. It is article of faith for the BBC that terrorism is best defeated through dialogue with the terrorists. Through the prism of leftworld, the idea that you might want to defeat terrorism by wiping out terrorists is a non-starter, hence the crusade against the Bush doctrine. So you can understand the delight of the BBC when the man tipped to become the next head of the Metropolitan police, Sir Hugh Orde, argues that we should be talking to Al Queda. Sir Hugh is the Chief Constable of the PSNI here in Northern Ireland and delights in the fact that convicted IRA bombers and bank-robbers now sit on his policing board. I’m guessing that his idea of the future for London might be when those masterminds behind the 7/7 attacks can be brought in from the cold and given a job running London transport. Orde’s views resonate perfectly with the BBC’ s views which is why he gets to make these outrageously craven comments with not one word of criticism from any other source. Perhaps the BBC could have asked the next of kin of those poor people slaughtered by Jihadists on that fateful July day if they share Orde’s enthusiasm for parlaying with deranged killers.
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In the collective mind of the BBC the views and feelings of the 7/7 victims are of little consequence when compared to the bigger picture. Those that died, those that lost limbs, those that still carry the physical scars and those that even now scream in fear every night because of what they experienced and saw on that day in July may evoke pity in the BBC mind of the collective but the BBC know that what is more important is that Islamaphobia is not allowed to spread and that the real fault for 7/7 can be laid at the feet of the warmongers Blair and Bush, and at the state of Israel.
Mr. Vance:
Excellent point, as ever, and not at all redolent of your own narrow obsession with the path that the people of Northern Ireland chose for their future, despite your attempts to persuade them of their folly.
But you raise an interesting point, which I’m sure B-BBCers will back to a man (and woman): Let’s stop giving these jumped-up Johnnies in police uniforms the time of the day. Whatever could a man like Hugh Orde tell us that we don’t know already? And how dare the BBC take the Chief Constable of Northern Ireland so seriously?
President Bush warned about this kind of stupidity in his speech to the Israeli Knesset (parliament).
Full source here
“Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along.“
Here is Michael Burleigh’s opening paragraph to his article:
‘How to defeat the Global Jihadists’
“I have recently spent time talking with senior Pentagon officials and others involved in counter-terrorism. Their intellectual seriousness, and the global scope of their concerns, are strikingly different from those of their British counterparts, who are obsessed with ‘community cohesion’ and the ‘radicalisation’ of young Muslims. On these issues, the views of the non-Muslim majority population are largely ignored — except as potential ‘Islamophobes’ with little or no say in the matter.”
This article is from the new on-line magazine, out today, ‘Standpoint’, first issue here:
‘Intellectual seriousness’ has long been absent from post-WW2 Britain and its public institutions, most notably the BBC. Melanie Phillips has a penetrating piece of polemic on this today, pointing the finger at the ‘Gramscian long march through the institutions’ which no politicians of any stripe have stopped, in education, the police, or the Home Office. The BBC is only one part of the corruption (though a large part). The country needs a root and branch cultural reform. Bishop Nazir-Ali understands this. That’s why he’s doomed.
Talk of ‘social cohesion’ is simply fascism in a twin set. Expect more of it from the hopelessly-out-of-her-depth Jacqui Smith.
Orde is a crazy person. Completely off his rocker. A dimwit. Therefore is the perfect candidate for Nu-Labrats.
I am assuming the new mayor of London will have SOME say on the appointment of the new Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.
Here’s a chance for him to tell these PC-addled a-holes to take their idiocy and stick it. Come on Boris, stand up for commonsense.
There’s an advert on the TV at the moment for some Euro Car which ends with the line’
‘Design creates debate and debate brings people together …’
Yeah, right. I’ve been trying to remember when I last managed to get a socialist to admit that socialism is wrong, or in fact get anyone with an entrenched view to shift their position.
The same applies to terrorists, they won’t change their ideas, These people don’t have a Damascene moment, no god touches them and changes their heart. They remain the petty crooks and fanatics they have always been. Without their guns and bombs who are they? What will they become? Teachers? Priests?
So defeat them then? Well, how exactly? The IRA only came round to talks after the fall of the USSR and their main sourse of training and weapons dried up. Even the Irish-Americans stopped funding them, but not because they lost sight of thier ‘dream’. The more Irish teenagers were killed the more stepped up to take their places. Some how I don’t see the Arabs having a change of heart either.
The only thing one can do is accommodate them, give up some power, move towards surrender in effect. NuLabour’s tactics make sense when viewed in the light of the assumption that poverty is the root of all evils, so you can see why they want to ‘engage’ with the yoots. But as poverty isn’t at the heart of their problems, their fuckwitted interpretation of the Koran is, there is no way engaging them will ever work.
So, suggestions?
I share the view that Mr Orde is wrong, and that he is moreover comparing two extremely different organisations with very different types of goal.
It’s not biased as such to report such a controversial statement, made by such an important figure. However, it might be pertinent if the £3.2bn a year BBC could provide some background or some context: what, exactly, might be negotiated with these murdering cowards? What do they state as their aims, and what might we have to give them in order that they no longer attempt to murder civilians around the world in order to achieve them.
These are the kind of difficult and informative things we might expect such a well-funded, impartial, national broadcaster to examine.
Instead, they try to tell our children that 9-11 happened because some people are angry that the US supports Israel, or they provide links to other articles headlined “Not talking to al-Qaeda ‘silly'”
Not good enough. Not for £3.2bn. No information we couldn’t get (without the ideological baggage) from somewhere else.
If only Mr Orde had been around to “dialogue” with that misunderstood Mr Hitler, all that WW2 nonsense could have been avoided.
Apart from exterminating the Jews of course. But hey, you can’t make an omlet without murdering millions, right?
“So, suggestions?”
Ethnic separatism. It brought peace to post WW2 Europe. No more Sudenten Germans to argue over. Among others.
To leftworld extermination is a small price to pay for engaging with our enemy. Al Queda are just friends in waiting, and those who perished on 9/11 and elsewhere at the hands of these barbarians are just more reasons to dialogue with Jihadi.
I sometimes wonder just how immoral, cowardly and degenerate some of our most senior Police Officers actually are? Crime pays and now so does terrorism, a point that those like Hillhunt either misses or endorses.
David V — all this braindead nonsense will last until there’s a really mass casualty attack on London and/or America.
Far bigger than the 3000 who died on 9/11, let alone the mini-bombs that killed 52 here.
The Islamo-Nazis are wet-dreaming of obliterating population and cities, and the BBC run crockumentaries explicity stating the al-kayda is just some figment of our imaginations.
You cannot have a rational conversation with Ostriches like this. Orde is an end-product of the corrupt ideology of moral equivalence.
The Islamists REALLY believe what they are threatening. Mass murder.
When a man tells you he’s going to kill you, believe him.
As the IRA once famously threatened:
“You have to stay lucky all the time. We need only be lucky once.”
Only they weren’t working on WMDs.
Defeating crime or terrorism is not a priority for our masters..they have a different agenda.This indifference to societies needs has now thrown up a new breed of police officers in tune with the nulabour/beeb project who find it easier to persecute law abiding whilst empathising with the real scourges of modern Britain.
The BBC are thick. Al Qaeda is not a centrally run terrorist organisation like say the IRA.
It’s a franchise. It’s like negotiating with one manager of say a Starbucks to get a discount at his store, then expecting all other Starbucks to hounour it.
The BBC are SO thick it sometimes even amazes me how stupid they are.
Does the BBC do a lot of recruitment from Cousins that marry or something?
The BBC are SO thick it sometimes even amazes me how stupid they are.
Excellent point as ever. And the really thick part is taking a Chief Constable seriously.
Especially the CC of a part of the UK well versed in handling terrorism. A man who will be the recipient of a great deal of intelligence about the current terrorism threat.
They really are thick to give him the time of day.
Yes indeed. Probably gay, too.
Funny how the Left has suddenly started liking what policemen have to say.
I wonder why?
Funny how the Left has suddenly started liking what policemen have to say.
Dunno. It’s the sight of people who would salute a sex doll if it wore a uniform running around demanding that Chief Constables be removed from our screen which is particularly entertaining. Don’t you think?
Surely negotiating with terrorists is akin to negotiating with a mugger.
He holds gun to your head, and demands your money, and you stutter and mutter and end up giving him what he wants, and feel fortunate not to get shot.
Unless, of course you are able and willing to defend yourself.
What is so sad is that we are able to defend ourselves, against terrorists, but are unwilling to do so. Such is the case now, with the Islamic variety, and was so in NI.
“Excellent point as ever. And the really thick part is taking a Chief Constable seriously.
Especially the CC of a part of the UK well versed in handling terrorism. A man who will be the recipient of a great deal of intelligence about the current terrorism threat.”
Excellent point, as ever.
The crux of the matter is what the recipient/receptacle of this vital intelligence does with it.
Not much I’m afraid, apart from “engaging” with said terrorists…
Lord Orde
Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police
New Scotland Yard
London SW1
21 February 2012
Dear Mister Bauer
I am sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction at the negotiations and the ruling of the Peoples Social Cohesion Arbitration Tribunal.
As you know, under my urging, Parliament enacted this necessary legislation on July 7, 2011.
The purpose is to find common ground between people. those who own property and those who, through no fault of their own, have been forced to take pro-active action due to the inequities and inequalities of the capitalist thievery system under which, for the time being, we live.
I have reviewed your case, and summarize as follows:
1. You are a rich person exploiting the labour of those less fortunate than you, because they have feel alienated by a harsh society which expects them to work for a living. This is now defined as “hate thought”
2. The victim of society (Mr Hassan) had no choice but to enter your premises and remove pre-communal property in order to equalize the economic disparity he felt as a victim.
3. You resisted the court order to meet and negotiate with Mr Hassan to achieve an equitable division of your property. This is now defined as “contempt of the People Court.” And is subject to a fine and/or sixteen months in a re-education camp, plus the transfer of your property to communal usage.
4. You have seven days to appeal the ruling.
Yours faithfully
Hugh Orde (Lord)
Hill Hunt, you’ve never answered the question so i’ll keep on asking it till you do:-
Are you a natural born arse hole or did you take lessons, cos ur very good one
The crux of the matter is what the recipient/receptacle of this vital intelligence does with it.
Not much I’m afraid, apart from “engaging” with said terrorists…
Andy, I’m sure Sir Hugh will bow to your greater knowledge and experience, whatever that may be.
The crux, really, is whether it’s legitmate for the BBC to give credence to a man charged with protecting Northern Ireland from, among other things, the threat or terrorism.
If B-BBC wants to gag Chief Constables, then let’s get cracking and organise a campaign. I’ll do the placards. Do you want to organise the buses?
Mr Anonymous esq:
Hill Hunt, you’ve never answered the question so i’ll keep on asking it till you do:- Are you a natural born arse hole or did you take lessons, cos ur very good one
How sweet of you.
Your ‘excellent’ repeated ad nauseum logic about David Vance’s electoral attempts in Northern Ireland somehow invalidates his views.
Lets follow that on.
You advise about this blog, and you have your own,
so yours must be loads more popular than B-BBC? No.
as popular? No.
half as popular? No.
quarter? No.
even a tenth? No.
just one per cent that is one hundredth? No.
far far less. Oh dear.
Wraps it up by your own ‘logic’, bye bye then.
hill hunt,
chubby brown wrote a song all about you, its called “you’re a wanker” and you certainly are u sad excuse for a arse hole
isnt it nearly prayer time again for u ?
Churchill predicts ‘Islamophobia’:-
“In a very few years, perhaps in a very few months, we shall be confronted with demands with which we shall no doubt be invited to comply. Those demands may affect the surrender of territory or the surrender of liberty. I foresee and foretell that the policy of submission will carry with it restrictions upon the freedom of speech and debate in Parliament, on public platforms, and discussions in the press, for it will be said–indeed, I hear it said sometimes now – that we cannot allow the Nazi system of dictatorship to be criticized by ordinary, common English politicians. Then, with a press under control, in part direct but more potently indirect, with every organ of public opinion doped and chloroformed into acquiescence, we shall be conducted along further stages of our journey.” — Winston Churchill.
Lawrence Auster sees ‘liberalism’ taking the West further along the road to political self-destruction:
“The only way the West can be saved”
No please, I defer to your superior knowledge and experience. There is nil chance of an inveterate egotist like Sir Hugh bowing to anybody.
The point is if the person in overall charge is a rascal, then all the efforts of the underlings, no matter how heroic, will be to no avail.
This is the same Orde who had an affair with an undercover cop, and whose expenses totaled seventy grand.
Hillhunt: You really are a knob. Even your own BBC “experts” know that talking to Al Qaeda will achieve nothing.
There is no central command and that what you have a large number of Muslims who have their own agenda.
Don’t you ever listen to your fellow Beeboids?
Many Mulisms WANT an Islamic world. In fact, the duty of a good Muslim is to “Islamify” the planet. Some want to do it through the weakening of western society (like going on about Sharia law) and many others want to do it through violence.
You forget that the likes of 9/11, Bali and the Embassy bombs went off long before Iraq and Afghanistan was invaded.
Not that your little pea brain understands that.
I’ll tell you what sort of plod I will listen to.
One that tells the left wing mafia in the BBC, the Government and the civil service to eff off and start to sort out the scum on the streets.
I want plods to crack a few skulls of the drug dealers and the vomit monsters that roam our streets.
Judges who don’t do as they are told should be sacked.
If judges want to make law, then stand as an MP.
As someone else pointed out, why all of a sudden is the left wing mafia in the media taking interest in what a cop says?
“There is nil chance of an inveterate egotist like Sir Hugh bowing to anybody.”
My apologies Hillhunt, I meant you as well.
Apart from there being no central command to work with…apart from killing innocent people the IRA and AQ dont have anything in common.
What worked with the IRA, will not work with AQ simply because, unlike the IRA, AQ wants the complete and utter destruction of the western world and world domination for their religion of peace.
Unfortunately, the reality is, you cannot make deals with people who want to kill you or convert you or impose sharia on you simply because you are from the west.
A pity this loon doesnt understand this.
The Chief Constable of Northern Ireland: Your tributes
this loon Mailman
an inveterate egotist Andy
a rascal Andy
had an affair with an undercover cop, and whose expenses totaled seventy grand Andy
a new breed of police officers in tune with the nulabour/beeb project who find it easier to persecute law abiding whilst empathising with the real scourges of modern Britain. thud
Ostrich …an end-product of the corrupt ideology of moral equivalence. Jack Bauer
immoral, cowardly and degenerate Mr Vance
a crazy person. Completely off his rocker. A dimwit. Jack Bauer
Evenin’ all. Mind how you go….
Sheer admiration for your joint perspicacity. As ever.
And a sense of deep shame, naturally, that the BBC gave this inveterate, egotistical, two-timing, expense-fiddling, salt-of-the-earth-persecuting, corrupt, morally-ambiguous, immoral, corrupt (twice over), degenerate, crazy, dimwitted, rocker-challenged, erm, ostrich access to its air waves.
Will no-one rid us of these turbulent pests? And their ostrich-loving ways?
Hillhunt: let me repeat my question, as you are now so engaged in this thread:
Should an organisation as well-resourced as the BBC, guaranteed an income of £3.2bn a year, with a duty to educate and inform in an impartial and unbiased way, not report the views expressed by Mr Orde and acompany them – rather than with links helpfully headlined “Not taling to al-Qaeda ‘silly'” – with an analysis of what al-Qaeda is, what it states that it wants, whether it wants negotiation, and what concessions we might be asked to make in order that they stop murdering us?
Pretty basic stuff, surely, and if our £3.2bn doesn’t fund that level of analysis, if it doesn’t get us anything we can’t get from other broadcasters, can we have our money back please?
There is one comment from Orde that shines light on his own ignorance of Al Qaeda and the processes involved in the whole war against them. This ignorance is shared by the BBC and all Leftoids who are convinced that dialogue with Al Qaeda is really the only solution, and they mean stop fighting and talk Right Now:
He said IRA members had entered into negotiations with “a certain pragmatism” after realising their violent approach “wasn’t ever going to work”.
Martin has already made the key point here (above @ 12:19pm) that the various Islamo-nutters and thugs that call themselves different manifestations of Al Qaeda are franchisees. Aside from Bin Laden and his original associates, there is no central command structure, no leaders to “negotiate” with. And even if we captured Bin Laden tomorrow, there would still be several groups out there with their own insanity, still fighting against us.
I can’t take seriously anyone who says that Al Qaeda realize that their violent approach isn’t ever going to work. I won’t say that will never happen and we should kill every last one of them, because at some point they just very well may realize it. After more violence. But they have lots of appeasers in the media and even in government – not to mention our Leftoid friends here – who keep reassuring them that the violence is working. Sadly, they like to forget that the only way that Islamo-fascism gets stopped is when Muslims turn against it. That only happens when these cavemen kill too many of their fellow Muslims. Support dries up real fast when that happens too much in one area. But that’s not really “dialogue”.
People like this really do not believe that Muslims will ever really take over Britain or Belgium or any other place. They really do not believe that, even if the majority of Muslims in Britain do not what want to live under Shariah, full stop, the ones who will get laws passed will not be so moderate.
Dopes at the BBC and those who share their mindset truly do not believe what Islamo-fasicsts say themselves about their dreams of an Islamic world. It’s all amusing rantings of children to Beeboids and people like Hillhunt. They don’t take it seriously, and know for a fact that Al Qaeda is perfectly willing to stop fighting if we will withdraw our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and free the Palestinians from their suffering and occupation. Could it be more obvious?
It’s funny how Leftoids believe the Islamo-fascists when they say they’re angry about their various anti-US grievances, but then don’t believe them when they list their goals. Those same Leftoids haven’t really given serious thought to what will happen if we gave in completely to their demands. After all it won’t matter because the important thing will have been accomplished: ending the violence of Bush and Israel, the nasty aggressors who started it all.
But, yeah, we must take the word of a Chief Constable at full value, simply because he’s a Chief Constable, especially one who has proven that a violent approach will work eventually. But thinks the other guys gave in.
In Johannesburg around the time of the demise of apartheid. I was jumped on by two traffic police for the most minor of infringements. I had drifted slowly across a stop street at a T-junction in a quiet part of my suburb without coming to a full stop – but having scanned the long arm of the T to be sure there were no approaching cars. The cops came charging out of a driveway where they had been concealed and were quite belligerent, using foul language.
Two hundred metres down the road was a bustling arterial avenue where unlicensed black drivers in unroadworthy minibus ‘taxis’ were hurtling along way over the speed limit and screeching to a stop with no warning to pick up customers, without a cop in sight.
So I can well understand the anger expressed on this site and elsewhere when the British police throw the book at a single white man objecting to a demonstration by hate-filled, terror-supporting Muslims while giving those same Muslims free reign to say whatever the hell they want.
The BBC, of course, gives these emasculated, PC PCs and their emasculated superiors all the support they need.
And I’m not sure I agree with the first premise of this post. I don’t know if the BBC really wants to see terrorism defeated, and is only arguing about the methods. I have this horrible suspicion that it actually wants to see terrorism win.
Penetrating the dense sneering, Hillhunt’s well hidden point seems to be Mummy knows best, and the BBC is right to report it. Oh, and we are all disrespectful of Mummy whose superiority a bunch of bigots like us have no right to challenge.
Since that is a feeble and weak point, he obscures it with his tried and tested method comprising ejaculations of “excellent/interesting point!” and sarky faux-agreement.
It’s a way of laundering a weak point by processing it it through the sneerometer.
Hillhunt knows more than he lets on and I have a sneaking feeling that he disagrees with himself most of the time.
The question is should we negotiate with him?
Should an organisation as well-resourced as the BBC, guaranteed an income of £3.2bn a year, with a duty to educate and inform in an impartial and unbiased way, not report the views expressed by Mr Orde…
Apparently not, if your fellow posters are to be believed. (That’s Sir Hugh, by the way)
…and accompany them – rather than with links helpfully headlined “Not taling to al-Qaeda ‘silly'”…
You missed the link headed: “UK dismisses al-Qaeda talks call”
…with an analysis of what al-Qaeda is, what it states that it wants, whether it wants negotiation, and what concessions we might be asked to make in order that they stop murdering us?
Excellent point. The BBC should assume that its audience have no idea what Al Q is, what it stands for, and what it’s been up to.
And they’re clearly too stupid to navigate to this page…
which provides a great deal of interesting material on bin Laden’s gang.
David P:
Those same Leftoids haven’t really given serious thought to what will happen if we gave in completely to their demands
You are so right. And concise, too… as ever.
Just a tiny point: Who, exactly, is arguing in favour of giving in completely to their demands?
Hillhunt | 30.05.08 – 3:19 pm |
Just a tiny point: Who, exactly, is arguing in favour of giving in completely to their demands?
Well, pretty much all of you. Full withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, Israel’s complete withdrawal of all troops and settlements from the West Bank, and they must turn a blind eye to further rockets or incursions of “gunmen” from Gaza.
How am I doing so far? That would pretty much stop the problem, right?
The question is should we negotiate with him?
Sue | 30.05.08 – 3:16 pm,
I prefer to scroll past him. But I’m amazed at the resolve of those who are prepared to wade through all Hillhunt’s self-important sneering.
David Preiser (USA) | 30.05.08 – 3:33 pm
Not to mention inviting the Iranian military to assemble missiles on the Golan Heights by acceding to Syrian demands, and inviting them to set up snipers near the King David Hotel by giving the Palestinians East Jerusalem as their capital.
David P:
Well, pretty much all of you.
Which bit of me might be dissenting, exactly?
On the degeneracy point, suggest you check that with Mr Orde’s wife, who he managed to find the time to cheat on whilst valiantly saving Northern Ireland from the threat of terrorism. Naturally his lack of private morality in no conflicts with his public role.
Now – back to the substance of the post – which of the masterminds behind the 7/7 bombing team would you like to see running London transport? How about which AQ leaders would you like to see running air traffic control over NYC?
The problem for professional sneerers is that they rather overlook their own startling igorance.
Hugh Fitzgerald on Orde (and others of his ilk):
“What Keepers of Public Safety Should Know About Islam”
Hillhunt | 30.05.08 – 3:45 pm |
Yes, games are fun.
Mr Vance:
which of the masterminds behind the 7/7 bombing team would you like to see running London transport?
Is this a trick question? None.
How about which AQ leaders would you like to see running air traffic control over NYC?
Unless I’m missing something, none would be the right answer again.
The problem for professional sneerers…
Y-e-e-e-s. Spinning Sir Hugh’s tentative suggestion about talks into a demand that we hand over Western transport infrastructure to bombers is in no way sneering…
…is that they rather overlook their own startling igorance.
I too do not agree with Orde’s suggestion that the GB Government should talk to Al Quada. The reason being that you might as well talk to the wall.
There is no correlation whatsoever with the situation in NI and the democratically agreed process there.
The Palestinians could have their own state tomorrow. If they left their rabid hatred of the “joows” behind and stopped living in the 7th century they could turn their Country into a very nice place to live.
A peace settlement would mean Countries would be falling over themselves to invest in Palestine.
But the Islamic loons that run things don’t want that and along with the other Islamic loons that help fuel this whole thing, there can’t be any talking.
As David Preiser said correctly. They have to see that their needless killing achieves nothing, which at the moment doesn’t look likely to me.
Hillhunt just doesn’t get this. His thick brain dead Beeboid mentality (lets just kill the “joows”) is typical of the left.
The left tried to cozy up to the Islamic killers when Blair allowed them all to come and live in Londonistan when Countries like France, Germany and Italy were delighted to flush their Islamic waste out of their prisons.
Blair thought (like the prat he is) that by being nice to these killers he would protect us from any of the Muslim violence going on around the world.
Well that worked well didn’t it! Just look at the links the Police keep digging up to many of the Muslim attacks around the world and the UK, in particular the Finsbury Park Mosque. He Blair did sod all about it.
The more I hear and read from our so called leaders the more I am convinced that at some point in the future we are going to find ourselves being lead by the Armed Forces, purely out of necessity for our survival.
Although not the best our History has produced, they at least have the clarity and focus that, at some point in the future, we are going to need like never before.
I cannot think of any Politician with the stature of a Churchill or a Thatcher that we could rely on to think the dark thoughts and do the dark deeds that will be required to guide the country through the looming problems.
The BBC and its blind and deaf followers have learned precisely nothing from History…..or have they; perhaps they learned much from Goebbels and Haw Haw.
Many will think I am light in the head, but it does not take a great deal of imagination to postulate what the UK will do when the terrorists realise just one of their dreams and detonate a small Nuclear device in the capital.
The likes of Orde would be on his knees and capitulating in an instant.
World Have Your Say is going to have a debate on the very subject of talking to terrorists in an hour on the World Service.
Here’s the pre-debate blurb on the website, complete with comments:
I was interested in this extraordinary bit of idiocy by mark sandell, editor of WHYS:
As recently as February , we were reading stories of the organisation in retreat in Iraq, so it might be a good time (to talk to Al Qaeda).
It’s a good time for the winning side to talk? The BBC is really incapable of understanding that terrorism has to be defeated not negotiated with, and that if they are losing then the terrorists should be the ones to initiate talks – about their unconditional surrender.