You will recall that BBC reporter Alan Johnston was kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists in the Hamas stronghold of Gaza. He was held captive for four months and then released as an act of “goodwill” by the deranged Palestinian killers – a group that the British government had been in “dialogue” with leading up to his release.
The question NOW being asked if the release from prison this week of Abu Qatada – a radical Islamic cleric once described as Osama bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe – part of a deal that Britain made with Gaza-based terrorists for the freedom BBC reporter Alan Johnston?
Speaking from jail last summer, Abu Qatada himself offered to help mediate the prisoner exchange. Hamas sources and Israeli diplomatic sources familiar with the Johnston release talks confirmed to WND last summer there were third-party discussions between Gaza’s Hamas rulers, a mediator and the British government for the release of Johnston. A second track of negotiations were opened between Hamas and the Army of Islam kidnappers, the sources said. Also, the BBC was in direct contact with Hamas, said the sources.
Palestinian sources involved in the Johnston negotiations said Hamas passed to the British government the Army of Islam’s demand for the freedom of Abu Qatada. They also warned if Hamas stormed the Gaza compound in which Johnston was known to have been held, the BBC reporter likely would have been killed during any rescue attempt.
Abu Oubaida, a spokesman for Hamas, would not confirm any deal was reached. The British embassy in Tel Aviv did not return calls for comment on the issue. Officials from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ office said they believe a deal was made for the release of Johnston. They also accused Hamas of paying off the Army of Islam.
So, is it possible that the British government and the BBC have colluded to engineer the release of a BBC journalist by doing a shoddy deal that gets an alleged Islamic terrorist mastermind a “get out of jail free” card? I think we should be told, don’t you? Can we trust the BBC to tell us?
Mmm, interesting. You seem to source all your material from WorldNetDaily, an interesting news source. His some interesting coverage from this ‘news’ outlet from the past:
* Judgment Day in Mystery Babylon?
An interesting article claiming that 9/11 was essentially a punishment from God:
* The downing of United Airlines Flight 93
In which the writer claims that United 93 was shot down by military aircraft and a huge government cover-up took place:
* Soy is making kids ‘gay’
* Radioactive spy Islamic convert?
In which murdered KGB defector Litvinenko is reported to have converted to Islam and may have been involved in a plot to smuggle polonium 210 to terrorist groups:
Great source there. Obviously well worth repeating the claims they make. Well, at least if you are a 9/11 troofer or other wacky conspiracy nut. Good one.
Given some of the gems you produce, I am surprised that you do not subscribe to WND.
The point, of course, is that Fatah are the source – and I keep being told how they are the good guys in the situation prevailing here – so are they lying? If so, what else might they lie about? Bottom line; Hamas do not release captured infidels UNLESS there has been a deal cut. I stand by my point.
The point, of course, is that Fatah are the source
According to this news group, yes. Question is, do they have a reliable track record of producing accurate stories?? It would appear not.
Yes Korova – Hamas just decided one day to release the sainted Mr Johnston – it’s sooo in line with what they do, right? Meanwhile, back on planet Earth…
David Vance:
Meanwhile, back on planet Earth…
Glad to welcome you back. It’s been a long time.
Your latest theme – that the BBC is part of an international conspiracy to swap its reporter for an extremist Islamist preacher, thereby corrupting the independence of the British courts along the way – is so clearly nuts that it, too, must have come from the outer fringes of the solar system.
Uranus, perhaps?
David, Korova is a LIBTARD troll.
That is a LIBTARD who happens to be a TROLL as well.
Y’know, the total package.
Colin is merely a nancy boy. A nancy boy is the type of leftist that argues non-sense.
This type of liberal freak understand your points, but isn’t honest. So he hyperbolizes. He pretends that the kgBBC isn’t a moronic limp wristed leftist pack of socialists, and he pretends that the KgBBC wouldn’t cut a deal so as to have a reporter released.
Which it obviously would and did.
The central question remains:
Can we trust the BBC to tell us?
The trolls won’t answer that in a way that convinces anyone
ColinChase = Hillhunt
Korova = Angry Young Alex
This one sounds like a bit of a stretch.
he pretends that the KgBBC wouldn’t cut a deal so as to have a reporter released.
You found me out, damn you.
No, wait…. Let’s assume for a moment that the BBC did indeed cut a deal whose quid pro quo was that Abu Qatada would escape extradition. How, exactly, would the BBC stitch up the staunchly-independent British courts and do so a year in advance?
The central question remains:
Can we trust the BBC to tell us?
The trolls won’t answer that in a way that convinces anyone
If by anyone you mean the ragbag of libertarian wingnuts, gay-baiters and conspiracy theorists who haunt these columns, I think we can agree on that.
No question the release of the terrorist was because of a deal struck to get Johnson out of Gaza. One judge making these important decisions is easily manipulated. There should be 3 to 5 judges sitting, then this kind of injustice wont happen.
Given the comments so far, I would suggest that most people are actually a bit embarrassed by this post which explains their lack of willingness to defend the source and instead attack those that have exposed the lack of substance behind it.
I find it vaguely amusing to be considered of existing ‘outside planet earth’ when this post relies on a source that claimed that God used 9/11 as a punishment for the sins of America. If that is grounded in the realities of planet earth, I think I’d prefer to live on another planet.
I’m sick of hearing about Alan Johnston. Nobody forced him to go to Gaza, nobody forced him to work for the BBC. He and his employer knew the risks so why belly ache about the “ordeal” of the kidnap? He’s just another war junky getting his rocks off from other people’s misery.
ColinChase = Hillhunt
Yes. Without a doubt.
Korova = Angry Young Alex
No. They each have their own separate blogs.
Korova = Angry Young Alex
No. They each have their own separate blogs.
Angry Young Alex = Victoria. At weekends anyway.
Angry Young Alex & Korova both have a Clockwork Orange hangup, maybe it’s the ultraviolence theme. Might be why they rush to defend the Paleosimians.
No. They each have their own separate blogs.
Biodegradable | 21.06.08 – 11:52 am
And Korova has the edge in terms of sheer stubborn incomprehension and unwillingness to concede a point.
And Korova has the edge in terms of sheer stubborn incomprehension and unwillingness to concede a point.
Much like the kind of person that relies on WorldNetDaily to provide evidence of BBC support for terrorists. Is anyone going to concede that this is a shabby post?
Shirley Tipper:
I’m sick of hearing about Alan Johnston.
Good point.
Best complain to David Vance whose desperation to link the BBC with Muslim ne’er-do-wells drove him to this nutjob posting.
I gather he responds well to criticism. Why not give it a shot?
On the Johnston kidnapping, there’s no doubt that the British government was involved in the saga. There was a meeting, very briefly reported at the time, between a government official and Hamas. Apart from that, the BBC was putting everything it had into trying to secure Johnston’s release, including meeting with Hamas at a senior level, and it would be strange if it hadn’t beseeched its lefty friends in government to get involved.
The Johnston affair provided us with yet more evidence that the BBC is like a private club with restricted membership rather than a public broadcaster. It will do anything to protect one of its own and to hell with the consequences.
Ah yes ‘evidence’ of which you have provided none. You may think that that is the case regarding the BBC and Hamas, but that doesn’t make it so. I think that Bruce Forsyth is a robot sent back in time to destroy the human race through the medium of dance, but that doesn’t make it so. Perhaps WorldNetDaily might know?
it would be strange if (the BBC) hadn’t beseeched its lefty friends in government to get involved.
It would be strange if any organisation, faced with one of its employees in peril, did not try to get everyone possible to help.
On the other hand, the merest acquaintance with the British courts shows they’re more likely to oppose the Government on legal principle than kowtow to secret deals.
Only today, they’re hacking HMG off by rejecting the anonymity deals in recent high-profile crime trials and warning Brown not to ratify Lisbon until they’ve decided on Stuart Wheeler’s referendum case.
What are the chances, do you think, of persuading any UK judge to release a man like Qatada, irrespective of the facts of the case? And to agree to the fix almost a year before the case comes to court?
Do you believe in reincarnation perchance? I do miss Hillhunt.
At least this post gives us a bit of a laugh.
And Bruce Forsyth is a robot sent back in time…prove me wrong.
It’s sure to be on WorldNetDaily if you look hard enough Joel. I defy anyone to suggest it is untrue.
This one is a question for the House of Commons- “Can the Minister assure the House that no deal of any sort was done, either by the Gvt or a 3rd party with Government assistance, to secure the release of Alan Johnstone, and can the Minster tell us plainly whether the release of Alan Johnstone was connected in any way to the treatment of Abu Qatada?”
Something along those lines but better. This is a very valid line of enquiry, but clearly additonal sources would be necessary to give substance to the allegation.
This post is the most egregious libel imaginable and seriously defamatory of Sir John Mitting.
Clearly it is inconceivable that such a squalid deal as the one described by David Vance could possibly have been put into effect without the conscious, deliberate and wholehearted co-operation of the judge. Mr Vance’s comments therefore strike at the heart of Sir John’s reputation.
A groveling apology and exemplary damages are called for.
This is a very valid line of enquiry…
In the sense that there are various published sources suggesting that Santa’s base is at the North Pole…
… but clearly additonal sources would be necessary to give substance to the allegation.
Additional? Is there one valid source to start with?
This one is a question for the House of Commons
I thought we were against the profligate use of public funds?
can the Minster tell us plainly whether the release of Alan Johnstone was connected in any way to the treatment of Abu Qatada
Yes he can. But David Vance won’t like the answer.
Biased BBC: I had that Lyndon LaRouche in the back of my cab once.
Hamas are obviously a munificent and kindly group whose capture of Johnstone was acccidental and subsequently release a mark of their goodness. Pass the sickbag.
Johnston gets out of Hamas jail free -no questions must be asked – right?
The grovelling I see here is from Hamas apologists.
The central question remains:
Can we trust the BBC to tell us?
Anonymous | 21.06.08 – 8:27 am |
This would be the same BBC that failed to report the earthquake in Northern England and then put up some lying shit on Snoddy’s shoddy excuse for a critique of the BBC who claimed that BBC didn’t report it because they didn’t want to upset Indonesians because of the tsunami.
No of course you cannot trust the BBC.
How, exactly, would the BBC stitch up the staunchly-independent British courts ….
ColinChase | 21.06.08 – 8:47 am |
Now that had me in stitches. How naive can you get? What a jerk.
On the reincarnation enquiry – any comment?
I can’t see why you are bothering to feign outrage at this suggestion.
The tone of your comments hints that your heart isn’t in it. Colon chases all around the houses, never to arrive. When you used to be Hillhunt you were more committed. Is that the difference between the hunt and the chase?
Are you saying that Alan Johnston was just released because Hamas decided to do a good deed, a publicity stunt, or what?
What do you think about Abu Qatada’s release and the Govnmt’s supposed inability to get him packed off to Jordan? Unremarkable? Fair? Surprising?
The reports by Aaron Klein on this subject date back to last July. He would be in a better position to comment on the subject than Joel and Korosive, you must agree. For me their steadfast defence of the impartiality of the BBC robs their dismissal of WorldNetDaily of much validity.
What have you done with Hillhunt? Are you holding him hostage? Will there be a ransome letter? Is the deal anyhing to do with Shami Chakrabarti?
LOL! Can we start the Free Hillhunt campaign now. Maybe the BBC can have a chat with the Government about opening up lines of communication?
Brilliant. David still believes a website that claims that 9/11 was a punishment from God. This is priceless. This thread hinges on the most piss poor argument I have possibly ever seen. It’s like a variation on the Loose Change nonsense. You guys weren’t behind that as well were you?
The reports by Aaron Klein on this subject date back to last July. He would be in a better position to comment on the subject than Joel and Korosive, you must agree. For me their steadfast defence of the impartiality of the BBC robs their dismissal of WorldNetDaily of much validity.
‘Their dismissal..’? Are you going to defend the articles outlined in the opening comment? It is entirely self-evident that this ‘news’ source is a conspiracist’s fantasy.
Don’t be daft Korrosive. Your dogged determination to provoke has fallen on stony ground. You gave up trolling Melanie P, time to move on from here too. So long.
‘This thread hinges on the most piss poor argument I have possibly ever seen.’
You’re not new to this blog are you?
Anonymous | 21.06.08 – 12:28 pm |
Angry Young Alex & Korova both have a Clockwork Orange hangup, maybe it’s the ultraviolence theme. Might be why they rush to defend the Paleosimians.
That happens to be one of my all-time favorite movies (and books, although the later epilogue was odd). The only ultraviolence I like is in video games and movies.
Speaking for myself, I don’t buy it for a moment that the BBC did a deal with Hamas or Johnston’s kidnappers to swap him for Abu Qatada. As I said on another thread, he’s not Palestinian, never has been, and is not allied with any specifically Palestinian cause (jihad and destroying Israel are too general, not specifically Palestinian concepts). He’s Jordanian, and it doesn’t make any sense to me that the Dugmush clan in Gaza would gain any benefit from Qatada’s release, nor would Jordanian jihad factions have any clout to deal with one of the biggest crime bosses in Gaza. Makes no sense.
However, I actually made another accusation regarding Johnston’s release back when it happened. I suggested that the BBC had made some deal in exchange for throwing BBC gold at a Palestinian broadcasting network. Lo and behold, about a month later, there was a big development in the BBC going in, setting up a broadcasting organization, and doing training. I basically accused the BBC of doing a deal, and the long lost ghost of John Reith scolded me and said something about how some plan had been in the works already, and it was just bad timing.
I would not be surprised if the BBC did a deal with Johnston’s kidnappers. I don’t believe Qatada’s release was it.
Joel – Actually no. I’ve popped in now and again to see what hilarious examples of ‘bias’ they can come up with. This must be the best/funniest post i have yet seen. A true classic that even regular posters can’t be arsed to defend it.
I agree with David Preiser. We don’t have to buy David Vance’s WorldNetDaily story of a direct Qatada/Johnston linkage – but the history of kidnappings in the Middle East shows that you never get something for nothing.
At the time of Johnston’s release it was touted purely as an effort by Hamas to show the West how nice they are. Maybe that was the case – but unlikely as they were in a position to drive a harder bargain, ie a good propaganda story AND some sort of benefit in kind.
The control exercised by Hamas in Gaza means that the Dugmush clan could probably never have carried out this operation without Hamas approval.
David Vance:
Johnston gets out of Hamas jail free -no questions must be asked – right?
Questions can be asked whenever you like, chum. But baseless allegations that a deal was done to free a man a year hence don’t make any sense. Nor does the idea that the BBC can go round bending the courts.
It’s one thing to assert that there is a pattern of bias in the BBC’s coverage (though I disagree), quite another to start proposing a hierarchy of corruption which allows the BBC to bend the courts in its interests. And to fix it in advance.
One other thing. Imagine for a stupid second that such a thing was possible – do you not think that Hamas might demand Qatada out of chokey the same time as Johnston? These are among the worst desperadoes in your canon, yet you assume they’d let a man go free and sit quietly on their hands for a year waiting for their quid pro quo. How likely is that?
“I’ve popped in now and again..” Korova | 21.06.08 – 9:14 pm
I have just been looking at the massive number of posts you have been doing.
This statement is utterly false.
Go in for untruths a lot do you?
Oh and for the record ColinChase is hillhunt so its no use asking for hillhunt back as all too painfully he is still with us.
The unholy quartet: korova, hillhunt/colinchase, victoria/angryyoungalex and joel.
They all claim this site is a waste of anyone’s time, but keep on posting, again and again.
Out of their own mouths proving how truly sad they are.
They all claim this site is a waste of anyone’s time
Correction. It’s a waste of your time. I find it invaluable. And instructive. And funny.
Mostly funny.
I agree, a very amusing little blog. Strangely populated by a lot of humourless, up-tight types. If Michael Sophocles had his own blog, this is what it would be like.
Go in for untruths a lot do you?
Maybe not quite as many as WorldNetDaily.
Remember kids, soya turns you gay.
Could this be David Vance:
Just a reminder of where to find korova’s blog. He seems to be too ashamed of it to post it along with his comments:
His latest post there gloats over the arrest of two suspects in the alleged attack by Israelis on so-called “Palestinian” alleged shepards.
Like the BBC he omits to report that they were released without being charged.
Court releases youths arrested on suspicion of beating Palestinians
Oh, and don’t miss his latest glowing praise of Hugo Chavez, his hero.
I am not your “chum”. And really, is ColinChase the best you can come up?
Loved your blog – we need more comedy writers.
we need more comedy writers
Oh no, I think you are doing just fine 😉
Bio – thanks for that, I haven’t been bothered about filling in the URL in the box for a while, but I appreciate you addressing this on my behalf.
His latest post there gloats over the arrest of two suspects in the alleged attack by Israelis on so-called “Palestinian” alleged shepards.
And where do I gloat? Not, of course, that you are gloating over the beating of the Palestinians of course. I’m sure you wouldn’t dream of it and would approach it in a balanced fashion.
You guys seem to be masters at avoiding the topic in hand. A post is written suggesting the BBC and Hamas struck a deal for Alan Johnston and yet, when the source is revealed as being akin to the Daily Sport, you all drop the allegation like a hot potato and refuse to defend it. Instead you engage in personal attacks. This is one of the many reasons this blog will never be taken seriously and remain a constant source of comedy for those who visit. I mean, you used WorldNetDaily as evidence for Christ’s sake!
But Korova, you use the BBC.
You don’t get it ands based on the inane witterings on your comedy site you never will.