I’m just watching Newsnight onBBC2 and there is a discussion on the image of China and on the studio panel who else is there but the malignant Red Ken Livingstone. Does he now work full-time for the BBC as he seems a permanent fixture since the people of London rejected him? Maybe he is testing the water for a run as Mayor of Beijing? Ken was there in his unofficial capacity as goodwill ambassador for the tyrants that run China and he was quick to point out there is little if any oppression in China. He complained that only 30 years ago communists in the UK were treated just as badly!!! Newsnight has produced its own timely poll which shows British people having a positive impression of China. So all is well, nothing to see here as regards outrageous breaches of human rights, move along and just don’t mention Tibet…. you’ve been warned.
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Start the Week 10th March 2025
The guy on the left is saying: WE OWN YOU, CHARLIE BOY. Guy on the right is saying: Allahu Akbar,…