Sarah Palin(Did I mention she has a pregnant unmarried 17 year old daughter?) has given a wonderful speech at the RNC and the BBC are most unhappy about it. I caught James Naughtie being interviewed about it at 6.35am this morning on Today and all he could observe was that by Palin (Did I mention she has a pregnant unmarried 17 year old daughter?) going for Obama – the Chosen One – she now left herself open to attack by Obama. Seriously!! As if the orchestrated and frenzied attacks on Sarah Palin and her famly by the Dem attack dogs and their media chattels since last Friday were just political foreplay. Oh – and whilst she may have covered ethics reform, energy policy, chief executive policy AND exposed the Chosen One’s lack of experience, James wrily noted she had not covered global warming. There you go then – Palin’s speech – just typical conference fare which plays into Obama’s hands. Unbelievable. There is NO WAY that the BBC is prepared to let go of its narrative that Obama is going into the White House and and so even when the GOP base is energised by Palin and American women have a real role model for vote for, it is relentlessly downplayed to the point of being almost muted by the rotten biased despicable BBC. (Oh, and don’t forget, Palin has a pregnant unmarried 17 year old daughter)
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“This was an un-dogmatic, accessible Sarah Palin – the conservatism hovering in the background, visible in the presence of her Downs syndrome child, the child she insisted on having despite her knowledge of his disability.”
I guess you either find that an acceptable sentence, or you don’t.
‘Palin takes battle to Democrats
John McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin launches a stinging attack on the Democrats’
This is the headline on at the moment. Is this really the most important story in the UK at the moment. This blatant and constant pro-Republican bias has to end.
On the Newsnight website:
“Labour is destined to disaster!” That’s a flavour of Charles Clarke’s full frontal assault launched bang in the middle of Gordon Brown’s relaunch week, in an article in tomorrow’s New Statesman.
He warns that Labour faces “utter destruction at the next election” unless it changes course – and rails against the “Brown political briefing team” accusing them of “traducing” David Miliband.
He stops short of saying “Brown must go.” … but only just.”
The constant biased attacks on Labour must end. (Did I mention Palin has a pregnant unmarried 17 year old daughter, no I don’t know why I mention that either but there you go)
Taking the points made so far, I do still ponder that two rights (from elsewhere) do not necessarily correct many wrongs… that I have to pay to be served whilst liking or lumping it.
Palin takes battle to Democrats
Joel you are being ironic no? This is the first fair summation of the Republican platform I have read on BBC which was just that, and I am still shocked from the lack of the routine sneer and smear Obama Wank-fest. I await revisions with interest.
I particularly liked the quote about “those using change to promote their careers, instead of their careers to promote change”. A good line.
Perhaps the BBC clothes peg is fitted firmly on their nose.
She did what most of us hoped she’d do. She delivered a cracking speech. No need for a plastic Greek Temple setting either.
The left including the BBC are running scared.
So she had her baby on stage with the rest of her family.
The speech was about introducing HER to the people of America so to have her whole family on stage was important.
To the BBC I say, keep the champers on ice boys. Save it for your move to Salford.
It’s very interesting how the Beeb constantly refer to her having her Downs syndrome baby “despite knowing in advance.” The incomprehension of Hampstead liberals, who can only imagine aborting such a child, is amazing to behold. Perhaps we should bring back that fine Roman tradition of exposing children on the hillside.
I bet the very same people are all in favour of better rights for disabled people – except being born, of course.
I like Sarah Palin. She seems like a real human being who says what she means & means what she says. No wonder the hypocrites of the left can’t stand her.
“..despite knowing in advance…”
Left wing life hating scum.
Interesting that Bill O’Reilly has got Obama on the Factor tonight.
Now as we know Obama did promise to come on the Factor eventually, despite beeboids claiming the Dems refuse to appear on Fox News (the biggest pile of shit of a story only ever pumped out by beeboids)
So that should be good.
f****** hell chaps, for a gang who’re rightly hostile to the whole sycophantic Obama worship bollocks you’re quick to deify this Palin woman on the basis of a couple of half decent speeches and some cut n’ paste conservative views. Appreciate the Beeb haven’t given her a fair crack of the whip (although they seem to be coming around – perhaps the feminist division have been on the march) but she’s not immortal yet y’know.
So she had her baby on stage…
Martin | 04.09.08 – 8:28 am |
Wow! That would have been a talking point. But I thought it was her daughter that was pregnant. 🙂
Quite fit though.
Cockney: Er no we’re basing it on the fact that Palin has experience of running something.
Osama? He’s run jack shit.
I wonder how the BBC would have reacted if Palin was black. That would have got their knickers in a twist.
Twain: Nope they’d still hate her guts. The BBC keep wanking on about how great it will be to have a black politician in such a senior position.
The BBC ignore the fact that Bush has had Colin Powell and Condi Rice as VERY senior members of his team over the years.
The BBC hate black people if they’re not liberals, Muslims or terrorists.
Quite why you think that devoting one third of the article to fair reporting is something wonderful and praise worthy is beyond me!
The other two thirds of the article revert straight back to typical leftist BBC sneering character assasination, its what the BBC do when they make a half arsed effort to appear impartial isnt it? The bit at the top is then followed by the sneering mudslinging and smears, I am sure the author knew the inference when he suggested that Palin had a child when she knew it was disabled but that little smear isnt going to play well with disability rights groups at all!
Oooops that should read Hugh not Joel, sorry!
BTW one question the article asks is, “what is her view on the causes of climate change” WTF has that got to do with anything FFS! Lots of people have lots of opinions about climate change and the truth is that NOBODY can prove climate change is manmade, more to the point since when did the beeboids qualify any report about their Nu messiah with a long sniping detailed list ‘unanswered questions’?
Er, Cassandra I think that was largely meant to be directed at Joel, actually. Certainly I didn’t say the article I linked to was praiseworthy, nor the passage I highlighted. Quite the opposite in fact.
The BBC loath the fact that here is a US conservative minded politician, who is also a woman, who can speak directly and clearly to the US people. Her substance exposes Obama’s shallowness.
BBC Parliament channel supposedly broadcasting full coverage of the Republican convention, cut off the end of Palin’s speech.
Anyone know where I can view a video of the speech online?
YouTube doesn’t seem to have it yet.
I wonder just what the BBC meant by the ‘despite knowing in advance’ comment?
Thousands of people in Britain have Downs syndrome yet most lead fulfilling and rewarding lives bringing joy to their parents and enhancing our society, I cannot believe that the BBC is trying to infer that these human beings would be better off being killed and thrown away before birth! Perhaps it was an insight into the kneejerk anti Republican nature of the BBC where any attack no matter how distasteful is acceptable? One can only wonder what the BBC response would be if any Right wing polititian cast doubts on whether disabled children should be aborted, surely it would consist of much faux outrage and interviews of rights campaigners?
I caught a few moments of the Today show.
The sneering, patronising, loathing of the Left was in abundance. They could hardly contain their rage.
They said the Republicans badly needed a boost. Even before Palin, Obama was doing very badly, this is it, and the election is over – bar the voting.
If Palin ran for office in the UK, she’d destroy the Left. But – I fear – the BBC/Channel4 stranglehold on UK media means that people like this would be attacked from day 1.
God bless this woman.. and I look forward to another 4 years of Conservative lead in America.
Obama who?
Bryan: Check out Fox News or Sky, they will have it on replay.
Sky have it on their interactive if you have digital.
TT: VP’s are often picked to either shore up a group of voters or perhaps a swing state.
Biden is there to convince Americans who might think he’s not got enough experience that he will have backup.
Palin was picked to shore up the conservative base in the GOP, but to also attrack swing voters, in particular women who make up the majority of voters and is the single biggest undecided group.
Sorry Hugh, many appologies! I was trying to juggle between reading the blog and feeding a tiny week old orphaned kitten, milk all over the place! Note to self, concentrate on one thing at a time.
View the speach online at
Its the speech the Conservatives should be making, its the speech Thatcher used to make, and Churchill and many other great Conservatives.
I can understand why she is loathed by the BBC, an independant and strong woman who doesn’t play the victim card.
Incidentally – did you hear the idiot Leftie from the equalities commision on ALL BBBC channels this morning. Apparently there are fewer women in charge this year and this proves bias against women at work.
I imagine most employees are so terrified of being sued, that they hire men, just to defend themselves from legal action.
But then, Palin and Thatcher never did have much time for all that feminist victim nonesense.
I loved the bit about low taxes and small government. A lot of BBC/Government employees would have watched that with some trepidation!
You can watch the speech on my own site, A Tangled Wweb – it’s the lead story.
I didn’t see BBC Breakfast in its entirety but of the bit I did see they only showed about a 10 second clip of Palin’s speech. Meanwhile on Sky, there was a huge series of clips and the chance to see the WHOLE speech.
Beeboid wankers.
‘I cannot believe that the BBC is trying to infer that these human beings would be better off being killed and thrown away before birth!’
It’s not but I think this shows very well how you misinterpret things. She knew the child had Downs and still decided to have it. Some don’t. There are some who, if they knew beforehand, would abort the child. She didn’t. That says something about her and her values. About her conservatism and her pro-life views.
The article’s not suggesting she should have had an abortion nor is it suggesting the opposite. I can see how you would read that in the sentence however.
“If Palin ran for office in the UK, she’d destroy the Left.”
You’ve got to be joking??!! it took Cameron to get the Tories back to being a viable proposition even in the context of Labour’s increasingly evident ineptitude. Palin would be laughed out of town in seconds.
Of course none of this matters a jot which is what the Beeb fails to understand. It’s none of our business what funny american views Palin has on guns or abortion or religion – it’s still more ridiculous assuming as the Beeb does that your average British view is somehow transferrable as an indication of US popular opinion. I remember the Beeb similarly reacting with incredulity when Sarkozy was standing knee deep in shit on a farm during his election campaign. It might be wierd here but IT’S NOT OVER THERE.
What does matter here is what their foreign policy is, what their trade policy is and whether they’re going to further f*** up the US and hence global economy. End of.
‘Palin takes battle to Democrats
This is where BBC claims it isn’t biased. Just wait till tomorrow and thereafter to get back to normality and Lord Obama
A central point th BBC is missing is that Sarah Palin is a reforner first and a conservative second. She has pushed reform in Alaska and refused to push socially conserviative legislation when that got in the way of her reform agenda.
But I have just heard the lead presenter on the BBC’s flagship morning news programme, who we are paying to be at the convention, James Naughtie, get it exactly the wrong way round. He focussed on her conservatism, was asking questions about abortion law for example. And pushed the tired line that McCain chose her primarily because she was a social conservative.
I have heard NOTHING substantial from the BBC about her reform track record. Nothing about her record of executive acton, first in her home town and then – very very rapidly – as Governor. She has a record of executive reformist ACTION that far exceeds anything Obama and Biden can claim.
The BBC have not clearly explained, after many weeks, that the core of McCain’s campaign is reform of the way Washington operates. How can they be so blind ?
A key line in Palin’s speech was that the difference between a mayor and a community organiser is that a mayor has actual responsibilities to meet. Executive responsibilities. It is for her record of executive success, reformist success, that McCain chose her. Appeal to the social conservative base is secondary but fortuitously true. McCain knows he can’t win with just that base – he has to gain the middle ground too.
I am put in mind of “Mr Smith comes to Washington”. That is how Palin will be promoted, as a capable sidekick to McCain the Maverick – and Obama and Biden will be cast as the old-guard with their snouts in the trough. Corruption on a grand scale exists in Washington – or at least the perception of it..
The other image the Repubs might hint at is Maggie Thatcher. She is still anathema to people at the BBC – but many in the US, across party lines, still refer to her with admiration. A sort of folk hero across the pond.
Is there a yearning in the US for someone like Thatcher who will take the whole Washington system by the neck and shake it? I think there is.
They say that Palin’s method of cleaning her house is to pick it up and shake the dust out. There are many jokes like that going the rounds – and they are mostly affectionate references to her toughness. If Palin now establishes a reputation nationwide for toughness and reform – and last night was a big step on that – she will stand as an entirely logical VP for McCain who is tough as old boots. Nothing to do with naughtie’s obsession with abortion law.
That is – her social conservatism will not be the main attribute people see. The 85% of Alaskans apparently see and support her primarily as a reformer Thus contradicting what James Naughtie was saying.this morning, suggesting that her appeal is her religious views.
And the Repubs are going to try to present Obama and Biden as machine politicians. They won’t have much difficuty doing that, I think. Their records speak for themselves.
The BBC has tried to paint Palin as a naive hick. All day yesterday they were suggesting she might fall down on her speech, implying it was too big an occasion for someone not from the big city. They had a rude shock. Last night showed that she can handle herself well – and that she has genuine populist appeal.
All the polls show that there is derision of Congress – consistently worse favourability results than ven Bush. If the election turns on the question of reform of Washington, Mccain’s aim, the Dem ticket can’t hack it. McCain and now Palin can. Both have a track record of achieving reform – Obama and Biden don’t.
The Dems may try to get the election to turn on hitching McCain-Palin to simply a continuation of Bush. They already claim that. That’s the duck the Repubs have to shoot. I think they will shoot it .McCain has sufficient record of bipartisan actions in opposition to Bush, a record of clear policy differences with Bush (for instance in recommending what became the surge). And Palin on her record has bipartisan credentials, and a significant record of taking on her own party, cutting across the old ways. Rooting out corruption, cutting expenditure and taxes, refusing the pork-barrel money for the “bridge to nowhere”.
Justin Webb banged on a couple of days ago about Eagleton, picking up the Dem the theme-of-the-day in the Atlantic and the NYT. Guiliani referrred to the falseness of that notion – if it applies to anyone, it will be Joe Biden. As he said, Biden needs to go back to Obama and say “Hey, that job of VP candidacy you offered me – can I have it in writing”.
Palin’s speech last night may have transformed the election. All the trashing of her in the media will have caused big audiences, and she is getting the headlines today. Biden can’t get headlines except for his gaffes.
Day after day she has been trashed, with prurient attacks on her family, and supercilious reference to her small-town roots. The Repubs have welcomed her – but were in some trepidation as to how she would perform on the big night. No-one can deny that her premiere proved strong and confident.
And on issues such as energy, for example, she is no policy slouch, she can range over the big issues confidently. By the time she faces the big test of meeting Biden, I think she will have been briefed up to speed on many policy and defence issues, she could hold her own.
On first showing, she is not going to be a liability to Mccain’s campaign. She could be a big asset, with populist appeal and a willingness to be a fierce and witty attack dog separating Obama’s image from his actual record.
Game on !
(But I remain sickened by the way the BBC hunted her family life with the rest of the scum pack)
I like this snippet about the Republican view of Palin from the Spectator’s blog:
“She was put on this earth to chew gum and kick ass,” said one conservative journalist I spoke to. “And she’s all out of gum”.
Martin 9:06
“The BBC hate black people if they are not liberals , muslims or terrorists”.
I quite agree !
It is the sheer blinkered hypocrisy of the BBC which makes me sick. And they are so stupid they can’t even see it. They are the real racists.
Palin’s milestone speech and Giuliani’s warmup will get the most coverage. No argument there, but it doesn’t hurt to remember a couple of remarks by others:
• Media: per Huckabee (ran against McCain), media coverage is now “tackier than a costume change at a Madonna concert.” That thought applies to the BBC in spades; may it smudge Frei’s rouge for the rest of his life.
• Biden: per the governor of Hawaii (don’t recall his name offhand): “Alaska has the same number of electoral college votes as Delaware, but you can fit over 200 Delawares in the state of Alaska” Biden is from Delaware. Palin will use lines like that w/ great skill; the v-p debate will be spellbinding.
You still have to brace against the the torrent of drivel that’ll be pouring from every BBC orifice in the weeks ahead. This primer on propaganda isn’t very deep but it is handy, and certainly better than nothing. Also more fun than scrolling past Cockney:
The BBC’s comments about Palin’s Down’s syndrome baby remind me of the Nazis.
Cassandra 9:47
Did you know in advance that the kitten was going to be an orphan ?
Joel: “She knew the child had Downs and still decided to have it. Some don’t. There are some who, if they knew beforehand, would abort the child. She didn’t.”
But generally I was under the impression that it’s not a discussion you have once the child in question is sitting in the room with you. At what point will Trig stop being ‘a visible presence’ of her anti abortion stance, the one she ‘insisted on having’? Will the same be true when he’s an adult – and do you want to call him that to his face?
From Anorak news:
The BBC’s Sian Williams mentions rumours that have been circulating on the internet. The BBC is the official broadcaster of unfounded rumour and teenage pregnacy.
here’s a good summary of Palin’s speech :
Did anyone hear the BBC referring to the Kos rumour about Sarah palin not being the mother of infant Trig ?
Is this a reference, for example ?
Please please try to recall if the BBC actually stooped that low. Not just mentioning the fact that Bristol Palin is pregnabt – I mean spreading the filthy Kos rumour.
John A: yes, they did in this article
Although if you do the maths, it’s clear that the announcement of Bristol’s pregnancy makes it clear the rumours are unfounded, the article doesn’t actually bother to state so specifically – in fact by stating Trig was born “in April” and the other is due “late December” it pretty much leaves it open. It seems pretty casual about libel all of a sudden, anyway.
How does the feminist movement deal with Asian women who abort FEMALE babies because they want SONS?
Is that approved of by the feminist BBC types?
Hugh writes: “The BBC is the official broadcaster of unfounded rumour and teenage pregnancy.”
This has been the cloak the BBC has hidden behind – that all it is doing is ‘reporting’ the rumours and lies invented by the vermin on Kos.
Of course, this is disingenuous nonsense – it has been actively disseminating those lies and it does so very selectively. Thus, rumours about Obama are unmentioned, those about Palin repeated over and over again.
Incidentally, I must say how disappointed I was to see Emily Maitlis stoop to the same reprehensible smear tactics last night. Aside from her disturbing tendency to dress like Jackie Kennedy, I’d had hopes that Ms Maitlis might be a cut above the usual Newsnight harpies.
“She was put on this earth to chew gum and kick ass,” said one conservative journalist I spoke to. “And she’s all out of gum”.
I just love that comment!
GCooper: This has been the cloak the BBC has hidden behind – that all it is doing is ‘reporting’ the rumours and lies invented by the vermin on Kos.
It’s not a terribly effective cloak when it comes to the libel laws here anyway.
GCooper: Did Jackie Kennedy’s tits ever fall out of her dress in public? I don’t think so.
Maitlis is just an upmarket Chav.
Just have to laugh. On sky News, Julia Hartley Brwer had a go at Palin for wanting to be VP. “She’s got a young family and a disabled baby” spouts Brewer.
Obama has a young family as well.
Funny think is, if a man had said that about a woman he’d have been hung by his balls by the feminazi’s.
Whats the point of bringing up the subject at all, why did the BBC feel the need to include it as part of a report as to whether she is fit to be VP?
Of all the things that are relevant, her having a Downs syndrome child and knowing about it is off the list, there are many ways to describe her values other than dragging her disabled child into it!
Can you imagine how you would feel if the child was yours, knowing some muck raking journo was using the child to get at the mother?
I cannot understand why you could justify the BBC pointing the finger of judgement at a disabled child.
David Vance:
“..despite knowing in advance…”
What a pity the BBC never seems to know anything in advance.
Such as the fact that Sarah Palin is a FORMIDABLE POLITICIAN, a great speech maker, and destined to be America’s first female President.
But I guess knowing that in advance would entail its DC based creeps Frei and Webb and Catty Wotsherblond (who no longer gets invites from Fox), getting off their fat arses and do some real reporting, instead of broadcasting Democrat talking points verbatim as if they are “news.”