. They just love him, don’t they? I refer to Vladimir Putin and the BBC. I was watching the 10 Ten O Clock news and the BBC was slobbering over the communist thug and his all powerful command of what is happening in Georgia. Then we were presented with the revelation that only the French diplomats can save the day! My god, what next – the Belgium army to act as peace-keepers? Of course what REALLY concerns me is that the curious lack of street demos from the “anti-war peace activists” who infested our streets when we toppled the butcher of Baghdad. But now Putin is using power to bully and crush..ssssshhhh, say nothing and the BBC will ask no tricky questions. Now, back to the Olympics and leave the French to sort it all out… just another rainy night in Georgia.
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Naturally it is the Fwench that know what to do in these situations.
Indeed the threat level in Fwance has been raised from Hide to Run. The highest level Collaborate is thought not necessary at the moment but they have that immediately available just in case.
Why would the left protest? They blame America for this situation.
The left love Russia and would hope that Putrid would keep coming and send his army all the way through to the streets of London.
Of course Georgia could have been saved if they’d had nukes from the west. Then Putrid would have done jack shit.
This Commie shit has been taking the piss.
First he poison’s someone on our streets with radioactive material (that alone should have been reason enough to throw all the Russian diplomants out of the UK)
Then he sends his bombers to fly into our airspace. I’ve said this before that the RAF should not intercept these bombers unless they actually chance their arm to enter our airspace. Once they do that, the bombers should be shot down. The commie shits shot down a Japan airliner a few years back and the west did nothing.
Putrid is a wanker. I’d happily supply nukes to Poland and the other eastern european Countries.
Then see Russia try to bully them.
From the other thread:
Emily Maitless has just accused the Russian propoganda over Georgia as being “something that would make George Orwell Proud”
So which is it? Is the BBC biased towards Russia, or towards Georgia.
B-BBC seems to be having it both ways.
Of course the protesters and the BBC are keeping quiet in fraternal solidarity,they are socialists after all.
Interestingly all the Russo Trolls stopped commenting,just like a tap being turned off.
Perhaps the absence of demonstrators on our streets reflects the fact that Mr Putin is leader of Russia, not of the UK, and that unlike during the Iraq war our government is not sending our troops into this conflict in our name.
Fairly simple, surely?
That is of course excluding the islamic protestors, who operated under a quite different thought process.
henryflower: So why so many protests about Israel then?
Oh and why did the bearded fuckwits take ot he streets of London to protest about some silly cartoons that were not even published in the UK?
Where were the million protestors when we were bombing Serbia? Those blasted lefties must be in support of NATO.
Nice lnguage by the way, Martin.
Martin – I would draw a distinction between the normal logic behind protests, and those involving anything to do with Islam/Israel. It is quite obvious that a whole different game is being played there.
henryflower? I would agree with you there. But many of the protesters are anti war generally, not just UK involvement.
I haven’t seen or heard a single comment from the ‘usual suspects’
Of even more interest to me is the absence of a frontpage editorial on the Independent demanding as a matter of moral urgency that our government pressure the Russians to stop their offensive immediately. Is war a moral unacceptability to the Indy only when Israel wages it?
henryflower: The west has allowed Putrid to murder tens of thousands in Chechnya.
If you compare the amount of bile that Israel has poured on it compared to Russia and the slaughter it’s been up to for the last 10 years there is no comparison.
Israel is a convenient pressure valve for Governments around the world.
If in doubt atack the Jews, meanwhile Putrid goes about his slaughter.
Here is what the pro Ruski BBC isn’t telling you
Russia and Georgia rattle sabres
Apr 30th 2008
From Economist.com
GEORGIA and Russia agree upon one thing: the situation in the breakaway province of Abkhazia is bad and getting worse. Georgia, an ex-Soviet republic with close links to America, says that Russia is illegally putting more troops in the region. Last week it produced video footage of what looks like a Russian warplane shooting down an unmanned Georgian surveillance drone. Russia retorts that its troops are deployed legally as peacekeepers. And the Kremlin says that it is the Georgian authorities who have been acting provocatively, by increasing their military presence in the Kodori Gorge, a small bit of Abkhazia still controlled by the central government in Tbilisi.
The most pessimistic interpretation is that the Kremlin, having decided that the West is too divided and distracted to care about Georgia, is increasing the pressure in order to destabilise its small neighbour and perhaps replace the current rulers with a more pro-Russian lot. If so, one should fear serious bloodshed. The latest shenanigans started shortly after a NATO summit in Bucharest, in early April, where Germany and others blocked an American attempt to give Georgia, as well as Ukraine, a clear path towards membership of the Western military alliance. Georgia is threatening to block Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organisation.
The outside world so far has taken neither the Georgian nor the Russian version of events at face value. Georgia has something of a reputation for crying wolf about Russian intentions. The Kremlin has in the past made groundless claims about Georgian misbehaviour. Either side could be increasing tension for its own domestic political reasons.
The Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili, is facing a strident opposition that regards him as a corrupt and eccentric autocrat. A strong statesmanlike stance against Russia may help him to keep them at bay in the parliamentary elections on May 21st. And a confrontation with Russia may help to distract his foreign critics, who care a lot about democracy but even more about defending Georgia from Russian mischief-making.
More conspiratorially, it could be that hardliners in Moscow would welcome confrontation with Georgia to set the tone for the new presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, a man they regard as a poor substitute for the hawkish Vladimir Putin. Mr Medvedev takes office next week.
Yet even if either side (or both) is overstating the case, the Caucasus is too flammable a place to be ignored. Georgia is an important link in the energy corridor that connects the oil-rich Caspian region with the outside world. Europe would like that to become a route for gas exports too.
NATO said on Wednesday April 30th that it is watching Russia’s troop build-up “with concern”. Both the alliance and the European Union have blamed the Kremlin for raising tensions. NATO ambassadors met David Bakradze, a senior Georgian politician, in Brussels on Monday. But to Georgia’s backers at least, Western support looks pretty limp. The only practical move that NATO could agree upon was to send representatives to visit Georgia—by the end of the year. As a foreign minister from another ex-communist country notes, “Georgia is not formally an ally” of the West. The minister is privately sympathetic to the Georgians’ plight, but is pessimistic about their prospects.
It is hard to see an easy way out. Georgia recently offered Abkhazia a deal that included full autonomy, a veto on legislation and constitutional changes and a guaranteed position as vice-president. But that has probably come too late.
The big question is how far Russia will push. It has stopped short of formal diplomatic recognition of Abkhazia and another smaller breakaway statelet called South Ossetia (see map). But on April 16th a presidential decree established formal legal ties with both places. That may have been merely a symbolic reaction to the West’s recognition of Kosovo, which Russia saw as a gross breach of the territorial integrity of its ally, Serbia. Or it may prove a prelude to the de facto annexation of both territories, as Georgia claims. If Russia overplays its hand, it could find that the outside world sharply questions the legitimacy of its peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia. Critics have long referred to them as “piece-keepers”. That may prove to have been a prescient bit of mockery.
Before we point fingers at the people who don’t support our mindset. It would help if we look to the past in which to find an explanation for now.
“Israel is a convenient pressure valve for Governments around the world.
If in doubt atack the Jews, meanwhile Putrid goes about his slaughter.
Martin | 11.08.08 – 11:07 pm”
Does the US give Russia military aid?
Israel should be happy with the generous open cheques it does get from the US.
The lefties over here are using this as an opportunity to roll eyes at Bush and McCain and “cowboy tactics”, insisting this is a job for the Messiah.
I am listening to AM radio right now, and even though soundslike he wants to puke –
On my part, an ally is an ally is an ally. Against world opinion the Georgians stood up with us. I say we get there PDQ, five minutes ago, and whip some ass. Putin needs putin’ his place.
Anonymous | 11.08.08 – 10:50 pm |
Maitlis was being specific about certain “newspeak”. It was an utterly odd and wrong comment, Orwell would have been anything but “proud”.
John Bull: So presumably you’d be happy to see the bushy bearded fuckwits drive the Jews into the sea?
The Messiah reckons the UN security council can sort it out. I wonder if he knows the ID of those nations that sit on it because there may be a little problem….
The Messiah reckons a lot. As soon as he gets done traveling the 57 states, he’ll tell us his mind boggling opinion.
We wait with baited breath…
john bull.
No doubt Israel IS happy and grateful at the financial support it receives from the US. Your point is?
Incidentally, would you prefer Israelis to scream maniacally while burning the US flag, as citizens in many other countries who receive US financial aid do?
I presume from your tone, also, that Israel is the ONLY beneficiary of US assistance whose cheques you would describe as “open”. Because that is standard anti-semitic garbage. It is, John, Bull.
“John Bull: So presumably you’d be happy to see the bushy bearded fuckwits drive the Jews into the sea?
Martin | 11.08.08 – 11:20 pm”
No, you’re absolutely wrong. And since when was swearing in every other post the done thing on this site?
This evening the BBC News 24 had huge headlines shouting out that no Russians were in Gori.
(They rang somebody up)
Fine I can live with that.
But at the moment every man and his hack are saying otherwise. Me I’m off to bed and at around 6pm tomorrow (When I get back) I will know if the BBC has been telling the truth.
Does anybody remember the event that led up to the Nazi occupation of Europe? No. The leading events here, too, are moot.
This is not a morally ambiguois situation.
Russia means to get you, Europe, by the nads. Comrade.
“Does the US give Russia military aid?”
Yes it cleaned up Russia’s defeat in Afghanistan.
John Bull | 11.08.08 – 10:57 pm |
Where were the million protestors when we were bombing Serbia? Those blasted lefties must be in support of NATO.
Bush wasn’t President then. No problem. The blasted Leftoids are not anti-war, just anti-certain wars, involving certain people. There can be no mistake about that.
They are actually very much pro-war when certain people are on the receiving end.
John Bull: When it comes to the bushy bearded people, I’ll call them what I like.
Newsnight twice stated “Georgia proper”, presumably this means the BBC consider South Ossetia, Abkhazia and any other territory “disputed” by Russia as being improperly held by Georgia? So the borders of Georgia, internationally recognised by the UN and EU, are not “proper”?
In the same way that Muslims trump gays in the BBC pecking order it looks as if Russia supercedes the intergovernmental organs it usually swoons over. In a way this is a more honest outlook than usual for the BBC. Yet, the BBC would never think of framing a story this way if it were America, Israel or Britain involved in conflict.
On the radio just now someone likened the pacifists and those claiming the messiah can fix it all with a wave of his hand to…Neville Chamberlain, the expert in the politics of cowardice.
Somebody say ouch!!
John Bull wrote;
“Does the US give Russia military aid?
Yes. Have a look who’s has been spending cash ($3 Billion) in which to dismantle Russia’s nuclear arsenal.
Not only that but the Uk/Norway and Germany have been doing so as well.
If that doesn’t account for military Aid I don’t know what is.
You guys are just nuts. The BBC’s reporting on this is NOT biased. How the hell can you see it that way? Georgia say one thing, Russia say the other. I was home most of this morning and it was the Georgian president who had the lion’s share of commentary. I saw the News at Ten and it was – if anything – uninformed. No one seems to know the full story. The only sites quoted so far are waaaayyy more biased than the BBC (and no, the forced licence fee payment isn’t the issue — it’s quality of reporting).
And you’re really clutching at straws with the George Orwell semantics. I’m sure a correction to the tune of “The fictional government in George Orwell’s “1984” would be proud” would somehow generate more nonsensical drivel too.
Look, I agree that the BBC is so afraid of Islam it often appears biased against Israel, and that it dismisses climate change deniers as odd eccentrics, but this thread is just making you out to be idiots.
As for the comments about leftie protesters not taking to the streets, it’s a mere three days into the invasion. You can bet there will be some measure of protest in the coming weeks, but it takes time to organise something like that. The muslim comic-strip protesters didn’t just read the newspaper and simultaneously take to the streets en masse. It was organised – ORCHESTRATED – over several months. The anti-Iraq invasion took place on (virtually) the eve of war after months of speculation.
It’s idiotic to suggest “they” are hypocrites.
And the USa has been pumping millions into the Russian space agency for years.
It does make you wonder what on Earth will happen withe International Space Station.
Once the shuttle is pensioned off it will be years before its replacement comes along.
The USA will be totally reliant on the Russians for getting their crews up and down.
If things keep going as they are the Americans will have to think again.
Then why don’t they give Israel money to dismantle its nuclear arsenal? Good for the gander me thinks.
Devil’s Advocate: Hang on a minute. Who is behind all this? Vlad the Impaler.
The BBC has launched personal attack after attack on George Bush, yet Putrid has personally bloodied his hands in Chechnya and now Georgia, yet to the BBC Putrid is only trying to restore Russian pride (by slaughtering thousands) and so is a good guy really.
God help us if McBean thinks that slaughtering a few thousand might make him popular again.
Devil’s Advocate, you made the mistake of coming here and talking sense. You will soon be dismissed as the devil himself and a commie, or FSB.
The babble regarding BBC bias on this issue is nonsense. If you want anything that doesn’t favour Georgia and Georgian spokesmen then try Sky News.
What a pathetic shower it is that leads the UK. Al-Beeb was pushing the line on Newsnight(News-Shite) that the Georgian people are turning against Saakashvili for “the adventure into South Ossetia.” Drawing a moral equivalence between the two combatants.
There was also a young dickhead in a risk consultancy emphasising the “instability” of Georgia as a putative NATO ally.
Yeah Beeb, present people with “the facts” and let them draw the inferences you want them to have.
Then some pathetic little NuLab apparatchik who happens to be a Foreign Office minister was on there saying, “there is no military solution to this problem.”
What utter fucking crap. There is a military solution and it’s being imposed by the Russians.
As for Georgians turning against Saakashvili. Well yes, Georgian friends of mine do think he’s an idiot. And he seems to have led his country into a Russian trap, though we’ll find out the truth of this one day.
But Saakashvili is an idiot who can be removed democratically, unlike the bogus elections in Russia and its few allies.
It certainly does not mean that Georgians like the Russians. They’ve had shit from them for over 200 years and hate them.
I work as an election consultant, taking part in missions in the Balkans and other parts of eastern Europe and the Caucasus.
I was in Georgia when it was governed by the Moscow-leaning Eduard Shevardnadze. I’d never seen such a nasty, gim-crack corrupt little dictatorship.
And I’ve been to Georgia since their democratic revolution. The difference has been enormous. While not perfect (like is our democracy perfect?)the Georgian people now have trust in their police, they have recourse to proper law courts to right wrongs and most important of all, they have a free media and lawfully-run elections when they can remove an unpopular government.
The Russians detest this. I’ve also run into Russian so-called “election experts” who’ll certify a bunch of arseholes as a properly elected government if they are allied to Moscow, viz. Ukraine before their revolution and Belarus today.
Sorry people – I may sound as if I’m going over the top here, but I’ve seen these and experienced these things at first hand.
And we are doing nothing. A policy of course supported by al-Beeb – the arseholes friend.
John Bull: Oh I see, you’re another Jew hater.
Welcome. Been licking Galloway’s arse have we? Taste nice did it?
“and most important of all, they have a free media and lawfully-run elections Albert the Cat | 11.08.08 – 11:43 pm”
Apart from when Saakashvili has his special forces invading TV newsrooms, taking channels off the air, pushing around news editors and confiscating their equipment.
Even then he will become unpopular because the Georgians know he attacked South Ossetia (despite what I have heard of his blocking internet access to Russian websites for his own people).
Martin, keep your bile to yourself. I answered your more civil question, but your foul mouthed attacks are disgusting.
I repeat: ‘Devil’s Advocate’ is a transmit only troll.
John Bull:
Yes, true. But the difference for the past five years has been that Georgian civil society has grown enormously and any government that becomes unpopular can be lawfully removed through properly-run elections.
I have worked in the country and reiterate that I saw Georgia before the revolution and then afterwards. It’s my professional specialism.
If you’ve seen dictatorships at first hand and how they operate, then you would agree with me.
The BBC keeps trying to blame this war on NATO, saying that NATO expansion outrages Russia and so Russia are justified in invading Georgia. Funny how the BBC are reticent about the EU wanting to expand in to Georgia too. Maybe the Russians are totally happy for the EU to expand into Georgia, Ukraine etc? Or maybe it’s because the BBC don’t want the EU to get any blame for this because they are biased in favour of the EU and biased against NATO.
The BBC producers must be saying “shh! don’t mention EU expansion, only mention NATO”
John Bull – any answer or retraction? Is Israel the ONLY recipient of American aid whose cheques are “open” cheques?
Ignoring that question leaves people free to make assumptions about you to which you may later object. It can be so hard to distinguish genuine anti-semites from those who merely say all the things anti-semites say, without – you know – actually being anti-semites…
Please do clarify – in what sense is Israel’s cheque “open”?
henryflower: John Bull is one of those that every time the left see their mates crapping on people, they try to distract attention back to those ‘evil joos’
Vlad the Impaler is a nasty piece of work. Anyone can see that.
But like I said it’s the old George Galloway trick. Always bring it back to the Jews.
They are like a stuck record.
The simple truth about lefties not protesting this war is that they don’t give a flying f**k when the victims have white skin.
Protesting wars against countries inhabited by “people of colour” is a favorite theme of white leftists. Their perception of the world is one in which indigenous non-whites are perpetually oppressed by capitalist white invaders, and it’s up to them to stand up for these poor, downtrodden and defenseless victims. In their eyes, brown people NEED white leftists to save them from the “bad whites”.
Whites can of course look after themselves, no protection or outrage from the left needed. That’s why they didn’t line the streets to protest 9/11. The intended targets were American capitalists, the aggressors poor downtrodden brown people “fighting back”.
There are no brown people being shelled in Georgia, so no need for a fuss.
Putin’s played a canny hand here.
First he provokes an attack, then he kicks ass.
More Bismarck 1870 than Munich 1938, I think.
Putin’s a patriotic Russian doing what he thinks is in Russia’s national interest. I wish we had a leader like him.
“john bull.
No doubt Israel IS happy and grateful at the financial support it receives from the US. Your point is?
Incidentally, would you prefer Israelis to scream maniacally while burning the US flag, as citizens in many other countries who receive US financial aid do?
I presume from your tone, also, that Israel is the ONLY beneficiary of US assistance whose cheques you would describe as “open”. Because that is standard anti-semitic garbage. It is, John, Bull.”
Totally agree the US have given Russia over $48.2 billion in aid over the last ten years, and this does not include cleaning up their nuclear mess.
C.f. the other thread
Hi ya Bully-boy
“John Bull:
“It would seem that Georgian defence spending was right I mean to say the massive Russian invasion would seem to prove that it was prudent to spend money to defend oneself against Russian aggression. …Do you honestly, truly, think that Georgia should not be encouraged in its ‘military ambitions’ Ivan3 | 11.08.08 – 4:35 pm”
Is that the best you can do? To misquote me. That’s pretty weak. You must try better, really. What I actually said was
“Do you honestly, truly, think that Georgia should not be encouraged in its ‘military ambitions’…that is defending itself as a democratic, western looking state against a corrupt, aggressive state which has destroyed freedom of speech, a free press, has political prisoners and murders dissenters, etc., in order to support a fascist leadership?”
So you think it’s wrong to defend yourself? Do you think that it was right for Russia to defend itself against German aggression when it was invaded? It is the same thing.
It is justifiable to DEFEND yourself against an invasion, it was justifiable for Russia in WW2, and it is justifiable in Georgia now.
“No. Since their nationalist ambitions were clearly to retake Ossetia, reunite the country, and then join NATO as one happy family – big error”
South Ossetia is legally part of Georgia. It is not part of Russia. Any state has the legal right to send its military forces into any part of their state. Any state has the legal right to take military action against insurgents. That is international law.
NATO is an organisation with its flaws, any organisation or group has its flaws, but I tell you what petal the members are lot happier today than they where yesterday that for sure. Do you think heroic Russia would have invaded if Georgia was a member? Of course not bullies only attack the weak, and the small.
Since you are so keen on human rights you will obviously condemn in the strongest terms the actions of the Russians who have killed 200,000 people in Chechnya, and at least the same number forced out in Russian ethnic cleansing this accounts to nearly 50 of the total population…..wont you?
Still there are plenty of areas in Russia, who want independence, no doubt you support them all, I mean if they can rig a referendum, or even, (you never know!!!) have a fair one, you will support the liberation and independence of all the following
• Adygea
• Bashkortostan
• Chechnya
• Chuvashia
• Dagestan
• Don Cossackia
• Ingria, Izhoria
• Kabardino-Balkaria
• Kaliningrad Oblast
• Kalmykia
• Karachay-Cherkessia
• Karelia
• Komi
• Kuban Cossackia
• Mari El Northern Ossetia
• Mordovia
• Sami
• Tatarstan
• Udmurtia
• Ural
• Vepsia
• Votia
I mean you are so keen on the rights of self-determination you would support their rights. Who knows, China could grant them all passports and could send ‘peacekeepers’ to defend their nationals against Russian atrocities. The fact that China would gain territory, massive oil, gas, and natural resources would be a happy coincidence.
“The hypocrisy on here belongs to yourself and others who use the dead, the dying, and the misplaced (the ones they acknowledge) only as propaganda tools in their equally unprincipled arguments.”
People are dying now. It is only just that people in a democracy defend themselves and their family’s from being killed by invaders. Georgia posed no threat to its neighbours… Russia does.
There is only one tool here sweet-cheeks and it’s you.
We are entitled to help a democratic state defend itself, but as I’ve said we don’t have to kill anyone. This is lucky. All we have to do is stop buying oil and gas from Russia. No one dies and the new government would be put in place. I mean Russia says it wants regime change in Georgia it is only fair we go for regime change in Russia, don’t you agree?
A point that may be of interest here. Georgia has a border with Iran. Maybe it suits Russia and perhaps ,whatever is said in public, the US as well to have a well equiped army on Iran’s frontier. Iran threatens to destabalise the whole middle East and the Caucasus. Perhaps this is all about something else. I may be wrong but I do not see Russia and the US as necessarily on opposite sides. Cynical I know but this is the way the New World order could see it. As to the BBC reporting – confusing but hardly biased. It is confusing.
dave s:
“Iran threatens to destabalise the whole middle East and the Caucasus. Perhaps this is all about something else. I may be wrong but I do not see Russia and the US as necessarily on opposite sides.”
Conspiracy theories are every body’s out.
I assure my president sees us on opposite sides. See his speech today – he said things quite simliar just before socking old SoDamInsane in the
“Do you honestly, truly, think that Georgia should not be encouraged in its ‘military ambitions’…that is defending itself as a democratic, western looking state against a corrupt, aggressive state which has destroyed freedom of speech, a free press, has political prisoners and murders dissenters, etc., in order to support a fascist leadership? Ivan3 | 12.08.08 – 1:05 am”
I did omit the rest of your babble, but I will proceed to rubbish it. Your “democratic, western looking state” launched an all out attack on civilians – Russian citizens (nobody gives a hoot whether you don’t think they’re Russian). Is that not aggression? Saakashvili sends his special forces in to close down news channels when he’s in the mood • is that feedom of speech or a free press? There is more evidence to suggest the British government was complicit in loyalist murders in Northern Ireland than there is evidence against Putin for murdering “dissenters.” Only in Northern Ireland they were not dubious ex-KGB Officers, but solicitors. How’s that for fascism?
“It is justifiable to DEFEND yourself against an invasion, it was justifiable for Russia in WW2, and it is justifiable in Georgia now… South Ossetia is legally part of Georgia. It is not part of Russia. Any state has the legal right to send its military forces into any part of their state.”
The problem you have is that it’s not justifiable to shell civilians in this day and age. See there was this little place called Kosovo. It is a part of Serbia, but they weren’t allowed to sort out terrorists in their own country. When they killed non-US civilians they were bombed by the US. That was perfectly acceptable to the west, as was expropriating the country in question and installing a puppet government. The Russians, following the example, are on the same moral platform.
“Do you think heroic Russia would have invaded if Georgia was a member?”
The people who should care most are the civilians in South Ossetia who would have been subject to the same treatment that the US led NATO forces inflicted on Serbs in Kosovo by allowing the KLA in to ethnically cleanse civilians. It seems like NATO is a reprobate and cowardly organisation – cluster bombs children from 30,000 feet in Belgrade, but doesn’t have much appetite for a real battle.
“Since you are so keen on human rights you will obviously condemn in the strongest terms the actions of the Russians who have killed 200,000 people in Chechnya, and at least the same number forced out in Russian ethnic cleansing this accounts to nearly 50 of the total population…..wont you?”
I condemn any and all human rights abuses because they are wrong. Don’t look into your own sick mind and think I reflect your logic in any way.
Given the concerted effort by the US to destabalise Russia it is not in its interest to create civil and ethnic wars on its own borders (an inevitable consequence) so no I don’t automatically support independence. I don’t support independence for Kosovo, (never claimed I did). Georgia should have left South Ossetia as it was, but the nutter had to go in.
“Georgia posed no threat to its neighbours….”
It posed a threat to its own people, many of whom it chose to attack and kill. Again, when the US attacks Serbia for “humanitarian” and strategic reasons it’s a moral action. Russia does the same and it’s a “threat”.
Thanks, but I’m straight.
“I mean Russia says it wants regime change in Georgia it is only fair we go for regime change in Russia, don’t you agree?”
That was always the aim. The Russians weren’t playing ball, so NATO is aggressively expanding to their borders. I suppose another Yeltsin to stagger around the Kremlin and sell of state assets would be order of the day. Maybe even a puppet government like the one in Iraq. Well I’m eating my food raw now so I don’t have to use Russian gas, what are you doing?
I guess the Georgians were threatening to attack Russia with weapons of mass destruction.
Why is it okay for dictators and commies to wage war, but not to stop commies and dictators?