It would appear that BBC stands for Brown Broadcasting Corporation these days such is the amount of glowing coverage being extended the way of our dismal Prime Minister. Yesterday Mr Broon was over in Jeddah sorting out Johnny Foreigner by instructing him how to manage his oil and energy resources; today the Great Leader is once more amongst us – his people – this time extolling his vision of increasing fairness and social mobility This vision reduces down to throwing our cash at target groups of parents to encourage them to bring up their children in a manner of which the government approves. The BBC faithfully reports the Downing Street spin, helpfully emphasising that – yes, you’ve guessed it – Thatcher is to blame for these feckless parents. Also note how the BBC finishes the report by once again disingenuously referring to “child poverty” in the UK when this does not exist. It strikes me that the BBC’s attempts to prop up Brown and his rabble are getting increasingly desperate as Brown himself gets more and more desperate. As we approach the end of days for the NuLabour project to destroy everything that is great about Britain, I fear the BBC must be getting very nervous as to what changes lie in store for it. It’s current role as a 24/7 PR front for the Government undermines any claim that is is an objective reporter of news and emphasises that it is in fact an active and very biased player.
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Gaping Maw – yes, that is true about the situation seven or eight years ago.
The disconnect to which you refer is pretty much the same as in the days of the former communist states. Friends in Eastern Europe told me about the shit they’d see on the telly and compared it to their daily lifes’ experience.
I do see a problem for a future government trying to abolish the licence fee, though.
An announced policy would see al-Beeb propagandising go into overdrive – backed by the full might of the whole UK political class, consisting of academics, quangocrats, civil service leaks,lefty print journalists. The whole British intelligentsia.
Whether a government could stand up to this is questionable.
All the claptrap about eradicating “child poverty” will remain just that,claptrap,until the root causes are addressed.
The poor have the most children.
The government is importing poverty.
Once again a central contradiction in liberal left ideology.
“Albert the Cat | 23.06.08 – 8:49 pm”
my guess is that it will never be on the Conservative party’s agenda – future technology will do the job, and the Conservatives will then “react” to public clamouring for abolition.
another vector, would be the European Union, who will no doubt see the BBC’s position as being “anti-competitive” and a distortion of the single EU media market. in that case, we wont have the license fee, but in its replacement , some EU wide media conglomerate (or several) all toeing the EU line.
(think CBS, NBC etc , but over here)
“Peter | 23.06.08 – 8:50 pm ”
and boy is it going to skyrocket if Turkey joins the EU – which of course New Liebore fully supports.
yet more clients for the communist state of the Snot Gobbler.
Gaping Maw. We could even see the creation of an EU-wide licence fee, in your second scenario.
Or more probably as you say, an EU equivalent of NBC, CBS etc.
That’s if the EU survives long enough…
But what I’m trying to say here is that al-Beeb is in one sense only a symptom of a much, much deeper problem.
And that’s the hatred of the British intelligentsia – and therefore the political class – of Britain and its people.
So being more pessimistic here, we have a much bigger battle on our hands. A full-blown ‘kulturkampf’, in fact.
Those running the BBC were liberal before they got there. Those they hire are liberal. Those politicians they support are liberal.
Liberals are fu#$ing idiots. Liberal idea’s always fail. ALWAYS.
Socialism doesn’t work. What product do you buy that is make in a socialist country?
Socialism kills incentive and creativity.
In short LIBTARDS suck.
The BBC is socialist. It is not “sold” to you. You are required to buy it.
gaping maw | 23.06.08 – 8:30 pm |
Sorry Mr Preiser – they already have such an instrument in place – it’s called abortion.
and that the 28 week (or was it 24) limit was NOT lowered recently, has to be one of the most morally repugnant acts of this morally disgusting government.
No, the government doesn’t pay women to have them, any more than it pays men to get vasectomies. It pays for the prodedure, but there’s no incentive campaign. And besides, abortion is available for all women, regardless of their socioeconomic situation. It may keep down the overall population, but it is not targeted to reduce the number of children born into poverty. There don’t seem to be any statistics about abortions in the UK with regard to household income, but even the casual observer will notice that the lower the household income, the less likely they are to have an abortion.
I do realize, though, that one of the defenses of blanket legalized abortion is that women should be free of the “burden” of childbirth so it doesn’t hinder their chances for education or employment. That’s supposed to protect underage girls, not all women everywhere. If it’s a program intended to reduce the number of children born into poverty, it looks like a failure.
Still, it’s not the same as paying them to do it.
i see that the BBC is bashing the big bad retail outlet that is Primark.
i think i’ll go and bye some more Primark t-shirts this weekend so. one has to do ones bit for the Indian economy (well, lest they starve to death or something..)
“Still, it’s not the same as paying them to do it.
David Preiser (USA) | 23.06.08 – 9:20 pm |”
i get your point. fair enough.
“Albert the Cat | 23.06.08 – 9:05 pm ”
see the kulturkampf in action – the Primark “expose” going on right now.
i cant see anybody really giving a shit – because its coming from the BBC after all, so most people will put it down to the usual socialist BBC Pravda output, and completely ignore it.
i wonder if the BBC will feel in any way responsible for putting half a million Indians out of work, when Primark decides to just move production to China – where roving BBC “hidden cameras” are certainly not allowed. or will the BBC feel responsible for damaging a democracy and a friend of the UK, whilst all the business goes to communist China, which regularly uses prisoners in labour camp factories.
probably not. the liberal media elite never feel any responsibility of course.
there was some wringing wet liberal bird on Radio 2’s Vines phone in show today (some other bloke standing in for him, didnt catch the his name) telling us all to get a ‘concience’ and to boycot ‘cheap’ clothes from the likes of Primark, Asda et all…(you can all guess the sad inflection in her voice as she pleaded, groan…) the other girl who was on the line came out with a great comment after she completely put down the lib bird by saying that her kids come first and that:
“charity begins at home, and stops there”
nice one :+:
stick that in ya pipe beeb 😆
Yes. The BBC just hates capitalists that exploit children. Unlike Muslims, who don’t exploit children at all do they?
Albert the Cat
“An announced policy would see al-Beeb propagandising go into overdrive – backed by the full might of the whole UK political class, consisting of academics, quangocrats, civil service leaks,lefty print journalists. The whole British intelligentsia. Whether a government could stand up to this is questionable.”
The internet will be a major help for the ordinary Brit to realize the utter contempt which the BBC/Intelligentsia has for him.
This mass of chavs, proles and middle class is precisely that which terrifies those in the Establishment: the fear that we might wake up and frustrate their schemes. There is little doubt as to the menace which the middle class British represent insofar as the BBC is concerned. When trying to set up a dictatorship or establish socialism, this backbone of society is the enemy.
Go ahead and dismiss me as a deranged conspiracy theorist, but as far as I’m concerned the BBC is more than just a source of irritating bias.
This fact is what the BBC/Political elite face today. Everything they do must be accomplished via propaganda and deception in order to realize their socialist aspirations, or else run against formidable opposition as they try to compel the middle class to give up their independence, property and freedom.
Yes Martin, but dont forget, we are just a bunch of red-neck good ol’ boys according to Al Beeb, muslims cant possibly do anything wrong can they as they follow such a peace loving religion……
the panorama “expose” revealed that shock-horror, Indian workers were working Monday to Saturday, 7am to 6pm.
its a third world economy going hell for leather into the first world – you’re talking about compressing about 200 to 300 years of our industrial development into a mere decade or two over there. with that much work , its no wonder that Indians will want to have a piece of it and work damn hard to get their lives out of REAL poverty.
more power to them – if the indian economy keeps going at this rate, they’ll be launching space rockets, churning out engineers and building nukes next.
oh wait – they’re already doing that.
“Andy | 23.06.08 – 10:55 pm |”
the proles certainly gave the establishment a bloody nose with that Irish No vote.
same kind of phenomenon.
….Go ahead and dismiss me as a deranged conspiracy theorist, but as far as I’m concerned the BBC is more than just a source of irritating bias.
couldnt agree more, Andy, in fact, as someone pointed out on here recently, the beeb has basically morphed into a left-wing liberal pressure group promoting metro-centric ‘issues’ it sees as being ‘vital’ to the smelly, un-educated masses (ie us).
its constant drip drip propaganda for global warming, gay rights, islam huggin, zimbabwe, human rights, social ‘justice’ etc etc is mind numbingly trite in its presentation and its ‘one-size fits all’ approach to its lowest common denominator delivery of the shite it serves up as ‘news’.
andy – you arent deranged.
we’ve all noticed the descent of Al Beeb into its current drip drip version of Pravda.
The ‘response’ to a complaint. Who are these “some people” then? People in the BBC canteen? The clear implication was and still is that GWB cannot get on with other countries.
On the second point, the purpose of showing speeded up footage (with banjo music) of GWB getting on a plane was to “engage the child”. I ask you!
Thank you for contacting us with your complaints about our Obama report.
You say in your complaint that we said “America will be able to make
friends with other countries” when Obama becomes president. In actual fact
you have taken the sentence out of context. Our reporter’s full script
said: “His Mum was American, his Dad was African. He grew up in Indonesia
in South-East Asia. Some people reckon that means that if he was President
he’d help America get on with other countries”. The script goes on to say
that some people think Obama is too inexperienced to be President. There is
nothing there to suggest any of this is the view of Newsround or the
personal opinion of our reporter.
With regards to your second point on us speeding up the footage of George
Bush, this was certainly not done to demean the President. Our aim was to
make the report more entertaining to our child audience and this is just
one of many such video effects and tricks that we employ on a daily basis
in our reports. Reporting any politics to a child audience is a serious
challenge, and our experience is that to engage a child you have to get
away from reports that show just a variety of men in suits, and come up
with something that is entertaining and imaginative as well as informative.
We were very happy with our report in this case, and I disagee that it
displayed any bias or breached BBC guidelines.
Once again, thanks for getting in touch,
Yours sincerely,
Simon Goretzki
Deputy Editor – Newsround
I wish to complain about the childrens news show Newsround on 4/6/2008
which headed its bulletin with a Barack Obama story. The main points I
am disappointed with are:
1. The comment “America will be able to make friends with other
countries” when Obama becomes president.
2. The first 30 seconds of the programme consisted of a speeded-up shot
of President Bush getting on to Air Force One with his wife together
with banjo type music playing in the background. This was purely for
comic effect and appeared to serve no other purpose than to demean the
In your editorial guidelines you specifically state:
“Our audiences should not be able to tell from BBC programmes or other
BBC output the personal views of our journalists and presenters on such
I think this coverage makes the personal views of your journalists
perfectly clear and consider this to be a massive abuse of the BBC
guidelines for presenting news in an un-biased way.
I look forward to receiving a prompt and professional response from you.
Panorama has succeeded in getting Primark to stop using the Sri Lankans using child labour by stopping using them altogether.
Of course nothing in place to replace it.
So the abused children move from working to their whole families being destitute with no earnings and no welfare – result: they starve.
Way to go BBC.
Never mind I’m sure you can assuage your guilt by putting some coins in the next children in need appeal…
Panorama has succeeded in getting Primark to stop using the Sri Lankans using child labour by stopping using them altogether.
Of course nothing in place to replace it.
So the abused children move from working to their whole families being destitute with no earnings and no welfare – result: they starve.
or end up in prostitution….
Reverand T Time!!! I’m shocked that you didn’t finish your post with the obvious.
They starve or end up in Prostitution or the come to America or Britain and live on the DOLE.
gus, i hang my head in shame for my faux pas and please forgive me for not adding that we will gain a few new big issue sellers in the near future…
It’s OK. Gordon Broon will probably give them a shed load of our money next week in aid.
On the radi othis morning there were two people being interviewed. One was your typical unwashed “liberal” poverty charity worker and the other was some geezer from the real world of work.
The real world geezer pointed out that less than 100 years ago we used kids for all sorts of work and that the third world is going through the same experience. He also pointed out that the loony leftie in the studio was spouting on about sending the kids to school, er except there are no schools!
The leftie loser was hopeless.
“Way to go BBC.
Never mind I’m sure you can assuage your guilt by putting some coins in the next children in need appeal…”
Didn’t the BBC rip off some of the money from Children in Need?
Andy | 23.06.08 – 11:12 pm |
Nicely done. The excuse that they were just trying “to make the report more entertaining to our child audience” is the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in ages.
If that’s why they gave Bush the Benny Hill treatment, when was the last time they showed a Muslim walking down the street accompanied by sped up oud playing? Or maybe footage of Mr. Brown coming out of No. 10 accompanied by “Always Take Care of Your Pennies” as sung by Harry Lauder?
Yeah, that’ll happen.
Andy – its on the NewsRound website as well – which ends with the bit about “America will be able to make friends with all those other countries in the playground instead of being the school bully…” Well nearly.
The idea that America is a school yard bully is absurd. America has freed more people in the last century than any nation in history. We have given more money and aid to needy countries than any country in history.
We fund more than 1/4 of the United Nations budget plus it’s real estate.
We have supplied more money to help starvation and AIDS research than any nation in history.
If the LIBTARDS in the BBC don’t like us. FU#$ THEM.
Quote me please.
Who has the BBC saved?
These handouts sound like a copy of the scheme Mayor Bloomberg is trying in New York, aka “paying the poor to stay poor and ignorant”.
“What product do you buy that is make in a socialist country?
Havana Club 15 year, Cohibas and pretty much everything else assuming China is still socialist? 🙂
You’re certainly right about the cigars, but China uses slave labor so that doesn’t count.
The Kalashnikov was the only truly successful communist brand.
All the Cuban ones antedate Castro’s seizing power.
China only manufactures to externally-designed specifications, though not when it thinks it can get away with not doing so. That’s why their communist-built schools and houses fall down in such numbers during earthquakes.
David Preiser, Cigars are evil TAX THEM!! So we are left with COMMIE cigars. (LEFT with..hehe) I’m not sure how LEFTISTS Cockney is, but I’d ask Cockney (and I am)…..Cockney, how did the Cigar Manufacturers Union fare in recent open elections in Cuba?
Did McCain-Feingold limit how much they could give to the opposition??
RR, How did Mr. Kalishnikov fare? His product, developed 60 plus years ago, was taken from him. He didn’t profit. Russia didn’t profit. No one profited. Russia is in tatters, the USSR is no more. Capitalists are jailed, and the KGB chief runs the country.
Thanks David and RR.
I’m NOT leftist at ALL, was just MAKING the POINT that your statement WAS bollocks.