I just love the screaming BBC headline “US SNIPER SHOT AT KORAN” An American sniper has been sent home from Iraq for ….using a copy of the Koran for target practice at a shooting range near Baghdad. The Muslim “holy book” (DV italics) was found riddled with bullet holes last week by Iraqi police, who also discovered offensive graffiti inside its cover. My god – as if Abu Ghraib wasn’t bad enough now those pesky Yanks go shooting a copy of the Koran. Time for a Presidential apology and a public enquiry? At a time when too many Islamists use the Koran as their essential manual to justify mass murder without the mildest censure from Al-beeb, I would have thought that this was one of the mildest possible incidents that could occur in any war. However the BBC is so steeped in anti-Americanism that any sort of incident like this is used to demonise the US military further.

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  1. WoAD says:

    “Then again, not so strange after all. Don’t forget Paul Reynolds declared the Mehdi Army as being victorious over Iraqi government forces well over a month ago.”

    That especially is where the leftists tried to create a new and better reality.


  2. Martin says:

    Well come on guys, let’s not forget that the BBC is highlighting the appalling case of a Gay Iranian immigrant ( as the THIRD most important item on the news! I mean, come on, right-wing bias or what?

    Oh, I’m sorry, we’re only doing left-wing bias? My bad.


  3. gunnar says:

    Has anyone else ever inserted a baby frog into their anus?


  4. TPO says:

    Has anyone else ever inserted a baby frog into their anus?
    gunnar | 21.05.08 – 1:37 pm |

    No. Do tell. What’s it like? Are you sure you’re no that no-brainer hillhunt?