I was listening to BBC Radio 4 “Today” this morning and tuned in to an interview concerning the explosion of xenophobic violence that is afflicting the so-called Rainbow nation of South Africa. I was amazed to hear an interviewee place the blame for all this mob thuggery squarely on….apartheid! The BBC interviewer went with this nonsensical idea and their was an agreement so absolving those murderous black gangs of any sense of real responsibility for their intolerant actions. Theo Mbeke really owes the BBC!
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My question was directed at PKB, Baggie 😉
Doesn’t invalidate the Joel point, though I can see you might have been referring to his other post about the USA and England’s immigrants…
Nearly Oxfordian:
Do you really think the UK is overpopulated? When was the last time you flew over it in an aircraft? From my experience of flying over both the US and the UK, I can’t help come to the conclusion that they’re both at least 80% open countryside.
Jason, if you think that a country isn’t overpopulated until it’s one solid mass of concrete, then you need a crash-course in geography and demographics (aka human geography). Of course large parts are open country – they need to be. Where do you think food comes from? Where do you think timber comes from? Where do you think people go hiking, or hang-gliding? That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Further, having flown extensively over both countries myself, I can tell you that the comparison USA-UK is absurd. The USA contains a vastly larger proportion of countryside than the UK. You’d know that, unless you’ve never been west of Maryland.
Have a look at light-pollution maps of the USA, or even France, compared to the UK. The difference is vast.
“Muslim immigrants in America, who are generally pro-enterprise, hard working and respectable, and Muslim immigrants in Europe who are anti-west, anti-white, who live in vast state funded ghettos on welfare, who riot, form terrorist cells, plot the destruction of their hosts and blow up trains and buses.”
No. This is one those ridiculous modern myths. Not withstanding 9/11 there have been plenty of Muslim bomb plots defused in America and so on. Here. Terrorist Training camps. Suicide attack on American Air-Force Base.
America–“the nation of immigrants”–is not assimilating Islam.
Jason, I think you may be confusing Arab-Americans with Muslims.
Most Arab immigrants to the United States are NOT Muslim, they are Christian. (At the moment, anyway.)
It it not they who they who are generally pro-enterprise, etc.
It is the Arab immigrants to Europe who would seem to be primarily Muslim.
In the UK we have massive immigrant problems not least from those of Pakistani origin or descent. Up to now we’ve suffered one bombing which killed 52 people plus numerous ‘misfires’ including Tiger Tiger, Glasgow Airport, Bristol and now Exeter. According to Siddique Khan’s al Jazeera testimony they are at war with us yet do we rampage, kill and ‘necklace’ these people? During the Cartoon demo’s it was plain to see whose side that mob were on yet we appease and appease. Whenever an Islamic issue comes on the usual talking heads including discredited MCB’s Inayat Bunglawala are allowed free rein to spout their highly partisan messages with a creepily concurring Hugh Edwards or Kirsty Wark nodding like demented donkeys in agreement. The BBC will also side with Taliban motives even though our troops are being killed by this homicidal, racist, homophobic and misogynistic bunch. All the things which if a Brit endorsed would be howled at from the high heavens. They even condone the efforts of Afghan Opium poppy farmers, offering the excuse that that crop is all they have to live on. What planet are they on? Certainly not mine!
“Most Arab immigrants to the United States are NOT Muslim, they are Christian. ”
Are they not more accurately described as ‘refugees’? Lots of Christian lebanese and Egpyptian Copts who don’t have allah’s baggage perform rather well in the US which shows that it isn’t for reasons of race that arab countries are backward and useless.
jason | 25.05.08 – 8:56 pm |
It’s also astounding to see the general differences between Muslim immigrants in America, who are generally pro-enterprise, hard working and respectable, and Muslim immigrants in Europe who are anti-west, anti-white, who live in vast state funded ghettos on welfare, who riot, form terrorist cells, plot the destruction of their hosts and blow up trains and buses.
I agree the key issue is not giving immigrants the free ride with no expectations. There’s a huge difference between what is expected of immigrants in one place versus the other, and thus a difference in the attitude of the immigrant towards their new home.
Neighbors : Co-workers/Fellow Citizens versus
Parasite : Host Body.
Pretty easy math to do there.
Lots of Christian lebanese and Egpyptian Copts who don’t have allah’s baggage perform rather well in the US
Islam is anti-capitalist. anti-reason, and anti-freedom.
Hence it’s the religion de jour for Godless loony leftists, Stalinists, et al who spiti on Christians, but love the be-headers, the cousin marryers, the sister killers and the misogynists.
Oh yeah — almost forgot… these Arab countries have also driven out another small enterprising sect, after stealing their possessions, their land, their property, their businesses, and their money.
I wonder who they would be. Oh yes, the Jews.
Nearly Oxfordian | 25.05.08 – 10:50 pm |
In the first place, Spiro, I don’t believe a word Al Beeb says.
In the second place, the hyperactive, obsessive disease called ‘plonking ugly estates on every inch of green belt land’ does suggest that the population is increasing.
I forgot the sarcasm helmie. Of course the population is increasing.
It never ceases to amaze, and disappoint me TBH, how few English people you encounter in London. Where have they all gone to? It’s like all those homeless beggers who suddenly disappeareded in 1997. It’s almost as if someone opened up a camp somewhere … [not being entirely serious helmie]
Sigh … the Jews are not a ‘sect’. What a bizarre term to use.
Gotcha, Spiro.
And yes, agreed. Although it varies from district to district. I mainly know central London and W5, W13, W7.
Sect — yes, that was a poor choice.
I typed that in as a word to denote their tiny minority status amongst a large Muslim population, and regretted it once I pushed the publish button and saw it on the page.
But too late.
“Islam is anti-capitalist. anti-reason, and anti-freedom.
Hence it’s the religion de jour for Godless loony leftists, Stalinists, et al who spiti on Christians, but love the be-headers, the cousin marryers, the sister killers and the misogynists.”
You might think you’re being sarcastic but what you have written above is the truth.
We have to confront this: Our enemy not least the Muslim enemy, but particularly the leftist enemy is deeply and unapologetically irrational.
They do not accept formal logic A = A. In vulgar terms that translates into saying “The sky is not blue.”
Read this article about Micheal Foucault. Foucault was the first person more or less to dismiss someone as an ‘Islamophobe’.
“We do so by privileging certain writings as authentic and excluding others that do not fit our view of what the author ought to be” – typical pretentious French pseudo-intellectual babble.
Fair enough, Jack.
On two walks through Central/West London this weekend it got to the point where I and Mrs NotaSheep wondered if we were the last native English speakers on the streets of London. Lots of Polish, other Eastern Europe languages, Arabic, various unidentified African tongues, French, Spanish, Chinese etc. etc. etc. were heard but not much English.
Central London (esp. the West End) has become an intolerable cess-pit of unwashed humanity.
Who needs Dickens?
Come friendly bombs and fall on Soho,
Is it fit for humans? Damn, no.
Those racist Israelis and how they treat blacks.
and http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1211434112827&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull