I noticed that the “You and Yours” programme on Radio 4 at noon is running a trailer which asks “Are you ashamed to be British?” It asks if Brits deserve their bad reputation when travelling abroad. Wonder if this includes BBC journalists convicted of possessing illegal drugs? Great to see the BBC doing their best to put the great into Britain.
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“There are plenty of Scots who live in England, but as far as I’m concerned they’d have to have lived in England for several years before being allowed to stand for an English Parliament”
There should be an English citizenship test, which you’d be permitted to sit after living here for (say) 5 years.
Why don’t you start a site like we have;
In it contain all that is sterling, and all that is steel of British heritage and history? The evolution of British law and representative government, which we colonials adopted. We were Brits once, too, remember? But what’s a tiff about taxes among friends…
You could educate the young in your family with it, add to it, advance British heroes on it – such as Lady Thatcher, Churchhill, Elizabeth 1, these would be my own heroes, you know your own better than I.
My grandson, age 11, regularly peruses The Heritage Foundation. You should build such a site for your country. Nobody is going to save your country, but you. Save your country, please. Because I’d like to come back one day for sausage rolls and lager, speak English loudly and proudly, and cheer a dart game.
BTW: There is no doubt Bilbo Baggins was the greatest Brit of all time.
Still happy to be British.
A teensy bit miffed about political correctness tho.
Oswald Mosely was released in November 1943, in the middle of the biggest struggle in human history.
Nowadays however, we have to watch what we talk about because the guvernment is always watching us, just like in good ol’ China.
They have laws about what you can and can’t say.
What you can talk about and what you can’t talk about.
How you talk about it and the exact words you use when you talk about it.
The way you talk about it and your projected attitude when you talk about it.
These include words we can no longer use, like the word “Tibet”
Doesn’t stop you spouting ignorant antisemitic nonsense, though, does it?
Now that Ady has revealed his admiration for Oswald Mosely, and complained that he cannot freely express it because of political correctness, it solves the mystery of his presence here.
He graces us with his presence because he wishes to wax lyrical on his nazi philosophy to his heart’s content. Also, he wishes that the BBC would come clean about theirs. No more beating about the bush. All this between the lines hinting, innuendo, subliminal suggestion, – out the window with all that. Lets hear it like it is! Heil!
What would John Reith and Co have to say about that?
After that it seems a bit superfluous to point to a guest post on Harry’s Place by Jeremy Newmark, in which he discusses “the Lobby”
‘John Reith’ often accused pro-Israel commenters of belonging to an orchestrated and funded cabal:
“The suggestion is that it is somehow illegitimate or even malevolent for Jewish organisations and individuals to campaign on issues that they care about, especially Israel. A thousand complaints are taken as proof of the power of ‘the Lobby’, rather than as evidence that a thousand people are upset with what you’ve done. The ubiquitous references to Israel-related campaigning as ‘well-funded’ and ‘highly organised’ only add to this questionable characterisation.”
Ady, to you I may be an ooga booga. But I am a British ooga booga, as British as you are my nazi friend. Go and post on a BNP site.
Interestingly, that post you link to at Harry’s Place focuses on recent comments by campaigning group War on Want’s new director John Hilary. He talked about the tactics of an “organised pro-Israel lobby and the Jewish press”.
Guess where he worked in 1993? Analyst, BBC World Service.
Guess where he worked in 1993? Analyst, BBC World Service.
Hugh | 15.08.08 – 1:28 pm |
God almighty. (not a prayer.) Actually that doesn’t surprise me.
Also, some charity and aid organisations seem to be full of sanctimonious Jewbashers and self aggrandising creeps.
I once knew someone, a liar and a paedophile, who awarded himself a saintly persona by working for a charity like Oxfam. Maybe it WAS Oxfam. He blagged his way into it and no doubt took advantage of ?…whatever there was to take… from the third world, but was perceived as a benevolent do-gooder with a halo on top.
Oxfam is institutionally antisemitic. That’s not exactly news …