Good old Auntie – always willing to give dour Mr Broon a second and third chance. On this Sunday morning with the rest of the media speculating as to whether Brown even HAS a future (He does, as a rejected politician) the BBC leads with the ridiculous headline “I feel voters pain.” Brown is afforded a non-critical platform from which he dribbles his alibis. The ONLY pain that Brown feels is that of seeing his political ambitions disappear in smoke. An effective broadcaster could ask so many questions of Brown and challenge so many of his wild assertions but then again, as with Brown so with the BBC – “L’Etat, c’est moi”
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I stopped watching BBC news and opinions shows a couple of months after 9/11 — mainly because I didn’t want my decomposing body to be found with the TV on, and a remote control melded into what remained of my dissolving hand.
So the only time I see it is when I switch the TV on and it defaults to BBC terrestrial before I can switch to Fox via Sky Satellite.
This morning that happened just as Marr was holding up what I took to be the Mirror with the same old pathetic class-warfare Millbank-Marxists headline…
Champagne, Oysters and Caviar — same old tories.
Of course, the editor of the Mirror, and past editors NEVER drink champagne at Langans, or consume Oysters, do they.
And the BBC NEVER drinks bottles of bubby following elections.
By the way — you can buy a bottle of champers at Tescos for a tenner.
The BBC are just bad losers. See my comments about Gabby Logan and her attacks on Andrew Gilligan this morning.
As for the story, it was taken from McBeans interview with his official bum cleaner Marr.
No doubt McBean will be on GMTV tomorrow morning getting a “savaging” at the hands of one of the dopey birds that works there.
I’m reminded of one of the first Prime Minister questions he gave to journalists when he was getting a kicking about the non election and his speech about withdrawing troops from Iraq (I’m sure we ll rmemeber that fuck up) when the dopey GMTV female tried to save McBean by asking a question about Post Offices. Luckily another journalist put him right back on the spot. Perhaps he should get more GMTV reporters to ask questions?
I don’t think we will see McBean on Channel 4 news or Newsnight.
I don’t want McBean to go. He’s the best weapon the Tories have. He’s so far detached from reality it’s beyond belief.
As Richard Littlejohn pointed out, McBean thinks all our money belongs to him and we are only allowed to have pocket money when Gordon says so.
There isn’t anyone in the Labour party with the balls to challenge McBeans anyway. Serves them right for sticking two fingers up to the people of England anyway by putting a man into power who has no personal mandate in England.
Marr allowed Pa Broon a free party political broadcast this morning.
here are a a few of the key Labour excuses, and some Brown whoppers as endorsed by Marr – I tried to keep a count of the times these messages came up without challenge from Marr but lost interest after 15 mins or so
Difficult economic circumstances 17
RIGHT decisions 7
Pretty ordinary background 3
Clear and unequivocal vision 3
A fair deal for working families ???
Slick salesmen 3
I gave up after a while but Brown was allowed full reign to repeat ad nauseaum his pre-prepared slogans. In fact the entire performance appeared to be some badly cut and pasted extracts from a book of slogans. I couldn’t count the total “sound bites” delivered – I assume that he was working on a shotgun approach with the hope that the BBC will (almost certainly) re-broadcast him looking statesmanlike and in control (ha)
Personally (only marginally related to the blatant bias of the BBC…..) I think Broon comes over as hectoring, repetitive, pedantic, boring self satisfied and incapable of accepting any form of contrary opinion. This is, of course, good news for those of us who want to see the back of him.
The lack of challenge was very marked and I want to know why none of the BBC “commentariat” have mentioned anything beyond the 10p decoy? The BBC doesn’t approach the issues that are really bothering ‘hard working families’ (tm.) in a substantive form. These are issues that bother middle england about the current regime (as an aside do you remember that according to the BBC Thatcher always ran a “regime”):
the huge tax burden (not a single mention of a 10% increase in NI for middle income earners)
The Referendum betrayal
Mendacious and partial use of statistics to demonstrate policy “success”
The deliberate policy of mass immigration
“Transformational government” – a vicious and oppressive expansion of state spying on the individual (just read about the implementation of continuous individual data subject level monitoring)
Finally I have noticed that the BBC really really has forgotten that Britain does indeed have a majority population and is outraged that, for instance, smug outer London suburbs assert themselves. I could go on but I am sure that everyone has has enough…..
So, Brown and Labour are going to carry on ‘listening to the British people’ and ignoring them.
No question to Brown from the BBC on the unpopularity of:
1.) Labour’s stealth MASS IMMIGRATION policies of the past 11 years, bringing in millions of people, especially from Asia and Africa; such are the numbers of such potential Labour voters in London that the Labour Party there is inclined to favour them over some groups of white indigenous people;
2.) NO REFERENDUM on Lisbon Treaty/Constitution; not only do Brown, Miliband and Murphy renege on previous Labour promises of a Referendum, they are now engineering an ever enlarging EU, to include 80 million Muslim Turks. National sovereignty means little to Labour.
If he feels our pain so much why is he always walking around with that stupid grin on his face?
The BBC never mentions Pa Broon’s other tax cock up, when he was the greatest living Chancellor of the Exchequer. Remember all the sole traders flocking to incorporate at Pa Broons invitation – only to be kicked in the teeth when “too many” of them took him at his word.
I’m glad It’s all too much mentioned that “Hard working families”, is a Zanu Labor trade mark. We wouldn’t want to be beaten up by the Zanu goons.
Just as Brown is in denial about the unpopularity of his stealth politics, so too is the BBC about its politics:
(Extract from Nick Cohen, ‘Observer’):
” Media London is currently
muttering about commissioning editors being intellectually crippled by a thoughtless version of multiculturalism that can’t take account of the differences between liberals and reactionaries, secularists and fanatics, within communities. The BBC caused the resentment by shelving a drama documentary on the 7/7 bombings after its researchers, several of them British Muslims, supplied a detailed picture of young men caught up by the theocratic justifications for slaughter.
“The researchers are bitter, not least because the bombers’ families read the script and vouched for its authenticity. BBC people tell me that the grounds for postponing the documentary were artistic and it may yet be made for the fifth anniversary of the atrocities. I’m sure they’re telling the truth, but am equally sure that if they do come to film it, they will face internal opposition from colleagues who, in a vague and ill-thought- out manner, think it not quite proper to discuss such matters in public.”
Nick Cohen, ‘When academics lose their power of reason’
How about a 45 minute panorama special on the costs of “Working Tax Credit” which was entirely Broons’ idea – his “vision” (in true Marxist style) is to make us all utterly financially dependent on the state in both.
This is one of many truly catastrophic decisions he has made such as the hidden PFI debt that will never be paid off. I reckon that these pointless and intrusive tax credits have cost as a minimum £2bn, and were obviously unworkable. If I lost my employer £2bn by introducing a fundamentally loopy and inefficient system they might have questioned my competence. It is a pity that the BBC doesn’t seem to think that this is a point worthy of debate.
Travis Bickle,
“If he feels our pain so much why is he always walking around with that stupid grin on his face?”
One of life’s great tragedies.,Gordon “Ed the Bug” Brown has a new set of smiley Hollywood teeth installed to replace the unkempt graveyard which occupied the space previously.Now Hollywood teeth are designed to give the lips a smiling appearance whenever the lips are retracted.It is very sad that Ed the Bug had them installed just as his world went tits up.The man is condemned to go through life looking like The Joker.
Sad,ain’t it?
It’s mighty brave to admit to difficult economic times when the NuLab inflation rate is so low!
And can we start a nationwide campaign to each send Andrew Marr a packet of Wetwipes?
peter — “One of life’s great tragedies.,Gordon “Ed the Bug” Brown has a new set of smiley Hollywood teeth installed to replace the unkempt graveyard which occupied the space previously.”
Which, of course, were the result of 50 years of the socialized Dentistry that he supports for the “little people,” he’s here to “help.”
Bite on that Brown you rotten toothed creep.
Broon the goon was quoted last week (somewhere on Beebs website) about the horrors of off-balance sheet accounting when berating city financiers. Of course you can’t then relay on Beeb News editors/journalists (sic) to put 2 and 2 together.
Hmm…PFI…how’s that work then Gord?
This emabarrassing PM is a first rate Scottish bore with a second rate mind.
What exactly had Gordon McBean “run” before he became Chancellor of one of the biggest economies in the world?
It’s all too much: Spot on. Gordon thinks all money is his and you are only entitled to what he thinks you deserve.
Problem is he keeps wanking on about “hard working families” except his benefits system is giving money to bone idle scum who don’t want to work (so long as they can drag themselves away from Bingo or making yet another baby to go and vote McLiebour).
Meanwhile the hard working people either don’t know how to claim back money or have too much pride to do so.
Here’s a simple answer. Stop taxing people into the ground.
Of course the BBC loves the idea of massive state taxes, after all it’s what given them all 6 or 7 figure salaries, huge pensions, subsidised cars and so on.
Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more inane… they reliably do.
My brush with a suicide bomber
By Mark Urban
BBC News, Afganistan (SIC)
“Mark Urban is BBC Newsnight’s diplomatic editor
When we arranged to meet a suicide bomber, we did not expect one wearing his bomb vest, all set to blow himself up outside the building in Kabul where we were filming.
But that is what happened. He was not the one we had arranged to meet.
He was a different suicide bomber. ”
I mean, is this a Monty Python sketch? I can hear the meeting now as Mark’s producer “Lucinda” says… “Oh yah, you now what would be really cool yah, an interview with a suicide bomber. Yah.. Marky, really find out what the awful Americans did to drive him to such despair…”
The quote is a cut and paste by me, so note how they misspell “Afghanistan” on the website. All our money and they don’t have a spell checker!
If Andrew Marr had his tongue any further up Gordon Brown he would have been frebch kissing him from the inside.
Brown really is the gift that keeps on giving…we should take a lead from the beeb and various lefties and campaign to save him as they would polar bears etc….the longer he is around the more nulabour is buggered!
I see we have touched on the subject of our great leaders teeth.Gordon Browns teeth always remind me of Dick Emerys vicar character. Worringly, one of his advisors thought it would be a good idea to have his teeth done.
The BBC is working overtime to remake Brown a political genius struggling against the twin towers of international capitalists and Tory exploitation.
They are also, all too predictably, trying to spike the Tories. Did anyone else see the patronising lecture on TV this morning as to why Conservative Party cannot win a general election (subtext – there is no point in voting for them). Propaganda and drivel dressed up as reporting.
The propagandising was delivered from the top of a mountain for some reason. Either there was license fee money that needed squandered, or they want to distract viewers from the fact the BBC / Labour stooge was talking utter crap.
All that BBC News24 has been reporting on is how Brown is going to make a fightback! Nothing about all the mistakes that he, Bliar (sic) and the rest of them have made over the last 11 years. Havent NooooooLabour had 11 years to do thing right? Have they done absolutely anything that is good? Not that I can think of anyway! But no beeboids continue to completely ignore the total incompetence of this government.
On another note, from the BBC website this article:
mentions that NooooooLabour appartchik Dianne Abbott talking about Boris Johnson. Is this the same left-wing person that the BBC love who sent her kids to a private school?
This is a once-in-a-????-years chance to rid ourselves of the BBC. The never ending anti-right-wing bias of Toady, 5Drivel plus all the other pro-Labour types like Kirsty “Villagate” Wark and still Labour are on life-support.
An incoming Conservative administration must remove the burden of the telly-tax from the citizens of this country. Let those who spout how great al-Beeb is dip into their own flippin’ pockets to fund it.
“Is this the same left-wing person that the BBC love who sent her kids to a private school?” —
yeah, right, the ignorant tosser who claimed on QT that Likud/Herut formed part of all Israeli governments since 1948 (Melanie Philips told her, pretty much in so many words, that she IS an ignorant tosser) – she talks about accidents waiting to happen?
Don’t these people have psychiatrists to go to?
“Diane Abbott MP has joined the protest against the new immigration points-system because of the effect it will have on ethnic minority restaurants” – mad. Totally, clinically, certifiably insane.
bbc news frontpage
“labour will recover says brown”
they really are spinning for labour arent they? i hope to god the Tories privatise them as soon as they get into Number 10. for the sake of the country.
BBC News 24 still going on about Boris and his “gaffs”. They are such bad losers.
What about all of Ken’s “gaffs” then BBC? Care to run us through those?
Where would we start? Lee Jasper? Using Jew hating language? Hanging out with supporters of suicide bombers?
thud: Agreed. We must keep Gordon. He’s the best chance the Tories have of getting power. To be honest, there is no chance of McBean being replaced. Does the McLiebour party really think they could get away with replacing yet another leader without giving the English a say?
At the next general election people in England need to be reminded that much of the Labour Party manifesto will apply only to England. Boris might not have been born in England but neither was McBean.
As for the BBC, it must go, I for one will make it clear to my Tory MP that my vote will only go to him if there is a pledge to scrap the TV tax and let the BBC run on a subscription only service.
Then they can employ Jonathan Ross on £15 million a year and pay Paxo as much as they like, but NOT at my expense.
“”Diane Abbott MP has joined the protest against the new immigration points-system because of the effect it will have on ethnic minority restaurants””
They might be run by ethnic minorities but they are the majority of restaurants.Amazing how they all do business.
‘The World at One’ and ‘The World This Weekend’ have, predictably, been almost Conservative-free zones. Meanwhile, of course, inviting an endless stream of labourites (MPs and others) to put a gloss on the labour distaster. It is clear they are doing everything to keep Conservative voices off the air – they can’t bear the thought of any triumphalism from the Good Party.
I agree with a previous correspondant that the sepulcral tones adopted by beeboid journalists painting the elections as national disasters, is quite outrageous.
“bbc news frontpage
“labour will recover says brown”
It’s like the fall of Berlin in 1945,orders are still spewing from the bunker.
It matters not a jot what the BBC would like us to think about Brown or the Labour party, clearly the public have voted and found Brown and the Labour party to be not fit for purpose.
The BBC makes many claims about how it listens to the public, well it looks clear to me that the Beeb are painfully out of touch with the general public, and have managed to make themselves look like fools with the coverage they have given to the local and London elections.
On BBC news 24 they showed film of Boris in Trafalgar square at a Seikh festival. Needless to say the sneering Peter Sissons was only interested in asking if Boris had any minders around him to stop him making “gaffs”. The Beeboid reporter had to reply that he had none (as we could clearly see from the tape)
I had to laugh about McBean saying on bum cleaner Marr’s show that just like every family he “feels the pinch” on the cost of living. Marr of course being an official arse cleaner for Bean didn’t ask what I would have asked McBean which is “so you feel the pinch Gordon, what when you put your TV licence on expenses, your food and all your other bills..?”
In what way does he feel the pinch I wonder? Not being able to afford the entire John Lewis collection perhaps?
Boris tells Ian Blair if he doesn’t sort out crime he’s out of a job. FUCKING BRILLIANT (if true)
If these useless wankers that run things can’t sort the mess out (including London Underground) they should be out on thier ear without a penny in compensation.
Any chance Boris could say the same to the BBC management please?
I for one don’t think this is funny anymore!!!
The difference in tone between the interviews given by Comrade Brown at Sky, and then the BBC were absolutely staggering to say the least.
Please check them out for yourselves!!
At Sky, he was tetchy and on edge.
At Auntie Pravda, it was like, he had just popped round to an old friends house for an informal chat, where the “questions” being asked, fitted perfectly with his message of lies, deceit, spin, and overall propaganda.
If you want to mock Al-Beeb at every given opportunity – well fine! – but this is becoming increasingly dangerous for us all! – how will anyone else get a fair crack of the whip, when the BBC, have already gone into outright overdrive, to ensure a Gordon Brown/New Liebour victory in the 2010 general election?
Sorry guys but I think a lot of you are somewhere between wishful thinking and cloud cuckoo land if you think Cameron’s ‘Conservatives’ have any intention to do away wth the BBC poll tax licence fee and privatise the BBC.
They have shown absolutely no evidence at all they will do so.
I wish they would, they would have my vote.
Everyone needs to apply pressure to the prospective candidates and get an assurance this will happen.
Otherwise in BBC terms I see NO difference between mclabour and nudaveconservative, sorry but that’s how it is.
Yep, and Boris will never ever win in London, and the Conservatives will never ever make inroads into red territory in Wales.
Sorry, but you need to join the real world.
BaggieJonathan: Agreed. A lot of Tories think (incorrectly) that the BBC is some sort of grand institution (like the national health service) that people love.
This is nonsense and only peddled by the BBC and the leftie Guardian types who like to get their TV on the cheap (by making us pay fo rthe crap they like)
Also, some Tories see the BBC as a potential “job” if they get booted out of Westminster.
However, the time has come for the BBC to be put down like a mad dog.
3.5 billion a year and these arseholes still want more!!!!!
The Tories need to know that getting rid of the TV tax is going to be popular with people, especially as the majority now have digital TV either through Sky or a cable provider. Why should they pay twice when they may never actually watch any BBC output?
The Tories could call it a “tax Cut”. Theose that want to watch the BBC would simply have it added to their Sky or cable subscription, those that don’t would have the BBC blocked off their set top box.
Allowing the BBC to have a subscription service or carry adverts would give the BBC a chance to swim in the real commercial world. They’d soon stop paying fat wankers like Ross £15 million a year.
I am not from London but if Boris really did say to Sir Ian Blair to sort crime out or you are sacked would be fantastic. Blair, like his namesake Bliar (sic), is loved by the beeboids. Go for it Boris, sack him if he is not up to the job.
Im sure what Londoners want are safer streets, not money spent on PC rubbish like having to change signs in case dyslexic people cant read them etc. (No offence to dyslexics by the way).
“(No offence to dyslexics by the way).”
On fofence tookin.
martin – where did you hear about the boris v ian blair thing? is that a reliable rumour or something more substantial?
It was a question put to Boris by a Beeboid. Boris didn’t directly deny it. Seems good to me.
Another good thing Cameron could do is make Police chiefs directly electable by the people they represent. God could you imagine how the BBC and the Guardian would react to that? Even better make judges electable as well.
Rather than planting speed cameras everywhee, how about patrolling the streets at night time and locking up the drunken drug taking yobs?
It’s quite kosher
– you can read it here:
As the tide continues to turn against nulabour,its allies in the beeb will come into the critical spotlight more often.With the rise of the new media people are more aware of alternative news sources and the beeb will be exposed as the agent for socialist change that it is.One can only hope this exposure will increase the chous of voices who want it broken up or privatised.Sites like this are minor irritants to the beeb but we are just one outlet for the frustrationd that have built up amongst decent people in the last 10 years.
Anyone noticed a lack of Beeboids on here defending the crap that the BBC has been pumping out about the Tories and Johnson?
Most BBC staff obviously much preferred having a very-very-left-wing London mayor. So, they are having “adjustment pains”. The result 2 days in is that has had great difficulty in describing Boris Johnson without using the term buffoon. In fact, I’ve heard the term buffoon used at least 101 times by the BBC in the short period since the election.
I think this is an insult to both the large number of electors who voted Johnson in and the licence payers who support this public body on a charter with a supposed mission of providing balance on public issues.
The BBC are continuing their attacks on Boris Johnson, today a piece notes his presence at the Sikh New Year festival, Vaisakhi, in Trafalgar Square. The BBC faithfully report that:
“The new mayor is expected to build bridges with the city’s ethnic minority groups, after being accused during his election campaign of being a divisive figure who could not represent all of the metropolis.”
Now I wonder who accused Boris of being a divisive figure and which media organisation faithfully reported this?
I also note that oddly the BBC report omits to mention on a page that at least ostensibly is about Boris Johnson’s visit to the Sikh New Year festival; that Boris’s wife is half Sikh, her mother being Dip Singh. I suppose that might make him seem more able to understand how “to build bridges with the city’s ethnic minority groups” than Ken Livingstone, Lee Jasper or Simon Woolley.
” Miv Tucker | 04.05.08 – 8:14 pm”
AWESOME… i have no other word.
Also a bit rich the likes of “fatty” Diane Abbot another McLiebour leech that feeds off the BBC and uses the money to send her child to private school, whilst the people in her constituency have to make do with shite state schools (known officially by McLiebour as “bog standard comps”)
I also remember fatty Abbott spouting on on This Week about how unfit we are in society. Don’t you dare lecture people about being unfit you tub of lard.
amazing one of boris’s FIRST run-ins with the red ken brigade is over an issue that affects working class Labour voters mostly – that of knive crime and criminality in general… which certainly doesnt affect his core vote as much in Henley.
and despite the bbc portraying him as some sort of out-of-touch toff…
i’m liking the guy even more – go for it boris!
and i’d like to add – boris needs to hire guiliani.
he did after all, lose the repub nomination race, so i guess he’s “available”…
All Boris needs to do it get action
1. Sort out the congestion charge and the traffic (he has a plan to let people pay at the end of the month or something)
2. Get Ian Blair to stop arse licking the left and sort out crime or boot him out
3. Stop letting Muslim extremists visit London
4. Tell the BBC to fuck off.