of Islamo-fascists or anything.
Haven’t seen ‘John Reith’ around here lately. Anyone know what’s happened to him?
archroy | 13.03.08 – 1:43 pm |
He morphed into hillhunt.
It is true that Eliot Spitzer was popular with the public as attorney general. (Whether deservedly, or not, is another story.)
But it is also true that his most recent ratings in New York were dismal, and that he had squandered his initial popularity in his first year as governor.
There are several possible explanations for leaving out his decline in popularity. It may have been bias, as some have suggested. It may have been incompetence; the reporter simply may not know the basics about New York state politics. It may be a desire to tell a dramatic story of the fall of a man when he was at the top, rather than the more pedestrian, but more accurate story. (That’s my favorite hypothesis.) Finally, it may have been something as simple as lack of space.
“Clearly the Archbishop’s blood is on Bush’s hands. Nothing to do with the goals of Islamo-fascists or anything.”
well yeah, but obviously the rise in Islamo-facist activity is a consequence of the removal of Saddam’s totalitarian rule (or was it just coincidence??) which I seem to remember resulted from some US action.
I agree that murderous terrorists are murderous terrorists and not some helpless phantoms blown by the winds of US policy, but you can hardly completely divorce the two as some hardline Rumsfeld fans seem keen to do these days.
Reith thwarted:
John Stewart on Eliot Spitzer is hilarious:
Long story short:
Gordon Brown = really nice
David Cameron = awkward and stupid
“Should BBC politics be outsourced to one of these?” ( Or to ‘Fox News’):-
This thought arises here out of BBC’s coverage of the Budget, but why stop there?
pounce | 13.03.08 – 1:56 pm
And what’s more, pounce, is that while they conjured up that visceral, emotive image of bullets being “sprayed” by Israeli commandos (without mentioning specifically what these gentlemen had done and were planning) , there is no conjuring up of visceral and emotive images in describing the murder of the seminary students. That “militant” sprayed bullets from his weapon for ten minutes, firing 500-600 rounds. The BBC doesn’t say anything about “spraying bullets”, nor does it mention the round count.
Btw, three Israeli papers–Haaretz, the Jerusalem Post and Yediot Achronot, all have detailed descriptions of the crimes of the men in the car, including responsibility for murder of 6 Israeli civilians in 2000 as well as planning of suicide bombings and plans for new attacks. None of this is mentioned in the BBC report.
David | 13.03.08 – 5:25 pm |
From your link, this line about David Cameron intrigued me:
But he was made visibly uncomfortable when the students focused on what he had been like at their age – with questions about kisses, being naughty and teddy bear names.
Did he not want to admit that he’d called his teddy Mohammed?
Teachers to discuss backing Palestinians
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) is due to discuss a motion at its Easter conference that takes a pro-Palestinian stance on the occupation. It calls on its union to buy educational material produced by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign for use by students in schools.
Will they mention that the Jews dip their bread in children’s blood? Probably!,,2264766,00.html
Sorry that it’s from a despicable place but it’s good to know your enemy.
Gordon Brown = really nice
David Cameron = awkward and stupid
David | 13.03.08 – 5:25 pm | #
David – I posted about the Daily Politics coverage of this story on the other thread. The bias really was laid on with a trowel. Clegg and Cameron were shown looking serious sitting around a formal table. But for Gordon the kids went to No.10 and he sat in the middle of two of them on a sofa with one of his ghastly smiles. Then the kids who interviewed Brown were invited to the BBC studio where they dutifully told the nation what a brilliant bloke Gordon was. By contrast they tried to embarrass Cameron by showing the footage where he was asked about the first girl he kissed twice – they actually kicked off the show with this clip as a kind of preview. Of course Gordon was never subjected to any difficult personal questions.
Unbelievably biased – but I doubt if this kind of thing works. I thought Cameron looked sincere and Gordon came across as utterly false.
Tonight’s Six O’Clock news:
Starts with Heathrow incident, footage of vehicles being deployed in response, then cut to Gordo McBean who blathers about how emergency response was good, blah, blah, blah.
Then George Alagiah talks to female reporter at the scene (well she’s got Heathrow behind her anyway) and George A. says to reporter “As we heard from Gordon there…”!
Gordon! Not Mr Brown or PM or Useless Nose Picker, but Gordon!
Update: BBC issues correction to false house demolition report:
“Geeta Guru-Murthy has forthrightly corrected the original false demolition report on BBC World News, March 13 (seen on PBS at 8:25 AM EDT) as follows:
Now, we would like to clarify a report we heard at this hour last Friday about the attack by a Palestinian gunman on a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem. In the report, the day after the attack, BBC World said that the gunman’s home in east Jerusalem had been demolished by the Israeli authorities. That was not correct, and the images broadcast were of another demolition.
Still to be clarified is the source for the footage aired”
to view the original report & this correction see
Clive wrote;
“Teachers to discuss backing Palestinians”
Funny you should mention that, here is something else the BBC is pushing on behalf of a few NUT..TERS;
Pupils ‘given biased Iraq view’
Ministry of Defence teaching materials that give an unbalanced view of the Iraq war are being used in schools, teachers’ leaders have said.
Anonymous – yeah I heard the ‘Gordon’ slip ( I presume he meant to say George). Unbelievable.
As for the nose-pickers ball boy, here’s more on Mr Balls up’s heckle. And to be fair to the BBC this is one of those rare occasions when the report seems pretty fair. (Although the heading backs Balls). Makes me wonder if No.10 may have it in for the uppity Mr Balls.
BBC 5 lite did a report on the price of gold. However, I noticed an omission in the report. wanna take a guess as to what the omission was?
Yep, which fat Scotsman with a deformed jaw flogged off all our gold when it was at rock bottom prices?
Funny that whenever interest rates are discussed the BBC are quick to remind us of the evil Toree days of 15% interest rates (even though they were only at 15% for about the same time it takes a BBC employee to do a line of Coke)
The BBC, BBC Arabic TV, and BBC World Service:
The BBC is always keen to tell us mere licence-payers and tax-payers, that it is distinct and separate from BBC Arabic TV and BBC World Service, although the inter-relationships are quite incentuous. For example, BBC Arabic TV now operates from Broadcasting House, from the Mecca-facing East Wing. And what does the BBC do to promote the launch of BBC Arabic TV? It gets the most approving Middle East media person it can find to eulogise about the new UK tax-payer financed BBC Arabic TV service of £25million a year, on the BBC’s own (I mean, our own) website, and the best he can come up with is this:
” But when it came to the actual first day’s content, I found myself wishing that the channel offered something slightly different from the BBC’s Arab counterparts.
“I saw almost the same news, the same list of regulars being asked to comment and analyse events. Even the presenters had appeared previously on rival channels.”
Will the BBC, or BBC Arabic TV be reporting this?:
“HAMAS MP: We used women and children as human shields”
Or will they report this?:
Yet another stinking socialist slug troughing it.
Any word from the BBC?
The Palestinians, and their friends at the BBC, love to howl and wail and beat their breasts when Arab civilians and kids are killed by Israel. Now see how they really feel about civilians in combat zones:
Islam Online, the Muslim Brotherhood website, has published a fatwa by the ECFR cleric, Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, the text of which is as follows:
Contemporary Opinions on Killing Civilians
In a fatwa issued by Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, vice president of the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR), concerning killing civilians in wars especially from Jews, he said,
Originally, it is prohibited to kill civilians, women, and children, but certain cases are exempted from this:
1. When all individuals on the enemy side participate in war, as then the term “civilian” would not apply to them.
2. When civilians do things to help militants, as then what they do would be regarded as a “military action.”
3. When warriors use civilians, women, and children as a shield and there is no way for Muslim warriors to reach those militants except by killing those civilians.
4. When the enemies kill Muslim civilians, for then their civilians may be treated the same.
5. When a civilian “accepts” usurping a (Muslim) land, he is considered an occupier, and is not a civilian any more.
6. When children themselves are not intended (or targeted) to be killed (deliberately) without doing anything wrong or committing any crime.
It is well known that Israelis, men and women, indulge in war against Palestinians, so they are warriors. They are also usurpers of the (Palestinian) land, because the Jews in Palestine have emigrated from various countries, and they have no right in this land. In Islam, it is obligatory to liberate any Islamic land from occupation. It should also be known that jihad against the Jews is not because they are Jews, but because they are usurpers and warriors.
On Radio Scotland between 4 & % this afternoon there was an interview with some racist demonstrators. They were treated with kid gloves, no mention being made of the racist nature of their demands. But, of course, they were not white. They were Bangladeshis complaining about immigration restrictions which would, they said, deprive their restaurants of staff. At no time did the BBC interviewer ask why they did not employ white staff, or even black staff( & how any Hindus or Sikhs do moslem Bangladeshis employ?). If Bangladshis comprise, say, 3% of the population, then if their employment policies are not racist, 97% of their staff should be non-Bangladshis.
What would be the reaction of the BBC to people demonstrating for the right to only employ (white) English or Scottish staff?
Heathrow incident today:
BBC TV news reports it as ‘man ran towards runway, but was arrested within seconds’ – then cuts to Gordon Brown, oozing his bland reassurances.
ITV reports [and has video to prove it] ‘man got ONTO runway, and within feet of an Emirates jet.
BBC website is more accurate than their TV news, but I can’t help thinking ‘So why is the TV report misleading? They must know it is. Are they now reporting this incident as the government would LIKE it to have happened, rather than how it is/was.
Perhaps its just me. Every time I see an inaccuracy I think ‘now why have they done that’.