What better way to start the week than by tuning in to the “Today” programme on BBC Radio 4? (Well, I can think of plenty actually but let’s just go with this for a few minutes) Between 6.30am and 7am I steeled myself and listened to the “news” from the State Broadcaster.

For openers we had an item on how the Conservatives were “exploiting” the financial woes that afflict poor Labour. Interesting choice of word that, “exploiting”. “Highlighting” might have been another less judgemental word that could have used I suppose? This item went on to discuss Gordon Brown’s disastrous personal ratings in opinion polls over the weekend but caveated these with the insistence that these polls may not be accurate. (The BBC, of course, regularly uses other opinion polls which are treated as Holy Writ when it suits them but hey, let’s not upset Labour too much)

Next up we had someone from the Howard League for Penal Reform (aka the abolition of prisons) on to whine about the amount of self-harm prisoners carried out on themselves. This. she pointed out, was not really connected to overcrowding in prison (A favoured BBC theme mind you) but to the fact that they were in jail in the first place. At no point was it suggested to this advocate for the abolition of justice that had they not committed crime these alleged self-harmersy would NOT have been in prison in the first place. Also is it not better they harm themselves than their victims? This was a public platform afforded to the Howard League of extreme leftists without ANY counter balance, disgraceful.

Then we had the topic of the meeting of those Southern African States concerning Zimbabwe. The line taken here was that whilst the “Crisis? What Crisis?” line had been put out by this august body of wise elders perhaps secretly they had been discussing a plan to establish a government of national unity? Sure. The BBC seems very reluctant to say anything bad about the catastrophic failure of Mbeke to stand up against Mugabe.

Then we moved on to, yip, climate change. Seems that it is getting warmer in Northern UK climes and this is causing all kinds of shifts of the animal population. Just one more little bit of green advocacy afforded to those geo-climate experts at…erm….The National Trust.

The triumph of the Maoists in Nepal received the BBC seal of approval, though the BBC reporter did seem a little surprised to see that the Maoist leader had images of Stalin and Mao on his wall. Nostalgia?

There were a few other items but after 30 minutes of this, I tuned out!

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58 Responses to 30 MINUTES.

  1. Cassandra says:

    The TOADY SHOW are going mental right now bigging up the fake global warming scam and the premise and so called high tech solutions of a non existent global warming are comic to say the least!
    Mirrors in space? Seeding the upper atmosphere with dust? Pipes in the Oceans to cool already cooling oceans? God give me strength, are these people insane?
    The ‘experts’ they dragged on spoke of “the arctic is melting” and “greenland is collapsing”(whatever that means).
    Sarah Montague says there is a huge problem? Yes Sarah, but the problem is your staggering stupidity and ignorance dear and the fact that you have a platform on which to spout your epic lies and perversions of the facts and ridiculous fantasies!
    According to the TOADY SHOW the only way to save us from a problem that does not exist is with very expensive pie in the sky solutions that will not work?
    These TOADY propagandists live in Lah Lah land I think?


  2. Bryan says:

    Sarah-Jane | 15.04.08 – 3:57 pm,

    Byford could be an utter bastard and I wouldn’t mind being in a lift with him as he long as he was an objective and ethical journalist. It’s his far-left, weak-kneed, appeasing attitude that I object to rather than any other unlikeable aspects of his character.

    Byford is second only to Mark Thompson. With people like him steering the ship of the BBC it can only continue to sink.


  3. Oscar says:

    “Greenland is collapsing”

    Cassandra – I heard that with some amazement. I’ve never heard that countries ‘collapse’ because they aren’t covered in ice and snow. Rather the opposite most people might think. As you say – the entire item was full of fanciful tosh – delivered with breathless credulity by Sarah Montague.


  4. Cassandra says:


    The fruitcakes they invite onto the TOADY SHOW get more whacky by the week!
    I fully expect the TOADIES to invite a witch doctor, a Druid and a faith healer on to give us a solution to a non existent problem?
    Any mad eyed whackjob will do as long as they preach the ‘faith’ and dont go off message eh?
    I thought I heard one of the guests being cut off as he started to go off message and I wonder if they have burly minders there ready to snatch away the microphone from guests who dare to step out of line?



  5. eeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk says:

    fuck me vancy you got a hard on for muslims and feenians and every fuckin body

    my father wore it on the 12 in the by gone days of youre and on the 12 i love to wear the sash me father wroe

    kick the fuckin pope


  6. Graeme aka Minekiller says:


    A pal of mine works for RTE in Dublin and knows Orla Guerin. I mentioned the tortured accent Orla uses on the Beeb to her and she told me the Beeb had voice coached her! Poor woman.

    I wouldn’t mind being stuck in a lift with Orla Guerin as I am sure she’d drop the accent and the Beeb politcal droidism – and I think she is quite cute, you know if she tidyed herself up a bit and……..


  7. Bryan says:

    Graeme aka Minekiller | 16.04.08 – 11:53 am,

    Another one who really has a tortured accent is Lyse Doucet with her rounded vowels. I can’t stand the woman.


  8. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    “To me Polly Toynbee and Melanie Phillips are two sides of the same ugly stick. Hideous, unthinking kneejerk halfarsed opinions” – yes, I thought that Melanie Phillips would whoosh straight over your head, seeing as how it’s difficult to avoid doing that to a 2″ mind.