When one considers the Islamofascist character of the Iranian government, backed up by deranged Mullahs and their puppet president Ahmadinejad who has an imaginary 13th Imam as a dining pal, only the BBC would conclude that this is a conservative regime and yet that is exactly how it is what repeatedly described on an item on the “Today” programme just after the 6.30am news. Discussing elections taking place in Iran today, the BBC reporter stated that “moderates” might struggle to produce a breakthrough because of the essentially conservative nature of the regime. So just to reprise – hanging gays, enforcing shar’ia, backing terrorism, profound anti-semitism – these are all the hallmarks of a conservative administration, if one listens to the BBC. Is it any wonder that the BBC’s leftwing bias is a target for many of us when we witness this kind of tripe served up as impartial news reporting? Curiously enough, 25 minutes later, the BBC followed up with a story suggesting that the British Conservative party was not showing enough a lead over Labour to win at the next election. Conservatives = bad in BBC worldview, and they sure know how to subtly poison the well, don’t they?
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That should be …reporting on an “election”…
Kick off from that starting point and we might get somewhere.
Another interesting case!
The use of the word “conservative” in the Iranian context *is* meaningless as it does not describe the fundamental political essence of the Iranian regime. That was one of DV’s point, but perhaps his angle should have focused on the media-wide problem of labels whose meanings are distorted/subverted over time, or just outright meaningless.
I agree this “conservative” example is not individual BBC bias per se, but a common problem of how language is used to distort the nature of reality.
But let’s emphasise that the distortion is more often than not deliberate and this *is* clearly a fundamental agenda of the Beeb.
That is *the* point which the accumulated evidence on this site supports and which Beeboid defenders deliberately deny, or more likely *choose* to ignore.
For Beeboid defenders to use argumentum ad populum in this case to ensure they avoid naming the real issue is quite amusing once again.
i can raise on labels is the now widespread misuse of the phrase “climate change” to connote the alleged anthropengenic global warming. We hear that Tony Blair wants to tackle climate change apparently – is he God?
Anonymous: BBC trots out the c-word again…
Shouldn’t that be “BBC Trots ‘out’ the c-word”?