Good old Auntie – always willing to give dour Mr Broon a second and third chance. On this Sunday morning with the rest of the media speculating as to whether Brown even HAS a future (He does, as a rejected politician) the BBC leads with the ridiculous headline “I feel voters pain.” Brown is afforded a non-critical platform from which he dribbles his alibis. The ONLY pain that Brown feels is that of seeing his political ambitions disappear in smoke. An effective broadcaster could ask so many questions of Brown and challenge so many of his wild assertions but then again, as with Brown so with the BBC – “L’Etat, c’est moi”

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89 Responses to FEELING OUR PAIN?

  1. Martin says:

    Oh Dear. Nolan on 5 lite is talking about Brown and he’s not getting many supporters!! Hey I even got my email read out!!!


  2. Glauca says:

    For “Labour will recover” read: With improved soundbites and spin, we will, once again, dupe the millions of idiots who voted for us in 1997, 2001 and 2005.


  3. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    If Brown’s repeated sub-moronic examples today are the ‘improved soundbites’, we don’t need to worry too much.

    Martin, what did your email say?


  4. Peter says:

    Andrew Marr gives Gordon Brown a licking.


  5. Anonymous says:

    BBC Have Your Say has the topic Is it Hard To Remain Faithful?. They are obviously upset at all those who didn’t remain faithful to the Labour dream.

    You can almost hear them crying.


  6. John says:

    As the Times reported:
    “The problem with Ian Blair is that he is not a policeman’s policeman. He is more interested in getting all the boxes ticked, in meeting targets than actually fighting crime.”

    I fear Boris will be stymied by Blair and his lefty acolytes in the honourable endeavour to reduce crime. All Blair has to do is either get Jacqui Smith to shift the targets or change the way crime is reported. Just like they did last time to fake the figures to show crime “falling”.


  7. MartinW says:

    The following message has been sent to the Today programme:


    Ever since the local election results were known, you have made the Today
    programme an almost Conservative-free zone. The political imbalance has
    been striking and scandalous. You have invited a constant stream of Labour
    spokesmen and assorted labourites, and given them very soft interviewes.
    Not only that, but very often the interviewer has spoken in supulcral tones,
    as though the election has been a national tragedy. Sarah Montague, in
    particular, is guilty of this slant. I have to tell you that this is not a
    national tragedy, but only one for the Labour Party.

    It is scandalous that you have given almost no opportunity for conservative
    spokesmen to discuss the election results, and Gordon Brown’s role in
    Labour’s decline. It is clear you just cannot stomach the possibility of any
    Conservative triumphalism, or have them point out that their gains far
    exceeded expectations, and indeed the bar that you set high in order to
    ensure that any good result for the Conservatives could be belittled.
    Fortunately, that high bar was far exceeded. Furthermore, you have denied
    the Ccnservative Party any opportunity to comment on Gordon Brown’s
    mishandling of the economy over the past eleven years – a hundred stealth
    taxes, destroying pensions, selling gold reserves low, creating a truly
    collosal debt through incontintent PFI deals, and so on.

    The Today programme is not the only shockingly biased programme; the World
    at One and the World This Weekend have also been made almost
    Conservative-free zones.

    If ever there was a case for judicial enquiry into political bias in BBC
    news coverage, then this is it. The BBC has a statutory duty to be fair and
    balanaced. You are disregarding the law and should be held to account.


  8. sutekh says:

    Andrew Marr gives Gordon Brown a licking.
    Peter | 05.05.08 – 1:09 am | #

    For crying out loud, please stop with that revolting mental image, willya? I’ve just had a cuppa and a slice of toast and my stomach wants to hang on to them…


  9. Anonymous says:


    I wouldn’t worry too much that the Today programme is the official Labour propoganda radio show. Virtually no one in the country listens to it. I mean seriously, what kind of audience numbers does it get? I’ve never listened to it in my life. And I reckon 95% of the population has never listened to it.

    The BBC, despite their constant soft left bias, has been shown that it cannot influence the electorate. People aren’t listening to the BBC anymore. The BBC aren’t connecting with people. It’s probably because the BBC can only connect with Guardian readers and smug public sector managers. They alienated the white working classes by effectively calling them all racist in the appalling “White Season”, and they’ve alienated the centre right by continually ignoring our views. The BBC is not fit for purpose, and the death knell for the BBC started ringing last Thursday night. The party is slowly coming to an end, and public sector broadcasting will radically change in the coming years, and as a consequence, the BBC will fade away, or go private.


  10. NotaSheep says:

    MartinW: “incontintent PFI deals”, I think you mean incompetent… Although…


  11. Jack Bauer says:

    MartinW — as a the chances of a “Judicial Review” into the BBC are rather less than me winning a rollover lottery, may I suggest an alternative “judicial review.”

    Arranged by BIASED BBC plus all the other many concerned citizen groups, and financed by a sympathetic REAL conservative big pockets…

    A large venue in London is booked for a few says and HEARING is held provisionally entitled..


    Where a panel headed by, say, David Vance presents evidence and calls witnesses to support the case.

    Think of the publicity this would garner.


  12. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    Seconded. I hereby volunteer to help with organising.


  13. Jack Bauer says:

    NO — also, we can do the usual BBC trick of pretending to be fair, by calling one supporter of the current BBC for every FIVE anti-BBC witnesses.

    And making sure the pro-Beeboids, while high-profile, are the weakest and wettest around so they look really stupid and pathetic.

    I’m sure Sky would be interested in showing some of the Hearing, a streaming live broadcast of the Internet.


  14. Martin says:

    Nearly Oxfordian:

    My email said that as a Tory voter I wanted McBean to stay in charge of McLiebour as he’s the best weapon the Tories have AND I want a Tory Government elected to finally do away with the TV tax. They actually read that out. Nolan didn’t seem impressed though!!

    However, if we can link the next Tory Government with scrapping the TV tax the BBC might go over the edge and really back McBean (which will really do for McLiebour)


  15. David says:

    Don’t panic everyone – the beloved leader is fine! Everyone is rallying around him:


    What the hell is this?


  16. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    It’s called being dissociated from reality, David.

    “When we get through this, people will look back and say he was the right man in the right place, and they’ll have to make a choice between that and the alternative, which I don’t think is a very attractive one,” said Mr Bradshaw.

    LOL. Bradshaw, the man with 2 brain cells, hath spoked.


  17. amimissingsomething says:

    Martin | 04.05.08 – 11:03 pm |

    care to share your email with us, martin?


  18. Garden Trash says:

    “”When we get through this, people will look back and say he was the right man in the right place, and they’ll have to make a choice between that and the alternative, which I don’t think is a very attractive one,” said Mr Bradshaw.”

    The alternatives being:-

    David “Gollum” Milliband.
    Ed “Let them eat shit” Balls.
    Jack Stravinsky.


  19. Jack Bauer says:

    Oh dear..WoAD

    I just went to your Hitchen’s link and read this message…

    ‘Like many of the people who comment on your blog, I prefer not to give my full name. I am afraid of being discovered and outed as a nasty little right-winger by my colleagues (for I work in education, which is dominated by openly liberal champagne socialists), so I hope you won’t mind my giving only my initials. (Yes, perhaps I am a coward, but I don’t want to lose my job.)’

    Signed by…

    Posted by: Guy Reid-Brown | 05 May 2008 at 10:19 AM


  20. MartinW says:

    Actually, I did mean ‘incontinent’ – It was shorthand, but better phrased as “..incontinent use of PFI..”


  21. Glauca says:

    David, thank for the link.

    Have you/anybody noticed the chosen comment in the box with the link to “Have your say” at the bottom page of article?
    Of all the anti-Brown’s comments (the majority) they have chosen an anti-Conservative’s.

    Here it is:

    “The Tories might get in by default, on the back of Browns’ mass of failures rather than actual merit.”

    Worcester, UK


  22. WoAD says:

    “The Tories might get in by default, on the back of Browns’ mass of failures rather than actual merit.”

    And that would be true Glauca.


  23. Jack Bauer says:

    “The Tories might get in by default, on the back of Browns’ mass of failures rather than actual merit.”

    Oddly, I responded to that with

    Oh, you mean the way nu-labor got in by default on the back of Major’s mass of failures rather than actual merit.

    They never put it in a highlighted box though!


  24. Hillhunt says:

    Reading B-BBC over the last week has been a bit like being stuck in a railway carriage full of Stoke City fans – partisan elation and unfounded expectation spiked – in your case – with unreasonable paranoia.

    Just in case you wondered what real broadcasting bias looks like, here’s a clue:



  25. Jack Bauer says:

    TalkSport is overseen by Moz Dee, the former BBC Radio 5 Live managing editor who succeeded Bill Ridley as programme director earlier this year

    Say no more. That explains why the Jew hating “MP” Galloway —

    Gee, I wonder who he’s endorsing by his very presence on the radio> Nu-Lab… no. Conservatives… er, no. The disRepect Party, just a wild guess.

    As a matter of principle, no one called “Moz” should be allowed to run anything.


  26. BaggieJonathan says:

    Nearly Oxfordian

    None of the attributed was actually from me for Johnson or Wales was it.

    You seem to indicate you believe Cameron’s conservatives will abolish the licence fee and privatise the BBC, I’m just wondering where you get the evidence for this opinion, I don’t see any such commitment from them.

    I wish I did.

    I’m with Martin on this, announce the privatisation, the 3.5 billion a year licence fee abolition will be a tax cut.

    I say go further, sell shares in the privatised BBC, raise billions more (well they do have substantial fixed assets).

    Let the BBC compete in the market.

    All the public’s ‘favourite’ shows would continue, Eastenders, The Archers, Dancing Garden Beauty Makeover Talent Show (Repeat).

    Those that actually like it (!) could even own a part of ‘auntie’.

    Vote winner.


  27. Martin says:

    I see Ofcom has acted on James Whale who has been sacked from Talksport for backing Boris in the London election.

    So why doesn’t Ofcom act on the BBC that is continually slagging off the Tories?



  28. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    “You seem to indicate you believe Cameron’s conservatives will abolish the licence fee and privatise the BBC” – I see nil evidence that I said any such thing.


  29. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    … or use a Nazi like Galloway?


  30. Hillhunt says:


    So why doesn’t Ofcom act on the BBC that is continually slagging off the Tories?

    I’m sure they would. If it was actually happening.


  31. Hillhunt says:

    Apologies to Ian.

    Last message in reply to Martin…


  32. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    Hillhunt – what’s the weather like on your planet?

    What a twit.


  33. Hillhunt says:


    Sunny. High of 21. Low risk of precipitation. Coastal fog at dawn. High chance of a Premiership/European double.

    Nice of you to ask.


  34. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    And an atmosphere of concentrated LSD.


    You are a dumb tosser.


  35. Hillhunt says:


    And an atmosphere of concentrated LSD

    Afraid we went decimal here back in 1971, just like the rest of the UK. So it’s £p for us, too…

    You are a dumb tosser

    Charming (and perceptive) as always…


  36. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    “partisan elation and unfounded expectation spiked – in your case – with unreasonable paranoia”

    from the jerk who calls me ‘Ian’. Figures.



  37. Hillhunt says:

    Snr. Ian Figures:

    I had no idea that was your surname.

    Ian Figures…has a nice ring to it. Portuguese? Spanish? Or further afield?


  38. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    Still a wanker.