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“Cassandra | 28.06.08 – 1:29 pm |”
funny thing is – the area in Naples where the backlash has been the most – including burning of roma camps – is actually an Italian communist party stronghold.
not that you’d ever know about that from BBC coverage…
Some good anti-dhimmitude news reported here (but not by BBC) on:-
Belgium -headscarfs;
Denmark -cartoons;
Canada -free speech/Mark Steyn case (on-going in British Columbia).
Has the BBC reported on the wind turbine damaged by the wind Sheffield University turbine sheds propeller near houses and a busy road. Just in time to point up Brown’s Folly 10,000 turbines despoiling the British Isles.Just so people can watch East Enders.
The BBC will possibly report this on its site about next Monday, 3 days after ‘Harry’s Place’:
” RMT union reverses Israel-boycott position ”
See this post on the Z-word blog re- the BBC’s first ever mention of Jewish refugees from Arab countries, and the spin it gave the issue:
For decades, media coverage of the refugee issue in the Middle East has focused almost exclusively on the plight of the Palestinians, so today represents something of a milestone: a report on Jewish refugees from Arab countries on the BBC website, pegged to the conference currently taking place in London organized by Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC).
But, as the excellent Point of No Return blog observes, much of the short report is devoted to the comments of the BBC’s Arab Affairs Analyst, Magdi Abdelhadi, casting doubt upon the issues being raised at the conference:
The BBC’s Arab affairs analyst Magdi Abdelhadi says the subject is highly controversial as the numbers of Jews who left, and the conditions under which they left, are disputed.
He says one undisputed fact is that Jews were part of Arab societies for centuries, where they were fully integrated in their societies, until Israel was established.
Some left because they were Zionists, others because of growing hostility towards them after the Arab-Israeli wars in 1948 and 1967, and there were also those who were encouraged to leave by the new Israeli state, our analyst adds.
He says not all of them went to Israel – many went to France and America, where some of them still feel very passionately about the Arab cultures they grew up in.
Let’s start with Abdelhadi’s assertion about the “one undisputed fact.” Whenever I hear someone talking about the charmed life lived by Jews in Arab countries, I am always reminded of a story about my Iraqi Jewish grandfather. Living in London during the 1950s and 1960s, he would often play Shesh Besh – backgammon – with his Arab business associates. He was a pretty accomplished player, but he would invariably lose these contests.
One day, my father asked him why this was. “You’re such a good player, Dad,” he said, “but when you play these fellows, you always lose – and you look like you’re not playing properly. Why?” Shrugging his shoulders, my grandfather responded, “They like to win.”
This anecdote neatly symbolizes the psychology of Jews who lived in Arab societies. Implicit in the rolling of the dice and the clacking of circular pieces along the board was an understanding: my grandfather had to behave like a Jew in Baghdad, even though he was in London. That meant not taking advantage of access and influence, not getting ideas above his station, understanding that if he was to preserve his place among this group of men, he had to remember that he was a Jew and they were not.
The historian Bernard Lewis once remarked that the fortunes of Jews in the Arab world never descended to European depths, but they never rose to European heights either. Abdelhadi’s “undisputed fact” is eminently disputable and disprovable. Living in societies largely untouched by liberal ideas of equality and rights, Jews were frequently reminded of their subservient position. And much of the time, there was more than just a game of Shesh Besh at stake.
In Baghdad in June 1941, for example, a pogrom known as the farhud, instigated in part by antisemitic broadcasts in Arabic on Badio Berlin, ripped through the Jewish community for two days. Nearly 200 Jews were killed, the beginning of a decade of persecution which ended with their near-complete expulsion from the country. Jewish communities from as far west as Libya and as far east as Yemen can tell similar stories.
The number of Jews dispossessed from the Arab world is not in dispute, as Abdelhadi claims, nor is there any real controversy about their treatment, painstakingly documented through oral testimonies, scholarly articles and archival documents. What this all proves is that – as Resolution 242 acknowledged 40 years ago – the Palestinians are not the only refugees in the Middle East and theirs are not the only demands to be discussed in negotiations. The Jews of the Arab world may, as Abdelhadi says, feel passionately about the Arab cultures in which they grew up, but they haven’t received any compensation, much less recognition, for what they lost.
Martin 2:01
“beeboids all live like Toynbee”
my stereotype beeboid is someone called Rosie Millard. She came on “This Week” moaning about the credit crunch claiming she was broke. She said she now had to look at the APR rates on credit cards and how it is so hard and unfair. She calls herself an ‘impoverished professional’ and now understands hardship.
google ‘why rosie millard is flat broke’
the article on a beeboid lifestyle is mindblowing
Has it occurred to the BBC and you leftists, that the reason every Tom Dick and Muhammad wants to come to Britain, America, France and Germany, because WE ARE FREE and have made Capitalism. Our successes is what brings immigration. Their failures is why they emigrate.
So naturally you effing brain dead liberal morons want to become more socialist.
Because it is a failed ideology
Lucky that the Zimbabwe “election” is being announced today, as it means the Beeb can quickly move on from the Wendy Alexander sleaze during their news bulletins. The sleaze will be forgotten about by tomorrow.
gaping maw:
“A pathologist said the child had been dead for between two or three days. Post-mortem tests showed she had not eaten or drunk anything for at least 20 hours.”
Labour Britain.. in 2008. So “progressive”, isnt it?
Excellent spot. Perhaps we should all have seen it coming, because it’s just what they said they’d do. Oh, yes…
From the 1997 Labour Party manifestos of 1997, 2001 and 2005 (small print section).
The Labour Party, in accordance with its progressive philosophy, intends to make Britain a safe place for publicans to starve their infants to death whilst showing more concern for their dogs.
In defiance of the right-wing media’s love affair with un-progressive forces including social workers, public health officials and licensing officials, we intend to make sure social workers stay away from such families and intend to keep other busy-bodies away from asking awkward questions of child-killers.
Thanks for the reference, Davka.
No, Community Claire, They haven`t done it deliberately. They`re too thick for that.What they dont see is that if a country doesn`t punish criminals and make them afraid of committing crimes, the country goes awry.
At least, I think they`re stupid, not evil.What say you ?
Very interesting.
BBC attacks Robert migabe for having a pointles election with no opponents.
Perhaps the BBC might like to remind us just who stood against Gordon Broon and Wendy Alexander when they were “elected” leaders of their party?
Davka, thanks for that post. I mentioned here
that the World Service had what is probably their first ever programme on Jewish refugees from Arab countries last Saturday on Newshour. There was an interesting buildup to the programme on World Have Your Say during the week:
Unfortunately they had the radically anti-Israel Claire Bolderson presenting Newshour and she made sure that the programme was as slanted as it could be against the concept of Jewish refugees. The following comment, made in response to a remark by David Matas, legal counsel for the Jews for Justice campaign, sums up her attitude and that of the BBC:
It would only be a miscarriage of justice if you equate Palestinian refugees with Jewish refugees from Arab countries.
Yep, can’t interfere with the carefully constructed fantasy of Palestinian victimhood. That’s holy ground.
The WHYS blog has moderators commenting. This is an interesting concept because you can be having a debate with someone and only realise he is a moderator when he leaves your comment hanging while he goes off in a huff. Happened to me.
They banned a moderator shortly after the programme and though they wont name him I’m pretty sure it was this guy
because he challenged David from Newshour quite strongly here:
And he is not a left winger, making him eminently suitable for banning.
The BBC apologists on their statist comrades at the NHS:
“This was a machine error, not a human error.”
If only we humans designed, built and maintained these behemoths we wouldn’t have such problems!
Are beeboids really this stupid or do they think their readers are?
I suggest you all listen to the last set of responses to the topic of ‘Gordon Brown’s one year anniversary’ on this weeks ‘Any Answers’. It provides in my opinion the most blatant example of the bias of the bbc. All three of the callers made out that Brown had done a good job! Indeed when one claimed Brown to be ‘handsome’, in a very Brownesque scatter-gun list of his ‘qualities’, I began to seriously wonder if Gordon Brown himself had written her speech or was actually the caller, putting on a very dodgy scouse accent…
I urge all to listen to this, it will at least make you laugh at the sheer unembarrassed bias and amazing fiction conveyed…
I urge all to listen to this, it will at least make you laugh at the sheer unembarrassed bias and amazing fiction conveyed…
“Obama must kiss my ass if he wants my endorsement” says bitter Bill Clinton.
Well not on the BBC he doesn’t.
Swept under the carpet.
Sorry to break the news to people here, but America is as much a socialist state as Britain.
How can the bailout of an investment bank be called anything other than socialist?
Rewarding stupid bankers for their criminal incompetence is not free market capitalism, it is socialism of the most repugnant kind.
Giving welfare to banks is socilaism.
Brown and Bush are both wasting billions of pounds of taxpayers money on Corporate Welfare. I see no difference.
Well I’ve just watched the Andrew Marr show.
We had Desmond Tutu (incidentally wanting military action in Zimbawe)
Two labour lovies doing the newspapers, Alison Pearson and Gerry Robinson
Lord Mallow Brown
Archbishop of York Sentayu?
How’s that for balance?
Cassis: That is balance to the BBC mindset. Livingstone is left of Labour centre, Malloch Brown is right of Labour centre, Sentanu is liberal-left CofE (much nicer than that horrible Nazir-Ali), Pearson and Robinson are part of the liberal-left commentariat, Desmond Tutu is a South African demi-Saint (just one below the hallowed Mandela). Incidentally look on the web and see how many of these impeccable people have expressed anti-Israel views…
I was a tad intrigued that Mr. Livingstone’s less than flattering comments about his successor’s choice of deputies passed without much (well, any) comment.
It would seem what one might do is more worthy of serious challenge than what has and is being done… depending on who it is, of course.
Community Claire | 28.06.08 – 6:39 pm |
Your excellent parody does indeed hilight something that would be very ludicrous. With admiration, following your fine model, I hypothesise:
‘The Royal Charter and the Agreement provide the constitutional basis for the BBC’
Its public purposes are: sustaining civil society; promoting education and learning and helping to deliver to the public the benefit Jeremy Bowen’s incompetence and unsuitability for the position in the region of which he is our chief editor,
To consult and employ for propaganda purposes the expert opinions of a bogus Oxford professor and a would-be suicide bomber and at every possible opportunity to depict the aggressor as the defender and vice versa, and to implement a complaints procedure that ensures that all complaints end up in the bin.
That would be ludicrous enough to trigger multipersonality episodes in each and every one of us would it not?
Forgot to add this bit – genuine apart from one tiny addition.
(l) (refraining from use of techniques which exploit the possibility of conveying a message to viewers or listeners, or of otherwise influencing their tiny minds, without their being aware, or fully aware, of what has occurred), but
(b) only to the extent that they do not concern the accuracy or impartiality of the content of any programme included in the UK Public Broadcasting Services.
I’m not sure what kind of bias the following is – possibly it’s the liberal type. Either way, the following, about the ghastly Amy Winehouse, is from the BBC’s Glastonbury coverage:
“The Grammy-winning singer was on fine form and in good voice for most of the set, going some way to dispelling fears about her health.”
No she wasn’t. She was incoherent, frequently wildly off-key and barely able to stand. She looked, moreover, as if she is at death’s door.
She was atrocious and she is clearly unwell. The BBC is being thoroughly mendacious if it suggests otherwise.
BBC scrapes its red barrel for what is classifies as a ‘top story’:
“Livingstone ‘doesn’t blame Brown'”
The BBC’s Barnie Choudhury – PR man for the National Black Police Association:
A delegate [at the most recent annual conference of the NBPA] recalls one session in which several speakers advocated an official policy of positive discrimination to advance black officers.
The compere – BBC reporter Barnie Choudhury – said that if proof were needed of modern racial discrimination, they had only to consider one ‘black’ officer who was sitting in the audience.
‘He told us that this particular delegate had passed all the required exams, yet his force still refused to promote him to the rank of commander,’ said the delegate.
Who was this unfortunate victim?
In the body of the hall, Chief Superintendent Ali Dizaei could afford himself a private smile. And not only because he was the anonymous officer to whom the sympathetic BBC man was obviously referring.
Within 24 hours, the sharply dressed, Iranian-born Dizaei would be unveiled as the new president of the NBPA. No other policeman was put forward as an alternative candidate…
Many at the top in New Scotland Yard see the standing of Dr Dizaei (as the possessor of a doctorate in race relations now likes to style himself) influencing the leak of the news that his old friend, Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur, is about to launch an employment tribunal action against the Met.
Ugandan born Ghaffur will be alleging a litany of racial discriminations. Certainly, it was Dizaei who was given a prominent slot on BBC’s Newsnight and yesterday’s Radio 4 Today programme, where he was allowed – almost unchallenged – to discuss racial grievances within the Met…
Then this week, with the latest allegations of prejudice, an even deadlier blow was struck. A source at BBC Six O’Clock News told us that the reporter who came to them with the exclusive story of Ghaffur’s legal action was none other than Barnie Choudhury, Dizaei’s cheerleader at the NBPA conference…
More BBC Islamic propaganda from the BBC’s Magdi Abdelhadi, suggesting that Islam is tolerant.
We have to take his word for it that the Islam/Morocco sponsored music event was “a thrilling performance”.
He quotes the former president of the festival: “I want the event to shed light on Islam as a civilisation, not as an ideology…”
I’m sure he does. The Islamic version. (If this was a music festival, why all the propaganda about Islam?)
And the Al Beeb will continue to provide uncritical assistance, care of the British licence-payers’ funding of such Islamic Magreb reports.
“Fez music festival builds bridges”
deegee | 28.06.08 – 8:42 am
Oliver Cromwell was a Puritan, not an Anglican.
London Regional News BBC1 this evening – 2nd item – Newsreader cheerfully says Ken Livingstone used his 1st major interview since losing(is it?) this morning to say that Boris will not last the course because of his advisers being so close to Cameron. Cut to interview where Ken reiteratates this – throws in opinion that Boris’s decisions up to now have been ‘bad for London’. Onto next ‘news’ item. No comment, interviewers voice unheard and not even any particular topic to hang this extremely important unbiased piece on. Laughable!
Livingstone was and always will be a vile little twat. I expect to see him turn up on the BBC with his own show soon enough though.
The newt fancier must be after a book deal, or be promoting something, he was also being given a free puff on BBC R4 last night.
That’s what I like about the Left – they always look after their own.
The BBC has still not provided a prominent, critical assessment of Brown’s E.U.-enforced ‘plan’ to spend £100 BILLION on renewable energy, including thousands of giant wind-turbines on land and off-shore. This BBC account raises no doubts:
“UK plans big wind power expansion”
But the following non-BBC account does.
(By the way, BBC ‘Newsnight’ originally promises a report on Wind-power for last Thursday. What’s up, ‘Newsnight’? Finding it hard to get enough material to put the ‘right’ spin on the story?)
“The madness exposed”
Synopsis of next Friday’s R4 afternoon play (a reliable source of entertainment for intellectually challenged Guardian readers the country over):
“The NHS At 60: Stuffing Their Mouths With Gold
By Jerome Vincent
Following the Labour landslide victory in 1945, new Minister of Health, Aneurin Bevan knows he has the chance to bring about a real revolution: the creation of a free health service. But can he get both the Royal College of Physicians and the dissenters in his own Party on his side? Jerome Vincent’s play marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the NHS in July, 1948.”
No doubt we an expect the usual penetrating analysis of this dark day for medicine, that we have come to expect from the famously unbiased BBC?
Interestingly the NHS was predicated on a fallacy,that a free health service would improve the nation’s health and thus reduce demand.Typical socialist,never examined the ramifications of the downside.
BBC interview with its hero comrade Livingslime:
Wingnut(Marr), Isnt it true that you(KL)are a great leader?
Redken, Yes well Boris is a racist and he hates Londoners and will murder them and steal their children while deporting anyone with a tan.
Wingnut, Yes of course! But isnt it true that your glorious record of leadership will go down in history as one of the best in human history?
Redken, Well I would agree with your impartial comments BUT Boris has ruined London and it now ranks bottom of the socialist paradise list and Boris is evil and stupid and unemploymment has gone up as a direct result of his racist policies and children starve in the streets as Boris swigs champagne and hogs all the food.
Wingnut, I know that you think that Gordon Brown is doing a fantastic job as he leads us all to a great future, but do you think that Brown is the greatest leader we have ever had OR do you think that Brown is a genius and great man who is steering us through the American inspired economic sabotage led by the criminal Bush?
Redken, Gordon Brown is has a gigantic intelect and is the cleverest man since Castro and I shall wait for Londoners to come to their senses and re elect me and then we shall all enjoy a socialist future of socialist greatness!
Wingnut, Yes Yes comrade lets destroy the class enemies together and only when the evil reactionary tory scum have been eliminated will our work on a glorious Marxist workers paradise begin!
Bit over the top but you get the drift? It would make a great Python like sketch though?
A typically circumspect BBC report from Pakistan, as it relates to Islam and violence:
“Pakistan army attacks militants”
Under the vague use of the word ‘militants’, this BBC reports goes about 500 words before we get this:
“The militants the government is acting against are not part of the wider Taleban movement in Pakistan, but are still Islamists who wish to enforce their brand of Islam, says the BBC’s Haroon Rashid in Islamabad.”
So, Mr. Rashid of the BBC, to translate: these ‘militants’ (operating in the Peshwar region) are really ISLAMIC JIHADISTS.
What are their motivations and intentions, Mr. Rashid? You don’t seem to mention them? Why not?
‘Jihadwatch’ makes more sense:
“Taleban threatens Peshawar, says peace negotiations with Pakistan are off”
“Well. A fine lot of good Pakistan’s efforts since 2006 to make peace with the Taliban have done. The Taliban certainly got what it wanted, but did anyone in Pakistan or elsewhere learn anything about negotiating with jihadists, or about Islamic teachings on calling for a truce?”
“Loud blasts ‘heard’ in Islamabad”
When the BBC has the full story, no doubt it will tell us that the murderous perpetrators were ‘militants’. Except that we know they are ISLAMIC JIHADISTS, our enemies, who want to kill us infidels, and who have immigrated into the UK, courtesy of Labour’s open-door ‘multiculturalist’ ideology.
The BBC TOADY SHOW are going mental in their efforts to spin for NuLabour!
Just why they think Hain, the crooked spiv who quit the regime in disgrace, has anything to say about a crooked regime that Hain supported for years is beyond me! A crooked and two faced spiv attacking companies for doing what our crooked two faced spiv regime encourages them to do is beyond parody?
TOADY on Northern Rock: Whats the point in looking back and pointing the finger of blame? Time to move forward innit? Only the Tories want to rake up some mud dont they? Yeah lets forgive and forget eh? no harm no foul innit? Lets look to the future cos NR is moving forward yeah to a better future under state control and its taxpayer money well spent innit?
Even when the BBC is reporting on itself, it seems to miss the main news aspect of the story.
Compare the BBC report with the ‘Telegraph’ report:
1.) BBC Report:
“Listed status bid for BBC centre”
2.)’Daily Telegraph’ Report:
“BBC Television Centre sale at risk as English Heritage consider listed status”
cant find this story on the bbc.
cant find it here either.
perhaps it’ll turn up later.
Yes, where is the BBC’s coverage of the repellent Hain’s police interview?
Hain, of course, is one of the liberal Left’s pinups and has been ever since he came to the UK to indulge in acts of vandalism and protest. Well, it was safer than doing it back home, in South Africa, wasn’t it?
No doubt there’s a good reason why the Corporation thinks we don’t need to know the cops are sniffing around him.
Must be one of those wise, experienced editorial decisions that BBC news editors are uniquely placed to make, as some halfwit on another thread was triyng to claim yesterday.
Just listening to BBC World News this morning:
Part of today’s “news”: Bush’s old press secretary, Scott McClellan, “has written a book” which criticizes Bush. They made the point that “nobody was more loyal to the president, blah blah blah”….
Only trouble is, this is not “news”. It was a story two or three weeks ago.
Those reliable “Palestinian sources” that the BBC trust so much:
BBC News 24 going big with the McLiebour crap about the NHS (which is of course a pile of steaming poo)
Sky going with the murder of yet another teenager. Of course the BBC want to ignore this story as the BBC keep spouting crap about how violent crime is decreasing.
Who gives a shit about what Nu Labour thinks about the NHS? The NHS is a joke. A bloated failed organisation that should be broken up and flogged off.
I had to laugh when the BBC showed some “chief nurse” who was rubbing her bare hand over parts of a ward (to check for dust?) then went and handled her PDA and touched numerous other objects. Hygiene? I think not.
I can’t find any refernce on the BBC news website to the allegations that LABOUR MP David Marshall has resigned as he’s been up to no good with his expenses.
Why might that be BBC?
The BBC ‘click’ report on the web is pushing the idea that bloggers are a threat to democracy and must be controlled, of course no blogger was asked to put a different opinion, perish the thought eh?. Bloggers are attacking and denying the CONsensus on global warming! So the Global warming believers have the TV media like the BBC sewn up and their dodgy psuedo science/mumbo jumbo gets uncritical airing BUT the net is another thing where free ideas and debate cannot be censored, so what does a global warming fanatic do when his half baked theories are destroyed on the only free media left? Well its simple innit? ban blogs that ‘deny’ global warming? Its pathetic that they pretend to be the victim when in fact they are nasty anti democratic fascists unable to tolerate dissent of any kind! I tell you the BBC want the blogging world muzzled and silenced because they know full well that their obvious lies are being picked apart and exposed to the light of reason and that is like a stake to heart of the beast isnt it? The blogosphere is now the only source of free and unbiased news left in the world and while this free media exists it is a mortal threat to the Nu lies N propaganda machine that is the BBC? These people are truly evil YES evil and they must be exposed as the fascists they are!
The BBC must have read 1984 and thought, Ooooh thats a good idea! The BBC misinformation campaign is worth nothing untill they can silence ALL opposition, sound familiar? The BBC does not allow people to debate their AGW mumbo jumbo because it would be picked apart in seconds, so they do what all fascists do when the light of truth and reason intrudes into their dark ideological corners, they try to put out the light!
I see NuLab are back to form with yet another review of the NHS, uncritically reported by the BBC, natch. It even has a 10 year plan!
What they don’t seem to have gathered though is that when the accent is on quality, i.e the survival prospects of patients, those who are less likely to survive will be right royally shafted. If a hospital gets fined every time a patient dies on the operating table then only those most likely to survive will get operations. For those with a 5% last chance of living out the night say ‘goodnight and die quietly in the carpark sunshine’.
How long before ambulance fails to turn up because they will be taking a ‘fine’ back to the hospital rather than a patient?
It’s like St Thomas’ in London repremanding a doctor for tending to a woman who had a herat attack across the street from the hospital. If she’d died the family might sue …
Makes me puke.
The BBC obviously loves Labours new ‘vision’ for the NHS. Its the lead story on all bulletins.
Other broadcasters are pretty much ignoring it. We’ve heard it all before.
Had to laugh. I don’t normally watch the “One Show” on BBC 1.
However, I caught a bit of it tonight. They had some thick beeboids doing a piece on the NHS.
“its all free you know” spouted the beeboid. Really I thought my taxes paid for it?
Then Adrian Chiles asked the beeboid “do you really think people in Australia, America and France are envious of the NHS?”
“Oh yes” spouts thick beeboid “Michael Moore made a film about the NHS you know”
Yes a movie that totally distored the NHS. In fact if you hadn’t known he was talking about the NHS you’d have never guessed.
Funny that on Sky Adam Boulton was highlighting that Broon was seen as more untrustworthy on the NHS than Cameron.
Not that the BBC would ever promote that.
BBC The One Show – improvements in life expectancy since 1948 can be attributed to the NHS.
US life expectancy 1948: 67.2, 2007: 78. Uk life expectancy 1948: 67, 2007: 78.7.
Deprived of a NHS, perhaps the improvement in the US is down to their record obesity levels?
Three reports, but with different information, on same story:
1.)BBC report:
“Sister’s tribute to ‘true angel'”
2.) Daily Mail report:
“‘He was a true angel'”
3.)’A View from the Right’ report:
“Another black on white murder in London”
With regard to the examiner giving two marks to the pupil who wrote “fuck off” (he’d have got three if he had added an exclamation mark), the BBC in their newspaper round-up thought that this might offend traditionalists. Presumably those people who don’t read The Guardian or The Independent and who don’t like bad language. Good grief.