You will recall that BBC reporter Alan Johnston was kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists in the Hamas stronghold of Gaza. He was held captive for four months and then released as an act of “goodwill” by the deranged Palestinian killers – a group that the British government had been in “dialogue” with leading up to his release.
The question NOW being asked if the release from prison this week of Abu Qatada – a radical Islamic cleric once described as Osama bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe – part of a deal that Britain made with Gaza-based terrorists for the freedom BBC reporter Alan Johnston?
Speaking from jail last summer, Abu Qatada himself offered to help mediate the prisoner exchange. Hamas sources and Israeli diplomatic sources familiar with the Johnston release talks confirmed to WND last summer there were third-party discussions between Gaza’s Hamas rulers, a mediator and the British government for the release of Johnston. A second track of negotiations were opened between Hamas and the Army of Islam kidnappers, the sources said. Also, the BBC was in direct contact with Hamas, said the sources.
Palestinian sources involved in the Johnston negotiations said Hamas passed to the British government the Army of Islam’s demand for the freedom of Abu Qatada. They also warned if Hamas stormed the Gaza compound in which Johnston was known to have been held, the BBC reporter likely would have been killed during any rescue attempt.
Abu Oubaida, a spokesman for Hamas, would not confirm any deal was reached. The British embassy in Tel Aviv did not return calls for comment on the issue. Officials from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ office said they believe a deal was made for the release of Johnston. They also accused Hamas of paying off the Army of Islam.
So, is it possible that the British government and the BBC have colluded to engineer the release of a BBC journalist by doing a shoddy deal that gets an alleged Islamic terrorist mastermind a “get out of jail free” card? I think we should be told, don’t you? Can we trust the BBC to tell us?
“I’ve popped in now and again..” Korova | 21.06.08 – 9:14 pm
I have just been looking at the massive number of posts you have been doing.
This statement is utterly false.
Go in for untruths a lot do you?
Yes. Korova = liar. A self-proclaimed historian (!) who fantasises over Clockwork Orange and Hugo Chavez.
The best way to handle trolls is to ignore them. You all know this. Why don’t you do it?
korova posted:
Could this be David Vance:
For somebody who opines that this blog is nothing more than a vehicle used by the above in which to character assassinate the BBC. It appear you have no problem resorting to the very same tactics which you So disapprove of
Amazing how righteous defenders of the BBC have no problem with its ‘Motto’ of;
“Do as I say, not as I do”
But Korova, you use the BBC.
So, let me get this straight. You are suggesting that, in some way, the BBC is worse than a ‘news’ source that proclaims that 9/11 was a punishment from God? Oxygen must be mighty thin where you are. Either that, or a comic genius. Difficult to tell from this site. You’re not Chris Morris in disguise are you?
The best way to handle trolls is to ignore them. You all know this. Why don’t you do it?
Anonymous | 22.06.08 – 11:56 am | #
‘Cos their egos are bigger than their brains??
Troll alert – please stop feeding Comrade Korova – wastes band-width.
Actually no. I’ve popped in now and again to see what hilarious examples of ‘bias’ they can come up with.
Now and again! You comment here more often then some “regulars” you stupid, lying troll.
It’s worth remembering that Korova is quite literally incontinent:
So, no-one is going to defend the veracity of the original post. Explains a lot. I suggest that this view is not shared amongst the B-BBc ‘community’. Certainly I cannot find a single comment defending WorldNetDaily. Interesting.
And where do I gloat? Not, of course, that you are gloating over the beating of the Palestinians of course. I’m sure you wouldn’t dream of it and would approach it in a balanced fashion.
korova | 22.06.08 – 10:34 am
Here’s what I actually said:
Do you call that “gloating over the (alleged) beating of the (so-called) Palestinians”?
You are, for once, right. I wouldn’t dream of condoning the beating of Arabs, and I do approach any report of such reprehensible behavior carrying a large bag of salt in each hand.
Could this be David Vance:…es/ cgon507l.jpg
korova | 22.06.08 – 12:03 am
Could this be korova?:
People are saying the most peculiar things.
Harel says:
“And to suggest that the BBC and ‘stopthe BNP’ represent some sort of diversity of source is bizarre.”
I thought the former has a charter of impartiality (!) and the ‘stopthe BNP’ has partiality in its very name?
I’m sure I don’t know what you’re getting at.
“Lastly, to attempt to add weight to a political view by equating the BNP with the Holocaust”
Who attempted to do that? In what sense are you using the word ‘equating’? What do you think ‘equating’ means? Are you completely bonkers?
You can’t understand my words and I certainly can’t understand your meanings.
Now Allan@Oslo | 22.06.08 – 12:04 pm tells us that the BNP is neither anti-Jew or anti-Israel. Good news at last.
Anti-semitism may not be the official policy of the BNP – it doesn’t play well any more in the white working-class constituencies the BNP is harvesting – but it’s wound through the party’s DNA.
Here’s one of its rising stars, Mark Collett, quoted in a Dispatches documentary:
Mark is explicit in his adoration of Nazi Germany when he thinks the camera is turned off. “I’d never say this on camera, the Jews have been thrown out of every country including England. It’s not just persecution. There’s no smoke without fire,” he declares.
Thanks for that.
See, Alan@Oslo? And the other one who asked.
Someone who knows the BBC is biased against Israel and the Jewish people?
That’s you, that is. Oh yes it is.
Korona has picked up some of your stylistic mannerisms but his derivative comments are slightly more stupid. (than yours) Do you think Soya made him gay? He goes:
“I agree, a very amusing little blog.(ingratiating remark to you Hillhunt) Strangely populated by a lot of humourless, up-tight types. he continues.
If Michael Sophocles had his own blog, this is what it would be like.
korova | 21.06.08 – 11:48 pm |
What wit. Us humourless uptight types might see that as another (half) antisemitic innuendo.
No wonder you have come to your senses and joined the winning team. Sir Alan would be proud.
Colin has been re-united with Hillhunt and balance restored. I look upon it as an act of kindness.
What wit. Us humourless uptight types might see that as another (half) antisemitic innuendo
Sue – what the hell are you wittering on about now? How is that ‘antisemitic innuendo’? Michael Sophocles was the notorious up-tight contestant on The Apprentice, a characteristic shared by posters here. How is that anti-semitic, half or otherwise?
And any word on the actual topic of this post? Or just more inane ramblings?
“I’m only half Jewish, Sir Alan” As if you didn’t know. Don’t fake ‘dumb’. Quite unnecessary.
Alan Johnston’s release from captivity and Abu Qatada’s extraordinary release from prison was the topic.
Connected or not, some people suspect something nasty in the woodshed.
You feel that a number of loony articles discredit the entire site on which Aaron Klein made his allegations. So much so that you are certain that everything he says must also be loony.
Most people who spot bias in some of the BBC’s output don’t automatically assume that it discredits the entire shabang.
That’s about it.
Of the two, your argument is the more inane I would say.
You are quite humourless as trolls go. As they go. Geddit.
“I’m only half Jewish, Sir Alan” As if you didn’t know. Don’t fake ‘dumb’. Quite unnecessary.
Sue, again, what has Jewishness got to do with my earlier remark? I suggested Michael was up-tight, which he clearly was, how is this anti-Semitic? Just to remind you, I wrote:
If Michael Sophocles had his own blog, this is what it would be like.
How is that anti-Semitic?
Michael Sophocles = uptight humourless git
Biased BBC = uptight humourless gits
I fail to see how this is anti-Semitic. And I think you realise this yourself.
korova | 23.06.08 – 3:24 pm
(I paraphrase.)
“What, moi? antisemitic? surely not.
I must have misinterpreted your enthusiastic and supportive comments on Melanie P’s blog. Sorry, I apologise profusely.
Half Jewish Michael Sophocles was far more uptight and humourless than the other would-be Apprentices.
Obviously. You have provided ample evidence for that statement. Just by saying it.
And his unique uptightness and humourlessness was only on behalf of his non Jewish half, natch.
I realise that now. Myself. Certainly do.
But wait.
It’s all coming back to me. Raef, Jennifer, Sara, Lucinda, Jennifer McGuire, Lindi, Kevin, Helene,Alex, particularly the two Jennifers, Helene and the Kevin, were bursting with wit, charm, and were above all the epitome of relaxed humourousness.
So none of them could have fitted your criteria for creating a blog like this. You were right all along.
Sue – You take political correctness to another level. Michael was very well known for looking like he was going to explode with rage at any moment. You’re even more batty than I thought.
“You’re even more batty than I thought”
Nice of you to say so.
So are you. (even more batty than you thought)
Whoa, nice come back. Clearly I am no match for your cutting wit. Still, at least you cannot bring yourelf to defend WorlNetDaily, there is hope for you yet.
Korova, piss off.
“I’ve popped in now and then” Comrade Korova, 22 posts on this thread alone…
Tories David Vance is an idiotic loyalist apologist who would sell you out just as easily as the DUP9 did. The “mans” certifyable the govt the bbc and abu qatada??? don,t take him seriously, very few in N.I. do