The trouble with BBC bias lies not in finding it, but rather in avoiding it. Take the Today programme – please. I listened to it this morning for just twenty minutes from 7.05 t0 7.25 and was astounded by the series of propagandist items masquerading as news.
First up we had Islam, a BBC favourite. This time round we were treated to someone from the Muslim Council of Britain explaining how very important it was for government to fund a new board of Muslim thinkers, whilst not interfering with what they preach them in any way. But we can relax since these would be “moderate” Islamic preachers. Sure. No tough questions were asked of the MCB, as ever.
Next up we had the Government’s panic-driven decision to abandon its’ own already completely discredited fiscal rules served up to us as a necessary “relaxation” as we approach a new economic cycle. Gordon will have appreciated that one.
This was followed by an attack on the US exam marking company EDS. The BBC has been to the fore in the onslaught against this Aamerican organisation and its apparent failure to deliver results in a timely and accurate manner. At no point does the BBC see fit to examine the role of those in government who awarded the contract to EDS, how could it when it was so busy demonising the US outfit?
Next up, Nelson Mandela’s birthday. Yes, I thought we had got that one out of the way the other week when Saint Nelson moved amongst us but today is his official birthday and the BBC were keen to mark it. After this twenty minutes, I turned off.
I didn’t last that long.
Now they’re attacking an alcohol company for daring to create a can with more than the recommended daily allowance of alcohol. Oh gosh, perhaps we should have state administrators watching us drink and taking our beer away when we reach the government’s limit too?
I find that 15 minutes at a time is more than enough. What worries me is that many people get their news for the day from the Toady programme: whilst dressing, eating breakfast and travelling to work/the station. It’s basic brainwashing and we are paying for it.
BBC News 24 have just been in full defence of McBean’s re-writing of the golden rules.
“Well the Tories will have to raise taxes if they win the next election” sneered the Beedoid standing outside 11 Downing Street.
Ah, the Government has totally fucked up the economy but the only blame lies with theTories. I’m sure Maggie Thatcher will be gettin the blame later today.
That is the big point. It’s the brain-washing, the conditioning, the malign influence. Many people will accept what they hear as authentic objective news and THAT is where the BBC’s rela bias becomes both dangerous and offensive.
Have they released any breaking news on what Mr Mandela had for breakfast this morning?
The world needs to know
At the end of the Today programme Evan Davies did not understand the irony of his statement of “politicians and others armchair pundits” diatribe on knife violence – while undertaking yet another BBC Today interview with yet another knife crime expert.
I have found some refuge in BBC 3 but I suspect this will not be for long.
This morning a whiney voiced BBC World commentator was propogandizing Al Gore’s “speech to the American people” on getting America electrical power 100% into nuclear and sustainable energy in 10 years time.
She stated the American people may not like the cost of between 1.5 to 3 billion dollars.
How can they choose people who cannot understand a basic script mistake of billions for trillions?
She must have parents who are party card carriers.
Public service broadcasting in N Ireland.
Sorry it’s off topic but thought it would be of interest here.
This time round we were treated to someone from the Muslim Council of Britain explaining how very important it was for government to fund a new board of Muslim thinkers,
Let me guess, the BBCbot never suggested that it was wrong for the “government” to spend OUR frackin’ money extracted from us via TAXES, on “thinkers” from ANY “community.
I’d be right on that.
Why don’t the MCB beg for some of the BILLIONS being spent by Saudi Arabia to spread radical, terrorist leaning Islam around the globe.
Why don’t they go after charitable donations?
No … they want ME to pay for THEM. I guess that’s one fine old British tradition of socialist thievery Muslims find acceptable. Unlike Police Dogs.
All hail the Queen Mandela.
Like our dear old monarch, he has two birthdays, and one is “official.”
Lots of beeboids are mediocre.
Many are muddled, few are brave.
If pricked, they bleed.
If pushed, they fall.
If fired, they leave.
Pick em off one by one, or en masse. Whatever is easiest.
They’ve done too much harm already.
Time to be rid of them.
Whatever it takes.
The Today programme is the cornerstone of the BBC as we know it. Somehow – at I still can’t work out how – millions of people, right-thinking and Right-thinking, tune their radios into the Today programme, and listen unquestioningly.
Why? Is it the time of the morning? Is it the faith that many people still have in the BBC? Is it that curious syndrome whereby people have Radio 4 on in the background, but don’t actually listen to it?
If there was just one target we could choose, to take all our firepower, it would have to be the Today programme. Bring it down – expose it, ridicule it, discredit it – and the whole of the BBC would follow.
Never listen to Toady myself, dreadful programme but always pleased to read this blog to see what rubbish they’re running. I listen to Radio 3, which in itself is iffy if your’re a classical music lover and this morning even on there you couldn’t avoid St Mandela, they had to mention it and to celebrate (sic) played a record of a South African choir – not music I like anyway.
The other night on one of the propagandist “news” programmes we had an overpaid Beeboid anchor (I think Kirsty Squawk) handing over to another overpaid Beeboid correspondent (I think John “Fatty” Simpson) interviewing ANOTHER overpaid BBC hackette.
Their arrogance simply amazes you!
“Let me guess, the BBCbot never suggested that it was wrong for the “government” to spend OUR frackin’ money extracted from us via TAXES, on “thinkers” from ANY “community.
I’d be right on that.”
Why would he, when the programme was clear they were getting expenses only?
Why would he, when the programme was clear they were getting expenses only?
Anonymous | 18.07.08 – 11:47 am | #
“This time round we were treated to someone from the Muslim Council of Britain explaining how very important it was for government to fund a new board of Muslim thinkers”
What are you talking about?
Its the knee-jerk assumptions made by BBC presenters that give the whole game away, dozens of tiny examples of Leftist Groupthink every day.
Last night BBC R2 Radcliffe & Maconie. During a discussion on the music of the Billy Joel song Allentown, Maconie helpfully informs us that is was written in support of the steelworkers who were being made redundant by Ronald Reagan, later on a caller pointed out that Allentown was written in 1978, Reagan elected in 1980.
Maconie corrected this on air but it is unimaginable that he might have said “…..during the layoffs of the Carter years”.
Rebecca Plke , business reported on BBC R2 Chris Evans show is a case study in smug State employee metropolitan nonsence. Always shilling for higher taxes and more government she said this week that “the consensus is that we must all pay more for energy to combat climate change”
Is it really?
Tiny examples I know, but there are thousands a week.
Yes, Today’s edition was probably a new low even for them. Not on the outrage or bias factor, just on the bored, oh-my-god can’t you talk about anything else level. It’s tedious to listen to these dregs of a particular viewpoint offered up as fresh every morning – can you imagine the profound soul-destroying tedium of working on the programme? Even Naughtie must feel like water circling the same plughole morning after morning after morning. . .
At least we can turn off: they’ve got themselves for life!
more news straight from the ministry of truth…
It is largely the Labour government which has got UK society into this mess of what Labour now sees only as a problem of Muslim ‘extremists’; of course, the problem is directly related to Labour’s stealth ‘policy’ of mass immigration, which continues. How many more Islamic jihadis and their supporters will Labour allow in, through its, and the EU’s open-door policy, and support for Turkey’s entry to EU?
Labour, aided by the ‘Left’, inc. the BBC’s ‘diversity’ daydream, is now throwing our taxpayers’ money at the Islam problem (how much money? And to whom? And why?).
Neither Labour (nor the BBC) understands the nature of the Islam problem. It should seek the advice of ex-Muslims and knowledgeable non-Muslim critics, not that of Muslims or dhimmis.
“Muslims are not the new Jews – Infidels (but especially the Jews) are the new Jews” (Hugh Fitzgerald)
I was wondering if any of the Beeboids out there could a couple of questions…
Today we have learnt that Gordon Brown refused to co-operate with a Charity commission investigation into the pro-Labour Smith Institute.
a) Why is this rather salient fact buried in the final paragraph of the BBC on-line story?
b) Why isn’t this story on the TV news? Remember a serving PM has refused to answer questions posed by the charity commission. Surely a BBC journalist might have found the time to ring up Downing Street and ask – why?
Or does the BBC think that the public are not interested in what our PM get’s up to?
“The government is considering changing the fiscal rules to counter the effects of the worldwide economic slowdown”.
“The government may be forced to abandon its own fiscal rules due to over a decade of economic mismanagement”.
Two different ways of reporting this morning’s news, one which pretty much absolves government completely, the other puts the blame firmly where some people believe it belongs. Guess which one the BBC used for its headlines.
George R: Spot on. Just how much time and effort is the Government having to spend keeping the lid on the lunatic Muslims in our society? Just how many more 7/7’s could we have had?
Jonathan: Your’e aving a laugh. The BBC investigate Nu Labour?
Peter Hain anyone?
Blears, Labour and BBC, start here:-
“Islam: What the West Needs to Know”
(full-length video)
Open Thread seems to be full, so forgive posting here:
Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate:
…That would be the American Physical Society, poisonous spawn of the Great Satan, Booosh, Trilateral Commission, Thetans etc. etc.
It represents about 50,000 US physicists but, hey, they know nothing.
The BBC’s got that Harrabin oracle thingy, right? We’ll hear from him any moment, I expect.
“Michael Taylor:
Can you imagine the profound soul-destroying tedium of working on the programme? Even Naughtie must feel like water circling the same plughole morning after morning after morning. . .
At least we can turn off: they’ve got themselves for life!”
I’m sorry? sympathy for Naughtie and his loathesome ilk? You jest, surely!
Naughtie, as in, “when we win the election…”
Martin: It’s not me who’s having a laugh, it’s the BBC and their apologists.
So come on then Mr Reith & Co – why is Gordon Brown’s failure to answer questions from a Charity Commission investigation not worthy of a mention on the TV news? And why has this salient fact been relegated to the final paragraph of the on-line story?
World at One today had another set of mantras from the puppet Darling.
Subtext reads – my boss has not made up his mind yet, but when he does I will tell you about it myself.
He states our debt is lower than any major country in Europe and no person ever picks him up on this and certainly no BBC “economist” asks him what % of revenue our debt is IF the PFI debts are added to the accounts, as they will have to be later this year.
Chuffer, c’mon man, where’s your human charity. Allow yourself to feel sorry for them. Working at the BBC condemns you to a life of mental sterility, intellectual infantilism and profound lasting ignorance of the world in which you live. And, increasingly, the contempt of your fellow man.
All they’ve got left to maintain their threatened egos is the power to whine on incessantly, insulting the intelligence of their increasingly angry audience. And even that power is going, leaching away from them faster than even we can tell.
The last bill we’ll be paying for today’s crop of Beeboids won’t be their pensions, it’ll be for their lithium, depression pills, psychotherapy etc as they measure up to the complete failure of their worldview, and the utter waste of their lives that went into maintaining it so long.
So have some charity Chuffer. They are annoying and worldview and journalistic practice is every bit as pernicious as you know it. But more importantly, they’re a sad bunch, getting sadder, and pretty soon now will be the saddest of the lot.
Jonathan: They’ll probably investigate Caroline Spelman again. Perhaps she was involved as well?
knacker: I’ll have you know that St Roger Harrabin has a degree in English. At the BBC that makes you an expert on everything.
It was people with a degree in English that invented the rocket that took us to the Moon, invented the Internet and cured Cancer.
Didn’t you know that? All those sicence thingy people (those are the ones who study at University and don’t get pissed on £1 a pint snakebite or go on demo’s every 5 minutes) know jack shit.
Just like Mark Easton is an expert on crime. How many years did he spend in the Police? What was that? None.
Great post in the Telegraph today on an editorial about rising fuel prices:
The Global Warming Obsession is simply a chattering class shibboleth. The situation for the poor in this country is too serious for the government to pay any further attention to this nonsense. Scientists such as myself treat with utter contempt the notion that a system as complex as climate change could be mainly driven by industrial carbon. The idea is simply too silly for words and could only be believed by clowns such as Al Gore and various defunct poop singers.
Posted by Dr John Cameron on July 18, 2008 3:07 PM
The only thing that Dr Cameron omitted was that the clowns include the BBC.
So all the serious press are covering the impending enconomic catastophe. The Telegraph leads with:
Brown loses grip on economy amid deficit
What does the BBC dish up on their web site.
Five reasons to be cheerful amid the gloom
With, of course, the predictable postings fromBBC/Labour supporters in denial.
”to fund a new board of Muslim thinkers”
AKA Jizya or Danegeld
”The only thing that Dr Cameron omitted was that the clowns include the BBC.”
And his namesake David
TPO | 18.07.08 – 4:32 pm | #
Five reasons to be cheerful amid the gloom
I guess Al Beeboids would say the same thing to someone who gets his head cut off my Al Qaeda. “Hey, it ain’t that bad, mate! Always look on the bright side of life.”
Make that “by Al Qaeda”… if this headline doesn’t prove Al Beeb are the propaganda arm of NuLab I don’t know what will. Shameful and sickening.
It will be a happy day when Mandela the murderous old commie falls off his perch…just like arafat, a big outpouring of lefty grief then left to rot in peace…fantastic!
Cassandrina: According to The Office of National Statistics, this countries debt is already running at 43.1% of GDP, because of the Northern Rock debacle.
Moreover, without miraculously discovering that the current economic cycle had actually begun later than everyone (including them) had previously thought – Brown would have broken the 40% rule, two years ago. Thankfully, this dicovery was made in the nick of time i.e. just before the budget.
Yet, despite all of the above, BBC commentators still allow Brown, Darling & Co to claim that they have kept to the 40% borrowing limit. Why not challenge them? And if they fail to concede the point, do a Paxman. He didn’t mind shafting Howard when he wouldn’t answer a question. So why not give NuLabour Ministers the same treatment?
Add in PFI (as you say) and a whole host of other off-balance sheet borrowings that would make the avarage Enron executive blush and the situation becomes even more ridiculous.
So we come to today, when everyone knows that even with the fiddled figures borrowing will top 40% in the autumn, and what does the BBC do? It allows the GVN to peddle the line that it is considering relaxing the Golden rule just as it had always intended to do.
And the Beeboids lap it up without question. Priceless, absolutely bloody priceless!
Many of us can remember the last days of the Major government when the BBC airwaves were stuffed with labour talking heads rubbishing everything the Tories did – wouldn’t it be nice to see Broon and his band of tossers getting similar treament? Some hope.
I despair of the BBC as much as I despise them!
Jonathan: You will find the city lost faith in Broon’s 40% golden rule a long time ago.
The BBC will hold the line so long as that £3.5 billion free lunch keeps rolling in.
David Hearnshaw
Nothings changed mate, that bloke from the Dragons Den , who presents Today, was at pains to point out everything bad that happened to the economy under the Tories. Funny how nobody goes back a little bit further to the real mess of 1976-1979 innit?
The BBC is paid for with money forcibly confiscated from the British public. Those who infect and infest the BBC are paid lock stock and barrel from funds confiscated forcibly from the British public.
Policies, practices and opinions of the BBC favor their MOMMY, that is the goverment who forcibly confiscated the mothers milk that the BBC drinks, from the British public.
This mirrors EXACTLY the bias that NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO has in the U.S.
Liberals love taxes. Liberals control the BBC and NPR.
You may pay for it thank you very much, and keep your effing mouth shut.
Still a Beeboid, Natasha Kaplinski has a personal tribute to Mandela on Channel 5 News. Mandela was jailed for life for “plotting the overthrow of the white South African government”. No need to mention the violent means that “plotting” took.
For Labour, Blears and the BBC:
“Government moves towards state-sponsored Islam”
(by Cranmer)
“And suddenly, with the language of supremacy, what they ‘have made clear’, the ‘them and us’ distinction, with the assertion of the possessive pronoun, one detects a hint, just a hint, of the Dar al-Harb giving way to the Dar al-Islam, and the Government becomes complicit in the construction of the Dar al-amn • the house of security • which it will be obliged to support in perpetuity.”
” Canoe wife denies ‘pathetic’ lies ”
What the hell is a “canoe wife”? The BBC and its use of the English language is apauling.
“Welsh Culture Minister Rhodri Glyn Thomas has resigned after claims he walked in to a pub holding a lit cigar.”
And the BBc can’t see why this is so silly. Could you have imagined 10 years ago that someone would have to resign because of something like this?
But to the BBC its probably very seriuos.
Use of the English language.
Agreed but your spelling is atroshus.
quite right – but I have relatives who were farmers.
“The n00bish and wrong way to spell the word ‘appalling’. Studies have shown that farmers are among the worst spellers of this word. “