Yes, I know I’ve come to this one a bit late today and I know you’ve been discussing it elsewhere but I wanted to single out the BBC’s denial that its coverage of immigration has led to an increase in attacks on Poles living in the UK. Daniel Kawczynski said the BBC “liberal elite” was using “white Christian” Poles as a proxy to avoid covering “more controversial” immigrants. Kawczynski has done us all a favour by pricking the BBC bubble on this issue. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to groups like Somalis, for instance, the BBC provides a very sympathetic picture. However white Christian Poles are entirely another matter and I think the BBC protests of innocence on this ring very hollow. All immigrants may be equal in multicultiland, but some are more equal to others.
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The Poles are a convenient beeb scapegoat,used as a shield for the beebs promoting of its other fav groups.Other than the odd idiot nobody minds or indeed notices Poles in our those that stay will in one generation be indistinguishable from the native population.Groups such as somalis etc contribute nothing positive to our society and will never truly integrate…unless one counts forming gangs in the paradise of multi cultural harmony that London is today.
Kawczynski has made a tactical mistake.
He has described how the BBC uses Poles as a cats paw – a group they can wheel into view whenever they are covering a bad story about immigration.
He then makes a wild claim that this has led to lots of attacks on Poles.
His critics – notably at the BBC – can then debate his second point and completely ignore his first point.
In fact the linked article does exactly that – before drifting off into the statistical long grass.
The MP did well on the Today prog – Humphrys was lost for once. He was told to his face that the BBC had finally realised that it must discuss immigration – but then made out the problems were caused by the Poles.
That is – the nation whose pilots swung the balance in the Battle of Britain, Britain’s darkest hour. Does the BBC ever tell us this ? Do they hell.
Listen to his Commons speech. Every word the man says is totally true.
Nice to know there is at least one MP with deep animus against BBC bias.
Trying to understand the PC mindset can hurt your head.
Before now it was just impolite to talk about immigration at all. Dirty. Anyone raising the subject or even joining the debate was ipso facto a horrid racist.
Much easier to blank the subject. Close down the debate. Even shut off a whole section in your own brain “I won’t start to think about immigration in case I think some racist thoughts”. Orwell described this as “CrimeStop”.
I suppose we should be grateful that immigration can now be discussed. But only if we go through this charade of pretending that all problems are caused by the Poles.
newsnight is apprently investigating whether bbc news stories cause racist attacks on poles.
will they find themselves guilty ?
place your bets now on the thorough and independent investigation of this issue. well done peter barron!
The BBC will attack the Poles for a good reason. White and mostly Christian.
Perhaps if they all converted to that great religion of peace, they wouldn’t be attacked?
Anyway it’s being discussed on Newsnight later on
See what I mean ? The debate has been shifted to “are Poles being attacked”, instead of “can the BBC cover problems with immigration without scapegoating Poles”.
11.10 bbc acquitted
daily mail found guilty
now we are onto the studio chat…
Yes. How scummy of the BBC to defend itse’f by attacking the Daily Mail, which by the way has not been found “guilty” of anything.
As a Yank with a British Mom, I find the U.K.’s immigration plight amusing.
We have our Mexigrant problem here, you have your Islamigrant problem.
Naturally your left biased media needs someone to scapegout and that someone is never the perpetrator of the bad deed. It’s you. You are racist. They are born and bred to be liberals. They are like fish. Fish doesn’t know he’s wet. He’s always been wet.
Libs stink but cannot smell their own stench, because they’ve always stunk.
BBC spokesman:
“There has also been extensive coverage of the concerns, lifestyles and cultures of the African, Caribbean, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities.”
No shit!
But what there has not been is any repeated reminder to the nation of just how many Pakistanis, Africans, and Bangladieshis have settled in this country, and the problems this mass immigration has caused to the community of this nation. All we hear about are problems faced by immigrants, usually at the hands of that 100% racist segment of the population that does not work at White City. (How long before they change that guilt-inducing name I wonder?)
But yes, we certainly are kept abreast of their lifestyles, cultures, and concerns. Thank you BBC!
My beautiful Polish girlfriend was already confused about the level of coverage given to the issue of Polish immigration: as she pointed out, there do seem to be a huge number of far less assimilated immigrants here in the East End already. So why so keen only now to discuss immigration as a problem?
Interesting the sudden interest in “the evidence for that”. They never consider such issues when the usual left-wing suspects make their claims.
Liberals never blame the problem on the problem. You know why? Because they support the problem.
Liberals love Muslims. It makes them feel morally superior. They think Muslims are misunderstood.
Poles are-by and large White Catholics.
In liberals eyes, the White man, is the problem. Except for them. They aren’t part of the problem.
End of the licence free computer?the BBC is to broadcast on line.
Yes, the multi-cult fascists at Al-BBC had no problem with mass immigration until white Europeans started coming here. Reminds me of the time when that creep Dianne Abbot started bitching about Scandinavian nurses coming into the NHS to take jobs away from “our people”! If a white MP had said that about black nurses his career would have been finished.
anyone noticed how Al Beeb does not use the word “immigrant” instead they use the word “migrant” to describe immigrants
but anyway, back to he matter in hand. Youre all greatly mistaken. Al Beeb doesnt treat the Poles any different from other minority groups. All is explained in the link below.
Yes, the BBC’s relative neglect of SOME Somali immigrants into the UK is significant.
This non-BBC report of over two years ago indicated how thousands of Somalis who had emigrated to the Netherlands, found that they didn’t particularly like it there, so as the open-door, open-wallet European Union system allows, many of those Somalis moved to the UK, to Leicester and Birmingham particularly:
“Somalis Exiting Netherlands for Britain”
And then of course, there are the political activities which some Somalis ‘residents’ in the UK get up to in Somalia still, as well reported by Channel 4 ‘Dispatches’ ( May 08), but not well reported by BBC.
Channel 4, ‘Dispatches’ Part 5/5
“Warlords next door”
For information of BBC:
An article from 2005:
“Somali migration to the UK”
Mark Easton, the ambitious home affairs correspondent, pretty well admitted this morning that Poles were the only way an organisation such as the BBC were able to discuss immigration without it becoming mired in the ‘race’ issue.
In similar spirit, whenever a generic picture is needed of youth gangs, it will be white kids – as it was last night.
The policy is ‘anything but race’.
So the Poles have been very useful – not only because they’re good brickies, but also because they provide the vital fig-leaf over the real immigration problem, which is Islamic.
… should be ‘without becoming mired in race or religion issues…
The BBC defense states “However, Polish nationals make up one of the largest group of recently arrived legal immigrants into the UK and our coverage reflects this.”
I take it then if you go back through BBC stories they will always have reported on the “largest group of recently arrived”, or maybe not. I don’t seem to recall Bangladeshis or Somalians being flavour of the month in years gone by. In fact, they didn’t mention any of them at all because it offended their sensibilities to do so.
I had noticed this BBC tactic, but it’s good of a politician to articulate it so well. I doubt “Sir” Ian Blair would be too keen to mention a rise in attacks even if the statistics did show one. But then the fact is whites are always less likely to report an attack as racially motivated – they are just not encouraged to do so.
oliver | 05.06.08 – 11:23 am |
Mark Easton, the ambitious home affairs correspondent, pretty well admitted this morning that Poles were the only way an organisation such as the BBC were able to discuss immigration without it becoming mired in the ‘race’ issue.
Some of us made exactly that claim in these pages back when they showed “Here Come the Poles”. I seem to recall that both actual BBC employees and BBC defenders told us we were wrong, and that most of us just hated Mooozlims.
Turns out we were right.
It’s also funny how once again the BBC tries to conflate “race” with “Islamo-fascism”. Or is it sad?
The Poles who come over to Britain are predominantly Christian (Catholic),
Funny how the Beeb hardly ever shows footage of Poles going to church whenever they are featured in the news.
On the other hand, I would be hard-pressed not to remember a Muslim news story without the usual ad nauseam accompanying video of Muslims praying at a mosque, mooning at the West !
Mark – I don’t quite understand your point. Where is the bias there? If I wanted to soft-pedal on the fact that muslims are culturally alien to this country I would make sure not to show them going to mosque, but rather going about their daily business, whatever that might be.
Similarly, if the BBC emphasized the Catholicism of the Poles, wouldn’t most commenters here see that as the BBC emphasizing something about the Poles that the BBC dislikes?
Mark | 05.06.08 – 4:36 pm |
Good point.
gharqad tree,
Showing the religious devotion of Mohammedans is vital to the BBC narrative. We must be tolerant of Islam, so showing so many people utterly devoted is supposed to soften the image. The soft racism of Leftoids and the BBC views this as analogous to the protected lifestyles of the primitive, uncontacted Amazon tribes. Thus, the religious devotion of Mohammedans cannot be criticized. Once this religiosity has become the defining characteristic of an entire group, no criticism of the religion – or words or deeds prompted by it – can be criticized.
Since white people like Bush and Blair don’t get the same soft touch, it’s perfectly okay for a BBC reporter to snicker at Blair on air about “praying”. Similarly, Polish Catholics don’t get the same protection either.
Ghargad Tree:
My comment is based on the fact that whenever Muslims are shown going about their daily lives, there always seems to be accompanying video footage of mosque attendance, complete with prayer chanting.
It makes it look almost as if Islam is the only religion actively practiced in the UK.
All religions are equal, but some are more equal than others, when it comes to the Beeb’s view of them.
I read the linked report by the BBC on Somalis but I’m still none-the-wiser as to why they are here or to what ‘skills’ they have to offer the UK. Maybe Joel could help here?
The stark comparisons between Somalis (or Bangladeshis and Pakistanis) and Poles would include – what proportions of each are employed (men AND women).
And what proportion of each are on welfare – and how long so far ?
Also – what proportion of the prison population comes from each community ?
But the BBC has a news budget of only about £1 billion, so they won’t have the resources to look into this. Indeed to them such questions are unfair, irrelevant. And anyway, we the BBC users have no right to know such facts.
I’m continually stunned by the waste of key strokes and intellectual vapidness.
The BBC “ignores” the “root” of a problem, if and when the “root” of the problem includes a “protected group or class”.
Muzlims are protected.
Catholic Poles are not.
Here is the CLINCHER friends.
Liberals, a.k.a BBC thinks EVERYONE is RACIST and are ISLAMO-PHOBES….
Do the math friends.
BBC needs to PROTECT THEM…..from YOU…
Elitist demogogues.
Daniel Kawczynski’s argument was cogent and as honestly passionate as it get’s but does Al Beeb get that? Nope. He is right and I have noticed precisely the way in which immigration can now be talked about because of white Polish scapegoats. That they work hard, integrate and are grateful to be here contrasts with the bile from the Muslim quarter who once feet are under the table never end talking as to how racist we are, meanwhile collecting the benefits with no acknowledgment. For them it is our jizya and it is their right. They are even talking of renaming a London Rail Station Banglatown which tells all. Now we hear of attacks on Poles by Pakistanis irked that another immigrant group is moving in. How rich and how racist can that be?
“I read the linked report by the BBC on Somalis but I’m still none-the-wiser as to why they are here”
Most of them would vote Zanu.
Al Beeb and Zanu are in lurve.
I’ve noticed how the BBC, when discussing the negative aspects of immigration, seems to only mention Polish immigration.
Its dishonest and despicable, blatant scapegoating.