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Jenni Murray previously of “Toady” and now on R4’s “Wimmin’s Hour” has outed herself as a leftwinger.
Not only that he admits giving “the rottweiler of the Conservative Party” Norman Tebbit a “combative turn during the interview” whilst with the “utterly charming” Tony Benn she “opened the programme with a long history of his credentials.”
Simply from her work, who can honest say they would have know her politics if she had not admitted it herself?
I am profoundly shocked.
George R | 30.06.08 – 7:59 pm |
I noticed only one of the articles you link to asked what was a 16 year-old doing in a pub at 2 AM. The BBC refuses to mention where the actual causes lay. The Mail at least gets around to mentioning violent teens at the end, but doesn’t question under-age children in pubs. Also, nobody, especially the BBC, seems to notice that this wouldn’t have happened if not for the late-license law change.
Cue the usual snorts and tut-tuts about how I’m just a puritanical United Statesian who can’t understand how mature, liberal societies behave, alcohol isn’t a taboo in Britain or some such, yes, I know.
Allowing scores of under-age teens into a pub late at night is just asking for trouble, even if most of them are nominally good kids. There are already gangs of roving troublemakers running around at that time of night, and this was more or less bound to happen. And the late-license law, so championed by the BBC, is partially responsible for this incident.
Will the BBC ever have anyone on, or quote anyone in a report with that point of view?
BBC nEws 24. Beeboids discuss the resignation of jock MP David Marshall. Due to ill health. No mention of any allegations of expenses fiddling. Why not BBC?
Jenni Murray previously of “Toady” and now on R4’s “Wimmin’s Hour” has outed herself as a leftwinger.
Yup – she spells it right out:-,
“I, though, was Left-wing, and found Benn utterly charming. I opened the programme with a long history of his credentials.”
In one sentence a woman, who has been a leading mainstay of the “impartial” BBC’s current affairs output for decades, shamelessly admits 1) she’s politically biased and 2) she allows her bias to influence her work.
As you say – unbelievable!
Any chance of making it a sidebar item David?
Freudian slip.
When I called Jenni Murray a “he” I of course meant “she”.
Murry is a vile, arrogant old harridan, long-regarded as close to sainthood within the BBC, on account of her Leftism and feminism.
She has been one of the Corporation’s prime propagandists for decades. She is, however, just one of many and one of the few who has finally owned-up to the bias with which she has consistently laced her work down the years.
No doubt, one of the BBC apologists will be along in a minute with the same old lies about the Corporation’s balance and integrity.
With regard to the examiner giving two marks to the pupil who wrote “fuck off” (he’d have got three if he had added an exclamation mark), the BBC in their newspaper round-up thought that this might offend traditionalists.
Ron Combo | Homepage | 30.06.08 – 8:21 pm
They spell it out on the news web site, perhaps they think the people that get their news from the internet are thicker skinned?
The pupil is reported to have written “fuck off”, and would have had another mark for adding an exclamation point.
I thought the the report was pretty fair…
An AQA spokeswoman said examiners were instructed to contact the board’s offices where they would be advised in accordance with the guidelines of the Joint Council for Qualifications, which represents exam boards.
She said: “As a result, an obscenity should either be disregarded, or action will be taken against the candidate, depending on the seriousness of the case.
“The example cited was unique in the experience of the senior examiner concerned and was used in a pre-training session to emphasise the importance of adhering to the mark scheme: i.e. if a candidate makes any sort of response to a question then it must be at least given consideration to be awarded a mark.
“We do not condone the use of obscenities in scripts: in the light of this incident we will be reviewing our instructions to examiners which will include reiterating the procedure to be followed when encountering obscenities in scripts.”
“Operation Cover-Up Brown’s Ass” in full swing on BBC News 24:
“Contrary to what you might read in the press…Labour remains financially afloat.”
Only in Beeb land, judging by the majority of the rest of the media.
Good news from Poland (but not for BBC).
The Lisbon Treaty is not, according to the BBC, a centralising, federalist, anti-nation state power, engrandising, undemocratic body. As the BBC propagandises it:
“The Lisbon Treaty is intended to streamline EU decision-making following enlargement of the bloc, creating a new EU president and foreign affairs chief.”
“Streamline” indeed.
‘Poland in new blow to EU treaty’
Apparently al Beeb is not particularly interested in giving the details of the crimes which any of those detained at Guantanamo are accused of.
This al Beeb report predictably spends much space criticising the US government, and only lightly outlines the crimes which the prisoner is accused of:
“The BBC’s Kevin Connolly in Washington says the military prosecutors have some significant hurdles to overcome in this case and others like it, however.”
‘USS Cole attack “plotter” charged’
To get a fuller picture of the crimes with which the accused is charged, suggest see ‘Miami Herald’ report below:
“Saudi detainee charged in USS Cole bombing”
I note the BBC has finally acknowledged the resignation of ZaNuLabour’s David Marshall – but only in so far as it has just announced the date for the by-election it creates.
Still, never mind, I’m sure Crick will have another Spellman story to play with in a day or so.
No bias there, oh, dear me, no!