…OK, I know I have focused on the BBC coverage of the RNC a lot this week but that’s because I think it has shown BBC bias in all its repulsive glory. So I wanted to finish this week with the coverage of John McCain’s speech last night on Today this morning and contrast it with that of Obama last week on the same programme. You’ll not be surprised to discover that when Obama spoke last week the BBC drooled over it, to the point of hysteria, giving it lead story significance. Today, ah well that’s a different story. Yes, they DO cover McCain, just after we got to hear from a trade unionist urging Labour to punish big business and just after we heard an update on that all critical Angolan general election. And when we DID first get to hear, Naughtie chose to ask two young republicans about Obama. Wonderful stuff from the BBC. They must have nightmares that the McCain/Palin ticket is going to beat their boy Obama and we can be certain that between now and November they wil use every opportunity to dampen down any enthusiasm for the GOP candidates. Last night, on Newsnight, I caught a vox pop they set up asking if Sarah Palin’s fantastic speech had swayed swing voters/Hillary voters to consider voting Republican. Unsurprisingly the overwhelming majority said NO – they were with Obama. So at EVERY turn, the BBC will be there to undermine one party and support another and THAT, my friends, is the sickening bias that we are asked to fund.
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Amazing what the BBC writes about McCain:
‘Presenting himself once again as a maverick, he pledged to fight corruption, whether Democratic or Republican, and make sure that he worked for the good of the American people.’. So fighting corruption makes you a maverick, that can only be written by someone sick.
Also is the report from BBC USA correspondent whose headline is:
‘I have to say, from my vantage point next to the DC delegation, my overall impression was that the audience in the hall were disappointed
BBC North America editor Justin Webb.
BBC is disgusting and will unquestionable be changed after the next election.
Justin was still drooling about Obama. Who cares what he thinks? The thing is, we should not have to fund his – and his employers – relentless rotten bias.
The BBC bias is truly repugnant – can any decent person think that the socialists have any morals left? They tried to tell us that the left were fair, kind, tolerant, open, freedom loving.
Instead they are showing themselves to be bigoted, evil, authoritarians, who sneer and bully anyone who objects to them. (You ought to have a biased BBC comic strip, with leading BBC ‘elitists’ as the playground bully undermining the good values of the school.)
But the good thing is that it is getting them ‘noticed’ for just that, both here and in the US, and it will be remembered!!!
Hopefully, Sarah Palin has two stilettos, and might like to aim one in their direction, as few have the ‘balls’ to do it here.
You just know that the Democrats are crapping themselves. Obama was on with Bill O’Reilly at Fox News.
Obama was stuttering and hopping around.
Oh but Obama finally admitted that the surge (that he and Biden opposed) has worked in Iraq.
On the upside though, the 730am news item about McCains speach almost bordered on enthusiastic.
They even went so far as to almost point out the fact that McCains differences are because he is a doer.
Compared to the drivel seen all of this week this report was a complete 180 degree turn around!
Now all we need is for the beeb to put people in the stadium who can actually pick up on things, sorta like McCain saying he is always proud of his country (an obvious dig at Obama and his wife), reporters who are intelligent enough to understand the central theme of “Country First”, reporters who can see the Repiblicans are reaching out to the people that count (ie. the Americans).
Its a real pity Al Beeb simply refused to see what was going on right in front of their noses.
Oh, and yeah, where is the BBC item on McCains wifes speach compared to the fawning shown to that other woman who only just became proud of America? For an oldie, man is she hot! 🙂
Listen to what he actually said about the surge…its not what everyone is making it out to be.
He is harping on about how NO one knew it would work. I guess that means he considers people like McCain and Patreous no ones! 🙂
The only people who prayed for the surge to fail were the democrats.
mailman: True. But non the less as O’Reilly made clear Obama was wrong even though O’Reilly pointed out he was probably right about the invasion.
What is of convern is that just like Broon and Bliar Obama can’t admit to ever being wrong.
Not a good sign.
Same thing happened at Saddleback. When asked about failures, McCain admitted straight away to his first marriage. Obama just waffled.
Got to laugh at Webb…
He watched with the DC delegation. Even when he gets outside the Beltway he still hangs around with people from it!
Why not watch with the Alaska or Arizon delegations?
Can’t seem to find McCain’s speech on YouTube. Anybody know where it is?
I find it interesting how the left is more interested in symbols than actual solid achievements. Take global warming; we Europeans make windy statements about being committed to cutting “carbon emissions” (the scientifically illiterate sods, carbon itself not being a gas at normal temperatures)but despite the rhetoric carry on spewing CO2 out like never before. The pesky sceptic Yanks, on the other hand, won’t sign Kyoto or any successor agreement, but due mostly to their clean air act have seen their emissions actually drop. So where does the left direct its ire? We know the answer to that one.
Obama falls into the same camp. He’s never had a proper job, never actually done anything, but the rhetoric is marvellous. He is also a splendid shade of cafe-au-lait which seems to outweigh everything else in left wing eyes. He gets unwavering support from the Guardian & the Beeb because of what he represents, not because of anything he has done or will do. McCain has a personally impressive record, but he represents (almost) dead white males so he must be opposed at all costs. Equally Sarah Palin is not really a woman candidate because she is conservative minded, so they must smear her and attempt to write her off. Contrast these 2 with the smarmy Bill Clinton, who talked a good game but spent his leisure hours as a lounge lizard but got away with it. If a Republican had done that he would have been toast.
The really beautiful thing about this relentless bias is the more the Guardian & the BBC attempt to influence US voters, the more counter-productive they become. I do hope the Guardian (like last time when that hopeless Kerry was up for election) organises haughty British pinko celebs into telephoning voters in key counties of swing states. As we all know, Yanks love to be told what to do in an English accent.
I can’t wait for the cries of Racism when Obama, the most left wing & untried candidate in US electoral history, gets given his marching orders by the US electorate. When he does lose it won’t be because of his race. It will be because he has nothing beyond windy rhetoric and he is going to be found out.
On the evening of John McCain’s convention speech, how many republicans would go bowling?
So by doing the vox pop there, Newsnight effectively pre-selected their interviewees.
Excellent post Weetabix.
One of the things I liked best about Sarah’s speech, and the speeches of several GOP speakers recently, was that it had the crowd in the hall (and probably much of America, sat in front of their TVs) LAUGHING at the Democrat Party.
Our Labour and their Democrat Parties have become laughable things, so has the BBC.
That’s in addition to their having become (quite some time ago) ugly and mean-spirited.
Justin Webb’s live-blogging of John McCain’s speech contrasts starkly with his live-blogging of Barack Obama’s speech last week. Whilst he was all positive thoughts during Barack Obama’s speech, his thoughts during John McCain’s speech were oddly a bit more cynical and negative. I have “fisked” Justin Webb’s live-blogging on my blog, but this one excerpt needs wider coverage
“21:58: He tells the story of being shot down over Vietnam with a twinkly charm. Humorous, but it brings you up short to look at him – a 72-year old man – and to think what his body has been through. And his mind.
A new low for Justin Webb; now not only is John McCain old he is possibly psychologically damaged as well
I am really “pissed off” with this biased coverage.
When interviewing Liam Fox the Beeboid was most disgusted with the Republicans having racked up so much fiscal debt, but never fear as soon as Fox pointed out that this was exactly what Brown had done this side of the pond, it was move on nothing to be seen here.
See the cartoon in the Times yesterday about Mcain and Palin ? The establishment in the UK are sick.
i hope Palin becomes VP, i wouldnt mind sharing a cigar or two with her
i think there will be queue.
i sincerely hope mccain/palin do win but if not then i can but dream that she would become PM of little ol’ England and open up one of her cans of whup ass on the bbc.
The great thing about this — and bias in general — is that the media predictions are forever not coming true. No wonder lefties are angry; no wonder they believe in shadowy conspiracies. How else to explain it when the Chosen One loses to some old coot and a trailer trash beauty queen?
(Please oh please oh please…)
Polls in America are always skewed to reflect a Dem win but toward the end they clean up the selection criteria so the results will be closer to the truth because they don’t want to appear inept. That’s why we’re not quite as surprised here when a Republican wins. I’m sure the BBC won’t be reporting the McCain/Palin popularity surge so they will have to harp on about the “surprising results” and make even more out of the “rascism” than NBC.
Actually it’s fun to watch NBC and BBC coverage which is so over the top for Obama (pbuh) that it’s laughable. Bill Maher said while he supports Obama he thought Mathews and Olberman at NBC were going too far and looked like they wanted to have sex with Obama. The clip is on youtube.
Kind Regards
Will jones: Yes, isn’t it the case that there are more registered Democrat voters in the USA that Republicans?
Most polls tend to poll from registered voters. I understand I think it’s Rasmussen that poll undecided voters more or something
As with Sarah Palin yesterday, the BBC’s online round-up of media reaction to McCain’s speech is dominated by left-leaning publications, and once again Daily Kos is quoted.
You’ve got to feel sorry for ‘liberal’ BBC types. In the 70s they were often telling us about how wonderful it would be if we had a woman prime minister. They wanted Shirley Williams, they got Mrs T.
‘Liberals’ stereotype women just as they stereotype everyone else. That’s why Mrs Palin is such a shock to them.
Twist and turn all they like…the beeb has backed the wrong horse.Mccain was at his best in his speech and showed up the beeb and its like as the small minded self centered bunch of self loathing traitors that they are.
US media mixed on McCain speech
Once again the marxists at Al Beeb decide to quote some Daily Kos dude:
The Daily Kos picks up that theme: “As Senator John McCain accepted the Republican nomination for president, he and his supporters sounded the call of insurgents seeking to topple the establishment, even though their party heads the establishment.”
No surprises there. I don’t see much of a difference between Kos and Al Beeb.
Sorry, DB… missed your post.
Right, whats that complaints address again?
Maybe it should be on the front page aye?
Hey if you chaps are that confident you can get 7/4 on a republican win at sporting bet…
you rarely beat the bookies though…
No. There is no reason to ever feel sorry for a Beeboid. There are no exceptions.
Well, maybe David Attenborough.
The BBC’s summary of the “US media” is evidence of what we all know: The Beeb is in the tank for Obama.
Look who they quote: the New York Times, The Washington Post and the DAILY KOS???? Come on, folks!
Also the Politico quote is not really representative of that website’s mostly balanced account of McCain.
What I don’t get is this: back in my day, when Thatcher hatred was all over BH and TVC, the lefties managed to hide their bias better than this current generation. One quote, “Let’s get her” was only uttered in the privacy of newseditors’ offices. Now, not only are they biased, they’re not even artful about it.
Cockney | 05.09.08 – 2:42 pm
Big swing on intrade today. Changing all the time but at the moment Obama is down 5, McCain up 5.9.
On New York’s NY1 channel last night they featured interviews with people attending RNC speech watching parties around NY and NJ. Every single person they interviewed was enthusiastic and very happy indeed with McCain and Palin. They also featured a few female Democrat Hillary supporters who made no bones about their intention to vote for McCain, and how his selection of Palin had made all the difference to them.
Now, NY1 is by no means Fox News. It has a sprinkle of liberal bias in fact. But even they could not court opinion without featuring people showing great enthusiasm for McCain/Palin.
The BBC goes out of its way to find people who are unenthusiastic and dour-faced, there is no doubt about it.
There must be rumours of good polling news for McCain. Two days ago the intrade market gave Obama a 61% of chance winning against McCain’s 39%. It’s now approximately 55 vs 45. Game on.
For what it’s worth, Justin Webb and Matt Frei,
After all the snide comments
After all the partisan sniping
After all the snooty BBC superiority
After all the playing to the management gallery back home
After it all – and I’m sorry but this is going to hurt – YOU DON’T MATTER.
The US election is really about – as Fred Thompson said – “Who is this man?” and “Can we trust this man with the presidency?”
And that will be decided by people you despise. Thank God!
Blimey, looks like there’s still a 2.5% chance of Hillary Clinton becoming President in 2008 – now that would be amusing 😀
When will we see this story on al beeb?
Donal Blaney is fed up with the BBC Bias
As is Guido:
Let’s hope that apparently spineless PR weasel Cameron surprises us all and actually takes revenge on the Beeb & the Grauniad. An end to the licence fee, combined with no more non-job PC bullshit adverts in the Guardian should finish the angry pink menace once & for all. If the BBC is so frigging valuable & marvellous no doubt the millions of the great unwashed will be happy to pay a subscription.
Oprah is so far up Obamas ass that she wont give Palin airtime.
Shock Horror! What a Feminist.
Fri Sep 05 2008 08:55:46 ET
Oprah Winfrey may have introduced Democrat Barack Obama to the women of America — but the talkshow queen is not rushing to embrace the first woman on a Republican presidential ticket!
Oprah’s staff is sharply divided on the merits of booking Sarah Palin, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.
“Half of her staff really wants Sarah Palin on,” an insider explains. “Oprah’s website is getting tons of requests to put her on, but Oprah and a couple of her top people are adamantly against it because of Obama.”
One executive close to Winfrey is warning any Palin ban could ignite a dramatic backlash!
It is not clear if Oprah has softened her position after watching Palin’s historic convention speech.
Last year, Winfrey blocked an appearance by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, timed to a promotional tour of his autobiography.
Oprah and executive producer Sheri Salata, who has contributed thousands of dollars to Obama’s campaign, refused requests for comment.
Remember when Justin Webb, in an “I’m just saying, butter wouldn’t melt” kind of way, casually dropped that link about Thomas Eagleton into his blog earlier this week? Well, in a similar “I’m just saying, butter wouldn’t melt” kind of way” I’d like to drop this link in here:
Obama Surrogates Urged To Mention Eagleton.
Of course, the day after Palin’s barnstorming speech Webb claimed he never really believed there was anything to the Eagleton comparison, but that doesn’t alter the fact that he had happily put it out there just in case she bombed. The Republican base isn’t the only thing that’s been energized by the choice of Sarah Palin. Webb hates the Christian right and Palin is red meat to him. He’ll try to chew down at every opportunity, but he’ll end up looking like someone trying to eat mooseburger with no fucking teeth.
Look at how the BBC and Sky treat the plight of disabled people in China. The BBC up China’s arse. Sky, the reality. The BBC doesn’t mention the instant abortions Chinese women have if they are carrying a disabled child.
“..If we find the baby will be missing an arm or a leg, that’s a serious deformity,” she said.
“We terminate the pregnancy. We don’t let them have the baby. If they have it, it’s a burden to the family, to society and to the country. We want healthy babies, because they make families happy and our society happy too. We are working to improve the quality of the population…”
No wonder the lefties in the Guardian and the BBC so loved the Chinese opening and closing ceremony. All those identical physically perfect looking Chinese people banging drums at exactly the same time. Even a poor 6 year old girl wasn’t seemed “perfect enough” to perform a song.
Why is that relevant? Well the BBC of course have attacked Sarah Palin for not having an abortion over her disabled child.
Here are the TV viewing figures SARAH PALIN’S speech
FOXNEWS 9,038,000
NBC 7,720,000
CNN 6,114,000
ABC 5,050,000
CBS 4,630,000
MSNBC 3,277,000
BBC ????????????
Drudge is flashing that more people watched McCain’s speech than Obama’s.
Limbaugh alleges that the protesters who interrupt MCain were members of Code Pink who were given their tickets by MSNBC
Oprah is censoring Palin from her show.
Someone has lifted the curtain on the Wizard of Oz. Isn’t this fun?
Yes I wondered that as well. The protesters that got into the House of Commons had invites from some MP if I remember correctly (the Green loons on the roof)
I’m really surprised they can’t find out how these people got in.
If it is MCNBC, they should have their licence to operate taken away.
Sarah Palin more popular than Barack Hussein Obama according to this poll. That’s depsite the Left/MSM and their relentless castigation of Palin and her family. I despise the BBC because of its hyperbias and couldn’t-organise-a-pissup-in-a-brewery unprofessionalism, and so I rarely watch it, but I’m marking 4th November on the calender and making an exception.
Oreilly interviews Obama Part 1
Peoples Cube are on fine form
Environmental shocker: Palin’s cat seen scratching claws on rare Alaskan pine tree
Why a DUI is worse than cocaine use
This just in: Palin’s great great grandmother jumped line at Ellis Island
Palin’s dog caught rooting in neighbor’s trash
New York Times enters Guinness Book of Records by fitting 807,316 Palin stories on front page
Media uncovers more Palin stories in one weekend than Obama stories in two years. Still no bias detected
Obama and media agree to “don’t ask don’t” tell policy
Obama: more experienced than Bristol Palin
Palins Hair Not Her Own, say Kos Slueths. She’s Bald!
60 year Widow old Claims Sarah Palin Stole her False teeth, and Husband!
Shocker: VP Nominee’s Native Alaskan Husband Never Lived in a Igloo! Out of Touch with Eskimos, says Keith Olbermann
Bill Clinton Exclusive Interview: Sarah Palin Only fit for Intern Duty.
Sarah Palin “did kick all of Alaska’s puppies”, credible witness claims.
Sarah Palin: Is she her daughter’s daughter or is she her father’s daughter’s son?
Todd Palin cited for being Todd Palin; Alaskans outraged.
‘Sarah Palin’
anagrams to
‘A sharp nail.’
“I have to say, from my vantage point next to the DC delegation, my overall impression was that the audience in the hall were disappointed.” – Justin Webb
“Presidential candidate John McCain’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention drew more television viewers than his rival Barack Obama attracted at the Democratic party’s event last week, according to preliminary ratings from Nielsen Media Research.” – TV Week a few minutes ago
If it was indeed 38m people, I think that puts it #8 in the all-time highest US television audiences of all time.
“I have to say, from my vantage point next to the DC delegation, my overall impression was that the audience in the hall were disappointed.” – Justin Webb.
No shit. Of course you have to say it, you work for the BBC. If you told the truth you’d probably get your marching orders. I bet he got a chub-on when that crazy Code Pink bulldyke started screeching and wailing too.
Hey, Gibby, let’s keep this civil. There’s no need for that kind of vitriol. We’re winning the debate.